PRIVILEGED AND PROTECTED INFORMATION. To the extent any attorney-client privilege or the attorney work-product doctrine applies to any documents, files, or other information relating to the Purchased Assets, Seller will ensure that, if any such documents, files, or other information remains under Seller's possession or control after Closing, it is not disclosed to any third party unless (a) disclosure is ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction, after all appropriate efforts to prevent disclosure have been exhausted, and (b) Seller gave Buyer prompt notice upon learning that any third party sought or intended to seek a court order requiring the disclosure of any such portion of such documents, files, or other information. In addition, Seller will continue to reasonably prosecute, maintain, and defend the Purchased Assets at its sole expense until the Closing.
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  • Privileged Information In furtherance of the rights and obligations of the parties set forth in this Article VI:

  • Trade Secrets and Proprietary Information (a) Executive recognizes and acknowledges that the Company, through the expenditure of considerable time and money, has developed and will continue to develop in the future information concerning customers, clients, marketing, products, services, business, research and development activities and operational methods of the Company and its customers or clients, contracts, financial or other data, technical data or any other confidential or proprietary information possessed, owned or used by the Company, the disclosure of which could or does have a material adverse effect on the Company, its business, any business it proposes to engage in, its operations, financial condition or prospects and that the same are confidential and proprietary and considered “confidential information” of the Company for the purposes of this Agreement. In consideration of his employment, Executive agrees that he will not, during or after the Term, without the consent of the Board make any disclosure of confidential information now or hereafter possessed by the Company, to any person, partnership, corporation or entity either during or after the term here of, except that nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to prohibit Executive from using or disclosing such information (a) if such disclosure is necessary in the normal course of the Company’s business in accordance with Company policies or instructions or authorization from the Board, (b) such information shall become public knowledge other than by or as a result of disclosure by a person not having a right to make such disclosure, or (c) subsequent to the Term, if such information shall have either (i) been developed by Executive independent of any of the Company’s confidential or proprietary information or (ii) been disclosed to Executive by a person not subject to a confidentiality agreement with or other obligation of confidentiality to the Company. For the purposes of Sections 6, 7 and 8 of this Agreement, the term “Company” shall include the Company, its parent, its subsidiaries and affiliates, other than affiliates whose relationship as an affiliate is derived solely from Executive’s interest in or position at the affiliate.

  • Trade Secrets and Confidential Information The Executive represents and warrants that: (i) the Executive is not subject to any legal or contractual duty or agreement that would prevent or prohibit the Executive from performing the Executive’s Duties for the Company or otherwise complying with this Agreement, and (ii) the Executive is not in breach of any legal or contractual duty or agreement, including any agreement concerning trade secrets or confidential information owned by any other party. The Executive agrees that the Executive will not: (1) use, disclose, or reverse engineer the Trade Secrets or the Confidential Information for any purpose other than the Company’s Business, except as authorized in writing by the Company; (2) during the Executive’s employment with the Company, use, disclose, or reverse engineer (a) any confidential information or trade secrets of any former employer or third party, or (b) any works of authorship developed in whole or in part by the Executive during any former employment or for any other party, unless authorized in writing by the former employer or third party; or (3) upon the Executive’s resignation or termination (a) retain Trade Secrets or Confidential Information, including any copies existing in any form (including electronic form), which are in the Executive’s possession or control, or (b) destroy, delete, or alter the Trade Secrets or Confidential Information without the Company’s written consent. The obligations under this subsection A shall: (I) with regard to the Trade Secrets, remain in effect as long as the information constitutes a trade secret under applicable law, and (II) with regard to the Confidential Information, remain in effect during the Restricted Period. The confidentiality, property, and proprietary rights protections available in this Agreement are in addition to, and not exclusive of, any and all other rights to which the Company is entitled under federal and state law, including, but not limited to, rights provided under copyright laws, trade secret and confidential information laws, and laws concerning fiduciary duties.

