Rights Granted. Author hereby grants and assigns to Springer International Publishing AG (hereinafter called Publisher) the exclusive, sole, permanent, world-wide, transferable, sub-licensable and unlimited right to reproduce, publish, distribute, transmit, make available or otherwise communicate to the public, translate, publicly perform, archive, store, lease or lend and sell the Contribution or parts thereof individually or together with other works in any language, in all revisions and versions (including soft cover, book club and collected editions, anthologies, advance printing, reprints or print to order, microfilm editions, audiograms and videograms), in all forms and media of expression including in electronic form (including offline and online use, push or pull technologies, use in databases and data networks (e.g. the Internet) for display, print and storing on any and all stationary or portable end-user devices, e.g. text readers, audio, video or interactive devices, and for use in multimedia or interactive versions as well as for the display or transmission of the Contribution or parts thereof in data networks or search engines, and posting the Contribution on social media accounts closely related to the Work), in whole, in part or in abridged form, in each case as now known or developed in the future, including the right to grant further time-limited or permanent rights. Publisher especially has the right to permit others to use individual illustrations, tables or text quotations and may use the Contribution for advertising purposes. For the purposes of use in electronic forms, Publisher may adjust the Contribution to the respective form of use and include links (e.g. frames or inline-links) or otherwise combine it with other works and/or remove links or combinations with other works provided in the Contribution. For the avoidance of doubt, all provisions of this contract apply regardless of whether the Contribution and/or the Work itself constitutes a database under applicable copyright laws or not. The copyright in the Contribution shall be vested in the name of Publisher. Author has asserted his/her right(s) to be identified as the originator of this Contribution in all editions and versions of the Work and parts thereof, published in all forms and media. Publisher may take, either in its own name or in that of Author, any necessary steps to protect the rights granted under this Agreement against infringement by third parties. It will have a copyright notice inserted into all editions of the Work according to the provisions of the Universal Copyright Convention (UCC). The parties acknowledge that there may be no basis for claim of copyright in the United States to a Contribution prepared by an officer or employee of the United States government as part of that person’s official duties. If the Contribution was performed under a United States government contract, but Author is not a United States government employee, Publisher grants the United States government royalty-free permission to reproduce all or part of the Contribution and to authorise others to do so for United States government purposes. If the Contribution was prepared or published by or under the direction or control of Her Majesty (i.e., the constitutional monarch of the Commonwealth realm) or any Crown government department, the copyright in the Contribution shall, subject to any agreement with Author, belong to Her Majesty. If Author is an officer or employee of the United States government or of the Crown, reference will be made to this status on the signature page.
Appears in 6 contracts
Samples: Consent to Publish, Consent to Publish, Consent to Publish
Rights Granted. Author hereby grants and assigns to Springer International Publishing AG Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. (hereinafter called Publisher) the exclusive, sole, permanent, world-wide, transferable, sub-licensable and unlimited right to reproduce, publish, distribute, transmit, make available or otherwise communicate to the public, translate, publicly perform, archive, store, lease or lend and sell the Contribution or parts thereof individually or together with other works in any language, in all revisions and versions (including soft cover, book club and collected editions, anthologies, advance printing, reprints or print to order, microfilm editions, audiograms and videograms), in all forms and media of expression including in electronic form (including offline and online use, push or pull technologies, use in databases and data networks (e.g. the Internet) for display, print and storing on any and all stationary or portable end-user devices, e.g. text readers, audio, video or interactive devices, and for use in multimedia or interactive versions as well as for the display or transmission of the Contribution or parts thereof in data networks or search engines, and posting the Contribution on social media accounts closely related to the Work), in whole, in part or in abridged form, in each case as now known or developed in the future, including the right to grant further time-limited or permanent rights. Publisher especially has the right to permit others to use individual illustrations, tables or text quotations and may use the Contribution for advertising purposes. For the purposes of use in electronic forms, Publisher may adjust the Contribution to the respective form of use and include links (e.g. frames or inline-links) or otherwise combine it with other works and/or