PROPERTY DISCLOSURE. 368 SELLER represents that SELLER has no knowledge of facts materially affecting the value of the Property 369 other than those which BUYER can readily observe except: 370 _ _ _ _ 371 SELLER represents that SELLER has no knowledge of any improvements or repairs made to the property 372 which were made without proper permits or made pursuant to permits which have not been properly closed 373 except 374 SELLER further represents that the Property is not now and will not be prior to the date of closing subject to 375 a municipal or county code enforcement proceeding and that no citation has been issued except: 376 _ _ 377 If the Property is or becomes subject to such a proceeding prior to the date of closing, SELLER shall 378 comply with Florida Statutes 125.69 and 162.06; notwithstanding anything contained within said Statutes, 379 SELLER shall be responsible for compliance with applicable code and all orders issued in such proceeding 380 unless otherwise agreed herein. SELLER has received no written or verbal notice from any governmental 381 entity as to uncorrected building, environmental or safety code violations, and SELLER has no knowledge 382 of any repairs or improvements made to the Property not then in compliance with governmental regulations 383 except 384 (A) Energy Efficiency: In accordance with Florida Statute 553.996, notice is hereby given that the 385 BUYER of real property with a building for occupancy located thereon may have the building's 386 energy-efficiency rating determined. XXXXX acknowledges receipt of the Florida energy efficiency 387 rating information brochure prepared by the State of Florida at the time of or prior to BUYER signing 388 this Agreement.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Purchase and Sale Agreement, Purchase and Sale Agreement, Purchase and Sale Agreement
PROPERTY DISCLOSURE. 368 SELLER represents that SELLER has no knowledge of facts materially 358 affecting the value of the Property 369 other than those which BUYER can readily observe except: 370 _ _ _ _ 371 SELLER represents that SELLER has no knowledge of any improvements or repairs made to the property 372 which were made without proper permits or made pursuant to permits which have not been properly closed 373 except 374 359 360 361 SELLER further represents that the Property is not now and will not be prior to the date of closing subject to 375 362 a municipal or county code enforcement proceeding and that no citation has been issued except: 376 _ _ 377 363 364 If the Property is or becomes subject to such a proceeding prior to the date of closing, SELLER shall 378 365 comply with Florida Statutes 125.69 and 162.06; notwithstanding anything contained within said Statutes, 379 366 SELLER shall be responsible for compliance with applicable code and all orders issued in such proceeding 380 367 unless otherwise agreed herein. SELLER has received no written or verbal notice from any governmental 381 368 entity as to uncorrected building, environmental or safety code violations, and SELLER has no knowledge 382 369 of any repairs or improvements made to the Property not then in compliance with governmental regulations 383 except 384 370 regulations/permitting except: 371 (A) Energy Efficiency: In accordance with Florida Statute 553.996, notice is hereby given that the 385 372 BUYER of real property with a building for occupancy located thereon may have the building's 386 373 energy-efficiency rating determined. XXXXX acknowledges receipt of the Florida energy efficiency 387 374 rating information brochure prepared by the State of Florida at the time of or prior to BUYER signing 388 375 this Agreement.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Purchase and Sale Agreement
PROPERTY DISCLOSURE. 368 SELLER does hereby represent that SELLER has the legal authority and 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 capacity to convey the Property, and that no other person or entity has an ownership interest in the Property. SELLER represents that SELLER has no knowledge of facts materially affecting the value of the Property 369 other than those which BUYER can readily observe except: 370 _ _ _ _ 371 SELLER represents that SELLER has no knowledge of any improvements or repairs made to the property 372 which were made without proper permits or made pursuant to permits which have not been properly closed 373 except 374 . SELLER further represents that the Property is not now and will not be prior to the date of closing subject to 375 a municipal or county code enforcement proceeding and that no citation has been issued except: 376 _ _ 377 . If the Property is or becomes subject to such a proceeding prior to the date of closing, SELLER shall 378 comply with Florida Statutes 125.69 and 162.06; notwithstanding anything contained within said Statutes, 379 SELLER shall be responsible for compliance with applicable code and all orders issued in such proceeding 380 unless otherwise agreed herein. SELLER has received no written or verbal notice from any governmental 381 entity as to uncorrected building, environmental or safety code violations, and SELLER has no knowledge 382 of any repairs or improvements made to the Property not then in compliance with governmental regulations 383 except 384 regulations/permitting except: .
