Common use of Parcel Five Clause in Contracts

Parcel Five. ALL THAT CERTAIN lot, piece or parcel of land, situated in the Town of Greenwich, County of Fairfield and State of Connecticut, and more particularly described as follows: BEING the southerly portion of Lxx Xx. 00 and the northerly portion of Lot No. 17 on a certain map entitled “The Mxxxxx” made by S. E. Minor, C. E., dated March 5, 1906, numbered 268 on file in the Town Clerk’s Office of said Town of Greenwich, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a stone boundary post standing at the southeast corner of Lxx Xx. 00 and the southwest corner of the southerly portion of Lot 17 on said map and running thence North 0° 42’ East 74.43 feet; thence South 87° 16’ East 130.08 feet to the Westerly line of Benedict Place; thence along the Westerly line of said Benedict Place South 6° 1’ West 66.67 feet; thence South 89° 7’ West 123.87feet to the point of beginning. ALL THAT CERTAIN piece, parcel or tract of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon, situated in the Town of Greenwich, County of Fairfield and State of Connecticut, bounded and described as follows: SAID PREMISES are designated as Lot No. 24 on a certain map entitled, “‘The Mxxxxx’ at Greenwich, Conn.” made by S.E. Minor, Civil Engineer, Greenwich, Conn., March 5, 1906”, which map is on file in the office of the Town Clerk of said Greenwich, and therein numbered 268; and said lot is bounded: NORTHERLY: by Lot No. 23 on said map; EASTERLY: by Lots 10 and 11 on said map; SOUTHERLY: by Lot No. 25 on said map; and WESTERLY: by Field Point Road. TOGETHER WITH a permanent easement as reserved in a Warranty Deed from UST Inc. to 6 Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx, LLC, dated August 26, 1999 and recorded August 30, 1999 in Volume 3324 at Page 79 of the Greenwich Land Records.

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Samples: Purchase and Sale Agreement (Ust Inc)