remove links or combinations with other works provided in the Contribution. For the avoidance of doubt, all provisions of this contract apply regardless of whether the Contribution and/or the Work itself constitutes a database under applicable copyright laws or not. The copyright in the Contribution shall be vested in the name of Publisher. Author has asserted his/her right(s) to be identified as the originator of this Contribution in all editions and versions of the Work and parts thereof, published in all forms and media. Publisher may take, either in its own name or in that of Author, any necessary steps to protect the rights granted under this Agreement against infringement by third parties. It will have a copyright notice inserted into all editions of the Work according to the provisions of the Universal Copyright Convention (UCC). The parties acknowledge that there may be no basis for claim of copyright in the United States to a Contribution prepared by an officer or employee of the United States government as part of that person’s official duties. If the Contribution was performed under a United States government contract, but Author is not a United States government employee, Publisher grants the United States government royalty-free permission to reproduce all or part of the Contribution and to authorise others to do so for United States government purposes. If the Contribution was prepared or published by or under the direction or control of Her Majesty (i.e., the constitutional monarch of the Commonwealth realm) or any Crown government department, the copyright in the Contribution shall, subject to any agreement with Author, belong to Her Majesty. If Author is an officer or employee of the United States government or of the Crown, reference will be made to this status on the signature page.
Appears in 5 contracts
Samples: Consent to Publish, Consent to Publish, Consent to Publish
Rights Granted. Author hereby grants and assigns to Springer International Publishing AG AG, Cham (hereinafter called Publisher) the exclusive, sole, permanent, world-wide, transferable, sub-licensable and unlimited right to reproduce, publish, distribute, transmit, make available or otherwise communicate to the public, translate, publicly perform, archive, store, lease or lend and sell the Contribution or parts thereof individually or together with other works in any language, in all revisions and versions (including soft cover, book club and collected editions, anthologies, advance printing, reprints or print to order, microfilm editions, audiograms and videograms), in all forms and media of expression including in electronic form (including offline and online use, push or pull technologies, use in databases and data networks (e.g. the Internet) for display, print and storing on any and all stationary or portable end-user devices, e.g. text readers, audio, video or interactive devices, and for use in multimedia or interactive versions as well as for the display or transmission of the Contribution or parts thereof in data networks or search engines, and posting the Contribution on social media accounts closely related to the Work), in whole, in part or in abridged form, in each case as now known or developed in the future, including the right to grant further time-limited or permanent rights. Publisher especially has the right to permit others to use individual illustrations, tables or text quotations and may use the Contribution for advertising purposes. For the purposes of use in electronic forms, Publisher may adjust the Contribution to the respective form of use and include links (e.g. frames or inline-links) or otherwise combine it with other works and/or remove links or combinations with other works provided in the Contribution. For the avoidance of doubt, all provisions of this contract apply regardless of whether the Contribution and/or the Work itself constitutes a database under applicable copyright laws or not. The copyright in the Contribution shall be vested in the name of Publisher. Author has asserted his/her right(s) to be identified as the originator of this Contribution in all editions and versions of the Work and parts thereof, published in all forms and media. Publisher may take, either in its own name or in that of Author, any necessary steps to protect the rights granted under this Agreement against infringement by third parties. It will have a copyright notice inserted into all editions of the Work according to the provisions of the Universal Copyright Convention (UCC). The parties acknowledge that there may be no basis for claim of copyright in the United States to a Contribution prepared by an officer or employee of the United States government as part of that person’s official duties. If the Contribution was performed under a United States government contract, but Author is not a United States government employee, Publisher grants the United States government royalty-free permission to reproduce all or part of the Contribution and to authorise others to do so for United States government purposes. If the Contribution was prepared or published by or under the direction or control of Her Majesty (i.e., the constitutional monarch of the Commonwealth realm) or any Crown government department, the copyright in the Contribution shall, subject to any agreement with Author, belong to Her Majesty. If Author is an officer or employee of the United States government or of the Crown, reference will be made to this status on the signature page.
