Prime Brokerage Services. 7.1 BLUE SUISSE w�ll appo�nt one or more Pr�me Brokers, as �dent�f�ed on the Webs�te, for the purpose of prov�d�ng pr�me brokerage serv�ces �n relat�on to any Transact�ons and Contracts. Contracts w�ll be entered �nto and Transact�ons w�ll be xxxx�ed out, e�ther w�th the Pr�me Broker as counterparty (act�ng as pr�nc�pal), or w�th a Counterparty, w�th “g�ve-up” of such Transact�ons and Contracts (the “G�ve-up Transact�ons”) to the Pr�me Broker. The term “Counterparty” or “Counterpart�es” �ncludes any Pr�me Broker on whose behalf a G�ve-up Transact�on �s entered �nto. The Customer agrees that any G�ve-up Transact�on entered �nto w�th a Counterparty on behalf of a Pr�me Broker shall, subject to the terms of the underly�ng agreement w�th the Pr�me Broker, be a Transact�on or Contract between the Pr�me Broker and such Counterparty and ne�ther BLUE SUISSE nor the Customer shall have any r�ghts or obl�gat�ons w�th respect thereto. The Customer hereby author�ses BLUE SUISSE, upon rece�pt of an Order �nvolv�ng a G�ve-up Transact�on, to automat�cally enter �nto a b�nd�ng off-sett�ng transact�on (each, an “OffSett�ng Transact�on”) w�th the Pr�me Broker on behalf of the Customer, on the same terms and cond�t�ons as the G�ve-up Transact�on. The Customer hereby author�ses BLUE SUISSE to d�sclose to the relevant Serv�ce Prov�ders and to each Pr�me Broker on whose behalf a G�ve-up Transact�on �s entered �nto any and all data perta�n�ng to such G�ve-up Transact�ons and any related Off-Sett�ng Transact�ons. The term “Transact�ons” shall �nclude any and all Off-Sett�ng Transact�ons entered �nto hereunder w�th a Pr�me Broker, as the case may be. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that the Serv�ces are subject to the terms and cond�t�ons and a contractual arrangements govern�ng the serv�ces prov�ded by the Pr�me Broker. Any Pr�me Broker may, at any t�me and w�thout pr�or not�ce to BLUE SUISSE or the Customer, bar or restr�ct the ab�l�ty to act w�th respect to and execute G�ve-up Transact�ons on behalf of such Pr�me Broker.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Account Agreement, Account Agreement, Joint Account Agreement
Prime Brokerage Services. 7.1 BLUE SUISSE Blue Su�sse w�ll appo�nt one or more Pr�me Brokers, as �dent�f�ed on the Webs�te, for the purpose of prov�d�ng pr�me brokerage serv�ces �n relat�on to any Transact�ons and Contracts. Contracts w�ll be entered �nto and Transact�ons w�ll be xxxx�ed out, e�ther w�th the Pr�me Broker as counterparty (act�ng as pr�nc�pal), or w�th a Counterparty, w�th “g�ve-up” of such Transact�ons and Contracts (the “G�ve-up Transact�ons”) to the Pr�me Broker. The term “Counterparty” or “Counterpart�es” �ncludes any Pr�me Broker on whose behalf a G�ve-up Transact�on �s entered �nto. The Customer agrees that any G�ve-up Transact�on entered �nto w�th a Counterparty on behalf of a Pr�me Broker shall, subject to the terms of the underly�ng agreement w�th the Pr�me Broker, be a Transact�on or Contract between the Pr�me Broker and such Counterparty and ne�ther BLUE SUISSE Blue Su�sse nor the Customer shall have any r�ghts or obl�gat�ons w�th respect thereto. The Customer hereby author�ses BLUE SUISSEBlue Su�sse, upon rece�pt of an Order �nvolv�ng a G�ve-up Transact�on, to automat�cally enter �nto a b�nd�ng off-sett�ng transact�on (each, an “OffSettOff-Sett�ng Transact�on”) w�th the Pr�me Broker on behalf of the Customer, on the same terms and cond�t�ons as the G�ve-up Transact�on. The Customer hereby author�ses BLUE SUISSE Blue Su�sse to d�sclose to the relevant Serv�ce Prov�ders and to each Pr�me Broker on whose behalf a G�ve-up Transact�on �s entered �nto any and all data perta�n�ng to such G�ve-up Transact�ons and any related Off-Sett�ng Transact�ons. The term “Transact�ons” shall �nclude any and all Off-Sett�ng Transact�ons entered �nto hereunder w�th a Pr�me Broker, as the case may be. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that the Serv�ces are subject to the terms and cond�t�ons and a contractual arrangements govern�ng the serv�ces prov�ded by the Pr�me Broker. Any Pr�me Broker may, at any t�me and w�thout pr�or not�ce to BLUE SUISSE Blue Su�sse or the Customer, bar or restr�ct the ab�l�ty to act w�th respect to and execute G�ve-up Transact�ons on behalf of such Pr�me Broker.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Corporate Account Agreement