Porcupine Site Highway 11 and the City of Timmins Thunder Bay and District Toronto/York-Peel
Additional Acceptable Uses of Student Data Contractor is prohibited from using Student Data for any secondary use not described in this agreement except: a. for adaptive learning or customized student learning purposes; b. to market an educational application or product to a parent or legal guardian of a student if Contractor did not use Data, shared by or collected per this Contract, to market the educational application or product; c. to use a recommendation engine to recommend to a student i. content that relates to learning or employment, within the third-party contractor's internal application, if the recommendation is not motivated by payment or other consideration from another party; or
Project Site The “Project Site” is the place where the Work is being carried on.
Access Toll Connecting Trunk Group Architecture 9.2.1 If CSTC chooses to subtend a Verizon access Tandem, CSTC’s NPA/NXX must be assigned by CSTC to subtend the same Verizon access Tandem that a Verizon NPA/NXX serving the same Rate Center Area subtends as identified in the LERG. 9.2.2 CSTC shall establish Access Toll Connecting Trunks pursuant to applicable access Tariffs by which it will provide Switched Exchange Access Services to Interexchange Carriers to enable such Interexchange Carriers to originate and terminate traffic to and from CSTC’s Customers. 9.2.3 The Access Toll Connecting Trunks shall be two-way trunks. Such trunks shall connect the End Office CSTC utilizes to provide Telephone Exchange Service and Switched Exchange Access to its Customers in a given LATA to the access Tandem(s) Verizon utilizes to provide Exchange Access in such LATA. 9.2.4 Access Toll Connecting Trunks shall be used solely for the transmission and routing of Exchange Access to allow CSTC’s Customers to connect to or be connected to the interexchange trunks of any Interexchange Carrier which is connected to a Verizon access Tandem.
Additional Requirements for Sleeping Rooms The Contractor shall provide departing Attendees a secured area for storing belongings.
DUŠEVNÍ VLASTNICTVÍ a) The Institution and the Investigator acknowledge and agree that the Sponsor shall have exclusive ownership rights to all Study Data, Study results, information, improvements, developments, discoveries, inventions, work, know-how and other rights (whether or not patentable), created, developed, and/or reduced to practice as a result of or in connection with the conduct of the Study and/or the use of the Study Drug or the Confidential Information, together with all intellectual property rights (existing and future) relating thereto (“Intellectual Property”) conceived by the Institution or the Investigator or Study Personnel, solely or jointly with others as a result of work done under this Agreement, to the widest extent possible under applicable law. The Institution and the Investigator shall promptly disclose in writing to PSI and the Sponsor all Intellectual Property made or reduced to practice by the Institution, the Investigator and/or the Study Personnel related to the Study. At the Sponsor's request, the Institution and the Investigator shall cause all rights titles and interests in and to any such Intellectual Property to be assigned to the Sponsor without additional compensation and provide reasonable assistance to obtain patents, including causing the execution of any invention assignment or other documents. b) All parties to this Agreement and Sponsor shall retain all right, title and interest in any Intellectual Property that was owned by such party or Sponsor prior to or apart from the commencement of this Agreement. No a) Zdravotnické zařízení a Hlavní zkoušející uznávají a souhlasí, že Zadavatel bude mít výhradní vlastnická práva ke všem Studijním údajům, výsledkům Studie, informacím, vylepšením, na vývoj, k objevům, vynálezům, dílům, know-how a dalším právům (ať už patentovatelným či nikoli), vytvořeným, vyvinutým, a/nebo uvedeným do praxe v důsledku nebo v souvislosti s prováděním Studie, a/nebo používáním Studijního léku nebo Důvěrných informací společně s právy duševního vlastnictví (stávajícími i budoucími) s nimi souvisejícími (dále jen „Duševní vlastnictví“), které vytvořilo Zdravotnické zařízení, Hlavní zkoušející nebo Studijní personál, samostatně nebo společně s ostatními jako výsledek práce prováděné na základě této Smlouvy, a to v největším možném rozsahu povoleném příslušnými zákonnými předpisy. Zdravotnické zařízení a Hlavní zkoušející budou neprodleně písemně informovat PSI a Zadavatele o veškerém Duševním vlastnictví vytvořeném nebo uvedeném do praxe Zdravotnickým zařízením, Hlavním zkoušejícím a/nebo Studijním personálem v souvislosti se Studií. Na žádost Zadavatele zajistí Zdravotnické zařízení a Hlavní zkoušející převod veškerých práv a zájmů týkajících se Duševního vlastnictví na Zadavatele bez další odměny a poskytnou přiměřenou součinnost k získání patentu včetně zajištění podpisu dokumentů k převodu objevu nebo jiných dokumentů. b) Všechny strany této Smlouvy a Zadavatel si i nadále ponechají veškerá práva, nároky a podíly na jakémkoli Duševním vlastnictví, které daná strana nebo Zadavatel vlastnili před začátkem platnosti této Smlouvy nebo na které license grant or assignment, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, is intended by, or shall be inferred from, this Agreement except to the extent necessary for each party to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement or otherwise give effect to this Agreement.
Transfer and Seniority Outside the Bargaining Unit (a) It is understood that an employee shall not be transferred by the Hospital to a position outside the bargaining unit without his consent except in the case of temporary assignments not exceeding six (6) months. Such employees on temporary assignments shall remain members of the bargaining unit. (b) An employee who is transferred to a position outside the bargaining unit shall not, subject to (c) below, accumulate seniority. In the event the employee is returned by the Hospital to a position in the bargaining unit within twenty-four (24) months of the transfer he or she shall be credited with the seniority held at the time of transfer and resume accumulation from the date of his or her return to the bargaining unit. An employee not returned to the bargaining unit within 24 months shall forfeit bargaining unit seniority. (c) In the event an employee transferred out of the bargaining unit under (b) above is returned to the bargaining unit within a period of six (6) calendar months, he shall accumulate seniority during the period of time outside the bargaining unit."
Sites 11.1 To enable Digital Origin to fulfill its obligations under any Contract: 11.1.1 the Client shall permit or procure permission for Digital Origin and any other person(s) authorised by Digital Origin to have reasonable access to the Client’s Sites, Equipment and/or Leased Equipment and any other relevant telephone system and other equipment and shall provide such reasonable assistance as Digital Origin requests. 11.1.2 Digital Origin will normally carry out work by appointment and during Normal Working Hours but may request the Client to (and the Client shall) provide access at other times. In the event that the Client cancels, reschedules or misses any pre-arranged appointment, it shall be liable to Digital Origin for any costs and expenses which Digital Origin incurs as a result of such cancellation, rescheduling and/or missed appointment. 11.2 At the Client’s request, Digital Origin may agree (at its sole discretion) to work outside Normal Working Hours and the Client shall pay Digital Origin’s reasonable charges for complying with such a request. 11.3 The Client warrants, represents and undertakes that it has adequate health and safety provisions in place at its Sites. 11.4 The Client shall procure all consents, licences and permissions necessary from landlords or other third parties for the carrying out of preparation work, installation of Equipment and/or Leased Equipment and for the provision, use and operation of the Equipment and/or Leased Equipment and/or Services at the Sites (save to the extent Digital Origin has agreed in writing to do it). 11.5 In the event that the Client is not able to procure the necessary consent to provide the Services within ninety days of the Connection Date Digital Origin will be able to terminate the Contract forthwith by giving the Client written notice without any liability. If the Client has not managed to procure the necessary consents and Digital Origin has commenced work the Client shall, on request by Digital Origin, refund to Digital Origin the cost of all such work (including, without limitation, staff costs and equipment costs) of an amount no less than £500 as Early Termination Charges. 11.6 The Client shall provide Digital Origin with the site and building plans (to include full details of all internal cabling runs) of the Sites and provide Digital Origin with full details of all other services in the vicinity of the proposed works. 11.7 The Client is responsible for making the Site good after any work undertaken by Digital Origin at a Site, including without limitation replacing and re-siting items and for re-decorating. 11.8 If the Client is moving a Site, Digital Origin must be informed as soon as is reasonably practicable so that suitable arrangements can be made to transfer the Client’s Services and Equipment and/or Leased Equipment. Unless otherwise requested, Digital Origin, in addition to moving the Service and Equipment and/or Leased Equipment, will also endeavour (but cannot guarantee that it will be able, for example where the Client moves to a different exchange) to retain the Client’s relevant existing telephone number(s). If Digital Origin can transfer the Client’s existing number(s) to the new Site the existing Contract will continue under the same terms and conditions. If Digital Origin cannot transfer the Client’s existing number(s) to the new Site, installation of a new line will be required at the new Site, or if the Client requires any additional new lines, this will attract new line connection charges and a new Contract. 11.9 If the new installation or moving Site involves the visit of an engineer to facilitate the new installation the Client will be responsible for the costs incurred by Digital Origin for the appointment together with an administration fee in respect of any additional works required to be undertaken by Digital Origin to complete the transfer of the Services and Equipment and/or Leased Equipment. 11.10 If the Client moves Sites and leaves the Equipment and/or Leased Equipment for the new owner/tenant the Client is required to inform them that the Service will be discontinued if Digital Origin is not contacted by the new owner/tenant within 72 hours for the purpose of entering into a new contract with Digital Origin for such services and subject in any event to the agreement of such a contract. 11.11 If at the new Site the Client receives services from an alternative supplier the Client is responsible for any contractual agreement the Client has with them and any liabilities the Client may incur for terminating such agreement.
Green Economy/Carbon Footprint a) The Supplier/Service Provider has in its bid provided Transnet with an understanding of the Supplier’s/Service Provider’s position with regard to issues such as waste disposal, recycling and energy conservation.
Vlastnictví Zdravotnické zařízení si ponechá a bude uchovávat Zdravotní záznamy. Zdravotnické zařízení a Zkoušející převedou na Zadavatele veškerá svá práva, nároky a tituly, včetně práv duševního vlastnictví k Důvěrným informacím (ve smyslu níže uvedeném) a k jakýmkoli jiným Studijním datům a údajům.