Appears in 5 contracts
Samples: Consent to Publish, Consent to Publish, Consent to Publish
Rights Granted. Author hereby grants and assigns to Springer International Publishing AG (hereinafter called the “Publisher”) the exclusive, sole, permanent, world-wide, transferable, sub-licensable and unlimited right to reproduce, publish, distribute, transmit, make available or otherwise communicate to the public, translate, publicly perform, archive, store, lease or lend and sell the Contribution or parts thereof individually or together with other works in any language, in all revisions and versions (including soft cover, book club and collected editions, anthologies, advance printing, reprints or print to order, microfilm editions, audiograms and videograms), in all forms and media of expression including in electronic form (including offline and online use, push or pull technologies, use in databases and data networks (e.g. the Internet) for display, print and storing on any and all stationary or portable end-user devices, e.g. text readers, audio, video or interactive devices, and for use in multimedia or interactive versions as well as for the display or transmission of the Contribution works or parts thereof in data networks or search engines, and posting the Contribution on social media accounts closely related to the Work, as well as using the Contribution for training purposes, such as but not limited to massive open online courses), in whole, in part or in abridged form, in each case as now known or developed in the future, including the right to grant further time-limited or permanent rights. Publisher especially has the right to permit others to use individual illustrations, tables or text quotations and may use the Contribution for advertising purposes. For the purposes of use in electronic forms, Publisher may adjust the Contribution to the respective form of use and include links (e.g. frames or inline-links) or otherwise combine it with other works and/or remove links or combinations with other works provided in the Contribution. For the avoidance of doubt, all provisions of this contract apply regardless of whether the Contribution and/or or the Work itself constitutes a database under applicable copyright laws or not. The copyright in the Contribution shall be vested in the name of Publisher. Author has asserted his/her right(s) to be identified as the originator of this Contribution in all editions and versions of the Work and parts thereof, published in all forms and media. Publisher may take, either in its own name or in that of Author, any necessary steps to protect the rights granted under this Agreement against infringement by third parties. It will have a copyright notice inserted into all editions of the Work and on the Contribution according to the provisions of the Universal Copyright Convention (UCC). The parties acknowledge that there may be no basis for claim of copyright in the United States to a Contribution prepared by an officer or employee of the United States government as part of that person’s official duties. If the Contribution was performed under a United States government contract, but Author is not a United States government employee, Publisher grants the United States government royalty-free permission to reproduce all or part of the Contribution and to authorise others to do so for United States government purposes. If the Contribution was prepared or published by or under the direction or control of Her Majesty the Crown (i.e., the constitutional monarch of the Commonwealth realm) or any Crown government department, the copyright in the Contribution shall, subject to any agreement with Author, belong to Her Majestythe Crown. If Author is an officer or employee of the United States government or of the Crown, reference will be made to this status on the signature page.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Consent to Publish, Consent to Publish, Consent to Publish
Rights Granted. Author hereby grants and assigns to Springer International Publishing AG Science+Business Media Singapore Pte Ltd. (hereinafter called Publisher) the exclusive, sole, permanent, world-wide, transferable, sub-licensable and unlimited right to reproduce, publish, distribute, transmit, make available or otherwise communicate to the public, translate, publicly perform, archive, store, lease or lend and sell the Contribution or parts thereof individually or together with other works in any language, in all revisions and versions (including soft cover, book club and collected editions, anthologies, advance printing, reprints or print to order, microfilm editions, audiograms and videograms), in all forms and media of expression including in electronic form (including offline and online use, push or pull technologies, use in databases and data networks (e.g. the Internet) for display, print and storing on any and all stationary or portable end-user devices, e.g. text readers, audio, video or interactive devices, and for use in multimedia or interactive versions as well as for the display or transmission of the Contribution or parts thereof in data networks or search engines, and posting the Contribution on social media accounts closely related to the Work), in whole, in part or in abridged form, in each case as now known or developed in the future, including