Subsidiary REMIC. Subsidiary REMIC 1 or Subsidiary REMIC 2.
Subsidiary REMIC. The Subsidiary REMIC Regular Interests, each of which is hereby designated a REMIC regular interest for federal income tax purposes, shall have the following principal balances, pass-through rates and corresponding Collateral Groups in the manner set forth in the following table: LT1-1 (1) 5.750% 1 LT2-1 (1) 5.750% 1 LT3-1 (1) 5.750% 1 LT1-2 (1) 7.000% 2 LT2-2 (1) 7.000% 2 LT3-2 (1) 7.000% 2 LT1-3 (1) 6.250% 3 LT2-3 (1) 6.250% 3 LT3-3 (1) 6.250% 3 LT1-4 (1) 5.750% 4 LT2-4 (1) 5.750% 4 LT3-4 (1) 5.750% 4 LT-15-A-X (2) (3) 4 LT-30-A-X (2) (4) 2,3 LT-15-PO (5) 0.000% 4 LT-30-PO (6) 0.000% 1, 3 ____________________
Subsidiary REMIC. The Subsidiary REMIC Regular Interests, each of which is hereby designated a REMIC regular interest for federal income tax purposes, shall have the following principal balances, pass-through rates and corresponding Collateral Groups in the manner set forth in the following table: LT1-1 (1) 6.000% 1 LT2-1 (1) 6.000% 1 LT3-1 (1) 6.000% 1 LT1-2 (1) 7.500% 2 LT2-2 (1) 7.500% 2 LT3-2 (1) 7.500% 2 LT-A-X (2) (3) 2 LT-PO (4) 0.000% 1 ____________________
Subsidiary REMIC. The following table sets forth the designations, principal balances and interest rates for each interest in the Subsidiary REMIC, each of which (other than the LT-R interest) is hereby designated as a regular interest in the Subsidiary REMIC (the “Subsidiary REMIC Regular Interests”):
Subsidiary REMIC. 1 The Subsidiary REMIC 1 Interests, each of which (except for the Class SR1 Interests) is hereby designated as a REMIC regular interest for federal income tax purposes, will have the principal balances, pass-through rates and Corresponding Master REMIC Certificates as set forth in the following table:
Subsidiary REMIC. The following table sets forth (or describes) the class designation, interest rate, and initial principal balance for each Subsidiary REMIC Interest (each such Interest other than the LT-R Interest, a “Subsidiary REMIC Regular Interest”): LT-A1(1) (2) (6) Class AF-1 LT-A2(1) (2) (6) Class AF-2 LT-A3(1) (2) (6) Class AF-3 LT-A4(1) (2) (6) Class AF-4 LT-A5(1) (2) (6) Class AF-5 LT-A6(1) (2) (6) Class AF-6
Subsidiary REMIC. The following table sets forth the designations, principal balances and interest rates for each interest in the Subsidiary REMIC, each of which (other than the LT-R interest) is hereby designated as a regular interest in the Subsidiary REMIC (the “Subsidiary REMIC Regular Interests”): LT-M7 $ 6,300,000.00 (1) LT-M8 $ 5,492,000.00 (1) LT-A (4) (1) LT-F1 $ 1,913,000.00 (2) LT-V1 $ 1,913,000.00 (3) LT-F2 $ 2,112,000.00 (2) LT-V2 $ 2,112,000.00 (3) LT-F3 $ 2,305,500.00 (2) LT-V3 $ 2,305,500.00 (3) LT-F4 $ 2,493,000.00 (2) LT-V4 $ 2,493,000.00 (3) LT-F5 $ 2,675,000.00 (2) LT-V5 $ 2,675,000.00 (3) LT-F6 $ 2,849,500.00 (2) LT-V6 $ 2,849,500.00 (3) LT-F7 $ 3,016,000.00 (2) LT-V7 $ 3,016,000.00 (3) LT-F8 $ 3,174,500.00 (2) LT-V8 $ 3,174,500.00 (3) LT-F9 $ 3,323,000.00 (2) LT-V9 $ 3,323,000.00 (3) LT-F10 $ 3,462,500.00 (2) LT-V10 $ 3,462,500.00 (3) LT-F11 $ 3,591,000.00 (2) LT-V11 $ 3,591,000.00 (3) LT-F12 $ 3,708,500.00 (2) LT-V12 $ 3,708,500.00 (3) LT-F13 $ 3,815,000.00 (2) LT-V13 $ 3,815,000.00 (3) LT-F14 $ 3,848,500.00 (2) LT-V14 $ 3,848,500.00 (3) LT-F15 $ 3,753,000.00 (2) LT-V15 $ 3,753,000.00 (3) LT-F16 $ 3,635,500.00 (2) LT-V16 $ 3,635,500.00 (3) LT-F17 $ 3,523,000.00 (2) LT-V17 $ 3,523,000.00 (3) LT-F18 $ 3,414,500.00 (2) LT-V18 $ 3,414,500.00 (3) LT-F19 $ 4,178,500.00 (2) LT-V19 $ 4,178,500.00 (3) LT-F20 $ 5,731,000.00 (2) LT-V20 $ 5,731,000.00 (3) LT-F21 $ 5,731,500.00 (2) LT-V21 $ 5,731,500.00 (3) LT-F22 $ 5,386,500.00 (2) LT-V22 $ 5,386,500.00 (3) LT-F23 $ 5,061,000.00 (2) LT-V23 $ 5,061,000.00 (3) LT-F24 $ 4,759,500.00 (2) LT-V24 $ 4,759,500.00 (3) LT-F25 $ 3,920,000.00 (2) LT-V25 $ 3,920,000.00 (3) LT-F26 $ 2,602,000.00 (2) LT-V26 $ 2,602,000.00 (3) LT-F27 $ 2,288,000.00 (2) LT-V27 $ 2,288,000.00 (3) LT-F28 $ 2,211,000.00 (2) LT-V28 $ 2,211,000.00 (3) LT-F29 $ 2,136,500.00 (2) LT-V29 $ 2,136,500.00 (3) LT-F30 $ 2,062,000.00 (2) LT-V30 $ 2,062,000.00 (3) LT-F31 $ 1,993,500.00 (2) LT-V31 $ 1,993,500.00 (3) LT-F32 $ 1,927,000.00 (2) LT-V32 $ 1,927,000.00 (3) LT-F33 $ 1,864,000.00 (2) LT-V33 $ 1,864,000.00 (3) LT-F34 $ 1,802,500.00 (2) LT-V34 $ 1,802,500.00 (3) LT-F35 $ 1,745,500.00 (2) LT-V35 $ 1,745,500.00 (3) LT-F36 $ 1,714,000.00 (2) LT-V36 $ 1,714,000.00 (3) LT-F37 $ 1,710,500.00 (2) LT-V37 $ 1,710,500.00 (3) LT-F38 $ 1,709,500.00 (2) LT-V38 $ 1,709,500.00 (3) LT-F39 $ 1,708,000.00 (2) LT-V39 $ 1,708,000.00 (3) LT-F40 $ 1,166,500.00 (2) LT-V40 $ 1,166,500.00 (3) LT-F41 $ 1,123,500.00 (2) LT-V41 $ 1,123,500.00 (3) LT-F42 $ 1,117,500.00 (2) LT-V42 $ 1,...
Subsidiary REMIC. The following table sets forth (or describes) the class designation, interest rate, and initial principal amount for each uncertificated REMIC interest in the Subsidiary REMIC: LT1-Grp 1 (1) 4.500% N/A LT1-1-PO (2) (3) A-P LT1-Grp 2 (4) 5.500% N/A LT1-Grp 3 (5) 6.000% N/A LT1-Grp 4 (6) 6.500% N/A LT1-Grp 5 (7) (8) N/A LT1-R (9) (9) N/A ________________
Subsidiary REMIC. The Subsidiary REMIC Interests, each of which (except for the Class SR Interest) is hereby designated as a REMIC regular interest for federal income tax purposes, will have the principal balances, pass-through rates and Corresponding Master REMIC Certificates as set forth in the following table: S-A-1 (1) (3) Class A-1 S-M-3 (1) (3) Class M-3 S-B-1 (1) (3) Class B-1 S-B-2 (1) (3) Class B-2 S-B-3 (1) (3) Class B-3 S-B-4 (1) (3) Class B-4 S-B-5 (1) (3) Class B-5 S-Accrual (1) (3)(4) N/A SR (5) (5) N/A _______________
Subsidiary REMIC. The following table specifies the Class designation, interest rate, and principal amount for each Class of Subsidiary REMIC Interests: