Common use of Sale Name Clause in Contracts

Sale Name. Fox Creek Reoffer Timber Sale Contract No: AT4 - Timber Payment Rates, applicable to BT3.1 and BT4.0 AT4a - For Species and Products to be Paid for at Rates Escalated under BT3.2 Rates per Unit of Measure Species Product Unit of Measure Base $ Advertised $ Bid Premium $ Bid (Tentative) $ Required Deposits Slash Disposal $ Base Index Xxxxxxx-fir Sawtimber CCF .25 .25 .00 189.47 Ponderosa Pine Sawtimber CCF .25 .25 .00 189.47 White Fir and Other Sawtimber CCF .25 9.76 .00 189.47 AT4b- For Species and Products to be Paid for at Flat Rates Rates per Unit of Measure Species Product Unit of Measure Base $ Advertised $ Bid Premium $ Bid (Flat) $ Required Deposits Slash Disposal $ Aspen Non-Saw CCF .25 .25 .00 For purposes of convenience in collection and bookkeeping, Bid Rates stated in AT4 include payment of deposits for sale area betterment required pursuant to 16 USC 576b. Such deposits are not included as Required Deposits defined hereunder. Sale Name: Fox Creek Reoffer Timber Sale Contract No: AT4c - Schedule of Payment Units Pay- ment Unit No. App rox. Acres Quantity of Species and Products to be Escalated under AT4a Total Tentative Payment $ Quantity of Species and Products to be Paid for at Flat Rates under AT4b Total Flat Rate Payment $ Total Required Deposits for Slash Disposal $ 1 89.6 Xxxxxxx-fir Sawtimber 64.00 CCF Ponderosa Pine Sawtimber 124.00 CCF White Fir and Sawtimber 174.00 CCF Other Aspen Non-Saw 20.00 CCF .00 Total PU Quantity And Value 362.00 CCF Total PU Quantity And Value 20.00 CCF Total PU Quantity And Value 296.00 CCF Total PU Quantity And Value 16.00 CCF Total PU Quantity And Value 248.00 CCF Total PU Quantity And Value 397.00 CCF Sale Name: Fox Creek Reoffer Timber Sale Contract No: The following definitions are established for the terms used in AT4: Base Rates are the lowest rates of payment for timber that are authorized by this contract. Base Rates remain constant throughout the life of this contract and are not subject to change by rate redetermination, except for reduction under BT3.31, BT3.32, or BT3.33. Advertised Rates are the minimum acceptable Bid Rates for timber, exclusive of Required Deposits. These rates are those indicated by appraisal, with a cost allowance made for construction of Specified Roads listed in AT7, but are never less than Base Rates. Bid Premium Rates are the amounts by which Purchaser's bid is in excess of Advertised Rates. The Bid Premium Rates are constant during this contract, except as provided in BT3.31, BT3.32, and BT3.33. Bid Rates are the rates bid by Purchaser (exclusive of Required Deposits for slash disposal and road maintenance) and are the sum of Advertised Rates and Bid Premium Rates. Until a rate redetermination becomes effective, the Bid Rate for species and products in AT4a is the Tentative Rate that is subject to quarterly adjustment under BT3.2; for species and products in AT4b, the Bid Rate is the Flat Rate. Required Deposits are deposits that Purchaser may be required to pay for slash disposal (16 USC 490) and road maintenance (16 USC 537). Required Deposits may be adjusted as part of a rate redetermination or a Contract Term Extension. The table shows only Required Deposits for slash disposal; road maintenance deposits, if any, are given in CT5.32#. Base Index is the specified average of the lumber or other product selling value index used as the basis for computing adjustment in rates for variance in product selling value, as provided in BT3.2. AT5 - Indices Used in Quarterly Adjustment, applicable to BT3.2 Species Index Name and Date Xxxxxxx-fir WWPA, Inland White Xxxxx (17-18 Basis), (WWPAA) Ponderosa Pine WWPA, Inland White Xxxxx (17-18 Basis), (WWPAA) White Fir and Other WWPA, Inland White Xxxxx (17-18 Basis), (WWPAA) AT6 - High Stumps, applicable to BT6.412 Species Product Maximum Xxxxx Height (inches) All Sawtimber 12 Aspen Non-Saw 12

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Samples: Service Timber Sale Contract

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Sale Name. Fox Creek Reoffer Timber Sale Lane Ridge Pine Contract No: AT4 - Timber Payment Rates, applicable to BT3.1 and BT4.0 AT4a - For Species and Products to be Paid for at Rates Escalated under BT3.2 Rates per Unit of Measure Species Product Unit of Measure Base $ Advertised $ Bid Premium $ Bid (Tentative) $ Required Deposits Slash Disposal $ Base Index Xxxxxxx-fir Sawtimber CCF .25 .25 .00 189.47 Ponderosa Pine Sawtimber CCF .25 .25 .00 189.47 White Fir and Other Sawtimber CCF .25 9.76 .00 189.47 Not Applicable AT4b- For Species and Products to be Paid for at Flat Rates Rates per Species Product Unit of Measure Species Product Rates per Unit of Measure Base $ Advertised $ Bid Premium $ Bid (Flat) $ Required Deposits Slash Disposal $ Aspen Non-Saw Pine Sawtimber CCF .25 .25 5.00 12.81 .00 Pine Pulpwood CCF 1.00 3.03 .00 Pine Posts CCF 1.00 10.59 .00 For purposes of convenience in collection and bookkeeping, Bid Rates stated in AT4 include payment of deposits for sale area betterment required pursuant to 16 USC 576b. Such deposits are not included as Required Deposits defined hereunder. Sale Name: Fox Creek Reoffer Timber Sale Lane Ridge Pine Contract No: AT4c - Schedule of Payment Units Pay- ment Unit No. App rox. Acres Quantity of Species and Products to be Escalated under AT4a Total Tentative Payment $ Quantity of Species and Products to be Paid for at Flat Rates under AT4b Total Flat Rate Payment $ Total Required Deposits for Slash Disposal $ 1 89.6 Xxxxxxx-fir Sawtimber 64.00 CCF Ponderosa 24 Pine Sawtimber 124.00 CCF White Fir and Sawtimber 174.00 CCF Other Aspen Non-Saw 20.00 135.00 CCFPine Pulpwood 44.00 CCFPine Posts 516.00 CCF .00 Total PU Quantity And Value 362.00 695.00 CCF 2 11 Pine Sawtimber 59.00 CCFPine Pulpwood 19.00 CCFPine Posts 304.00 CCF .00 Total PU Quantity And Value 20.00 CCF Total PU Quantity And Value 296.00 CCF Total PU Quantity And Value 16.00 CCF Total PU Quantity And Value 248.00 CCF Total PU Quantity And Value 397.00 382.00 CCF Sale Name: Fox Creek Reoffer Timber Sale Lane Ridge Pine Contract No: The following definitions are established for the terms used in AT4: Base Rates are the lowest rates of payment for timber that are authorized by this contract. Base Rates remain constant throughout the life of this contract and are not subject to change by rate redetermination, except for reduction under BT3.31, BT3.32, or BT3.33. Advertised Rates are the minimum acceptable Bid Rates for timber, exclusive of Required Deposits. These rates are those indicated by appraisal, with a cost allowance made for construction of Specified Roads listed in AT7, but are never less than Base Rates. Bid Premium Rates are the amounts by which Purchaser's bid is in excess of Advertised Rates. The Bid Premium Rates are constant during this contract, except as provided in BT3.31, BT3.32, and BT3.33. Bid Rates are the rates bid by Purchaser (exclusive of Required Deposits for slash disposal and road maintenance) and are the sum of Advertised Rates and Bid Premium Rates. Until a rate redetermination becomes effective, the Bid Rate for species and products in AT4a is the Tentative Rate that is subject to quarterly adjustment under BT3.2; for species and products in AT4b, the Bid Rate is the Flat Rate. Required Deposits are deposits that Purchaser may be required to pay for slash disposal (16 USC 490) and road maintenance (16 USC 537). Required Deposits may be adjusted as part of a rate redetermination or a Contract Term Extension. The table shows only Required Deposits for slash disposal; road maintenance deposits, if any, are given in CT5.32#. Base Index is the specified average of the lumber or other product selling value index used as the basis for computing adjustment in rates for variance in product selling value, as provided in BT3.2. AT5 - Indices Used in Quarterly Adjustment, applicable to BT3.2 Species Index Name and Date Xxxxxxx-fir WWPA, Inland White Xxxxx (17-18 Basis), (WWPAA) Ponderosa Pine WWPA, Inland White Xxxxx (17-18 Basis), (WWPAA) White Fir and Other WWPA, Inland White Xxxxx (17-18 Basis), (WWPAA) Not Applicable AT6 - High Stumps, applicable to BT6.412 Species Product Maximum Xxxxx Height (inches) All Pine Sawtimber 12 Aspen NonPine Posts 6 Sale Name: Lane Ridge Pine Contract No: AT7 - Specified Roads, applicable to BT5.2 Name and Date of Governing Road Specifications: Project Design Class Approx. Length (mi./km.) Sheet Numbers and Approval Date Performance Responsibility Survey Design Construction Staking 1/ Road No. Name NOT APPLICABLE 1/ Indicate timing, i.e. before clearing (BC) or after clearing (AC). Applicable to BT5.212. AT8 - Forest Service Engineering Completion Schedule, applicable to BT5.21 Road No. Road Name Type of Work Completion Date NOT APPLICABLE AT9 - Fire Precautionary Period, applicable to BT7.2 October 01 to May 31 , inclusive AT10 - Purchaser Responsibility to Furnish Crews and Equipment for: Initial Fire Supression, applicable to BT7.3 Within 1 road miles Fire Suppression Reinforcement, applicable to BT7.312 and BT7.313 Within 5 road miles AT11 - Purchaser's Obligation per Operations Fire, applicable to BT7.41 Maximum Amount: $ $1,500 AT12 - Termination Date, applicable to BT8.2 March 31, 2022 AT13 - Normal Operating Season, applicable to BT6.31, BT6.66, BT8.21 and BT9.3 First Period: April 01 to November 30 , inclusive Second Period: to , inclusive Sale Name: Lane Ridge Pine Contract No: AT14 - Performance Bond, applicable to BT9.1 Performance Bond Amount: Sale Name: Lane Ridge Pine Contract No: AT15 - Downpayment, applicable to BT4.211 Downpayment Amount: AT16 - Periodic Payment Amount, applicable to BT4.213 Periodic Payment Determination Date Amount Initial Payment: Additional Payment: AT17 - Market-Saw 12Related Contract Term Addition Producer Price Index, applicable to BT8.212 Index Name: Not Applicable Index Number: N/A AT18 - Inapplicable Standard Provisions The following listed Sections, Subsections, or Items of Division BT - Standard Provisions - are hereby made inapplicable. (Instructions: List by reference number and title.) BT4.211 BT4.4 BT8.64 DOWNPAYMENT PAYMENTS NOT RECEIVED DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION CERTIFICATION AT19 - List of Special Provisions The following listed special provisions are attached to and made a part of this contract as Division CT. Provisions with reference numbers followed by # contain blanks into which data have been entered for this sale. (Instructions: List by reference number, title, and date.) CT2.302# CT2.356# CT4.211 CT4.212 CT4.4 CT5.103# CT6.314# CT6.6# CT6.63# CT6.7# CT7.2 CT8.64 CT8.71 BOUNDARY TREES (06/2009) INDIVIDUAL TREES, LEAVE TREE MARKING (06/2009) DOWNPAYMENT (06/2007) TEMPORARY REDUCTION OF DOWNPAYMENT (08/2009) PAYMENTS NOT RECEIVED (08/2012) APPROACHES TO SURFACED ROADS (06/2009) OPERATING REQUIREMENTS (06/2009) EROSION PREVENTION VEGETATION (06/2009) TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE (06/2009) SLASH DISPOSAL MEASURES (06/2009) FIRE PRECAUTIONS (06/2009) DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION CERTIFICATION (03/2018) TRIPARTITE LAND EXCHANGE (04/1999) CT2.302# - BOUNDARY TREES (06/2009) Boundary trees for all harvest units have been designated with Orange paint marks above and below xxxxx height. Boundary trees shall not be cut. CT2.356# - INDIVIDUAL TREES, LEAVE TREE MARKING (06/2009) Individual trees which are NOT TO BE CUT are Marked with indicated color above and below xxxxx height in all or parts of the following Payment Unit(s). Areas of leave tree marking are shown on the Sale Area Map with the symbol "LTM." Payment Unit Paint Color Sale Name: Lane Ridge Pine Page 141 Contract 2400-6T,(6/06) FS-2400-6T (6/06) CT 2.356# - INDIVIDUAL TREES, LEAVE TREE MARKING. (06/2009) Leave Tree Marking Table Payment Unit Paint Color 1 Orange 2 Orange Sale Name: Lane Ridge Pine Page 142 CT4.211 - DOWNPAYMENT (06/2007) The downpayment amount shown in AT15 may not be applied toward any other payment required under the provisions of this contract, except damages determined pursuant to BT9.4, transferred to other timber sales, or refunded until (a) stumpage value representing 25 percent of the total bid value of the timber sale is shown on Timber Sale Account to have been cut, removed, and paid for, or (b) the estimated value remaining to be cut and removed, as shown on Timber Sale Account, is equal to or less than the amount of the downpayment, or (c) if 36 CFR 223.49(e) is applicable, the estimated value remaining to be cut and removed, as shown on Timber Sale Account, is equal to or less than the amount of the downpay-ment. For lump sum timber sales, the downpayment may be applied to payment for release of the single payment unit. If Forest Service makes a determination that this contract should not have been included under in- creased downpayment requirements (36 CFR 223.49(e)), the downpayment shall be revised and applied in accordance with 36 CFR 223.49(f). CT4.212 - TEMPORARY REDUCTION OF DOWNPAYMENT (08/2009) Notwithstanding BT4.211 or CT4.211, upon the Purchaser's written request Forest Service may temporarily reduce the downpayment when Purchaser's scheduled operations are delayed or interrupted for 30 or more consecutive days, or the contract term is extended for 30 or more consecutive days for any of the following reasons:

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Samples: Service Timber Sale Contract