the right to grant further time-limited or permanent rights. Publisher especially has the right to permit others to use individual illustrations, tables or text quotations and may use the Contribution for advertising purposes. For the purposes of use in electronic forms, Publisher may adjust the Contribution to the respective form of use and include links (e.g. frames or inline-links) or otherwise combine it with other works and/or remove links or combinations with other works provided in the Contribution. For the avoidance of doubt, all provisions of this contract apply regardless of whether the Contribution and/or the Work itself constitutes a database under applicable copyright laws or not. The copyright in the Contribution shall be vested in the name of Publisher. Author has asserted his/her right(s) to be identified as the originator of this Contribution in all editions and versions of the Work and parts thereof, published in all forms and media. Publisher may take, either in its own name or in that of Author, any necessary steps to protect the rights granted under this Agreement against infringement by third parties. It will have a copyright notice inserted into all editions of the Work according to the provisions of the Universal Copyright Convention (UCC). The parties acknowledge that there may be no basis for claim of copyright in the United States to a Contribution prepared by an officer or employee of the United States government as part of that person’s official duties. If the Contribution was performed under a United States government contract, but Author is not a United States government employee, Publisher grants the United States government royalty-free permission to reproduce all or part of the Contribution and to authorise others to do so for United States government purposes. If the Contribution was prepared or published by or under the direction or control of Her Majesty (i.e., the constitutional monarch of the Commonwealth realm) or any Crown government department, the copyright in the Contribution shall, subject to any agreement with Author, belong to Her Majesty. If Author is an officer or employee of the United States government or of the Crown, reference will be made to this status on the signature page.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Consent to Publish, Consent to Publish, Consent to Publish
Rights Granted. Author hereby grants and assigns to Springer International Publishing AG (hereinafter called PublisherSpringer) the exclusive, sole, permanent, world-wide, transferable, sub-licensable and unlimited right to reproduce, publish, distribute, transmit, make available or otherwise communicate to the public, translate, publicly perform, archive, store, lease or lend and sell the Contribution or parts thereof individually or together with other works in any language, in all revisions and versions (including soft cover, book club and collected editions, anthologies, advance printing, reprints or print to order, microfilm editions, audiograms and videograms), in all forms and media of expression including in electronic form (including offline and online use, push or pull technologies, use in databases and data networks (e.g. the Internet) for display, print and storing on any and all stationary or portable end-user devices, e.g. text readers, audio, video or interactive devices, and for use in multimedia or interactive versions as well as for the display or transmission of the Contribution or parts thereof in data networks or search engines, and posting the Contribution on social media accounts closely related to the Work), in whole, in part or in abridged form, in each case as now known or developed in the future, including the right to grant further time-limited or permanent rights. Publisher Xxxxxxxx especially has the right to permit others to use individual illustrations, tables or text quotations and may use the Contribution for advertising purposes. For the purposes of use in electronic forms, Publisher Springer may adjust the Contribution to the respective form of use and include links (e.g. frames or inline-links) or otherwise combine it with other works and/or remove links or combinations with other works provided in the Contribution. For the avoidance of doubt, all provisions of this contract apply regardless of whether the Contribution and/or the Work itself constitutes a database under applicable copyright laws or not. The copyright in the Contribution shall be vested in the name of Publisher. Author has asserted his/her right(s) to be identified as the originator of this Contribution in all editions and versions of the Work and parts thereof, published in all forms and media. Publisher Springer may take, either in its own name or in that of Authorcopyright holder, any necessary steps to protect the these rights granted under this Agreement against infringement by third parties. It will have a copyright notice inserted into all editions of the Work Contribution according to the provisions of the Universal Copyright Convention (UCC)) and dutifully take care of all formalities in this connection in the name of the copyright holder. The parties acknowledge that there may be no basis for claim of copyright in the United States to a Contribution prepared by an officer or employee of the United States government as part of that person’s official duties. If the Contribution was performed under a United States government contract, but Author is not a United States government employee, Publisher Springer grants the United States government royalty-free permission to reproduce all or part of the Contribution and to authorise others to do so for United States government purposes. If the Contribution was prepared or published by or under the direction or control of Her Majesty (i.e., the constitutional monarch of the Commonwealth realm) or any Crown government department, the copyright in the Contribution shall, subject to any agreement with Author, belong to Her Majesty. If Author is an officer or employee of the United States government or of the Crown, reference will be made to this status on the signature page.