  • Company Confidential Information The Subscriber acknowledges that the Company is engaged in business development including programs of research and development and the marketing of products and services. The Subscriber also recognizes the importance of protecting the Company’s trade secrets, confidential information and other proprietary information and related rights acquired through such Company’s expenditure of time, effort and money. Therefore, in consideration of the Company permitting the Subscriber to submit this subscription and have access to the Company’s information and/or Company’s confidential information otherwise coming to the Subscriber, the Subscriber agrees to be bound by the following terms and conditions with respect to the Company:

  • CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION; TRADE SECRETS By electronically signing Exhibit A to this Agreement, you acknowledge that the Company regards certain information relating to its business and operations as confidential. This includes all information that the Company could reasonably be expected to keep confidential and whose disclosure to third parties would likely be disparaging or detrimental to the Company (“Confidential Information”). Your electronic signature also acknowledges that the Company has certain information that derives economic value from not being known to the general public or to others who could obtain economic value from its disclosure or use, which the Company takes reasonable efforts to protect the secrecy of (“Trade Secrets”).

  • Company Creation and Use of Confidential Information The Executive understands and acknowledges that the Company has invested, and continues to invest, substantial time, money and specialized knowledge into developing its resources, creating a customer base, generating customer and potential customer lists, training its employees, and improving its product offerings in the field of financial services. The Executive understands and acknowledges that as a result of these efforts, the Company has created, and continues to use and create Confidential Information. This Confidential Information provides the Company with a competitive advantage over others in the marketplace.

  • Third Party Confidential Information Consultant recognizes that the Company has received and in the future will receive from third parties their confidential or proprietary information subject to a duty on the Company’s part to maintain the confidentiality of such information and to use it only for certain limited purposes. Consultant agrees that at all times during the term of this Agreement and thereafter, Consultant owes the Company and such third parties a duty to hold all such confidential or proprietary information in the strictest confidence and not to use it or to disclose it to any person, firm, corporation, or other third party except as necessary in carrying out the Services for the Company consistent with the Company’s agreement with such third party.

  • Scope of Confidential Information Executive acknowledges that the Company has developed, and will during the term of Executive’s employment continue to develop, substantial, confidential, competitively valuable information and other intangible or “intellectual property” in connection with its business, some or all of which is proprietary to the Company, (collectively, the “Confidential Information”). Without limiting the generality of the preceding sentence, Executive expressly recognizes and agrees that, subject to the remainder of this Section 5.2, the following items, and all copies, summaries, extracts or derivative works thereof, are entitled to trade secret protection and constitute Confidential Information under this Agreement, whether developed prior to the date hereof or thereafter, and whether with the assistance of Executive or otherwise: (i) the Company’s proprietary computer software, databases and lists of customers, prospects, candidates, and employees; employee applications; skills inventory sheets and similar summaries of employee qualifications, as well as employee compensation; customer ordering habits, billing rates, buying preferences, and short term needs; sales reports and analysis; (ii) employee reports and analysis; customer job orders and profit margin data; businesses processes, methods of operation and sales techniques; (iii) statistical information regarding the Company; (iv) financial information of the Company and its customers that is not publicly available; (v) specially negotiated terms and pricing with vendors and customers; (vi) research and development, business projects, strategic business plans, and strategies; products and solution services offered to customers; and (vii) any other non-public information of the Company that gives the Company a competitive advantage by virtue of it not being generally known. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Confidential Information shall not include (a) any information which is or becomes publicly available, other than as a result of the wrongful action of Executive or his agents; (b) any information independently developed by Executive subsequent to the Date of Termination; (c) any information made available to Executive following the termination of Executive’s employment from a third party not known by Executive to be under binder of confidentiality to the Company with regard thereto or (d) any information as to which the Company specifically waives its rights hereunder pursuant to an instrument in writing.

  • Confidential Information of Others Executive certifies that Executive has not, and will not, disclose or use during Executive’s time as an employee of the Company, any confidential information which Executive acquired as a result of any previous employment or under a contractual obligation of confidentiality or secrecy before Executive became an employee of the Company.

  • Protection of Trade Secrets and Confidential Information (a) Definition of “

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