Sale Name. Fox Creek Reoffer Timber Sale Rough Run Contract No: AT4 - Timber Payment Rates, applicable to BT3.1 and BT4.0 AT4a - For Species and Products to be Paid for at Rates Escalated under BT3.2 Rates per Unit of Measure Species Product Unit of Measure Base $ Advertised $ Bid Premium $ Bid (Tentative) $ Required Deposits Slash Disposal $ Base Index Xxxxxxx-fir Sawtimber CCF .25 .25 .00 189.47 Ponderosa Pine Sawtimber CCF .25 .25 .00 189.47 White Fir and Other Sawtimber CCF .25 9.76 .00 189.47 Not Applicable AT4b- For Species and Products to be Paid for at Flat Rates Rates per Unit of Measure Species Product Unit of Measure Base $ Advertised $ Bid Premium $ Bid (Flat) $ Required Deposits Slash Disposal $ Aspen Non-Saw Below Grade Sawtimber CCF 1.00 1.00 .00 Mixed Oak Sawtimber CCF 33.23 35.46 .00 Eastern W. Pine Sawtimber CCF 3.00 3.00 .00 Pulpwood Pulpwood CCF .25 .25 .74 .00 SAMPLE For purposes of convenience in collection and bookkeeping, Bid Rates stated in AT4 include payment of deposits for sale area betterment required pursuant to 16 USC 576b. Such deposits are not included as Required Deposits defined hereunder. Sale Name: Fox Creek Reoffer Timber Sale Rough Run Contract No: SAMPLE AT4c - Schedule of Payment Units Pay- ment Unit No. App rox. Acres Quantity of Species and Products to be Escalated under AT4a Total Tentative Payment $ Quantity of Species and Products to be Paid for at Flat Rates under AT4b Total Flat Rate Payment $ Total Required Deposits for Slash Disposal $ 1 89.6 Xxxxxxx-fir 01 26 Below Grade Sawtimber 64.00 163.00 CCF Ponderosa Mixed Oak Sawtimber 53.00 CCF Eastern W. Pine Sawtimber 124.00 CCF White Fir and Sawtimber 174.00 CCF Other Aspen Non-Saw 20.00 8.00 CCFPulpwood Pulpwood 291.00 CCF .00 Total PU Quantity And Value 362.00 515.00 CCF 02 18.8 Below Grade Sawtimber 40.00 CCFMixed Oak Sawtimber 53.00 CCF Eastern W. Pine Sawtimber 109.00 CCF Pulpwood Pulpwood 212.00 CCF .00 Total PU Quantity And Value 20.00 414.00 CCF 03 24.3 Below Grade Sawtimber 85.00 CCFMixed Oak Sawtimber 65.00 CCFEastern W. Pine Sawtimber 24.00 CCFPulpwood Pulpwood 167.00 CCF .00 Total PU Quantity And Value 296.00 341.00 CCF 04 36 Below Grade Sawtimber 94.00 CCFMixed Oak Sawtimber 36.00 CCF Eastern W. Pine Sawtimber 119.00 CCF Pulpwood Pulpwood 310.00 CCF .00 Total PU Quantity And Value 16.00 CCF Total PU Quantity And Value 248.00 CCF Total PU Quantity And Value 397.00 559.00 CCF Sale Name: Fox Creek Reoffer Timber Sale Rough Run Contract No: The following definitions are established for the terms used in AT4: Base Rates are the lowest rates of payment for timber that are authorized by this contract. Base Rates remain constant throughout the life of this contract and are not subject to change by rate redetermination, except for reduction under BT3.31, BT3.32, or BT3.33. Advertised Rates are the minimum acceptable Bid Rates for timber, exclusive of Required Deposits. These rates are those indicated by appraisal, with a cost allowance made for construction of Specified Roads listed in AT7, but are never less than Base Rates. Bid Premium Rates are the amounts by which Purchaser's bid is in excess of Advertised Rates. The Bid Premium Rates are constant during this contract, except as provided in BT3.31, BT3.32, and BT3.33. Bid Rates are the rates bid by Purchaser (exclusive of Required Deposits for slash disposal and road maintenance) and are the sum of Advertised Rates and Bid Premium Rates. Until a rate redetermination becomes effective, the Bid Rate for species and products in AT4a is the Tentative Rate that is subject to quarterly adjustment under BT3.2; for species and products in AT4b, the Bid Rate is the Flat Rate. Required Deposits are deposits that Purchaser may be required to pay for slash disposal (16 USC 490) and road maintenance (16 USC 537). Required Deposits may be adjusted as part of a rate redetermination or a Contract Term Extension. The table shows only Required Deposits for slash disposal; road maintenance deposits, if any, are given in CT5.32#. Base Index is the specified average of the lumber or other product selling value index used as the basis for computing adjustment in rates for variance in product selling value, as provided in BT3.2. AT5 - Indices Used in Quarterly Adjustment, applicable to BT3.2 Species Index Name and Date Xxxxxxx-fir WWPA, Inland White Xxxxx (17-18 Basis), (WWPAA) Ponderosa Pine WWPA, Inland White Xxxxx (17-18 Basis), (WWPAA) White Fir and Other WWPA, Inland White Xxxxx (17-18 Basis), (WWPAA) SAMPLE Not Applicable AT6 - High Stumps, applicable to BT6.412 Species Product Maximum Xxxxx Height (inches) All Below Grade Sawtimber 12 Aspen Non-Saw 12Mixed Oak Sawtimber 12 Eastern W. Pine Sawtimber 12 Pulpwood Pulpwood 6

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Service Timber Sale Contract

Sale Name. Fox Creek Reoffer Timber Sale MVP Settlement Contract No: 151799 AT4 - Timber Payment Rates, applicable to BT3.1 and BT4.0 AT4a - For Species and Products to be Paid for at Rates Escalated under BT3.2 Rates per Unit of Measure Species Product Unit of Measure Base $ Advertised $ Bid Premium $ Bid (Tentative) $ Required Deposits Slash Disposal $ Base Index Xxxxxxx-fir Sawtimber CCF .25 .25 .00 189.47 Ponderosa Pine Sawtimber CCF .25 .25 .00 189.47 White Fir and Other Sawtimber CCF .25 9.76 .00 189.47 Not Applicable AT4b- For Species and Products to be Paid for at Flat Rates Rates per Species Product Unit of Measure Species Product Rates per Unit of Measure Base $ Advertised $ Bid Premium $ Bid (Flat) $ Required Deposits Slash Disposal $ Aspen Non-Saw Combined Hardwoods Sawtimber CCF .25 .25 5.00 85.18 .00 85.18 .00 Hardwood - Low Grade Sawtimber CCF 3.00 9.81 .00 9.81 .00 Southern Yellow Pine Sawtimber CCF 5.00 31.27 .00 31.27 .00 Hardwood Pulpwood Pulpwood CCF 1.00 1.20 .00 1.20 .00 For purposes of convenience in collection and bookkeeping, Bid Rates stated in AT4 include payment of deposits for sale area betterment required pursuant to 16 USC 576b. Such deposits are not included as Required Deposits defined hereunder. Sale Name: Fox Creek Reoffer Timber Sale MVP Settlement Contract No: 151799 AT4c - Schedule of Payment Units Pay- ment Unit No. App rox. Acres Quantity of Species and Products to be Escalated under AT4a Total Tentative Payment $ Quantity of Species and Products to be Paid for at Flat Rates under AT4b Total Flat Rate Payment $ Total Required Deposits for Slash Disposal $ 1 89.6 Xxxxxxx-fir 01 43 Combined Sawtimber 64.00 316.00 CCF Ponderosa Hardwoods 26,916.88 .00 Southern Yellow Pine Sawtimber 124.00 10.00 CCF White Fir and Sawtimber 174.00 312.70 Hardwood Pulpwood Pulpwood 213.00 CCF Other Aspen Non-Saw 20.00 CCF .00 255.60 Total PU Quantity And Value 362.00 539.00 CCF $27,485.18 02 32 Combined Sawtimber 200.00 CCF Hardwoods 17,036.00 .00 Hardwood - Low Sawtimber 1.00 CCF 9.81 Grade Southern Yellow Pine Sawtimber 21.00 CCF 656.67 Hardwood Pulpwood Pulpwood 287.00 CCF 344.40 Total PU Quantity And Value 20.00 509.00 CCF $18,046.88 03 2 Combined Sawtimber 67.00 CCF Hardwoods 5,707.06 .00 Hardwood - Low Sawtimber 2.00 CCF 19.62 Grade Hardwood Pulpwood Pulpwood 21.00 CCF 25.20 Total PU Quantity And Value 296.00 90.00 CCF Total PU Quantity And Value 16.00 CCF Total PU Quantity And Value 248.00 CCF Total PU Quantity And Value 397.00 CCF $5,751.88 Sale Name: Fox Creek Reoffer Timber Sale MVP Settlement Contract No: 151799 The following definitions are established for the terms used in AT4: Base Rates are the lowest rates of payment for timber that are authorized by this contract. Base Rates remain constant throughout the life of this contract and are not subject to change by rate redetermination, except for reduction under BT3.31, BT3.32, or BT3.33. Advertised Rates are the minimum acceptable Bid Rates for timber, exclusive of Required Deposits. These rates are those indicated by appraisal, with a cost allowance made for construction of Specified Roads listed in AT7, but are never less than Base Rates. Bid Premium Rates are the amounts by which Purchaser's bid is in excess of Advertised Rates. The Bid Premium Rates are constant during this contract, except as provided in BT3.31, BT3.32, and BT3.33. Bid Rates are the rates bid by Purchaser (exclusive of Required Deposits for slash disposal and road maintenance) and are the sum of Advertised Rates and Bid Premium Rates. Until a rate redetermination becomes effective, the Bid Rate for species and products in AT4a is the Tentative Rate that is subject to quarterly adjustment under BT3.2; for species and products in AT4b, the Bid Rate is the Flat Rate. Required Deposits are deposits that Purchaser may be required to pay for slash disposal (16 USC 490) and road maintenance (16 USC 537). Required Deposits may be adjusted as part of a rate redetermination or a Contract Term Extension. The table shows only Required Deposits for slash disposal; road maintenance deposits, if any, are given in CT5.32#. Base Index is the specified average of the lumber or other product selling value index used as the basis for computing adjustment in rates for variance in product selling value, as provided in BT3.2. AT5 - Indices Used in Quarterly Adjustment, applicable to BT3.2 Species Index Name and Date Xxxxxxx-fir WWPA, Inland White Xxxxx (17-18 Basis), (WWPAA) Ponderosa Pine WWPA, Inland White Xxxxx (17-18 Basis), (WWPAA) White Fir and Other WWPA, Inland White Xxxxx (17-18 Basis), (WWPAA) Not Applicable AT6 - High Stumps, applicable to BT6.412 Species Product Maximum Xxxxx Height (inches) All Sawtimber 12 Aspen NonAll Pulpwood 6 Sale Name: MVP Settlement Contract No: 151799 AT7 - Specified Roads, applicable to BT5.2 Name and Date of Governing Road Specifications: Project Design Class Approx. Length (mi./km.) Sheet Numbers and Approval Date Performance Responsibility Survey Design Construction Staking 1/ Road No. Name NOT APPLICABLE 1/ Indicate timing, i.e. before clearing (BC) or after clearing (AC). Applicable to BT5.212. AT8 - Forest Service Engineering Completion Schedule, applicable to BT5.21 Road No. Road Name Type of Work Completion Date NOT APPLICABLE AT9 - Fire Precautionary Period, applicable to BT7.2 January 01 to December 31 , inclusive AT10 - Purchaser Responsibility to Furnish Crews and Equipment for: Initial Fire Supression, applicable to BT7.3 Within 5 road miles Fire Suppression Reinforcement, applicable to BT7.312 and BT7.313 Within 10 road miles AT11 - Purchaser's Obligation per Operations Fire, applicable to BT7.41 Maximum Amount: $ $1,000 AT12 - Termination Date, applicable to BT8.2 November 15, 2021 AT13 - Normal Operating Season, applicable to BT6.31, BT6.66, BT8.21 and BT9.3 First Period: March 15 to December 15 , inclusive Second Period: to , inclusive Sale Name: MVP Settlement Contract No: 151799 AT14 - Performance Bond, applicable to BT9.1 Performance Bond Amount: $.00 Sale Name: MVP Settlement Contract No: 151799 AT15 - Downpayment, applicable to BT4.211 Downpayment Amount: $5,200.00 AT16 - Periodic Payment Amount, applicable to BT4.213 Periodic Payment Determination Date Amount Initial Payment: Additional Payment: January 04, 2020 $18,000.00 July 31, 2020 $38,500.00 AT17 - Market-Saw 12Related Contract Term Addition Producer Price Index, applicable to BT8.212 Index Name: Hardwood Lumber Index Number: 0812 AT18 - Inapplicable Standard Provisions The following listed Sections, Subsections, or Items of Division BT - Standard Provisions - are hereby made inapplicable. (Instructions: List by reference number and title.) BT4.211 BT4.4 BT6.81 BT8.212 DOWNPAYMENT PAYMENTS NOT RECEIVED PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION MARKET-RELATED CONTRACT TERM ADDITION AT19 - List of Special Provisions The following listed special provisions are attached to and made a part of this contract as Division CT. Provisions with reference numbers followed by # contain blanks into which data have been entered for this sale. (Instructions: List by reference number, title, and date.) CT2.2 CT2.302# CT2.355# CT4.211 CT4.212 CT4.4 CT5.12# CT6.222# CT6.24# CT6.402# CT6.601# CT6.7# CT6.8 CT7.201 CT7.202# CT7.22 CT8.212 CT8.23# UTILIZATION AND REMOVAL OF INCLUDED TIMBER (09/2002) PAYMENT UNIT BOUNDARIES (09/2004) INDIVIDUAL TREES (08/2004) DOWNPAYMENT (06/2007) TEMPORARY REDUCTION OF DOWNPAYMENT (08/2009) PAYMENTS NOT RECEIVED (08/2012) USE OF ROADS BY PURCHASER (06/1999) PROTECTION OF SPECIAL AREAS (08/2001) SITE SPECIFIC SPECIAL PROTECTION MEASURES (04/2004) LOGGING EQUIPMENT RESTRICTIONS (09/2004) REVEGETATION PLAN AND SPECIFICATIONS (08/2006) SLASH TREATMENT (08/2004) MEASURING (08/2001) TRUCK, TRACTOR AND POWER SAW MUFFLERS (08/2001) FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT (08/2001) EMERGENCY FIRE PRECAUTIONS (08/2001) MARKET-RELATED CONTRACT TERM ADDITION (11/2008) ADDITION OF NET GROWTH (08/2004) UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Forest Service TIMBER SALE CONTRACT DIVISION BT June 2006 (Date of Issue) STANDARD PROVISIONS FOR TIMBER SALES TO BE MEASURED BEFORE FELLING This Division is organized into Parts, Sections, Subsections, and Items. These are numbered in accordance with the following scheme: Part BT1.0, Section BT1.1, Subsection BT1.11, and Item BT1.111. References to a Part include all Sections, Subsections, and Items within that Part; references to a Section include all Subsections and Items within that Section; and references to a Subsection include all Items within that Subsection. Cross-references