Objects Contained in Full and Incremental Data Sets Sample Clauses

Objects Contained in Full and Incremental Data Sets. Full data sets include one domain object for each Registered Name within the Sponsored TLD; and nameserver, contact, and registrar objects for each nameserver, contact, and registrar referred to in any domain object. Incremental data sets consist of (a) those of the objects constituting a full data set that have been added or updated since the last incremental data set and (b) notations of deletion of any objects since the last incremental data set.
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Related to Objects Contained in Full and Incremental Data Sets

  • Single Disbursement to Borrower Borrower shall receive only one borrowing hereunder in respect of the Loan and any amount borrowed and repaid hereunder in respect of the Loan may not be reborrowed.

  • Effective Date; Term This Agreement shall become effective on the date of its execution and shall remain in force for a period of two (2) years from such date, and from year to year thereafter but only so long as such continuance is specifically approved at least annually by the vote of a majority of the Trustees who are not interested persons of the Trust or the Adviser, cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on such approval, and by a vote of the Board of Trustees or of a majority of the outstanding voting securities of the Fund. The aforesaid requirement that this Agreement may be continued "annually" shall be construed in a manner consistent with the Act and the rules and regulations thereunder.

  • Assignment; Sales; Advance Facilities (a) The Servicer is hereby authorized to enter into a financing or other facility (any such arrangement, an "Advance Facility"), the documentation for which complies with Section 10.14(e) below, under which (1) the Servicer assigns or pledges its rights under this Agreement to be reimbursed for any or all Advances and/or Servicing Advances to (i) a Person, which may be a special-purpose bankruptcy-remote entity (an "SPV"), (ii) a Person, which may simultaneously assign or pledge such rights to an SPV or (iii) a lender (a "Lender"), which, in the case of any Person or SPV of the type described in either of the preceding clauses (i) or (ii), may directly or through other assignees and/or pledgees, assign or pledge such rights to a Person, which may include a trustee acting on behalf of holders of debt instruments (any such Person or any such Lender, an "Advance Financing Person"), and/or (2) an Advance Financing Person agrees to fund all the Advances and/or Servicing Advances required to be made by the Servicer pursuant to this Agreement. No consent of the Trustee, Certificateholders or any other party shall be required before the Servicer may enter into an Advance Facility nor shall the Trustee or the Certificateholders be a third party beneficiary of any obligation of an Advance Financing Person to the Servicer. Notwithstanding the existence of any Advance Facility under which an Advance Financing Person agrees to fund Advances and/or Servicing Advances, (A) the Servicer (i) shall remain obligated pursuant to this Agreement to make Advances and/or Servicing Advances pursuant to and as required by this Agreement and (ii) shall not be relieved of such obligations by virtue of such Advance Facility and (B) neither the Advance Financing Person nor any Servicer's Assignee (as hereinafter defined) shall have any right to proceed against or otherwise contact any Mortgagor for the purpose of collecting any payment that may be due with respect to any related Mortgage Loan or enforcing any covenant of such Mortgagor under the related Mortgage Loan documents.