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Parcel Five. ALL THAT CERTAIN lotOr ought to have in and to a certain piece or parcel of land with all buildings and improvements thereon and appurtenances thereof, situated in said Town of Plainville and bounded and described as follows: Known and designated as Lot No. 64 on a Map of Victory Terrace, Plainville, Connecticut, owned by The Eastern Land Trust Providence, RI Scale 1”=40’, May 17, 1919, Hall & Bacon engineers on file in the Office of the Town Clerk in said Town of Plainville, and more particularly bounded and described as follows, to wit: Bounded: Easterly by Xxxxxxx Street, 50 feet; Southerly by Xxx Xx. 00 as shown on said map, land now or formerly of General Electric Company, 101.05 feet; Westerly by land now or formerly of the Trumbull Electric Manufacturing Company, 50.16 feet; and Northerly by Xxx Xx. 00 as shown on said map land now or formerly of Xxxx Certani, 97.57 feet. PARCEL SIX: A certain piece or parcel of land with all buildings and improvements thereon, situated on the easterly side of East Street In the Town of Plainville, County of Hartford and State of Connecticut, and being shown as property of “Xxxx X. Xxxxxxxx” which bounds solely on East Street on a certain Map entitled “Map of Property Belonging to Xxxxx X. Xxxxxxxx Located on East Street and New Britain Avenue, Plainville, Connecticut, June 16,1948 Scale 1”=40’ Xxxxxx X. XxXxxxxx, Civil Engineer”, which Map is on file in the Plainville Town Clerk’s Office, and being more particularly bounded and described as follows, to wit: Northerly by land now or formerly of Standard Investors, Inc. on hundred eighty-nine and thirty-five one-hundredths (189.35) feet; Easterly by land now or formerly of Standard Investors, Inc., thirty-seven and five tenths (37.5) feet; Southerly by land now or formerly of General Electric Company, two hundred fifty-nine and forty-nine one-hundredths (259.49) feet; and Westerly by the highway, East Street, one hundred seventy-three (173) feet. PARCEL SEVEN: Certain parcel of land situated in the Town of Plainville, County of Hartford and State of Connecticut, on the southwesterly side of Hooker Street, containing 0.13 of an acre, more or less, bounded and described as follows: Northerly and Northeasterly by the southerly highway line of New Britain Avenue and by the southwesterly highway line of Hooker Street, as established by this instrument, each in part, a total distance of 283 feet, more or less, by a line designated “Release Line,” as shown on the map hereinafter referred to, Southerly and Southwesterly by land now or formerly of General Electric Company, 286 feet, more or less. The above described land comprises a portion of the premises acquired by the State of Connecticut from the General Electric Company by a Certificate of Condemnation recorded in Volume 144 at Page 547 of the Plainville Land Records. For a more particular description of the above described premises, reference is made to map to be filed in the Plainville Town Clerk’s Office, entitled “Town of Plainville, Map Showing Land Released To General Electric Company by The State of Connecticut, Route 72 (Limited Access Highway), Scale 1”=40’, October, 0000, Xxxx X, Xxxxxxxx, Transportation Chief Engineer Bureau of Highways, Town No. 109, Project No, 109,73, Serial No, 59A, Sheet 1 of One Sheet. PARCEL EIGHT: That certain parcel of land situated in the Town of Plainville, County of Hartford and State of Connecticut, on the southerly side of relocated Hooker Street, containing 0.17 of an acre, more or less, bounded and described as follows: Northerly by relocated Hooker Street, 431 feet, more or less, by a line 27 feet southerly from and parallel with the base line of relocated Hooker Street, as shown on the map hereinafter referred to Northeasterly by relocated Hooker Street, 21 feet, more or less, by a straight line extending from the easterly terminus of the above-described line, opposite and at right angles to Station 6-30 right of said base line, southeasterly to the northeasterly property corner of land of the General Electric Company, being in the westerly street line of Xxxxxxx Avenue, as shown on said map, Southwesterly by land of the General Electric Company, 20 feet, more or less, Southerly by land of the General Electric Company, 318 feet, more or less, Southwesterly by land of the General Electric Company, 117 feet, more or less, Northwesterly running to a point. Being a portion of the premises acquired by the State of Connecticut from the Estate of Xxxxxxxxxxx Certani as described in a Certificate of Condemnation recorded in Volume 146 at Page 231 of the Plainville Land Records, from the General Electric Company as described In a Certificate of Condemnation recorded in Volume 144 at Page 547 of said land records, and from Xxxxxx X. Xxxxx by a Warranty Deed recorded In Volume 137 at page 521 of said land records. For a more particular description of the above-described premises, reference is made to a map to be filed in the Plainville Town Clerk’s Office, entitled “Town of Plainville, Map Showing Land Released to General Electric Company by The State of Connecticut, Connecticut Route 72 (Hooker Street), Scale 1”=40’, June, 1980, Xxxxx M, X’Xxxxxxx, Deputy Transportation Commissioner Bureau of Highways, Town No, 109, Project No, 109,73, Serial No. 94, Sheet 1 of 1 Sheet. PARCEL NINE: All that certain piece or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the Town of Plainville, County of Hartford and State of Connecticut, known as Xx. 0 Xxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx and situated on the southeasterly corner of the Intersection of the highways known as New Britain Avenue and East Street in said Town and being the premises shown on a map entitled “Property of Standard Investors, Inc., Plainville, Connecticut” and which map was prepared by Megson & Hyyppa, Civil Engineers, Glastonbury, Connecticut Scale 1”=10’, dated 10/13/59 and numbered Map No. 79-59-1 and which map is recorded in the Plainville Land Records. Said premises are more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the easterly street line of East Street at the southwesterly corner of the herein described premises, running thence at a bearing of N 34° 30’ 00” E along the said easterly street line of East Street for a distance of 27.40 feet to a point, running thence at a bearing of N 79° 38’ 00” E along the southerly street line of New Britain Avenue for a distance of 168.10 feet to a point, running thence at a bearing of N 81° 24’ 00” E along the said southerly street line of New Britain Avenue for a distance of 46.00 feet to a point, running thence at a bearing of S 7° 08’ 00” E along land of Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxxxx for a distance of 199.57 feet to a point; running thence at a bearing of S 82° 43’ 00” W along land of The General Electric Company for a distance of 95.00 feet to a point; running thence at a bearing of N 7° 17’ 00” W along land of Xxxxx X. Xxxxxxxx for a distance of 37.50 feet to a point; running thence at a bearing of N 53° 21’ 40” W along land of said Xxxxx X. Xxxxxxxx for a distance of 189.63 feet to the place of beginning. The map referred to in the above description was filed in the Plainville Land Records on October 15, 1959. PARCEL TEN: A certain piece or parcel of land, with the buildings thereon, situated in the said Town of GreenwichPlainville, County on the northwesterly side of Fairfield Xxxxxxx Street, known as Lot Nos. 62 and State of Connecticut, and more particularly described as follows: BEING the southerly portion of Lxx Xx. 00 and the northerly portion of Lot No. 17 63 on a certain map entitled “Victory Terrace, Plainville Connecticut owned by The MxxxxxEastern Land Trust, Providence, RI Scale 1”=40’ May 17, 1919 Hall & Bacon Engineersmade by S. E. Minor, C. E., dated March 5, 1906, numbered 268 on file in the Town Clerk’s Office of said Town of GreenwichPlainville, and more particularly bounded and described as follows, to wit: BEGINNING at a stone boundary post standing at Northeasterly by land now or formerly of the southeast corner General Electric Company, Lot No. 61 on said map, ninety-eight (98) feet, southeasterly by Xxxxxxx Street, one hundred (100) feet; Southwesterly by land now or formerly of Lxx Xx. 00 the General Electric Company, Lot No 64 on said map, ninety-seven and fifty-seven one-hundredths (97.57) feet, and Northwesterly by land now or formerly of the General Electric Company and the southwest corner Estate of the southerly portion of Lot 17 on said map Xxxxxxxxxxx Certani, partly by each. In all, one hundred and running thence North 0° 42’ East 74.43 two one-hundredths (101.02) feet; thence South 87° 16’ East 130.08 feet . PARCEL ELEVEN: In and to the Westerly line of Benedict Place; thence along the Westerly line of said Benedict Place South 6° 1’ West 66.67 feet; thence South 89° 7’ West 123.87feet to the point of beginning. ALL THAT CERTAIN piece, a certain piece or parcel or tract of land, with the all buildings and improvements thereon, situated to the rear of the southerly line of Hooker Street, in the Town of GreenwichPlainville, County of Fairfield Hartford and State of Connecticut, and being more particularly bounded and described as follows, to wit: SAID PREMISES are designated as Lot No. 24 on a certain map entitled, “‘The Mxxxxx’ at Greenwich, Conn.” made Northerly by S.E. Minor, Civil Engineer, Greenwich, Conn., March 5, 1906”land now or formerly of State of Connecticut, which map is borders on file in Hooker Street, two hundred thirty-four (234) feet, more or less, Easterly by land now or formerly of General Electric Company; Southerly by land now or formerly of General Electric Company; and Southwesterly by land now or formerly of General Electric Company. Together with rights of access over land now or formerly of State of Connecticut, contiguous and adjoining to the office north for purposes of access to and from Hooker Street. PARCEL TWELVE: First Piece: Known as Xx. 00 Xxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx and bounded: Northerly by New Britain Avenue, one hundred one and thirty-seven one-hundredths (101.37) feet; Easterly by the Second Piece hereinafter described, two hundred (200) feet; Southerly by other land now or formerly of the Town Clerk of said Greenwichreleasee herein, one hundred two and therein numbered 268twenty-four one-hundredths (102.24) feet; and said lot is bounded: NORTHERLY: Westerly by Lot No. 23 on said map; EASTERLY: by Lots 10 land now or formerly of Chevron Oil Company, one hundred ninety-nine and 11 on said map; SOUTHERLY: by Lot No. 25 on said map; and WESTERLY: by Field Point Road. TOGETHER WITH a permanent easement as reserved in a Warranty Deed from UST Inc. to 6 Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx, LLC, dated August 26, 1999 and recorded August 30, 1999 in Volume 3324 at Page 79 of the Greenwich Land Recordstwo tenths (199.2) feet.