within this contract cite the reference number of the applicable Division, Part, Section, Subsection, and Item. Descriptive headings used are not to be considered in determining the rights and ob- ligations of the parties. The Standard Provisions in this Division are subject to Specific Conditions of the contract stated in Division AT. Wherever appropriate, Specific Conditions estab- lished in Division AT are cited by reference number. The listing of Sections, Subsections, or Items of this Division in AT18 has the effect of striking or deleting them from Division BT. AT19 lists Special Provisions that comprise Division CT. Where appropriate, references to Special Provisions are made by citing the applicable reference numbers. INDEX TO TERMS Term Advertised Rates Reference AT4 Term Off-Road Equipment Reference BT6.35 Base Index AT4 Operations Fire BT7.41 Base Rates AT4 Out-of-Pocket Expenses BT8.35 Bid Premium Rates AT4 Overstory Removal Units BT2.3 Bid Rates AT4 Payment Unit BT4.1 Catastrophic Damage BT2.133 Plans BT5.211 Claim BT9.2 Purchaser’s Operations BT6.3 Clearcutting Units BT2.3 Release for Cutting BT6.3 Contract Term Adjustment BT8.21 Required Deposits AT4 Contract Term Extension BT8.23 Sale Area BT1.1 Current Contract Rates BT3.1 Sale Area Map BT1.1 Current Contract Value BT3.1 Schedule of Items BT5.2 Current Unit Rates BT5.251 Shop Drawings BT5.211 Design Change BT5.253 Specified Roads BT5.2 Extension Deposit BT4.217 Streamcourses BT6.5 Fire Precautionary Period BT7.2 Substantially Completed BT5.23 Flat Rates AT4 Temporary Roads BT5.1 Included Timber BT2.1 Tentative Rate AT4 Indicated Advertised Rates BT8.221 Termination Date BT8.2 Marked BT2.35 Timber Sale Account BT4.2 Measuring BT6.8 Understory Removal Units BT2.3 Negligent Fire BT7.42 Unrecovered Expenditures BT8.35 Normal Operating Season BT6.31 Utilization Standards AT2, BT2.2 Contract FS-2400-6T, Pages 110 through 140 (06/2006) CONTENTS Reference Number Title Title Page BT1.0 SALE AREA 113 BT4.211 Downpayment 117 BT1.1 Sale Area Map 113 BT4.212 Advance Deposits 118 BT1.2 Claims 113 BT4.213 Periodic Payment Schedule 118 BT2.0 TIMBER SPECIFICATIONS 113 BT4.214 Deposits for Charges Subject to BT2.1 Included Timber 113 Escalation 118 BT2.11 Standard Timber 113 BT4.215 Deposits When Payment BT2.12 Substandard Timber 113 Guaranteed 118 BT2.13 Damaged Timber 113 BT4.216 Blanket Cash Deposits 118 BT2.131 Damaged by Purchaser 113 BT4.217 Extension Deposits 118 BT2.132 Negligent or Willful Damage 113 BT4.218 Cooperative Deposits 118 BT2.133 Damaged by Catastrophe 113 BT4.22 Temporary Reduction of BT2.134 Minor Damage by Natural Causes 114 Downpayment 118 BT2.14 Unintentionally Cut Timber 114 BT4.23 Refund of Excess Cash 119 BT2.15 Construction Timber 114 BT4.24 Refund after Final Charges for BT2.16 Other Material 114 Released Timber 119 BT2.2 Utilization and Removal of Included BT4.3 Payment Guaranteed by Bond or Timber 114 Deposited Securities 119 BT2.3 Timber Designations 114 BT4.31 Blanket Bond 119 BT2.31 Clearcutting Units 114 BT4.32 Letters of Credit for Payment Bond 119 BT2.32 Construction Clearing 114 BT4.4 Payments Not Received 119 BT2.321 Specified Road Clearings 114 BT5.0 TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES 120 BT2.322 Other Authorized Clearings 114 BT5.1 Authorization 120 BT2.33 Overstory Removal Units 114 BT5.11 Requirements of Rights-of-Way 120 BT2.34 Understory Removal Units 114 BT5.12 Use of Roads by Purchaser 120 BT2.35 Individual Trees 114 BT5.2 Specified Roads 120 BT2.36 Incompletely Measured Payment Units 114 BT5.21 Engineering 120 BT2.37 Designation Changes 114 BT5.211 Contract Plans 121 BT2.4 Quantity Estimate 114 BT5.212 Construction Staking 121 BT2.41 Adjustment for Quantity Deficit 115 BT5.22 Material Delivery 121 BT2.42 Adjustment for Excess Quantity 115 BT5.23 Use of Partially Constructed Roads 122 BT2.43 Adjustment for Quantity Errors 115 BT5.24 Estimated Cost 122 BT3.0 RATES OF PAYMENT 115 BT5.25 Construction Cost Adjustment 122 BT3.1 Current Contract Rates 115 BT5.251 Variation in Quantities 122 BT3.2 Escalation Procedure 116 BT5.252 Physical Change 122 BT3.21 Unavailable Index 116 BT5.253 Design Change 123 BT3.3 Rate Redetermination 116 BT3.31 Rate Redetermination for BT5.26 BT5.27 Alternate Facilities Temporary Credit for Unamortized 123 Environmental Modification 116 Specified Road Construction Cost 123 BT3.32 Rate Redetermination after BT5.3 Road Maintenance 124 Catastrophic Damage 116 BT5.4 Use by Others 124 BT3.33 BT3.34 BT3.4 Rate Redetermination for Market Change Emergency Rate Redetermination Other Payment Rates 116 117 117 BT6.0 BT6.1 BT6.11 BT6.2 OPERATIONS Representatives Notices Improvements 124 124 124 125 BT3.41 Material and Quantities Not in AT2 117 BT6.21 Removal 125 BT3.42 Timber Cut Through Mistake 117 BT6.22 Protection of Improvements 125 BT3.43 Undesignated Timber Damaged BT6.221 Protection of Improvements Not Without Negligence 117 Owned by Forest Service 125 BT3.44 Undesignated Timber Unnecessarily BT6.222 Protection of Property 125 Damaged or Negligently or Willfully Cut 117 BT6.23 Protection of Land Survey Monuments 125 BT6.24 Protection Measures Needed for BT3.45 Liquidated Damages 117 Plants, Animals, Cultural Resources, BT4.0 PAYMENTS 117 and Cave Resources 125 BT4.1 Amount Payable for Timber 117 BT6.3 Control of Operations 126 BT4.2 Timber Sale Account 117 BT6.31 Operating Schedule 126 BT4.21 Cash Deposits 117 BT6.311 Plan of Operations 126 Reference Number BT6.312 Title Plan of Operations for Road Reference Page Number BT7.6 Title Performance by Contractor Page 132 Construction 126 BT8.0 OTHER CONDITIONS 132 BT6.32 Protection of Residual Trees 127 BT8.1 Title and Liability 132 BT6.33 Safety 127 BT8.11 Title Passage 132 BT6.34 Sanitation and Servicing 127 BT8.12 Liability for Loss 132 BT6.341 Prevention of Oil Spills 127 BT8.2 Period of Contract 132 BT6.342 Hazardous Substances 127 BT8.21 Contract Term Adjustment 132 BT6.35 Equipment Cleaning 127 BT8.211 Delay in Reconstruction of BT6.36 Acceptance of Work 128 Processing Facilities 133 BT6.411 Felling in Clearings 129 BT8.221 Termination by Purchaser 133 BT6.000 Xxxxx Xxxxxxx 129 BT8.222 Termination by Forest Service 133 BT6.413 BT6.42 BT6.421 Limbing Skidding and Yarding Rigging 129 129 129 BT8.23 BT8.231 Contract Term Extension Conditions for Contract Term Extension 133 133 BT6.422 Landings and Skid Trails 129 BT8.3 Contract Modification 134 BT6.423 Skidding on Roads 129 BT8.31 Changed Conditions 134 BT6.424 Arches and Dozer Blades 129 BT8.32 Modification for Catastrophe 134 BT6.5 Streamcourse Protection 129 BT8.33 Contract Suspension and Modification 134 BT6.6 Erosion Prevention and Control 129 BT8.34 Contract Termination 134 BT6.61 Meadow Protection 129 BT8.341 Termination by Forest Service 135 BT6.62 Wetlands Protection 129 BT8.342 Termination by Purchaser 135 BT6.63 Temporary Roads 130 BT8.35 Out-of-Pocket Expenses 136 BT6.631 Temporary Roads to Remain Open 130 BT8.36 Termination for Market Change 136 BT6.64 Landings 130 BT8.4 Performance by Other than Purchaser 136 BT6.65 Skid Trails and Fire Lines 130 BT8.5 Sale of Other Materials 137 BT6.66 Current Operating Areas 130 BT8.6 Provisions Required by Statute 137 BT6.67 Erosion Control Structure Maintenance 130 BT8.61 Covenant against Contingent Fees 137 BT6.7 Slash Disposal 130 BT8.62 Officials Not to Benefit 137 BT6.8 Measuring 130 BT8.63 Nondiscrimination in Employment 137 BT6.81 Product Identification 130 BT8.64 Debarment and Suspension BT6.9 Records 130 Certification 137 BT7.0 FIRE PRECAUTIONS AND CONTROL 131 BT8.65 Contract Consistency With Other Laws 138 BT7.1 Plans 131 BT9.0 PERFORMANCE AND SETTLEMENT 138 BT7.2 Fire Precautions 131 BT9.1 Performance Bond 138 BT7.21 Substitute Precautions 131 BT9.11 Bond Reduction 138 BT7.22 Emergency Precautions 131 BT9.12 Letters of Credit 138 BT7.3 BT7.31 Fire Control Purchaser’s Reinforcement Obligations 131 131 BT9.13 BT9.2 Temporary Bond Reduction Disputes 138 138 BT7.311 Suspend Operations 131 BT9.21 Time Limits for Submission of Claim 139 BT7.312 Personnel 131 BT9.22 Contract Documents 139 BT7.313 Equipment 131 BT9.3 Breach 139 BT7.4 Fire Suppression Costs 131 BT9.31 Termination for Breach 139 BT7.41 Operations Fire 131 BT9.4 Damages for Failure to Cut or BT7.42 Negligent Fire 131 Termination for Breach 140 BT7.43 Other Fires on Sale Area 132 BT9.5 Settlement 140 BT7.5 State Law 132 BT9.6 Contract Closure 140 BT6.361 BT6.4 BT6.41 Acceptance of Specified Roads Conduct of Logging Felling and Bucking 128 128 128 BT8.212 BT8.22 Market-Related Contract Term Addition Termination for Catastrophe 133 133

