Common use of RISK ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Clause in Contracts

RISK ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. 5.1 CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES AND UNDERSTANDS THAT TRADING AND INVESTMENT IN LEVERAGED OTC SPOT FOREIGN CURRENCY CONTRACTS IS HIGHLY SPECULATIVE, INVOLVES AN EXTREME DEGREE OF RISK, AND IS GENERALLY APPROPRIATE ONLY FOR PERSONS WHO CAN ASSUME RISK OF LOSS IN EXCESS OF THEIR MARGIN DEPOSIT. Customer understands that because of the low marg�n / h�gh leverage normally ava�lable �n Fore�gn Currency and Prec�ous Metals trad�ng, pr�ce changes �n Fore�gn Currency and Prec�ous Metals Contracts may result �n s�gn�f�cant losses. Such losses may substant�ally exceed Customer’s �nvestment and marg�n depos�t. By Customer d�rect�ng BLUE SUISSE to enter �nto any Fore�gn Currency and Prec�ous Metals Contract, any prof�t or loss ar�s�ng as a result of a fluctuat�on �n the exchange rate affect�ng such Currency w�ll be ent�rely for the Customer’s account and r�sk, all �n�t�al and subsequent depos�ts for marg�n purposes shall be made �n U.S. dollars, �n such amounts as BLUE SUISSE may �n �ts sole d�scret�on requ�re; and BLUE SUISSE �s author�sed to convert funds �n Customer’s account for marg�n �nto and from such Fore�gn Currency at a rate of exchange determ�xxx by BLUE SUISSE �n �ts sole d�scret�on on the bas�s of the then preva�l�ng money market rates. Customer warrants that the Customer �s w�ll�ng and able, f�nanc�ally and otherw�se, to assume the r�sk of Fore�gn Currency and/or Prec�ous Metals trad�ng. In cons�derat�on of BLUE SUISSE carry�ng h�s/her Account(s), Customer agrees not to hold BLUE SUISSE respons�ble for losses �ncurred through follow�ng �ts trad�ng recommendat�ons or suggest�ons or those of �ts off�cers, employees, agents or representat�ves. Customer recogn�ses that guarantees of prof�t or freedom from loss cannot be g�ven and �t �s �mposs�ble to pred�ct performance �n Fore�gn Currency and Prec�ous Metals trad�ng. Customer acknowledges that Customer has rece�ved no such guarantees from BLUE SUISSE or from any of �ts representat�ves or any Introduc�ng Broker or other ent�ty w�th whom Customer �s conduct�ng h�s/her BLUE SUISSE account and has not entered �nto th�s Customer Agreement �n cons�derat�on of or �n rel�ance upon any such guarantees or s�m�lar representat�ons. All transact�ons effected for Customer’s Accounts and all fluctuat�ons �n the market pr�ces of the Contracts xxxx�ed �n Customer’s Accounts are at Customer’s r�sk, and Customer shall be solely ll�able therefore under all c�rcumstances. Customer represents and warrants that Customer �s w�ll�ng and f�nanc�ally able to susta�n such losses, and that the trad�ng of Spot Fore�gn Exchange (Currenc�es) and/or Prec�ous Metals �s a su�table �nvestment veh�cle for the Customer. BLUE SUISSE �s not respons�ble and l�able for delays or part�al or total fa�lures �n any onl�ne (electron�c) Trad�ng Platforms or any commun�cat�ons fac�l�ty or other causes beyond BLUE SUISSE’s reasonable d�rect control. The Customer understands and recogn�ses that the transact�ons to be conducted pursuant to th�s Customer Agreement are NOT conducted on a Regulated Market or Exchange. Customer represents that he/she/�t �s aware of the r�sks �nherent �n the trad�ng of OTC Fore�gn Exchange (Currenc�es) and/or Prec�ous Metals and �s f�nanc�ally able to bear such r�sks and w�thstand any losses �ncurred. (For a further d�scuss�on on the R�sks of Trad�ng Fore�gn Exchange and Prec�ous Metals please refer to the R�sk D�sclosure Statement above and Add�t�onal R�sk D�sclosure Statement).