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Consent to Publish, Consent to Publish
Rights Granted. Author hereby grants and assigns to Springer International Publishing AG Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. (hereinafter called Publisher) the exclusive, sole, permanent, world-wide, transferable, sub-licensable and unlimited right to reproduce, publish, distribute, transmit, make available or otherwise communicate to the public, translate, publicly perform, archive, store, lease or lend and sell the Contribution or parts thereof individually or together with other works in any language, in all revisions and versions (including soft cover, book club and collected editions, anthologies, advance printing, reprints or print to order, microfilm editions, audiograms and videograms), in all forms and media of expression including in electronic form (including offline and online use, push or pull technologies, use in databases and data networks (e.g. the Internet) for display, print and storing on any and all stationary or portable end-user devices, e.g. text readers, audio, video or interactive devices, and for use in multimedia or interactive versions as well as for the display or transmission of the Contribution or parts thereof in data networks or search engines, and posting the Contribution on social media accounts closely related to the Work), in whole, in part or in abridged form, in each case as now known or developed in the future, including the right to grant further time-limited or permanent rights. Publisher especially has the right to permit others to use individual illustrations, tables or text quotations and may use the Contribution for advertising purposes. For the purposes of use in electronic forms, Publisher may adjust the Contribution to the respective form of use and include links (e.g. frames or inline-links) or otherwise combine it with other works and/or remove links or combinations with other works provided in the Contribution. For the avoidance of doubt, all provisions of this contract apply regardless of whether the Contribution and/or the Work itself constitutes a database under applicable copyright laws or not. The copyright in the Contribution shall be vested in the name of Publisher. Author has asserted his/her right(s) to be identified as the originator of this Contribution in all editions and versions of the Work and parts thereof, published in all forms and media. Publisher may take, either in its own name or in that of Author, any necessary steps to protect the rights granted under this Agreement against infringement by third parties. It will have a copyright notice inserted into all editions of the Work according to the provisions of the Universal Copyright Convention (UCC). The parties acknowledge that there may be no basis for claim of copyright in the United States to a Contribution prepared by an officer or employee of the United States government as part of that person’s official duties. If the Contribution was performed under a United States government contract, but Author is not a United States government employee, Publisher grants the United States government royalty-free permission to reproduce all or part of the Contribution and to authorise others to do so for United States government purposes. If the Contribution was prepared or published by or under the direction or control of Her Majesty Majesty
(i.e.i. e., the constitutional monarch of the Commonwealth realm) or any Crown government department, the copyright in the Contribution shall, subject to any agreement with Author, belong to Her Majesty. If Author is an officer or employee of the United States government or of the Crown, reference will be made to this status on the signature page.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Consent to Publish
Rights Granted. Author 1.1 Editor, in cooperation with further contributing authors to the work (hereinafter called Authors), undertakes to prepare for publication by Springer a work provisionally entitled: (hereinafter called Work) comprising approximately 750 pages, including approximately 400 illustrations. The Work may contain or link to media, social or functional enhancements. If such enhancements are included in or linked to the Work it will be specified in clause 9. To the extent Clause 9 specifies that enhancements are included in the Work, they are an integral part of the Work and, unless otherwise explicitly set forth in Clause 9, all rights, licenses and obligations agreed to hereunder shall apply to such enhancements.