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Samples: Service Timber Sale Contract

Sale Name. Fox Creek Reoffer Timber Sale Terra Cotta Contract No: AT4 - Timber Payment Rates, applicable to BT3.1 and BT4.0 AT4a - For Species and Products to be Paid for at Rates Escalated under BT3.2 Rates per Unit of Measure Species Product Unit of Measure Base $ Advertised $ Bid Premium $ Bid (Tentative) $ Required Deposits Slash Disposal $ Base Index Xxxxxxx-fir Sawtimber CCF .25 .25 .00 189.47 Ponderosa Pine Sawtimber CCF .25 .25 .00 189.47 White Fir and Other Sawtimber CCF .25 9.76 .00 189.47 Not Applicable AT4b- For Species and Products to be Paid for at Flat Rates Rates per Species Product Unit of Measure Species Product Rates per Unit of Measure Base $ Advertised $ Bid Premium $ Bid (Flat) $ Required Deposits Slash Disposal $ Mixed Hardwood Sawtimber CCF 10.02 88.27 .00 Red Pine Sawtimber CCF 12.96 99.39 .00 Eastern White Pine Sawtimber CCF 8.16 52.93 .00 Aspen Non-Saw Pulpwood CCF .25 .25 2.81 18.51 .00 Mixed Conifer Pulpwood CCF 3.45 24.70 .00 Mixed Hardwood Pulpwood CCF 3.02 20.52 .00 Pine Pulpwood CCF 11.21 82.41 .00 Timber Subject to Agreement under CT2.11# Mixed Softwood Pulpwood CCF .00 Mixed Hardwood Pulpwood CCF .00 SAMPLE For purposes of convenience in collection and bookkeeping, Bid Rates stated in AT4 include payment of deposits for sale area betterment required pursuant to 16 USC 576b. Such deposits are not included as Required Deposits defined hereunder. Sale Name: Fox Creek Reoffer Timber Sale Terra Cotta Contract No: SAMPLE AT4c - Schedule of Payment Units Pay- ment Unit No. App rox. Acres Quantity of Species and Products to be Escalated under AT4a Total Tentative Payment $ Quantity of Species and Products to be Paid for at Flat Rates under AT4b Total Flat Rate Payment $ Total Required Deposits for Slash Disposal $ 1 89.6 Xxxxxxx-fir 01 47.5 Mixed Hardwood Sawtimber 64.00 0.00 CCF Ponderosa Red Pine Sawtimber 124.00 937.00 CCF Eastern White Fir and Pine Sawtimber 174.00 2.00 CCF Other Aspen Non-Saw 20.00 Pulpwood 0.00 CCFMixed Conifer Pulpwood 1.00 CCFMixed Hardwood Pulpwood 34.00 CCF Pine Pulpwood 113.00 CCF .00 Total PU Quantity And Value 362.00 CCF Total PU Quantity And Value 20.00 CCF Total PU Quantity And Value 296.00 CCF Total PU Quantity And Value 16.00 CCF Total PU Quantity And Value 248.00 CCF Total PU Quantity And Value 397.00 CCF Sale Name: Fox Creek Reoffer Timber Sale Contract No: The following definitions are established for the terms used in AT4: Base Rates are the lowest rates of payment for timber that are authorized by this contract. Base Rates remain constant throughout the life of this contract and are not subject to change by rate redetermination, except for reduction under BT3.31, BT3.32, or BT3.33. Advertised Rates are the minimum acceptable Bid Rates for timber, exclusive of Required Deposits. These rates are those indicated by appraisal, with a cost allowance made for construction of Specified Roads listed in AT7, but are never less than Base Rates. Bid Premium Rates are the amounts by which Purchaser's bid is in excess of Advertised Rates. The Bid Premium Rates are constant during this contract, except as provided in BT3.31, BT3.32, and BT3.33. Bid Rates are the rates bid by Purchaser (exclusive of Required Deposits for slash disposal and road maintenance) and are the sum of Advertised Rates and Bid Premium Rates. Until a rate redetermination becomes effective, the Bid Rate for species and products in AT4a is the Tentative Rate that is subject to quarterly adjustment under BT3.2; for species and products in AT4b, the Bid Rate is the Flat Rate. Required Deposits are deposits that Purchaser may be required to pay for slash disposal (16 USC 490) and road maintenance (16 USC 537). Required Deposits may be adjusted as part of a rate redetermination or a Contract Term Extension. The table shows only Required Deposits for slash disposal; road maintenance deposits, if any, are given in CT5.32#. Base Index is the specified average of the lumber or other product selling value index used as the basis for computing adjustment in rates for variance in product selling value, as provided in BT3.2. AT5 - Indices Used in Quarterly Adjustment, applicable to BT3.2 Species Index Name and Date Xxxxxxx-fir WWPA, Inland White Xxxxx (17-18 Basis), (WWPAA) Ponderosa Pine WWPA, Inland White Xxxxx (17-18 Basis), (WWPAA) White Fir and Other WWPA, Inland White Xxxxx (17-18 Basis), (WWPAA) AT6 - High Stumps, applicable to BT6.412 Species Product Maximum Xxxxx Height (inches) All Sawtimber 12 Aspen Non-Saw 121,087.00 CCF