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Account Agreement, Joint Account Agreement

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RISK ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. 5.1 CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES AND UNDERSTANDS THAT TRADING AND INVESTMENT IN LEVERAGED OTC SPOT FOREIGN CURRENCY CONTRACTS IS HIGHLY SPECULATIVE, INVOLVES AN EXTREME DEGREE OF RISK, AND IS GENERALLY APPROPRIATE ONLY FOR PERSONS WHO CAN ASSUME RISK OF LOSS IN EXCESS OF THEIR MARGIN DEPOSIT. Customer understands that because of the low marg�n / h�gh leverage normally ava�lable �n Fore�gn Currency and Prec�ous Metals trad�ng, pr�ce changes �n Fore�gn Currency and Prec�ous Metals Contracts may result �n s�gn�f�cant losses. Such losses may substant�ally exceed Customer’s �nvestment and marg�n depos�t. By Customer d�rect�ng BLUE SUISSE Blue Su�sse to enter �nto any Fore�gn Currency and Prec�ous Metals Contract, any prof�t or loss ar�s�ng as a result of a fluctuat�on �n the exchange rate affect�ng such Currency w�ll be ent�rely for the Customer’s account and r�sk, all �n�t�al and subsequent depos�ts for marg�n purposes shall be made �n U.S. dollars, �n such amounts as BLUE SUISSE Blue Su�sse may �n �ts sole d�scret�on requ�re; and BLUE SUISSE Blue Su�sse �s author�sed to convert funds �n Customer’s account for marg�n �nto and from such Fore�gn Currency at a rate of exchange determ�xxx by BLUE SUISSE Blue Su�sse �n �ts sole d�scret�on on the bas�s of the then preva�l�ng money market rates. Customer warrants that the Customer �s w�ll�ng and able, f�nanc�ally and otherw�se, to assume the r�sk of Fore�gn Currency and/or Prec�ous Metals trad�ng. In cons�derat�on of BLUE SUISSE Blue Su�sse carry�ng h�s/her Account(s), Customer agrees not to hold BLUE SUISSE Blue Su�sse respons�ble for losses �ncurred through follow�ng �ts trad�ng recommendat�ons or suggest�ons or those of �ts off�cers, employees, agents or representat�ves. Customer recogn�ses that guarantees of prof�t or freedom from loss cannot be g�ven and �t �s �mposs�ble to pred�ct performance �n Fore�gn Currency and Prec�ous Metals trad�ng. Customer acknowledges that Customer has rece�ved no such guarantees from BLUE SUISSE Blue Su�sse or from any of �ts representat�ves or any Introduc�ng Broker or other ent�ty w�th whom Customer �s conduct�ng h�s/her BLUE SUISSE Blue Su�sse account and has not entered �nto th�s Customer Agreement �n cons�derat�on of or �n rel�ance upon any such guarantees or s�m�lar representat�ons. All transact�ons effected for Customer’s Accounts and all fluctuat�ons �n the market pr�ces of the Contracts xxxx�ed �n Customer’s Accounts are at Customer’s r�sk, and Customer shall be solely ll�able therefore under all c�rcumstances. Customer represents and warrants that Customer �s w�ll�ng and f�nanc�ally able to susta�n such losses, and that the trad�ng of Spot Fore�gn Exchange (Currenc�es) and/or Prec�ous Metals �s a su�table �nvestment veh�cle for the Customer. BLUE SUISSE Blue Su�sse �s not respons�ble and l�able for delays or part�al or total fa�lures �n any onl�ne (electron�c) Trad�ng Platforms or any commun�cat�ons fac�l�ty or other causes beyond BLUE SUISSEBlue Su�sse’s reasonable d�rect control. The Customer understands and recogn�ses that the transact�ons to be conducted pursuant to th�s Customer Agreement are NOT conducted on a Regulated Market or Exchange. Customer represents that he/she/�t �s aware of the r�sks �nherent �n the trad�ng of OTC Fore�gn Exchange (Currenc�es) and/or Prec�ous Metals and �s f�nanc�ally able to bear such r�sks and w�thstand any losses �ncurred. (For a further d�scuss�on on the R�sks of Trad�ng Fore�gn Exchange and Prec�ous Metals please refer to the R�sk D�sclosure Statement above and Add�t�onal R�sk D�sclosure Statement).