1.2 Editor hereby grants and assigns to Springer International Publishing AG (hereinafter called Publisher) the exclusive, sole, permanent, world-wide, transferable, sub-sub- licensable and unlimited right to reproduce, publish, distribute, transmit, make available or otherwise communicate to the public, translate, publicly perform, archive, store, lease or lend and sell the Contribution Work or parts thereof individually or together with other works in any language, in all revisions and versions (including soft cover, book club and collected editions, anthologies, advance printing, reprints or print to order, microfilm editions, audiograms and videograms), in all forms and media of expression including in electronic form (including offline and online use, push or pull technologies, use in databases and data networks (e.g. the Internet) for display, print and storing on any and all stationary or portable end-user devices, e.g. text readers, audio, video or interactive devices, and for use in multimedia or interactive versions as well as for the display or transmission of the Contribution works or parts thereof in data networks or search engines, and posting the Contribution on social media accounts closely related to the Work), in whole, in part or in abridged form, in each case as now known or developed in the future, including the right to grant further time-limited or permanent rights. Publisher Springer especially has the right to permit others to use individual illustrations, tables or text quotations and may use the Contribution Work for advertising purposes. For the purposes of use in electronic forms, Publisher Springer may adjust the Contribution Work to the respective form of use and include links (e.g. frames or inline-links) or otherwise combine it with other works and/or remove links or combinations with other works provided in the ContributionWork. For the avoidance of doubt, all provisions of this contract apply regardless of whether the Contribution and/or the Work itself constitutes a database under applicable copyright laws or not. The copyright in the Contribution shall be vested in the name of Publisher. Author has asserted his/her right(s) to be identified as the originator of this Contribution in all editions and versions of the Work and parts thereof, published in all forms and media. Publisher .
1.3 Springer may take, either in its own name or in that of Authorcopyright holder, any necessary steps to protect the these rights granted under this Agreement against infringement by third parties. It will have a copyright notice inserted into all editions of the Work according to the provisions of the Universal Copyright Convention (UCC)) and dutifully take care of all formalities in this connection in the name of the copyright holder. The parties acknowledge that there may be no basis for claim of copyright in the United States to a Contribution Work prepared by an officer or employee of the United States government as part of that person’s official duties. If the Contribution Work was performed under a United States government contract, but Author Editor is not a United States government employee, Publisher Springer grants the United States government royalty-free permission to reproduce all or part of the Contribution Work and to authorise authorize others to do so for United States government purposes. If the Contribution Work was prepared or published by or under the direction or control of Her Majesty (i.e., the constitutional monarch of the Commonwealth realm) or any Crown government department, the copyright in the Contribution work shall, subject to any agreement with AuthorEditor, belong to Her Majesty. If Author Editor is an officer or employee of the United States government or of the Crown, reference will be made to this status on the signature page.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Publishing Agreement
Rights Granted. Author hereby grants and assigns to Springer International Publishing AG Science+Business Media Singapore Pte Ltd. (hereinafter called Publisher) the exclusive, sole, permanent, world-wide, transferable, sub-licensable and unlimited right to reproduce, publish, distribute, transmit, make available or otherwise communicate to the public, translate, publicly perform, archive, store, lease or lend and sell the Contribution or parts thereof individually or together with other works in any language, in all revisions and versions (including soft cover, book club and collected editions, anthologies, advance printing, reprints or print to order, microfilm editions, audiograms and videograms), in all forms and media of expression including in electronic form (including offline and online use, push or pull technologies, use in databases and data networks (e.g. the Internet) for display, print and storing on any and all stationary or portable end-user devices, e.g. text readers, audio, video or interactive devices, and for use in multimedia or interactive versions as well as for the display or transmission of the Contribution or parts thereof in data networks or search engines, and posting the Contribution on social media accounts closely related to the Work), in whole, in part or in abridged form, in each case as now known or developed in the future, including the right to grant further time-limited or permanent rights. Publisher especially has the right to permit others to use individual illustrations, tables or text quotations and may use the Contribution for advertising purposes. For the purposes of use in electronic forms, Publisher may adjust the Contribution to the respective form of use and include links (e.g. frames or inline-links) or otherwise combine it with other