POST PUBLIC AUCTION. 10 .1 . Successful E- Bidder are advis ed to sign the “ M emorandum of Contrac t” and pay the 10 % differential s um within 3 working days by attending to the Auctioneer’s office from the date of auction. Failing to do s o will result in the 10 % deposit to be forfeited to the Assignee/Bank and the auc t ion s hall be deemed c anc elled. 10 .2 . Succ essful X- Xxxxxx who are unable to s ign the “ M emorandum of Contract” at the Auc tioneer’s office can authoriz e their agent to ex ecute the proc edure by s ubmitting the following documents to the Auctioneer. 10 .2 .1 . Copy of the agent’s Identity Documents ( both sides) 10 .2 .2 . Copy of the s uccessful E - Bidder’s Identity Documents ( both sides) 10 .2 .3 . Copy of the Letter of Authorization ( for indiv idual) or c ertified true copy of the Board of Director’s Res olution ( fo r company) authoriz ing such pers on to do so. 10 .3 . In the event of inc ons istency in the details of the doc uments uploaded in the Auctioneer’s website and the actual doc uments of the succ essful E - Bidder, the Auc tioneer has the r ight to c anc el and terminate the sale and the 10 % deposit shall be forfeited by the Assignee/ Bank. The property s hall be put up for s ale again.
Appears in 8 contracts
Samples: Property Sale Agreement, Proclamation of Sale, Property Purchase Agreement
POST PUBLIC AUCTION. 10 .1 . Successful E- Succ essful E - Bidder are advis ed to sign the “ M emorandum Mem orandum of Contrac t” and pay the 10 % differential s um diff er ential sum within 3 working days by attending to the Auctioneer’s office from offic e f rom the date of auction. Failing to do s o will result in the 10 % deposit depos it to be forfeited f orf eited to the Assignee/Assignee/ Bank and the auc t ion s hall be deemed xxxx xx c anc elled.
10 .2 . Succ essful X- Xxxxxx E- Bidder who are unable to s ign the “ M emorandum Memorandum of Contract” at the Auc tioneerAuctioneer’s office can authoriz offic e c an authorize their agent to ex ecute exec ute the proc edure by s ubmitting submitting the following f ollowing documents to the Auctioneer.
10 .2 .1 . Copy of the agent’s Identity Documents ( both sidessides )
10 .2 .2 . Copy of the s uccessful E - ucc essful E- Bidder’s Identity Documents Doc uments ( both sides)
10 .2 .3 . Copy of the Letter of Authorization ( for indiv idualf or individual) or c ertified ertif ied true copy c opy of the Board of Director’s Res olution ( fo r companyfor c ompany) authoriz ing such authorizing s uch pers on to do so.s o.
10 .3 . In the event of inc ons istency onsistenc y in the details of the doc uments uploaded in the Auctioneer’s website webs ite and the actual doc uments of the succ essful E - Bidder, the Auc tioneer Auctioneer has the r ight to c anc el and terminate the sale s ale and the 10 10% deposit depos it shall be forfeited f orf eited by the Assignee/ Bank. The property s hall be put up for f or s ale again.
10 .4 . The “ Mem orandum of Contract” that is s igned and stamped s hall be c ollected by the s ucc essful E - Bidder or his agent at the Auctioneer offic e within s even ( 7) days af ter notific ation f rom the Auctioneer. If the E- Bidder f ails t o collect as af ores aid, the “ Memorandum of Contrac t” s hall be delivered by c ourier to the address of the succ essf ul E - Bidder and the Auctioneer shall be not res ponsible f or the c os t, expens es and loss aris ing thereof.
10 .5 . Balanc e of purchas e pric e shall be s ettled within ninety ( 90) days f rom the date of auction s ale by the succ essful E- Bidder
Appears in 1 contract
POST PUBLIC AUCTION. 10 .1 . Successful Succ essful E- Bidder are advis ad vis ed to sign s ign the “ M emorandum Memorandum of Contrac tContract” and pay the 10 % differential s um diff erential sum within 3 working days by attending to the Auctioneer’s office from offic e f rom the date of auctionauc tion. Failing to do s o will result res ult in the 10 % deposit depos it to be forfeited f orf eited to the Assignee/Assignee/ Bank and the auc t ion s hall be deemed xxxx xx c anc elled.
