SECONDARY MORTGAGE MARKET APPROVAL. BUYER acknowledges and accepts that the Condominium may not have so-called “project approval” from either the Federal National Mortgage Association (“FannieMae”) or the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (“FreddieMac”). XXXXX also acknowledges and accepts that the nature and occupancy of the Condominium and the project may prevent so-called spot approval. SELLER will make reasonable efforts but not be obligated to arrange for individual unit financing from several local lenders.
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  • FAA APPROVAL This Agreement may be subject to approval of the FAA. If the FAA disapproves this Agreement, it will become null and void, and both Parties will bear their own expenses relative to this Agreement, up to the date of disapproval.

  • ROAD WORK PHASE APPROVAL Purchaser shall obtain written approval from the Contract Administrator upon completion of each of the following phases of road work:  Drainage installation  Subgrade compaction  Rock compaction SUBSECTION RESTRICTIONS

  • State Approval of Replacement Personnel The Engineer may not replace the project manager or key personnel without prior consent of the State. The State must be satisfied that the new project manager or other key personnel is qualified to provide the authorized services. If the State determines that the new project manager or key personnel is not acceptable, the Engineer may not use that person in that capacity and shall replace him or her with one satisfactory to the State within forty-five (45) days.

  • City Council Approval It is agreed that this MOU is of no force or affect until ratified by the City Council of the City of Lompoc.

  • Department Approval All Marketing Materials must be reviewed and have the approval of the Department prior to distribution. The Contractor understands and agrees that when submitting any Marketing Materials to the Department for review, the Department is required to consult with the Medical Care Advisory Committee established under 42 CFR 431.12 or an advisory committee with similar membership.

  • Application Approval Our representative will notify you (or one of you, if there are co-applicants) of the Application approval, execute the Lease agreements for signature prior to occupancy, and, once complete, credit the application deposit of all applicants toward the required security deposit.

  • CONTRACT APPROVAL All Membership Contracts are subject to final approval by Crunch Management. Crunch reserves the right to refuse this contract for any reason at our sole discretion.

  • Affirmative Marketing Developer shall maintain and abide by an affirmative marketing plan that shall be designed to attract tenants from all racial, ethnic/national origin, sex, religious, familial status, and special- Attachment G GLO Contract No. 20-063-039-C547 needs groups and shall require all press releases and written materials, advertising, or promoting of the Project to include, when feasible, the equal housing opportunity logo or slogan. Developer further agrees to maintain documents and records evidencing its compliance with said plan and the affirmative marketing requirements imposed by 24 C.F.R. Part 570.

  • Project Approval The County may issue a Job Order Authorization for the Work, to include the firm-fixed-price of the Job Order and the project duration. Contractor agrees that all clauses of this Contract are applicable to any Job Order issued hereunder. The County reserves the right to reject a Contractor’s Quote based on unjustifiable quantities and/or methods, performance periods, inadequate documentation, or other inconsistencies or deficiencies on the Contractor’s part in the sole opinion of the County. The County reserves the right to issue a unilateral Job Order authorization for the Work if a Quote price cannot be mutually agreed upon. This is based upon unjustifiable quantities in the sole opinion of the County. The County also reserves the right to not issue a Job Order Authorization if the County’s requirement is no longer valid or the project is not funded. In these instances, the Contractor has no right of claim to recover Quote expenses. The County may pursue continuing valid requirements by other means where Contract was not reached with the Contractor.

  • Commission Approval The Parties understand and agree that this Agreement will be filed with the Commission for approval by such Commission (or the FCC if the Commission fails to act) pursuant to Section 252 of the Act. Each Party specifically reserves its right to judicial review of this Agreement under Section 252(e)(6) of the Act, or any other available remedy at law or equity. If the Commission, the FCC or any court rejects any portion of this Agreement, the Parties agree to meet and negotiate in good faith to arrive at a mutually acceptable modification of the rejected portion and any provisions that would be materially affected by deletion of the rejected portion; provided that such rejected portion shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this Agreement. The Parties acknowledge that nothing in this Agreement shall limit a Party's ability, independent of such Party's agreement to support and participate in the approval of this Agreement, to assert public policy issues relating to the Act, including challenging the validity of any portion of the Act or an FCC or Commission rule, order, Guideline or other determination made pursuant to the Act, or the application by CBT for suspension or modification of portions of the Act or rules pursuant to Section 251(f)(2) of the Act. In the event CBT obtains a suspension or modification of any portion of the Act or rules thereunder pursuant to Section 252(f)(2) of the Act, the Parties shall negotiate as necessary to incorporate the applicable terms and conditions of such suspension or modification and the Parties agree to negotiate as necessary in order to clarify the application of such suspension or modification to the terms of into this Agreement.

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