Open credit contract for the use of a credit card. If the consumer uses all or part of the credit extended to make full or partial payment for the purchase or the lease of goods or for a service, the consumer may, if the open credit contract was entered into on the making of and in relation to the sale,lease or servicecontract,and if the merchant and the opencreditmerchant collaborated with a view to granting credit, plead against the lender any ground ofdefence urgeableagainstthemerchantwho is the vendor,lessor,contractoror service provider. The consumer may also, in the circumstances described in the firstparagraph, exercise against the open credit merchant, or against the merchant’s assignee, any rightexercisable against the merchant who is the vendor, lessor,contractor or service provider if that merchant is no longer active or has no assets in Quebec, is insolvent or is declaredbankrupt.The opencreditmerchant or the merchant’s assignee is then responsible for the performance of the obligationsof the merchant who is the vendor,lessor, contractor or service provider up to the amount of, as the case may be, the debt owed to the open credit merchant at the time the contract is entered into, the debt owed to the assignee at the time it was assigned to him or thepaymenttheopencreditmerchant received if he assigned the debt.
Appears in 4 contracts
Samples: Cardholder Agreement, Cardholder Agreement, Cardholder Agreement