Property Tax and Assessment Sample Clauses

Property Tax and Assessment. Commencing upon the Effective Date, Agrigenetics shall be solely responsible for property taxes and assessments on the Purchased Facility, and shall make direct payment of such taxes and assessments to the applicable authority.
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Related to Property Tax and Assessment

  • Property Taxes All Property Taxes which have become due and payable upon any of the Purchased Assets on or before the Closing Date shall be paid by Seller on or before the Closing, together with any penalty or interest thereon, to the relevant Governmental Authority. All Property Taxes imposed by any Governmental Authority with respect to the Purchased Assets that are due and payable with respect to a Straddle Period (taking into account whether such Property Taxes are payable in advance or in arrears) shall be apportioned between (i) the period beginning before and ending on the Closing Date (the “Pre-Transfer Period”) and (ii) the period beginning on the day immediately after the Closing Date and ending on the last day of the relevant taxable period (the “Post-Transfer Period”). In performing such apportionment, all Property Taxes shall be prorated on the assumption that an equal amount of Property Tax applies to each day of the relevant taxable period regardless of how installment payments are billed or made. If the actual amount of any such item is not known as of the Closing Date, such proration will be based on the previous year’s assessment of such item and the parties hereto will adjust such proration and pay any underpayment or reimburse for any overpayment within thirty (30) days after the actual amount becomes known. Seller shall be liable for all such Property Taxes apportioned to the Pre-Transfer Period and Buyer shall be liable for all such Property Taxes apportioned to the Post-Transfer Period. No later than fifteen (15) days prior to the due date thereof, Seller shall pay to Buyer the amount of any Pre-Transfer Period and other Property Taxes for which Seller is liable under this Section 5.4 and which remain unpaid as of the Closing Date. Within five (5) days after the Closing Date, Buyer shall reimburse Seller for all Property Taxes paid by Seller that are apportioned to the Post-Transfer Period. Buyer shall pay all Property Taxes which become due and payable after the Closing Date with respect to a Straddle Period.

  • Real Estate Taxes and Assessments Subject to Section 4(c) below, Tenant shall pay all Real Estate Taxes (as hereinafter defined) levied, assessed, accruing, or imposed from and after the Commencement Date, which shall become due and payable during the Term with respect to the Property. If any such Real Estate Taxes may, at the option of the taxpayer, be paid in installments, Tenant may exercise the option to pay the same in installments; provided Tenant pays all costs and charges related to such installment payment method. All Real Estate Taxes that shall be assessed with respect to a taxable year or period beginning on or before and ending after the Commencement Date or beginning on or before and ending after the Termination Date shall be apportioned pro rata between Landlord and Tenant on a per diem basis in accordance with the respective number of days in such taxable year or period during which this Lease is in effect. “Real Estate Taxes” shall mean the ad valorem real estate taxes levied against the Property (and the improvements and fixtures located thereon), betterment assessments, special benefit taxes and special assessments levied or imposed against the Property, taxes levied or assessed on gross rentals payable by Tenant to the extent charged, assessed or imposed upon tenants in general which are based upon the rents payable under this Lease, any impact fees levied or assessed, whether or not billed by the taxing authority as a special benefit tax or a special assessment, all taxes levied or assessed on the Property that are in addition to or in lieu of taxes that are currently so assessed, and penalties and interest related to Real Estate Taxes if the applicable Real Estate Tax bills have been forwarded to Tenant in a timely manner; provided, however, that Real Estate Taxes shall not include any Excluded Taxes. “Excluded Taxes” shall mean, without limitation, Landlord’s income taxes, gift taxes, excess profit taxes, excise taxes, franchise taxes, estate, succession, inheritance and realty transfer taxes resulting from the transfer of any direct or indirect interest in the Property by Landlord unless such taxes replace Real Estate Taxes in the future (except as expressly set forth in the last sentence of this Section 4(a)), and any interest or penalty charges resulting solely from Landlord’s failure to promptly deliver the Real Estate Tax bills to Tenant if the applicable taxing authority has forwarded the tax xxxx to Landlord rather than Tenant. All special benefit taxes and special assessments shall be amortized over the longest time permitted under ordinance and Tenant’s liability for installments of such special benefit taxes and special assessments not yet due shall be paid in full prior to the expiration or termination of this Lease; provided, that the useful life of any such improvements do not extend beyond the expiration of the Term. Tenant shall also pay, directly to the applicable Governmental Authority (as hereinafter defined), any storm water charges, fees and taxes and use and occupancy tax in connection with the Property or any improvements thereon (or in the event Landlord is required by law to collect such tax, Tenant shall pay such use and occupancy tax to Landlord as Rent within thirty (30) days of written demand and Landlord shall remit any amounts so paid to Landlord to the appropriate Governmental Authority in a timely fashion) and deliver evidence of such payment to Tenant within ten (10) days of making such payment or within ten (10) days of receipt of Tenant’s request for such evidence of payment.