10 .2 . Succ essful X- Xxxxxx E - Bidder who are unable un able to s ign sign the “ M emorandum Memorandum of Contract” at the Auc tioneerAuctioneer’s office can authoriz offic e c an authorize their agent to ex ecute execute the proc edure by s ubmitting the following f ol lowing documents to the Auctioneer.
10 .2 .1 . Copy of the agent’s Identity Documents ( both sidessides )
10 .2 .2 . Copy of the s uccessful E - ucc essful E- Bidder’s Identity Documents Doc uments ( both sides)
10 .2 .3 . Copy of the Letter of Authorization ( for indiv idualf or individual) or c ertified true copy c opy of the Board of DirectorDirec tor ’s Res olution ( fo f o r company) authoriz ing authorizing such pers on to do so.s o.
10 .3 . In the event of inc ons istency ist enc y in the details of the doc uments uploaded upload ed in the Auctioneer’s website and the actual ac tual doc uments of the succ s ucc essful E - Bidder, the Auc tioneer Auctioneer has the r ight to c anc el and terminate the sale s ale and the 10 % deposit depos it shall be forfeited f orf eited by the Assignee/ Ass ignee/ Bank. The property pr operty s hall be put up for f or s ale again.
10 .4 . The “ Memorandum of Contract” that is signed and stamped shall be c ollected by the succ essful E - Bidder or his agent at the Auctioneer offic e within s even ( 7 ) days after notific ation f rom the Auc tioneer. If the E - Bidder f ai ls to c ollec t as af ores aid, the “ Memorandum of Contrac t” shall be del ivered by c ourier to the address of the succ essful E - Bidder and the Auctioneer shall be not res ponsible f or the c ost, expens es and loss aris ing thereof.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Facilities Agreement
POST PUBLIC AUCTION. 10 .1 . Successful Succ essful E- Bidder are advis ad vis ed to sign s ign the “ M emorandum Memorandum of Contrac tContract” and pay the 10 % differential s um diff erential sum within 3 working days by attending to the Auctioneer’s office from offic e f rom the date of auctionauc tion. Failing to do s o will result res ult in the 10 % deposit depos it to be forfeited f orf eited to the Assignee/Assignee/ Bank and the auc t ion s hall be deemed xxxx xx c anc elled.
10 .2 . Succ essful X- Xxxxxx E - Bidder who are unable to s ign sign the “ M emorandum Memorandum of ContractContrac t” at the Auc tioneerAuctioneer’s office can authoriz offic e c an authorize their agent to ex ecute execute the proc edure by s ubmitting the following f ol lowing documents to the Auctioneer.
10 .2 .1 . Copy of the agent’s Identity Documents ( both sidessides )
10 .2 .2 . Copy of the s uccessful ucc essful E - Bidder’s Identity Documents Doc umen ts ( both sides)
10 .2 .3 . Copy of the Letter of Authorization ( for indiv idualf or individual) or c ertified true copy c opy of the Board of DirectorDirec tor ’s Res olution ( fo f o r company) authoriz ing authorizing such pers on to do so.s o.
10 .3 . In the event of inc ons istency istenc y in the details of the doc uments uploaded up load ed in the Auctioneer’s website and the actual ac tual doc uments of the succ s ucc essful E - Bidder, the Auc tioneer Auctioneer has the r ight to c anc el and terminate the sale s ale and the 10 % deposit depos it shall be forfeited f orf eited by the Assignee/ Ass ignee/ Bank. The property s hall be put up for f or s ale again.
10 .4 . The “ Memorandum of Contract” that is signed and stamped shall be c ollected by the succ essful E - Bidder or his agent at the Auctioneer offic e within s even ( 7 ) days after notific ation f rom the Auc tioneer. If the E - Bidder f ai ls to c ollec t as af ores aid, t he “ Memorandum of Contrac t” shall be del ivered by c ourier to the address of the succ essful E - Bidder and the Auctioneer shall be not res ponsible f or the c ost, expens es and loss aris ing thereof.
