Rights, Privileges and Immunities Sample Clauses
Rights, Privileges and Immunities. (1) The Government of the Republic of Korea grants the Institute the same rights, privileges and immunities as are customarily accorded to a similar type of international organization.
(2) Privileges and immunities are granted to the Members of the Board of Trustees, the Director and staffs of the Institute as is stipulated in Article VIII, Article IX and Article XIII of the Constitution of the Institute hereto appended and to experts performing missions for the Institute.
Rights, Privileges and Immunities. 1. The EPLO, its Officials and the staff shall enjoy within the territories of Member States the privileges and immunities defined in the “Convention on Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations”, adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 13 February 1946, as they are necessary for the independent exercise of their functions in accordance with the principles and objectives of this Agreement.
2. The EPLO shall enjoy, in the territory of each Member State, for its official communication, treatment not less favorable than that accorded by that State to the diplomatic missions of any other State. No censorship shall be applied to the official correspondence, and other official communications of the EPLO. No censorship shall be applied to publications, still and moving pictures, films and sound recordings of the EPLO.
3. Furthermore, the Organization, its Officials and the staff shall enjoy in the country of the headquarters such rights, privileges and immunities as are required for the fulfillment of their functions. These privileges and immunities shall be included in a headquarters agreement to be concluded with the Government of the Hellenic Republic. Other countries may grant comparable rights, privileges and immunities in support of the Organization’s activities in such countries.
Rights, Privileges and Immunities. 1. The Government of the Republic of Korea grants the Institute the same rights, privileges and immunities as are customarily accorded to a similar type of international organization.
2. Privileges and immunities are granted to the Members of the Board of Trustees, the Director and staffs of the Institute as is stipulated in Article VIII, Article IX and Article XIII or the Constitution of the Institute hereto appended and to experts performing missions for the Institute.
Rights, Privileges and Immunities. The Organization and its staff shall enjoy in the country of its headquarters such rights, privileges and immunities as shall be stipulated in a headquarters agreement. Member states shall endeavor to grant comparable rights, privileges and immunities in support of the Organization’s activities in such countries, and non-member states are encouraged to do so as well.
Rights, Privileges and Immunities. Each of the parties hereto acknowledge and agree that the rights, privileges and immunities given to the Indenture Trustee in the Indenture are expressly provided to ______________., in its capacity [as Back-up Administrator and] as successor Administrator under this Agreement.
Rights, Privileges and Immunities. No provision of this Contract shall be deemed to waive, modify, or otherwise impair any of MIGA's rights, remedies, powers, privileges, and immunities arising from the MIGA Convention or other international agreements, or under applicable law.
Rights, Privileges and Immunities. Each of the parties hereto acknowledge and agree that the rights, privileges and immunities given to the Indenture Trustee in the Indenture are expressly provided to The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, National Association in its capacity as Back-up Administrator and as successor Administrator under this Agreement.
Rights, Privileges and Immunities. (1) The rights, privileges and immunities granted to the Consortium, its staff members and official visitors in the territory of the host country shall be specifically defined in a headquarters agreement between the Consortium and the host country.
(2) The rights, privileges and immunities referred to in the preceding paragraph are to be provided to ensure in all circumstances the unimpeded functioning of the Consortium and the independence of the persons to whom they are accorded.
Rights, Privileges and Immunities. A seat agreement will be signed between the Government of the Italian Republic and the ICRANET in order to establish the rights, privileges and immunities of the staff members and official visitors as soon as such an International Organisation will be established.
Rights, Privileges and Immunities. Each of the parties hereto acknowledge and agree that the rights, privileges and immunities given to the Verification Agent and the Indenture Trustee in the Indenture are expressly incorporated herein by reference thereto.