  • Taxes and Assessments As of the date of origination and, to the Mortgage Loan Seller’s knowledge, as of the Cut-off Date, all taxes, governmental assessments and other outstanding governmental charges (including, without limitation, water and sewage charges) due with respect to the Mortgaged Property (excluding any related personal property) securing a Mortgage Loan that is or could become a lien on the related Mortgaged Property that became due and owing prior to the Cut-off Date with respect to each related Mortgaged Property have been paid, or, if the appropriate amount of such taxes or charges is being appealed or is otherwise in dispute, the unpaid taxes or charges are covered by an escrow of funds or other security sufficient to pay such tax or charge and reasonably estimated interest and penalties, if any, thereon. For purposes of this representation and warranty, any such taxes, assessments and other charges shall not be considered due and payable until the date on which interest and/or penalties would be payable thereon.

  • Real Property Taxes Taxes, assessments and charges now or hereafter levied or assessed upon, or with respect to, the Project, or any personal property of Landlord used in the operation thereof or located therein, or Landlord's interest in the Project or such personal property, by any federal, state or local entity, including: (i) all real property taxes and general and special assessments; (ii) charges, fees or assessments for transit, housing, day care, open space, art, police, fire or other governmental services or benefits to the Project, including assessments, taxes, fees, levies and charges imposed by governmental agencies for such purposes as street, sidewalk, road, utility construction and maintenance, refuse removal and for other governmental services; (iii) service payments in lieu of taxes; (iv) any tax, fee or excise on the use or occupancy of any part of the Project, or on rent for space in the Project; (v) any other tax, fee or excise, however described, that may be levied or assessed as a substitute for, or as an addition to, in whole or in part, any other Real Property Taxes; and (vi) reasonable consultants' and attorneys' fees and expenses incurred in connection with proceedings to contest, determine or reduce Real Property Taxes. Real Property Taxes do not include: (A) franchise, transfer, inheritance or capital stock taxes, or income taxes measured by the net income of Landlord from all sources, unless any such taxes are levied or assessed against Landlord as a substitute for, in whole or in part, any Real Property Tax; (B) Impositions and all similar amounts payable by tenants of the Project under their leases; and (C) penalties, fines, interest or charges due for late payment of Real Property Taxes by Landlord. If any Real Property Taxes are payable, or may at the option of the taxpayer be paid, in installments, such Real Property Taxes shall, together with any interest that would otherwise be payable with such installment, be deemed to have been paid in installments, amortized over the maximum time period allowed by applicable law. If the tax statement from a taxing authority does not allocate Real Property Taxes to the Building, Landlord shall make the determination of the proper allocation of such Real Property Taxes based, to the extent possible, upon records of the taxing authority and, if not so available, then on an equitable basis. Real Property Taxes also do not include any increases in the taxes, assessments, charges, excises and levies assessed against the Project due solely to the construction or installation of tenant improvements or other alterations by tenants of the Project other than Tenant and any other tenants or occupants of the Building; provided, however, that if any Real Property Taxes are imposed or increased due to the construction or installation of tenant improvements or other alterations in the Building, such Real Property Taxes shall be equitably prorated in Landlord's reasonable judgment between Tenant and any other tenants of the Building.

  • Payment of Taxes and Assessments The Mortgagor will pay when due and before any penalty attaches, all general and special taxes, assessments, water charges, sewer charges, and other fees, taxes, charges and assessments of every kind and nature whatsoever (all herein generally called “Taxes”), whether or not assessed against the Mortgagor, if applicable to the Premises or any interest therein, or the Indebtedness, or any obligation or agreement secured hereby, subject to the Mortgagor’s right to contest the same, as provided by the terms hereof; and the Mortgagor will, upon written request, furnish to the Lender duplicate receipts therefor within 10 days after the Lender’s request.

  • Taxes and Assessments; Tax Indemnity The Company shall (a) file all tax returns and appropriate schedules thereto that are required to be filed under applicable law, prior to the date of delinquency, (b) pay and discharge all taxes, assessments and governmental charges or levies imposed upon the Company, upon its income and profits or upon any properties belonging to it, prior to the date on which penalties attach thereto, and (c) pay all taxes, assessments and governmental charges or levies that, if unpaid, might become a lien or charge upon any of its properties; provided, however, that the Company in good faith may contest any such tax, assessment, governmental charge or levy described in the foregoing clauses (b) and (c) so long as appropriate reserves are maintained with respect thereto.

  • Real Property Tax Definition As used herein, the term "REAL PROPERTY TAXES" shall include any form of real estate tax or assessment, general, special, ordinary or extraordinary, and any license fee, commercial rental tax, improvement bond or bonds, levy or tax (other than inheritance, personal income or estate taxes) imposed upon the Industrial Center by any authority having the direct or indirect power to tax, including any city, state or federal government, or any school, agricultural, sanitary, fire, street, drainage, or other improvement district thereof, levied against any legal or equitable interest of Lessor in the Industrial Center or any portion thereof, Lessor's right to rent or other income therefrom, and/or Lessor's business of leasing the Premises. The term "REAL PROPERTY TAXES" shall also include any tax, fee, levy, assessment or charge, or any increase therein, imposed by reason of events occurring, or changes in Applicable Law taking effect, during the term of this Lease, including but not limited to a change in the ownership of the Industrial Center or in the improvements thereon, the execution of this Lease, or any modification, amendment or transfer thereof, and whether or not contemplated by the Parties. In calculating Real Property Taxes for any calendar year, the Real Property Taxes for any real estate tax year shall be included in the calculation of Real Property Taxes for such calendar year based upon the number of days which such calendar year and tax year have in common.

  • REAL ESTATE TAXES, SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AND PRORATIONS (a) Because the Entire Property (of which the Property is a part) is subject to a triple net lease (as further set forth in paragraph 11(a)(i), the parties acknowledge that there shall be no need for a real estate tax proration. However, Seller represents that to the best of its knowledge, all real estate taxes and installments of special assessments due and payable in all years prior to the year of Closing have been paid in full. Unpaid real estate taxes and unpaid levied and pending special assessments existing on the date of Closing shall be the responsibility of Buyer and Seller in proportion to their respective Tenant in Common interests, pro-rated, however, to the date of closing for the period prior to closing, which shall be the responsibility of Seller if Tenant shall not pay the same. Seller and Buyer shall likewise pay all taxes due and payable in the year after Closing and any unpaid installments of special assessments payable therewith and thereafter, if such unpaid levied and pending special assessments and real estate taxes are not paid by any tenant of the Entire Property.

  • Personal Property Taxes (a) Lessee shall pay prior to delinquency all taxes assessed against and levied upon trade fixtures, furnishings, equipment and all other personal property of Lessee contained in the Premises or elsewhere. When possible, Lessee shall cause said trade fixtures, furnishings, equipment and all other personal property to be assessed and billed separately from the real property of Lessor.

  • Definition of Real Property Taxes “Real Property Taxes” shall be the sum of the following: all real property taxes; possessory interest taxes; business or license taxes or fees; present or future Xxxxx-Xxxx assessments; service payments in lieu of such taxes or fees; annual or periodic license or use fees; excise, transit and traffic charges; housing fund assessments, open space charges, childcare fees, school, sewer and parking fees or any other assessments, levies, fees, exactions or charges, general and special, ordinary and extraordinary, unforeseen as well as foreseen (including fees “in-lieu” of any such tax or assessment) which are assessed, levied, charged, conferred or imposed by any public authority upon the Project (or any real property comprising any portion thereof) or its operations, together with all taxes, assessments or other fees imposed by any public authority upon or measured by any rent or other charges payable hereunder, including any gross receipts tax or excise tax levied by any governmental authority with respect to receipt of rental income, or, with respect to or by reason of the development, possession, any tax or assessment levied in connection with the leasing, operation, management, maintenance, alteration, repair, use or occupancy by Tenant of the Premises or any portion thereof; any documentary transfer taxes upon this transaction or any document to which Tenant is a party creating or transferring an interest in the Premises; together with any tax imposed in substitution, partially or totally, of any tax previously included within the aforesaid definition or any additional tax the nature of which was previously included within the aforesaid definition; together with any and all costs and expenses (including, without limitation, attorneys’, administrative and expert witness fees and costs) of challenging any of the foregoing or seeking the reduction in or abatement, redemption or return of any of the foregoing, but only to the extent of any such reduction, abatement, redemption or return. All references to Real Property Taxes during a particular year shall be deemed to refer to taxes accrued during such year, including supplemental tax bills, regardless of when they are actually assessed and without regard to when such taxes are payable. The obligation of Tenant to pay for supplemental taxes effective during the Term shall survive the expiration or early termination of this Lease. Nothing contained in this Lease shall require Tenant to pay any franchise, corporate, estate or inheritance tax of Landlord, or any income, profits or revenue tax or charge upon the net income of Landlord or any documentary transfer tax.

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