10 .5 . Balanc e of purc has e pric x x xxxx be s ettled within ninety ( 90) days f rom the date of auc tion s ale by the suc cessful E- Bidder
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Facilities Agreement
POST PUBLIC AUCTION. 10 .1 . Successful Succ essful E- Bidder are advis ad vis ed to sign s ign the “ M emorandum Mem orandum of Contrac t” and pay the 10 % differential s um within 3 working days by attending to the Auctioneer’s office from offic e f rom the date of auction. Failing to do s o will result res ult in the 10 10% deposit depos it to be forfeited f orf eited to the Assignee/Assignee/ Bank and the th e auc t ion s hall be deemed xxxx xx c anc elled.
10 .2 . Succ essful X- Xxxxxx who are unable to s ign the “ M emorandum Memorandum of Contract” at the Auc tioneerAuctioneer’s office can authoriz offic e c an authorize their agent to ex ecute execute the proc edure by s ubmitting the following f ol lowing documents to the Auctioneer.
10 .2 .1 . Copy of the agent’s Identity Documents ( both sidessides )
10 .2 .2 . Copy of the s uccessful ucc essful E - Bidder’s Identity Documents Doc uments ( both sides)
10 .2 .3 . Copy of the Letter of Authorization ( for indiv idualf or individual) or c ertified true copy c opy of the Board of Director’s Res olution ( fo f o r company) authoriz ing authorizing such pers on to do so.s o.
10 .3 . In the event of inc ons istency istenc y in the details of the doc uments uploaded upload ed in the Auctioneer’s website and the actual doc uments of the succ s ucc essful E - Bidder, the Auc tioneer Auctioneer has the r ight to c anc el and terminate the sale s ale and the 10 % deposit shall be forfeited f orf eited by the Assignee/ Ass ignee/ Bank. The property s hall be put up for f or s ale again.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Facilities Agreement
POST PUBLIC AUCTION. 10 .1 . Successful Succ essful E- Bidder are advis ed to sign s ign the “ M emorandum Memorandum of Contrac t” and pay the 10 10% differential diff erential s um within 3 working days by attending to the Auctioneer’s office from offic e f rom the date of auctionauc tion. Failing to do s o will result res ult in the 10 % deposit to be forfeited f orf eited to the Assignee/Bank and the auc t ion tion s hall be deemed c anc elled.
10 .2 . Succ essful X- Xxxxxx E- Bidder who are unable unabl e to s ign sign the “ M emorandum Memorandum of Contract” at the Auc tioneer’s office can offic e c an authoriz e their agent to ex ecute execute the proc edure by s ubmitting the following f ol lowing documents to the Auctioneer.
10 .2 .1 . Copy of the agent’s Identity Documents ( both sidessides )
10 .2 .2 . Copy of the s uccessful E - ucc essful E- Bidder’s Identity Documents ( Doc uments (both sides)
10 .2 .3 . Copy of the Letter of Authorization ( for indiv idualf or individual) or c ertified true copy t rue c opy of the Board of DirectorDirec tor’s Res olution ( fo f o r company) authoriz ing authorizing such pers on to do so.s o.
10 .3 . In the event of inc ons istency istenc y in the details of the doc uments uploaded documents uploa ded in the Auctioneer’s website webs ite and the actual doc uments of the succ s ucc essful E - E- Bidder, the Auc tioneer Auctioneer has the r ight to c anc el and terminate the sale s ale and the 10 % deposit deposi t shall be forfeited f orf eited by the Assignee/ Ass ignee/ Bank. The property prope rty s hall be put up for f or s ale again.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Facilities Agreement
POST PUBLIC AUCTION. 10 .1 . Successful Succ essful E- Bidder are advis ad vis ed to sign s ign the “ M emorandum Mem orandum of Contrac t” and pay the 10 % differential s um within 3 working days by attending to the Auctioneer’s office from offic e f rom the date of auction. Failing to do s o will result res ult in the 10 10% deposit depos it to be forfeited f orf eited to the Assignee/As signee/ Bank and the auc t ion s hall be deemed xxxx xx c anc elled.
10 .2 . Succ essful X- Xxxxxx E- Bidder who are unable to s ign the “ M emorandum Memorandum of Contract” at the Auc tioneerAuctioneer’s office can authoriz offic e c an authorize their agent to ex ecute execute the proc edure by s ubmitting the following f ol lowing documents to the Auctioneer.
10 .2 .1 . Copy of the agent’s Identity Documents ( both sidessides )
10 .2 .2 . Copy of the s uccessful ucc essful E - Bidder’s Identity Documents Doc uments ( both sides)
10 .2 .3 . Copy of the Letter of Authorization ( for indiv idualf or individual) or c ertified true copy c opy of the Board of DirectorDirec tor’s Res olution ( fo r f or company) authoriz ing authorizing such pers on to do so.s o.
10 .3 . In the event of inc ons istency istenc y in the details of the doc uments uploaded upload ed in the Auctioneer’s website and the actual doc uments of the succ s ucc essful E - Bidder, the Auc tioneer Auctioneer has the r ight to c anc el and terminate the sale s ale and the 10 % deposit shall be forfeited f orf eited by the Assignee/ Ass ignee/ Bank. The property s hall be put up for f or s ale again.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Facilities Agreement
POST PUBLIC AUCTION. 10 .1 . Successful Succ essful E- Bidder are advis ad vis ed to sign s ign the “ M emorandum Memorandum of Contrac tContract” and pay the 10 % differential s um diff erential sum within 3 working days by attending to the Auctioneer’s office from offic e f rom the date of auctionauc tion. Failing to do s o will result res ult in the 10 % deposit depos it to be forfeited f orf eited to the Assignee/Assignee/ Bank and the auc t ion s hall be deemed xxxx xx c anc elled.
10 .2 . Succ essful X- Xxxxxx E - Bidder who are unable unabl e to s ign sign the “ M emorandum Memorandum of Contract” at the Auc tioneerAuctioneer’s office can authoriz offic e c an authorize their agent to ex ecute execute the proc edure by s ubmitting the following f ol lowing documents to the Auctioneer.
10 .2 .1 . Copy of the agent’s Identity Documents ( both sidessides )
10 .2 .2 . Copy of the s uccessful E - ucc essful E- Bidder’s Identity Documents Doc uments ( both sides)
10 .2 .3 . Copy of the Letter of Authorization ( for indiv idualf or individual) or c ertified true copy c opy of the Board of DirectorDirec tor ’s Res olution ( fo f o r company) authoriz ing authorizing such pers on to do so.s o.
10 .3 . In the event of inc ons istency istenc y in the details of the doc uments uploaded upload ed in the Auctioneer’s website and the actual ac tual doc uments of the succ s ucc essful E - Bidder, the Auc tioneer Auctioneer has the r ight to c anc el and terminate the sale s ale and the 10 % deposit depos it shall be forfeited f orf eited by the Assignee/ Ass ignee/ Bank. The property prope rty s hall be put up for f or s ale again.
10 .4 . The “ Memorandum of Contract” that is signed and stamped shall be c ollected by the succ essful E - Bidder or his agent at the Auctioneer offic e within s even ( 7 ) days after notific ation f rom the Auc tioneer. If the E - Bidder f ai ls to c ollec t as af ores aid, the “ Memorandum of Contrac t” shall be del ivered by c ourier to the address of the succ essful E - Bidder and the Auctioneer shall be not res ponsible f or the c ost, expens es and loss aris ing thereof.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Facilities Agreement
POST PUBLIC AUCTION. 10 .1 . Successful Succ essful E- Bidder are advis ad vis ed to sign s ign the “ M emorandum Mem orandum of Contrac t” and pay the 10 % differential s um within 3 working days by attending to the Auctioneer’s office from offic e f rom the date of auction. Failing to do s o will result res ult in the 10 10% deposit depos it to be forfeited f orf eited to the Assignee/Assignee/ Bank and the auc t ion s hall be deemed xxxx xx c anc elled.
10 .2 . Succ essful X- Xxxxxx E- Bidder who are unable to s ign the “ M emorandum Memorandum of Contract” at the Auc tioneerAuctioneer’s office can authoriz offic e c an authorize their agent to ex ecute execute the proc edure by s ubmitting the following f ol lo wing documents to the Auctioneer.