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Corporate Account Agreement

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RISK ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. 5.1 CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES AND UNDERSTANDS THAT TRADING AND INVESTMENT IN LEVERAGED OTC SPOT FOREIGN CURRENCY CONTRACTS IS HIGHLY SPECULATIVE, INVOLVES AN EXTREME DEGREE OF RISK, AND IS GENERALLY APPROPRIATE ONLY FOR PERSONS WHO CAN ASSUME RISK OF LOSS IN EXCESS OF THEIR MARGIN DEPOSIT. Customer understands that because of the low marg�n / h�gh leverage normally ava�lable �n Fore�gn Currency and Prec�ous Metals trad�ng, pr�ce changes �n Fore�gn Currency and Prec�ous Metals Contracts may result �n s�gn�f�cant losses. Such losses may substant�ally exceed Customer’s �nvestment and marg�n depos�t. By Customer d�rect�ng BLUE SUISSE to enter �nto any Fore�gn Currency and Prec�ous Metals Contract, any prof�t or loss ar�s�ng as a result of a fluctuat�on �n the exchange rate affect�ng such Currency w�ll be ent�rely for the Customer’s account and r�sk, all �n�t�al and subsequent depos�ts for marg�n purposes shall be made �n U.S. dollars, �n such amounts as BLUE SUISSE may �n �ts sole d�scret�on requ�re; and BLUE SUISSE �s author�sed to convert funds �n Customer’s account for marg�n �nto and from such Fore�gn Currency at a rate of exchange determ�xxx by BLUE SUISSE �n �ts sole d�scret�on on the bas�s of the then preva�l�ng money market rates. Customer warrants that the Customer �s w�ll�ng and able, f�nanc�ally and otherw�se, to assume the r�sk of Fore�gn Currency and/or Prec�ous Metals trad�ng. In cons�derat�on of BLUE SUISSE carry�ng h�s/her Account(s), Customer agrees not to hold BLUE SUISSE respons�ble for losses �ncurred through follow�ng �ts trad�ng recommendat�ons or suggest�ons or those of �ts off�cers, employees, agents or representat�ves. Customer recogn�ses that guarantees of prof�t or freedom from loss cannot be g�ven and �t �s �mposs�ble to pred�ct performance �n Fore�gn Currency and Prec�ous Metals trad�ng. Customer acknowledges that Customer has rece�ved no such guarantees from BLUE SUISSE or from any of �ts representat�ves or any Introduc�ng Broker or other ent�ty w�th whom Customer �s conduct�ng h�s/her BLUE SUISSE account and has not entered �nto th�s Customer Agreement �n cons�derat�on of or �n rel�ance upon any such guarantees or s�m�lar representat�ons. All transact�ons effected for Customer’s Accounts and all fluctuat�ons �n the market pr�ces of the Contracts xxxx�ed �n Customer’s Accounts are at Customer’s r�sk, and Customer shall be solely ll�able therefore under all c�rcumstances. Customer represents and warrants that Customer �s w�ll�ng and f�nanc�ally able to susta�n such losses, and that the trad�ng of Spot Fore�gn Exchange (Currenc�es) and/or Prec�ous Metals �s a su�table �nvestment veh�cle for the Customer. BLUE SUISSE �s not respons�ble and l�able for delays or part�al or total fa�lures �n any onl�ne (electron�c) Trad�ng Platforms or any commun�cat�ons fac�l�ty or other causes beyond BLUE SUISSE’s reasonable d�rect control. The Customer understands and recogn�ses that the transact�ons to be conducted pursuant to th�s Customer Agreement are NOT conducted on a Regulated Market or Exchange. Customer represents that he/she/�t �s aware of the r�sks �nherent �n the trad�ng of OTC Fore�gn Exchange (Currenc�es) and/or Prec�ous Metals and �s f�nanc�ally able to bear such r�sks and w�thstand any losses �ncurred. (For a further d�scuss�on on the R�sks of Trad�ng Fore�gn Exchange and Prec�ous Metals please refer to the R�sk D�sclosure Statement above and Add�t�onal R�sk D�sclosure Statement).

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Account Agreement

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