DOES THE SPR NEED TO BE UPDATED IF INFORMATION CHANGES Yes. It remains a continuing obligation of the principal or his/her authorized agent to update the SPR whenever any of the information provided on the initial form changes. The SPR needs to be filed with the County Department or County Division processing the application or matter. If and when an additional expenditure is incurred subsequent to the initial filing of the SPR, an amended SPR needs to be filed with the County Department or County Division where the original application, including the initial SPR, was filed. In most cases, the initial SPR needs to be filed with the other application forms. The SPR and any update must be filed with the appropriate County Department or County Division not less than seven (7) days prior to the BCC hearing date so that they may be incorporated into the BCC agenda packet. (See Section 2-354(b), Orange County Code.) When the matter is a discussion agenda item or is the subject of a public hearing, and any additional expenditure occurs less than 7 days prior to BCC meeting date or updated information is not included in the BCC agenda packet, the principal or his/her authorized agent is obligated to verbally present the updated information to the BCC when the agenda item is heard or the public hearing is held. When the matter is a consent agenda item and an update has not been made at least 7 days prior to the BCC meeting or the update is not included in the BCC agenda packet, the item will be pulled from the consent agenda to be considered at a future meeting.
Emergency Mode Operation Plan Contractor must establish a documented plan to enable continuation of critical business processes and protection of the security of electronic County PHI or PI in the event of an emergency. Emergency means any circumstance or situation that causes normal computer operations to become unavailable for use in performing the work required under this Agreement for more than twenty-four (24) hours.
Mileage Measurement Where required, the mileage measurement for LIS rate elements is determined in the same manner as the mileage measurement for V&H methodology as outlined in NECA Tariff No. 4.
Local Circuit Switching Capability, including Tandem Switching Capability 4.2.1 Local circuit switching capability is defined as: (A) line-side facilities, which include, but are not limited to, the connection between a loop termination at a main distribution frame and a switch line card; (B) trunk-side facilities, which include, but are not limited to, the connection between trunk termination at a trunk-side cross-connect panel and a switch trunk card; (C) switching provided by remote switching modules; and (D) all features, functions, and capabilities of the switch, which include, but are not limited to: (1) the basic switching function of connecting lines to lines, line to trunks, trunks to lines, and trunks to trunks, as well as the same basic capabilities made available to BellSouth’s customers, such as a telephone number, white page listings, and dial tone; and (2) all other features that the switch is capable of providing, including but not limited to customer calling, customer local area signaling service features, and Centrex, as well as any technically feasible customized routing functions provided by the switch. Any features that are not currently available but are technically feasible through the switch can be requested through the BFR/NBR process. 4.2.2 Notwithstanding BellSouth’s general duty to unbundle local circuit switching, BellSouth shall not be required to unbundle local circuit switching for Louisville Telephone when Louisville Telephone serves an end-user with four (4) or more voice-grade (DS-0) equivalents or lines served by BellSouth in one of the following MSAs: Atlanta, GA; Miami, FL; Orlando, FL; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; Charlotte-Gastonia-Rock Hill, NC; Greensboro-Winston Salem-High Point, NC; Nashville, TN; and New Orleans, LA, and BellSouth has provided non- discriminatory cost based access to the Enhanced Extended Link (EEL) throughout Density Zone 1 as determined by NECA Tariff No. 4 as in effect on January 1, 1999. 4.2.3 In the event that Louisville Telephone orders local circuit switching for an end user with four (4) or more DS0 equivalent lines within Density Zone 1 in an MSA listed above, BellSouth shall charge Louisville Telephone the market based rates in Exhibit B for use of the local circuit switching functionality for the affected facilities.
Particular Methods of Procurement of Goods and Works International Competitive Bidding. Goods and works shall be procured under contracts awarded on the basis of International Competitive Bidding.
Video Display Terminals The Employer shall ensure that any new office equipment or facility required for use in conjunction with VDTs shall meet the standards recommended by the Workers' Compensation Board.
Single Audit Subrecipient must be audited as required by 2 CFR part 200, subpart F when it is expected that Subrecipient's Federal awards expended during the respective fiscal year equaled or exceeded the threshold set forth in §200.501 Audit requirements.
DNS name server availability Refers to the ability of a public-‐DNS registered “IP address” of a particular name server listed as authoritative for a domain name, to answer DNS queries from an Internet user. All the public DNS-‐registered “IP address” of all name servers of the domain name being monitored shall be tested individually. If 51% or more of the DNS testing probes get undefined/unanswered results from “DNS tests” to a name server “IP address” during a given time, the name server “IP address” will be considered unavailable.
Additional Requirements for Sleeping Rooms The Contractor shall provide departing Attendees a secured area for storing belongings.
Unbundled Network Terminating Wire (UNTW) UNTW is unshielded twisted copper wiring that is used to extend circuits from an intra-building network cable terminal or from a building entrance terminal to an individual End User’s point of demarcation. It is the final portion of the Loop that in multi-subscriber configurations represents the point at which the network branches out to serve individual subscribers. This element will be provided in MDUs and/or Multi-Tenants Units (MTUs) where either Party owns wiring all the way to the End User’s premises. Neither Party will provide this element in locations where the property owner provides its own wiring to the End User’s premises, where a third party owns the wiring to the End User’s premises.