works and/or remove links or combinations with other works provided in the Contribution. For the avoidance of doubt, all provisions of this contract apply regardless of whether the Contribution and/or the Work itself constitutes a database under applicable copyright laws or not. The copyright in the Contribution shall be vested in the name of Publisher. Author has asserted his/her right(s) to be identified as the originator of this Contribution in all editions and versions of the Work and parts thereof, published in all forms and media. Publisher may take, either in its own name or in that of Author, any necessary steps to protect the rights granted under this Agreement against infringement by third parties. It will have a copyright notice inserted into all editions of the Work according to the provisions of the Universal Copyright Convention (UCC). The parties acknowledge that there may be no basis for claim of copyright in the United States to a Contribution prepared by an officer or employee of the United States government as part of that person’s official duties. If the Contribution was performed under a United States government contract, but Author is not a United States government employee, Publisher grants the United States government royalty-free permission to reproduce all or part of the Contribution and to authorise others to do so for United States government purposes. If the Contribution was prepared or published by or under the direction or control of Her Majesty (i.e., the constitutional monarch of the Commonwealth realm) or any Crown government department, the copyright in the Contribution shall, subject to any agreement with Author, belong to Her Majesty. If Author is an officer or employee of the United States government or of the Crown, reference will be made to this status on the signature page.government
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Consent to Publish
Rights Granted. Author hereby grants and assigns to Springer International Publishing AG Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. (hereinafter called Publisher) the exclusive, sole, permanent, world-wideworld‐wide, transferable, sub-licensable sub‐licensable and unlimited right to reproduce, publish, distribute, transmit, make available or otherwise communicate to the public, translate, publicly perform, archive, store, lease or lend and sell the Contribution or parts thereof individually or together with other works in any language, in all revisions and versions (including soft cover, book club and collected editions, anthologies, advance printing, reprints or print to order, microfilm editions, audiograms and videograms), in all forms and media of expression including in electronic form (including offline and online use, push or pull technologies, use in databases and data networks (e.g. the Internet) for display, print and storing on any and all stationary or portable end-user end‐user devices, e.g. text readers, audio, video or interactive devices, and for use in multimedia or interactive versions as well as for the display or transmission of the Contribution or parts thereof in data networks or search engines, and posting the Contribution on social media accounts closely related to the Work), in whole, in part or in abridged form, in each case as now known or developed in the future, including the right to grant further time-limited time‐limited or permanent rights. Publisher especially has the right to permit others to use individual illustrations, tables or text quotations and may use the Contribution for advertising purposes. For the purposes of use in electronic forms, Publisher may adjust the Contribution to the respective form of use and include links (e.g. frames or inline-linksinline‐links) or otherwise combine it with other works and/or remove links or combinations with other works provided in the Contribution. For the avoidance of doubt, all provisions of this contract apply regardless of whether the Contribution and/or the Work itself constitutes a database under applicable copyright laws or not. The copyright in the Contribution shall be vested in the name of Publisher. Author has asserted his/her right(s) to be identified as the originator of this Contribution in all editions and versions of the Work and parts thereof, published in all forms and media. Publisher may take, either in its own name or in that of Author, any necessary steps to protect the rights granted under this Agreement against infringement by third parties. It will have a copyright notice inserted into all editions of the Work according to the provisions of the Universal Copyright Convention (UCC). The parties acknowledge that there may be no basis for claim of copyright in the United States to a Contribution prepared by an officer or employee of the United States government as part of that person’s official duties. If the Contribution was performed under a United States government contract, but Author is not a United States government employee, Publisher grants the United States government royalty-free royalty‐free permission to reproduce all or part of the Contribution and to authorise others to do so for United States government purposes. If the Contribution was prepared or published by or under the direction or control of Her Majesty (i.e., the constitutional monarch of the Commonwealth realm) or any Crown government department, the copyright in the Contribution shall, subject to any agreement with Author, belong to Her Majesty. If Author is an officer or employee of the United States government or of the Crown, reference will be made to this status on the signature page.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Consent to Publish