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Samples: Service Timber Sale Contract

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Sale Name. Fox Creek Reoffer Timber Sale Xxxxxx Xxxxx Thin Contract No: AT4 - Timber Payment Rates, applicable to BT3.1 and BT4.0 AT4a - For Species and Products to be Paid for at Rates Escalated under BT3.2 Rates per Unit of Measure Species Product Unit of Measure Base $ Advertised $ Bid Premium $ Bid (Tentative) $ Required Deposits Slash Disposal $ Base Index Xxxxxxx-fir Sawtimber CCF .25 .25 .00 189.47 Ponderosa Pine Sawtimber CCF .25 .25 .00 189.47 White Fir and Other Sawtimber CCF .25 9.76 .00 189.47 Not Applicable AT4b- For Species and Products to be Paid for at Flat Rates Rates per Species Product Unit of Measure Species Product Rates per Unit of Measure Base $ Advertised $ Bid Premium $ Bid (Flat) $ Required Deposits Slash Disposal $ Aspen Non-Saw Combined Hardwoods Sawtimber CCF .25 .25 5.00 61.38 .00 Hardwood - Low Grade Sawtimber CCF 3.00 19.00 .00 Eastern W. Pine Sawtimber CCF 5.00 45.29 .00 Hardwoods Pulpwood CCF 1.00 1.00 .00 Softwood - Other Pulpwood CCF 1.00 1.00 .00 Timber Subject to Agreement under CT2.11# Dead Hardwood Sawtimber CCF 3.00 3.00 Dead Hardwood Pulpwood CCF 1.00 1.00 SAMPLE For purposes of convenience in collection and bookkeeping, Bid Rates stated in AT4 include payment of deposits for sale area betterment required pursuant to 16 USC 576b. Such deposits are not included as Required Deposits defined hereunder. Sale Name: Fox Creek Reoffer Timber Sale Xxxxxx Xxxxx Thin Contract No: SAMPLE AT4c - Schedule of Payment Units Pay- ment Unit No. App rox. Acres Quantity of Species and Products to be Escalated under AT4a Total Tentative Payment $ Quantity of Species and Products to be Paid for at Flat Rates under AT4b Total Flat Rate Payment $ Total Required Deposits for Slash Disposal $ 1 89.6 Xxxxxxx-fir 01 45 Combined Sawtimber 64.00 509.00 CCF Ponderosa Hardwoods Hardwood - Low Sawtimber 25.00 CCF Grade Eastern W. Pine Sawtimber 124.00 42.00 CCF White Fir and Sawtimber 174.00 Hardwoods Pulpwood 125.00 CCF Softwood - Other Aspen Non-Saw 20.00 Pulpwood 28.00 CCF .00 Total PU Quantity And Value 362.00 CCF Total PU Quantity And Value 20.00 CCF Total PU Quantity And Value 296.00 CCF Total PU Quantity And Value 16.00 CCF Total PU Quantity And Value 248.00 CCF Total PU Quantity And Value 397.00 CCF Sale Name: Fox Creek Reoffer Timber Sale Contract No: The following definitions are established for the terms used in AT4: Base Rates are the lowest rates of payment for timber that are authorized by this contract. Base Rates remain constant throughout the life of this contract and are not subject to change by rate redetermination, except for reduction under BT3.31, BT3.32, or BT3.33. Advertised Rates are the minimum acceptable Bid Rates for timber, exclusive of Required Deposits. These rates are those indicated by appraisal, with a cost allowance made for construction of Specified Roads listed in AT7, but are never less than Base Rates. Bid Premium Rates are the amounts by which Purchaser's bid is in excess of Advertised Rates. The Bid Premium Rates are constant during this contract, except as provided in BT3.31, BT3.32, and BT3.33. Bid Rates are the rates bid by Purchaser (exclusive of Required Deposits for slash disposal and road maintenance) and are the sum of Advertised Rates and Bid Premium Rates. Until a rate redetermination becomes effective, the Bid Rate for species and products in AT4a is the Tentative Rate that is subject to quarterly adjustment under BT3.2; for species and products in AT4b, the Bid Rate is the Flat Rate. Required Deposits are deposits that Purchaser may be required to pay for slash disposal (16 USC 490) and road maintenance (16 USC 537). Required Deposits may be adjusted as part of a rate redetermination or a Contract Term Extension. The table shows only Required Deposits for slash disposal; road maintenance deposits, if any, are given in CT5.32#. Base Index is the specified average of the lumber or other product selling value index used as the basis for computing adjustment in rates for variance in product selling value, as provided in BT3.2. AT5 - Indices Used in Quarterly Adjustment, applicable to BT3.2 Species Index Name and Date Xxxxxxx-fir WWPA, Inland White Xxxxx (17-18 Basis), (WWPAA) Ponderosa Pine WWPA, Inland White Xxxxx (17-18 Basis), (WWPAA) White Fir and Other WWPA, Inland White Xxxxx (17-18 Basis), (WWPAA) AT6 - High Stumps, applicable to BT6.412 Species Product Maximum Xxxxx Height (inches) All Sawtimber 12 Aspen Non-Saw 12729.00 CCF

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Samples: Service Timber Sale Contract