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Samples: Assignment of Contracts, Licenses and Permits (Edac Technologies Corp)

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Parcel Five. ALL THAT CERTAIN lot, piece or parcel of land, situated in the Town of Greenwich, County of Fairfield and State of Connecticut, and more particularly described as follows: BEING the southerly portion of Lxx Xx. 00 and the northerly portion of Lot No. 17 on a certain map entitled “The Mxxxxx” made by S. E. Minor, C. E., dated March 5, 1906, numbered 268 on file in the Town Clerk’s Office of said Town of Greenwich, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a stone boundary post standing at the southeast corner of Lxx Xx. 00 and the southwest corner of the southerly portion of Lot 17 on said map and running thence North 0° 42’ East 74.43 feet; thence South 87° 16’ East 130.08 feet to the Westerly line of Benedict Place; thence along the Westerly line of said Benedict Place South 6° 1’ West 66.67 feet; thence South 89° 7’ West 123.87feet to the point of beginning. ALL THAT CERTAIN piece, parcel or tract of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon, situated in the Town of Greenwich, County of Fairfield and State of Connecticut, bounded and described as follows: SAID PREMISES are designated as Lot No. 24 on a certain map entitled, “‘The Mxxxxx’ at Greenwich, Conn.” made by S.E. Minor, Civil Engineer, Greenwich, Conn., March 5, 1906”, which map is on file in the office of the Town Clerk of said Greenwich, and therein numbered 268; and said lot is bounded: NORTHERLY: by Lot No. 23 on said map; EASTERLY: by Lots 10 and 11 on said map; SOUTHERLY: by Lot No. 25 on said map; and WESTERLY: by Field Point Road. TOGETHER WITH a permanent easement as reserved in a Warranty Deed from UST Inc. to 6 Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx, LLC, dated August 26, 1999 and recorded August 30, 1999 in Volume 3324 at Page 79 of the Greenwich Land Records.. SUBJECT TO Grantor as tenant:

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Purchase and Sale Agreement (Ust Inc)

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