  • Repayments of Interest Advances, the Special Termination Advance or the Final Advance Subject to Sections 2.06, 2.07 and 2.09 hereof, the Borrower hereby agrees, without notice of an Advance or demand for repayment from the Liquidity Provider (which notice and demand are hereby waived by the Borrower), to pay, or to cause to be paid, to the Liquidity Provider on each date on which the Liquidity Provider shall make an Interest Advance, the Special Termination Advance or the Final Advance, an amount equal to (a) the amount of such Advance (any such Advance, until repaid, is referred to herein as an “Unpaid Advance”) (if multiple Interest Advances are outstanding any such repayment to be applied in the order in which such Interest Advances have been made, starting with the earliest), plus (b) interest on the amount of each such Unpaid Advance as provided in Section 3.07 hereof; provided that if (i) the Liquidity Provider shall make a Provider Advance at any time after making one or more Interest Advances which shall not have been repaid in accordance with this Section 2.05 or (ii) this Liquidity Facility shall become a Downgraded Facility or Non-Extended Facility at any time when unreimbursed Interest Advances have reduced the Maximum Available Commitment to zero, then such Interest Advances shall cease to constitute Unpaid Advances and shall be deemed to have been changed into an Applied Downgrade Advance or an Applied Non-Extension Advance, as the case may be, for all purposes of this Agreement (including, without limitation, for the purpose of determining when such Interest Advance is required to be repaid to the Liquidity Provider in accordance with Section 2.06 and for the purposes of Section 2.06(b)); provided, further, that amounts in respect of a Special Termination Advance withdrawn from the Class B Cash Collateral Account for the purpose of paying interest on the Class B Certificates in accordance with Section 3.5(f) of the Intercreditor Agreement (the amount of any such withdrawal being an “Applied Special Termination Advance”) shall thereafter (subject to Section 2.06(b)) be treated as an Interest Advance under this Agreement for purposes of determining the Applicable Liquidity Rate for interest payable thereon; provided, further, that if, following the making of a Special Termination Advance, the Liquidity Provider delivers a Termination Notice to the Borrower pursuant to Section 6.01, such Special Termination Advance shall thereafter be converted to and treated as a Final Advance under this Agreement for purposes of determining the Applicable Liquidity Rate for interest payable thereon and the obligation for repayment thereof and treated as an Applied Special Termination Advance for purposes of Section 2.6(c) of the Intercreditor Agreement, and, provided, further, that if, after making a Provider Advance, the Liquidity Provider delivers a Special Termination Notice to the Borrower pursuant to Section 6.02, any Unapplied Provider Advance shall be converted to and treated as a Special Termination Advance under this Agreement for purposes of determining the Applicable Liquidity Rate for interest payable thereon and the obligation for repayment thereof under the Intercreditor Agreement. The Borrower and the Liquidity Provider agree that the repayment in full of each Interest Advance, the Special Termination Advance and Final Advance on the date such Advance is made is intended to be a contemporaneous exchange for new value given to the Borrower by the Liquidity Provider.

  • The First Closing Date Delivery of certificates for the Firm Shares to be purchased by the Underwriters and payment therefor shall be made at the offices of Xxxxxxxxx & Xxxxxxx LLP (or such other place as may be agreed to by the Company and the Representatives) at 9:00 a.m. New York City time, on [•], or such other time and date not later than 1:30 p.m. New York City time, on [•] as the Representatives shall designate by notice to the Company (the time and date of such closing are called the “First Closing Date”). The Company hereby acknowledges that circumstances under which the Representatives may provide notice to postpone the First Closing Date as originally scheduled include, but are not limited to, any determination by the Company or the Representatives to recirculate to the public copies of an amended or supplemented Prospectus or a delay as contemplated by the provisions of Section 11.

  • Allocations During the Early Amortization Period During the Early Amortization Period, an amount equal to the product of (A) the Principal Allocation Percentage and (B) the Series 1997-1 Allocation Percentage and (C) the aggregate amount of Collections of Principal Receivables deposited in the Collection Account on such Deposit Date, shall be allocated to the Series 1997-1 Certificateholders and retained in the Collection Account until applied as provided herein; provided, however, that after the date on which an amount of such Collections equal to the Adjusted Invested Amount has been deposited into the Collection Account and allocated to the Series 1997-1 Certificateholders, such amount shall be first, if any other Principal Sharing Series is outstanding and in its amortization period or accumulation period, retained in the Collection Account for application, to the extent necessary, as Shared Principal Collections on the related Distribution Date, and second paid to the Holders of the Transferor Certificates only if the Transferor Amount on such date is greater than the Required Transferor Amount (after giving effect to all Principal Receivables transferred to the Trust on such day) and otherwise shall be deposited in the Special Funding Account.

  • Effective Date; Termination This Agreement shall become effective upon execution by all of the Parties and shall continue in force until terminated in accordance with Clause 8.2(a).

  • Loan Commitment Disbursement to Borrower Except as expressly and specifically set forth herein, Lender has no obligation or other commitment to loan any funds to Borrower or otherwise make disbursements to Borrower. Borrower hereby waives any right Borrower may have to make any claim to the contrary.

  • Effective Date Deliveries On the Effective Date, the Company shall have delivered to the Representative executed copies of the Trust Agreement, the Warrant Agreement, the Registration Rights Agreement, all of the Insider Letters and the Subscription Agreement.

  • Extension or Amendment of Receivables Except as provided in the Agreement, the Seller shall not, and shall not permit the Servicer to, extend the maturity or adjust the Outstanding Balance or otherwise modify the terms of any Pool Receivable, or amend, modify or waive any term or condition of any related Contract.

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