Scheduled Loan repayments. Repayments are the payments you’ll need to make to repay your loan. Your scheduled loan repayments will generally include regular amounts to repay your loan amount (unless you are in an Interest Only Period for your loan) and interest we charge on your loan amount. You must repay the amounts in full and your repayments must be paid as Cleared Funds. Repayments will be debited from your ANZ transactional account or as otherwise agreed by ANZ in writing. The amount, and frequency, is set out in your Letter of Offer. Your first scheduled repayment must be within your chosen repayment frequency.
Appears in 5 contracts
Samples: Consumer Lending Products Terms and Conditions, Consumer Lending Products Terms and Conditions, Consumer Lending Products Terms and Conditions
Scheduled Loan repayments. Repayments are the payments you’ll need to make to repay your loan. Your scheduled loan repayments will generally include regular amounts to repay your loan amount (unless you are in an Interest Only Period for your loan) and interest we charge on your loan amount. You must repay the amounts in full and your repayments must be paid as Cleared Funds. Repayments will be debited from your nominated ANZ transactional account or as otherwise agreed by ANZ in writing. The amount, and frequency, is set out in your Letter of Offer. Your first scheduled repayment must be within your chosen repayment frequency.
Appears in 5 contracts
Samples: Consumer Lending Products Terms and Conditions, Consumer Lending Products Terms and Conditions, Consumer Lending Products Terms and Conditions