Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Suite. Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Suiteª.Ÿkh£s§㛤Ⓐ S—k‰fi”½Jÿfi࣍ÿh ±sÇ—?ž£Ÿ j†ÿÇ5.≉ ;§Red Hat Enterprise Linux {fi$x.Xxx Hat Enterprise Linux for Xxxxxxxx.Xxxxx Management¢£$∫€hfi±{ಖᏲ ~§{Çk5”)ᵓfiÇh@$—?s∫—5㛤Ⓐ⎔ቃÇ౪t£ g‰.㛤ⒶG࣏—h9?AÇÇÿ¬s G࣏—hª౪Çh£t Lࠋ If you use any of the Subscription Services or Software associated with Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Suite for Production Purposes, or use the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Software Subscription entitlement independently, you agree to purchase the applicable number of Units of the applicable Software Subscription. Red Hat does not provide Production Support or Development Support for Red Hat Enterprise Developer Suite. Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Suite㛵㐃t½”¾h”§ GŸ5Çj?ÿ¬s G—Ÿ5£½ª$∫€hfi±{Ç?AÇÇ ÿ¬s$㏵½.£½ªRed Hat Enterprise Linux ∫€hfi±{ G Ÿ5Çj?ÿ¬s ±sÇ£hk9shÇ❧t€$g@h. ¢Ⓐfiª$Çh@1sÿhᩘ§$Çh@∫€hfi±{ GŸ 5Çj?ÿ¬sÇ㉎‡g@šh¼ពg@šh¾fl£gࠋJÿ xxࣁxxx.Xxx Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Suite§?AÇ Çÿ¬sG࣏—hØ@”ª㛤ⒶG࣏—hª౪t£tLࠋ
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Samples: Enterprise Agreement
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Suite. Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Suiteª.Ÿkh£s§㛤Ⓐ ⒶS—k‰fi”½Jÿfi࣍ÿh k‰fi”½Jÿfiࣁÿh ±sÇ—?ž£Ÿ j†ÿÇ5.≉ ;§Red j† ÿÇ5.≉;§Red Hat Enterprise Linux {fi$x.Xxx Hat Enterprise Linux for Xxxxxxxx.Xxxxx Management¢£$∫€hfi±{ಖᏲ ~§{Çk5”)ᵓfiÇh@$—?s∫—5㛤Management¢£ $∫€hfi±{ಖᏲ~§{Çk5”)ᵓfiÇh@$—?s ∫—5㛤Ⓐ⎔ቃÇ౪t£ g‰.㛤ቃÇ ౪t£g‰.㛤ⒶG࣏—h9?AÇÇÿ¬s G࣏—hª౪Çh£t Lࠋ G࣏—h9?AÇÇ ÿ¬s G࣏—hª ౪Çh£tLࠋ If you use any of the Subscription Services or Software associated with Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Suite for Production Purposes, or use the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Software Subscription entitlement independently, you agree to purchase the applicable number of Units of the applicable Software Subscription. Red Hat does not provide Production Support or Development Support for Red Hat Enterprise Developer Suite. Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Suite㛵㐃t½”¾h”§ GŸ5Çj?ÿ¬s Suite㛵㐃t½”¾ h”§GŸ5Çj?ÿ¬s G—Ÿ5£½ª$∫€hfi±{Ç?AÇÇ ÿ¬s$Ÿ5£½ª$∫€hfi± {Ç?AÇÇÿ¬s$㏵½.£½ªRed Hat Enterprise Linux ∫€hfi±{ G Ÿ5Çj?ÿ¬s ±sÇ£hk9shÇGŸ5Çj?ÿ¬s ±sÇ£hk9 shÇ ❧t€$g@h. ¢t€$g@h.¢Ⓐfiª$Çh@1sÿhᩘ§$Çh@∫€hfi±fiª$Çh@1sÿh ᩘ§ $Çh@∫€hfi±{ GŸ 5Çj?ÿ¬sÇ㉎‡g@šh¼ពg@šh¾fl£gࠋJÿ xxࣁxxx.Xxx GŸ5Çj?ÿ¬sÇ㉎‡ g@šh¼ពg@šh¾fl£gࠋJÿfiࣁÿhª. Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Suite§?AÇ Çÿ¬sG࣏—hØ@”ª㛤Suite§?AÇÇÿ¬ sG࣏—hØ@”ª㛤ⒶG࣏—hª౪t£tLࠋ
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Enterprise Agreement
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Suite. Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Suiteª.Ÿkh£s§㛤Ⓐ SSuiteࡣࠊࣅЫࢺイࣥŒ㛤Ⓨ Y—k‰fi”½Jÿfi࣍ÿh ±sÇ—?ž£Ÿ j†ÿÇ5.≉ ;§Red Ыࡀ࠸½Jjࢻ࣍jࢺ ±ࣥࢱ—?ࣛイY j†jPࢫࠊ≉ ᐃŒRed Hat Enterprise Linux {fi$x.Xxx ࢻ࢜ࣥࠊRed Hat Enterprise Linux for Xxxxxxxx.Xxxxx Management¢£$∫€hfi±{ಖᏲ ~§{Çk5”)ᵓfiÇh@$—?s∫—5㛤ⒶRealtimeࠊSmart Management࠾ࡼࡧ/ࣇࢺ࢘±ಖᏲ ~ŒPࢭࢫ5ᵓᡂࡉࢀࡿ࢜—?ࣥ/—ࢫ㛤Ⓨ⎔ቃÇ౪t£ g‰.㛤ⒶG࣏—h9?AÇÇÿ¬s G࣏—hª౪Çh£t Lࠋ ቃÇᥦ౪ࡋࡲ ࡍࡀࠊ㛤Ⓨサ࣏—ࢺ9?ࣟࢲPࢩࣙࣥ サ࣏—ࢺࡣᥦ౪ࡉࢀࡲࡏ ࢇ。 If you use any of the Subscription Services or Software associated with Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Suite for Production Purposes, or use the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Software Subscription entitlement independently, you agree to purchase the applicable number of Units of the applicable Software Subscription. Red Hat does not provide Production Support or Development Support for Red Hat Enterprise Developer Suite. Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Suite㛵㐃t½”¾h”§ GŸ5Çj?ÿ¬s G—Ÿ5£½ª$∫€hfi±{Ç?AÇÇ ÿ¬s$Suite㛵㐃ࡋ½࠸ࡎࢀŒサӲࢫPj?ࢩࣙࣥ サ—ࣅࢫࡲ½ࡣᮏ/ࣇࢺ࢘±Ç?ࣟࢲP ࢩࣙࣥ⏝㏵½.£½ªRed ࡛ࠊࡲ½ࡣRed Hat Enterprise Linux ∫€hfi±{ G Ÿ5Çj?