Sale Name. Fox Creek Reoffer Timber Sale Grizzled Skipper Contract No: AT4 - Timber Payment Rates, applicable to BT3.1 and BT4.0 AT4a - For Species and Products to be Paid for at Rates Escalated under BT3.2 Rates per Unit of Measure Species Product Unit of Measure Base $ Advertised $ Bid Premium $ Bid (Tentative) $ Required Deposits Slash Disposal $ Base Index Xxxxxxx-fir Sawtimber CCF .25 .25 .00 189.47 Ponderosa Pine Sawtimber CCF .25 .25 .00 189.47 White Fir and Other Sawtimber CCF .25 9.76 .00 189.47 Not Applicable AT4b- For Species and Products to be Paid for at Flat Rates Rates per Species Product Unit of Measure Species Product Rates per Unit of Measure Base $ Advertised $ Bid Premium $ Bid (Flat) $ Required Deposits Slash Disposal $ Aspen Non-Saw Oak Sawtimber CCF 5.00 29.36 .00 Southern Yellow Pine Sawtimber CCF 5.00 14.65 .00 Hardwoods Pulpwood CCF .25 .25 .00 Softwood - Other Pulpwood CCF .25 .25 .00 SAMPLE For purposes of convenience in collection and bookkeeping, Bid Rates stated in AT4 include payment of deposits for sale area betterment required pursuant to 16 USC 576b. Such deposits are not included as Required Deposits defined hereunder. Sale Name: Fox Creek Reoffer Timber Sale Grizzled Skipper Contract No: SAMPLE AT4c - Schedule of Payment Units Pay- ment Unit No. App rox. Acres Quantity of Species and Products to be Escalated under AT4a Total Tentative Payment $ Quantity of Species and Products to be Paid for at Flat Rates under AT4b Total Flat Rate Payment $ Total Required Deposits for Slash Disposal $ 1 89.6 Xxxxxxx-fir 17.94 Oak Sawtimber 64.00 CCF Ponderosa 14.00 CCFSouthern Yellow Pine Sawtimber 124.00 42.00 CCF White Fir and Sawtimber 174.00 Hardwoods Pulpwood 105.00 CCF Softwood - Other Aspen Non-Saw 20.00 Pulpwood 98.00 CCF .00 Total PU Quantity And Value 362.00 259.00 CCF 2 11.47 Oak Sawtimber 9.00 CCFSouthern Yellow Pine Sawtimber 27.00 CCFHardwoods Pulpwood 67.00 CCFSoftwood - Other Pulpwood 63.00 CCF .00 Total PU Quantity And Value 20.00 CCF Total PU Quantity And Value 296.00 CCF Total PU Quantity And Value 16.00 CCF Total PU Quantity And Value 248.00 CCF Total PU Quantity And Value 397.00 166.00 CCF Sale Name: Fox Creek Reoffer Timber Sale Grizzled Skipper Contract No: The following definitions are established for the terms used in AT4: Base Rates are the lowest rates of payment for timber that are authorized by this contract. Base Rates remain constant throughout the life of this contract and are not subject to change by rate redetermination, except for reduction under BT3.31, BT3.32, or BT3.33. Advertised Rates are the minimum acceptable Bid Rates for timber, exclusive of Required Deposits. These rates are those indicated by appraisal, with a cost allowance made for construction of Specified Roads listed in AT7, but are never less than Base Rates. Bid Premium Rates are the amounts by which Purchaser's bid is in excess of Advertised Rates. The Bid Premium Rates are constant during this contract, except as provided in BT3.31, BT3.32, and BT3.33. Bid Rates are the rates bid by Purchaser (exclusive of Required Deposits for slash disposal and road maintenance) and are the sum of Advertised Rates and Bid Premium Rates. Until a rate redetermination becomes effective, the Bid Rate for species and products in AT4a is the Tentative Rate that is subject to quarterly adjustment under BT3.2; for species and products in AT4b, the Bid Rate is the Flat Rate. Required Deposits are deposits that Purchaser may be required to pay for slash disposal (16 USC 490) and road maintenance (16 USC 537). Required Deposits may be adjusted as part of a rate redetermination or a Contract Term Extension. The table shows only Required Deposits for slash disposal; road maintenance deposits, if any, are given in CT5.32#. Base Index is the specified average of the lumber or other product selling value index used as the basis for computing adjustment in rates for variance in product selling value, as provided in BT3.2. AT5 - Indices Used in Quarterly Adjustment, applicable to BT3.2 Species Index Name and Date Xxxxxxx-fir WWPA, Inland White Xxxxx (17-18 Basis), (WWPAA) Ponderosa Pine WWPA, Inland White Xxxxx (17-18 Basis), (WWPAA) White Fir and Other WWPA, Inland White Xxxxx (17-18 Basis), (WWPAA) SAMPLE Not Applicable AT6 - High Stumps, applicable to BT6.412 Species Product Maximum Xxxxx Height (inches) All Sawtimber 12 Aspen Non-Saw 12All Pulpwood 6

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Samples: Service Timber Sale Contract

Sale Name. Fox Creek Reoffer Timber Sale Pulaski Fuelwood - REOFFER Contract No: AT4 - Timber Payment Rates, applicable to BT3.1 and BT4.0 AT4a - For Species and Products to be Paid for at Rates Escalated under BT3.2 Rates per Unit of Measure Species Product Unit of Measure Base $ Advertised $ Bid Premium $ Bid (Tentative) $ Required Deposits Slash Disposal $ Base Index Xxxxxxx-fir Sawtimber CCF .25 .25 .00 189.47 Ponderosa Pine Sawtimber CCF .25 .25 .00 189.47 White Fir and Other Sawtimber CCF .25 9.76 .00 189.47 Not Applicable AT4b- For Species and Products to be Paid for at Flat Rates Rates per Species Product Unit of Measure Species Product Rates per Unit of Measure Base $ Advertised $ Bid Premium $ Bid (Flat) $ Required Deposits Slash Disposal $ Aspen Non-Saw Combined Hardwoods Sawtimber CCF 5.00 14.15 .00 Hardwood - Low Grade Sawtimber CCF .25 5.00 .00 Southern Yellow Pine Sawtimber CCF 3.00 5.39 .00 Hardwoods Pulpwood CCF .25 .25 .00 Softwood - Other Pulpwood CCF .25 .25 .00 SAMPLE For purposes of convenience in collection and bookkeeping, Bid Rates stated in AT4 include payment of deposits for sale area betterment required pursuant to 16 USC 576b. Such deposits are not included as Required Deposits defined hereunder. Sale Name: Fox Creek Reoffer Timber Sale Pulaski Fuelwood - REOFFER Contract No: SAMPLE AT4c - Schedule of Payment Units Pay- ment Unit No. App rox. Acres Quantity of Species and Products to be Escalated under AT4a Total Tentative Payment $ Quantity of Species and Products to be Paid for at Flat Rates under AT4b Total Flat Rate Payment $ Total Required Deposits for Slash Disposal $ 1 89.6 Xxxxxxx-fir 01 37.7 Combined Sawtimber 64.00 22.00 CCF Ponderosa Hardwoods Hardwood - Low Sawtimber 44.00 CCF Grade Southern Yellow Pine Sawtimber 124.00 0.00 CCF White Fir and Sawtimber 174.00 Hardwoods Pulpwood 220.00 CCF Softwood - Other Aspen Non-Saw 20.00 Pulpwood 0.00 CCF .00 Total PU Quantity And Value 362.00 CCF Total PU Quantity And Value 20.00 CCF Total PU Quantity And Value 296.00 CCF Total PU Quantity And Value 16.00 CCF Total PU Quantity And Value 248.00 CCF Total PU Quantity And Value 397.00 CCF Sale Name: Fox Creek Reoffer Timber Sale Contract No: The following definitions are established for the terms used in AT4: Base Rates are the lowest rates of payment for timber that are authorized by this contract. Base Rates remain constant throughout the life of this contract and are not subject to change by rate redetermination, except for reduction under BT3.31, BT3.32, or BT3.33. Advertised Rates are the minimum acceptable Bid Rates for timber, exclusive of Required Deposits. These rates are those indicated by appraisal, with a cost allowance made for construction of Specified Roads listed in AT7, but are never less than Base Rates. Bid Premium Rates are the amounts by which Purchaser's bid is in excess of Advertised Rates. The Bid Premium Rates are constant during this contract, except as provided in BT3.31, BT3.32, and BT3.33. Bid Rates are the rates bid by Purchaser (exclusive of Required Deposits for slash disposal and road maintenance) and are the sum of Advertised Rates and Bid Premium Rates. Until a rate redetermination becomes effective, the Bid Rate for species and products in AT4a is the Tentative Rate that is subject to quarterly adjustment under BT3.2; for species and products in AT4b, the Bid Rate is the Flat Rate. Required Deposits are deposits that Purchaser may be required to pay for slash disposal (16 USC 490) and road maintenance (16 USC 537). Required Deposits may be adjusted as part of a rate redetermination or a Contract Term Extension. The table shows only Required Deposits for slash disposal; road maintenance deposits, if any, are given in CT5.32#. Base Index is the specified average of the lumber or other product selling value index used as the basis for computing adjustment in rates for variance in product selling value, as provided in BT3.2. AT5 - Indices Used in Quarterly Adjustment, applicable to BT3.2 Species Index Name and Date Xxxxxxx-fir WWPA, Inland White Xxxxx (17-18 Basis), (WWPAA) Ponderosa Pine WWPA, Inland White Xxxxx (17-18 Basis), (WWPAA) White Fir and Other WWPA, Inland White Xxxxx (17-18 Basis), (WWPAA) AT6 - High Stumps, applicable to BT6.412 Species Product Maximum Xxxxx Height (inches) All Sawtimber 12 Aspen Non-Saw 12286.00 CCF

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Samples: Service Timber Sale Contract

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