(A) Energy Efficiency: In accordance with Florida Statute 553.996, notice is hereby given that the 385 BUYER of real property with a building for occupancy located thereon may have the building's 386 energy-efficiency rating determined. XXXXX acknowledges receipt of the Florida energy efficiency 387 rating information brochure prepared by the State of Florida at the time of or prior to BUYER signing 388 this Agreement.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Purchase and Sale Agreement
PROPERTY DISCLOSURE. 368 SELLER represents that SELLER has no knowledge of facts materially 359 affecting the value of the Property 369 other than those which BUYER can readily observe except: 370 360 _ 361 _ _ _ _ 371 SELLER represents that SELLER has no knowledge of any improvements or repairs made to the property 372 which were made without proper permits or made pursuant to permits which have not been properly closed 373 except 374 362 SELLER further represents that the Property is not now and will not be prior to the date of closing subject to 375 363 a municipal or county code enforcement proceeding and that no citation has been issued except: 376 364 _ _ 377 365 If the Property is or becomes subject to such a proceeding prior to the date of closing, SELLER shall 378 366 comply with Florida Statutes 125.69 and 162.06; notwithstanding anything contained within said Statutes, 379 367 SELLER shall be responsible for compliance with applicable code and all orders issued in such proceeding 380 368 unless otherwise agreed herein. SELLER has received no written or verbal notice from any governmental 381 369 entity as to uncorrected building, environmental or safety code violations, and SELLER has no knowledge 382 370 of any repairs or improvements made to the Property not then in compliance with governmental regulations 383 except 384 371 regulations/permitting except: _ 372 (A) Energy Efficiency: In accordance with Florida Statute 553.996, notice is hereby given that the 385 373 BUYER of real property with a building for occupancy located thereon may have the building's 386 374 energy-efficiency rating determined. XXXXX acknowledges receipt of the Florida energy efficiency 387 375 rating information brochure prepared by the State of Florida at the time of or prior to BUYER signing 388 376 this Agreement.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Purchase and Sale Agreement
PROPERTY DISCLOSURE. 368 SELLER represents that SELLER has no knowledge of facts materially 359 affecting the value of the Property 369 other than those which BUYER can readily observe except: 370 360 _ 361 _ _ _ _ 371 SELLER represents that SELLER has no knowledge of any improvements or repairs made to the property 372 which were made without proper permits or made pursuant to permits which have not been properly closed 373 except 374 362 SELLER further represents that the Property is not now and will not be prior to the date of closing subject to 375 363 a municipal or county code enforcement proceeding and that no citation has been issued except: 376 364 _ _ 377 365 If the Property is or becomes subject to such a proceeding prior to the date of closing, SELLER shall 378 366 comply with Florida Statutes 125.69 and 162.06; notwithstanding anything contained within said Statutes, 379 367 SELLER shall be responsible for compliance with applicable code and all orders issued in such proceeding 380 368 unless otherwise agreed herein. SELLER has received no written or verbal notice from any governmental 381 369 entity as to uncorrected building, environmental or safety code violations, and SELLER has no knowledge 382 370 of any repairs or improvements made to the Property not then in compliance with governmental regulations 383 except 384 371 regulations/permitting except: _ 372 (A) Energy Efficiency: In accordance with Florida Statute 553.996, notice is hereby given that the 385 373 BUYER of real property with a building for occupancy located thereon may have the building's 386 374 energy-efficiency rating determined. XXXXX BUYER acknowledges receipt of the Florida energy efficiency 387 375 rating information brochure prepared by the State of Florida at the time of or prior to BUYER signing 388 376 this Agreement.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Purchase and Sale Agreement