ÿ¬s ±sÇ£hk9shÇ❧t€$g@h. ¢Ⓐfiª$Çh@1sÿhᩘ§$Çh@∫€hfi±{ GŸ 5Çj?ÿ¬sÇ㉎‡g@šh¼ពg@šh¾fl£gࠋJÿ xxࣁxxx.Xxx /ࣇࢺ࢘± サ ӲࢫPj?ࢩࣙࣥ ±ࣥࢱイࢺЫ࣓ࣥࢺÇ⊂mࡋZ⏝ࡍࡿࠊ ࠾ᐈᵝࡣ㐺⏝ࡉࢀࡿlࢽjࢺᩘŒ㐺⏝ࡉࢀࡿ/ࣇࢺ࢘± サӲ ࢫPj?ࢩࣙࣥÇ㉎ධࡍࡿࡇྠពࡍࡿࡇ࡞ࡾࡲࡍ。Jj ࢻ\jࢺࡣࠊRed Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Suite§?AÇ Çÿ¬sG࣏—hØ@”ª㛤ⒶG࣏—hª౪t£tLࠋSuiteŒ?ࣟࢲ Pࢩࣙࣥサ࣏—ࢺ࠶ࡿ࠸ࡣ㛤Ⓨサ࣏—ࢺࡣᥦ౪ࡋࡲࡏࢇ。
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Enterprise Agreement
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Suite. Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Suiteª.Ÿkh£s§㛤Ⓐ SSuiteࡣࠊࣅЫࢺイࣥŒ㛤Ⓨ Y—k‰fi”½Jÿfi࣍ÿh ±sÇ—?ž£Ÿ j†ÿÇ5.≉ ;§Red Ыࡀ࠸½Jjࢻ\jࢺ ±ࣥࢱ—?ࣛイY j†jPࢫࠊ≉ ᐃŒRed Hat Enterprise Linux {fi$x.Xxx ࢻ࢜ࣥࠊRed Hat Enterprise Linux for Xxxxxxxx.Xxxxx Management¢£$∫€hfi±{ಖᏲ ~§{Çk5”)ᵓfiÇh@$—?s∫—5㛤ⒶRealtimeࠊSmart Management࠾ࡼࡧ/ࣇࢺ࢘±ಖᏲ ~ŒPࢭࢫ5ᵓᡂࡉࢀࡿ࢜—?ࣥ/—ࢫ㛤Ⓨ⎔ቃÇ౪t£ g‰.㛤ⒶG࣏—h9?AÇÇÿ¬s G࣏—hª౪Çh£t Lࠋ ቃÇᥦ౪ࡋࡲ ࡍࡀࠊ㛤Ⓨサ࣏—ࢺ9?ࣟࢲPࢩࣙࣥ サ࣏—ࢺࡣᥦ౪ࡉࢀࡲࡏ ࢇ。 If you use any of the Subscription Services or Software associated with Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Suite for Production Purposes, or use the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Software Subscription entitlement independently, you agree to purchase the applicable number of Units of the applicable Software Subscription. Red Hat does not provide Production Support or Development Support for Red Hat Enterprise Developer Suite. Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Suite㛵㐃t½”¾h”§ GŸ5Çj?ÿ¬s G—Ÿ5£½ª$∫€hfi±{Ç?AÇÇ ÿ¬s$Suite㛵㐃ࡋ½࠸ࡎࢀŒサӲࢫPj?ࢩࣙࣥ サ—ࣅࢫࡲ½ࡣᮏ/ࣇࢺ࢘±Ç?ࣟࢲP ࢩࣙࣥ⏝㏵½.£½ªRed ࡛ࠊࡲ½ࡣRed Hat Enterprise Linux ∫€hfi±{ G Ÿ5Çj?ÿ¬s ±sÇ£hk9shÇ❧t€$g@h. ¢Ⓐfiª$Çh@1sÿhᩘ§$Çh@∫€hfi±{ GŸ 5Çj?ÿ¬sÇ㉎‡g@šh¼ពg@šh¾fl£gࠋJÿ xxࣁxxx.Xxx /ࣇࢺ࢘± サ ӲࢫPj?ࢩࣙࣥ ±ࣥࢱイࢺЫ࣓ࣥࢺÇ⊂mࡋZ⏝ࡍࡿࠊ ࠾ᐈᵝࡣ㐺⏝ࡉࢀࡿlࢽjࢺᩘŒ㐺⏝ࡉࢀࡿ/ࣇࢺ࢘± サӲ ࢫPj?ࢩࣙࣥÇ㉎ධࡍࡿࡇྠពࡍࡿࡇ࡞ࡾࡲࡍ。Jj ࢻ\jࢺࡣࠊRed Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Suite§?AÇ Çÿ¬sG࣏—hØ@”ª㛤ⒶG࣏—hª౪t£tLࠋSuiteŒ?ࣟࢲ Pࢩࣙࣥサ࣏—ࢺ࠶ࡿ࠸ࡣ㛤Ⓨサ࣏—ࢺࡣᥦ౪ࡋࡲࡏࢇ。
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Enterprise Agreement