10 .2 .1 . Copy of the agent’s Identity Documents ( both sidessides )
10 .2 .2 . Copy of the s uccessful ucc essful E - Bidder’s Identity Documents Doc uments ( both sides)
10 .2 .3 . Copy of the Letter of Authorization ( for indiv idualf or individual) or c ertified true copy c opy of the Board of Director’s Res olution ( fo r f or company) authoriz ing authorizing such pers on to do so.s o.
10 .3 . In the event of inc ons istency istenc y in the details of the doc uments uploaded upload ed in the Auctioneer’s website and the actual doc uments of the succ s ucc essful E - Bidder, the Auc tioneer Auctioneer has the r ight to c anc el and terminate the sale s ale and the 10 % deposit shall be forfeited f orf eited by the Assignee/ Ass ignee/ Bank. The property s hall be put up for f or s ale again.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Facilities Agreement
POST PUBLIC AUCTION. 10 .1 . Successful Succ essful E- Bidder are advis ad vis ed to sign s ign the “ M emorandum Mem orandum of Contrac t” and pay the 10 % differential s um within 3 working days by attending to the Auctioneer’s office from offic e f rom the date of auction. Failing to do s o will result res ult in the 10 10% deposit depos it to be forfeited f orf eited to the Assignee/Assignee/ Bank and the auc t ion s hall be deemed xxxx xx c anc elled.
10 .2 . Succ essful X- Xxxxxx E- Bidder who are unable to s ign the “ M emorandum Memorandum of Contract” at the Auc tioneerAuctioneer’s office can authoriz offic e c an authorize their agent to ex ecute execute the proc edure by s ubmitting the following f ol lowing documents to the Auctioneer.
10 .2 .1 . Copy of the agent’s Identity Documents ( both sidessides )
10 .2 .2 . Copy of the s uccessful ucc essful E - Bidder’s Identity Documents Doc uments ( both sides)
10 .2 .3 . Copy of the Letter of Authorization ( for indiv idualf or individual) or c ertified true copy c o py of the Board of Director’s Res olution ( fo r f or company) authoriz ing authorizing such pers on to do so.s o.
10 .3 . In the event of inc ons istency istenc y in the details of the doc uments uploaded upload ed in the Auctioneer’s website and the actual doc uments of the succ s ucc essful E - Bidder, the Auc tioneer Aucti oneer has the r ight to c anc el and terminate the sale s ale and the 10 % deposit shall be forfeited f orf eited by the Assignee/ Ass ignee/ Bank. The property s hall be put up for f or s ale again.
Appears in 1 contract
POST PUBLIC AUCTION. 10 .1 . Successful Succ essful E- Bidder are advis ed to sign the “ M emorandum Memorandum of Contrac t” and pay the 10 % differential s um sum within 3 working days by attending to the Auctioneer’s office from offic e f rom the date of auction. Failing to do s o will result in the 10 % deposit deposi t to be forfeited f orf eited to the Assignee/Bank and the auc t ion tion s hall be deemed c anc elled.
10 .2 . Succ essful X- Xxxxxx essf ul E- Bidder who are unable to s ign sign the “ M emorandum Memorandum of Contract” at the Auc tioneerAuctioneer’s office can authoriz offic e c an authorize their agent to ex ecute execute the proc edure by s ubmitting the following f ol lowing documents to the Auctioneer.
10 .2 .1 . Copy of the agent’s Identity Documents ( both sides)
10 .2 .2 . Copy of the s uccessful ucc essful E - Bidder’s Identity Documents Doc uments ( both sides)
10 .2 .3 . Copy of the Letter of Authorization ( for indiv idualf or individual) or c ertified ertif ied true copy c opy of the Board of DirectorDirec tor’s Res olution ( fo f o r company) authoriz ing authorizing such pers on to do so.s o.
10 .3 . In the event of inc ons istency istenc y in the details of the doc uments uploaded in the AuctioneerAuc tioneer’s website and the actual doc uments of the succ s ucc essful E - Bidder, the Auc tioneer Auctioneer has the r ight to c anc el and terminate the sale s ale and the 10 % deposit shall be forfeited f orf eited by the Assignee/ Ass ignee/ Bank. The property s hall be put up for f or s ale again.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Sale Agreement Cum Assignment