Using your credit. You agree to use your credit for the purpose stated in your application. If your credit is to pay off one or more debts, you agree that we will pay off those debts on your behalf before you will be able to draw your new credit from us.
Appears in 10 contracts
Samples: Personal Client Agreement, Personal Client Agreement, Personal Client Agreement
Using your credit. You agree to use your credit for the purpose stated in your application. If your credit is to pay off one or more debts, you agree that we will to pay off those the debts on your behalf before as soon as you will be able to draw your new credit from us.
Appears in 5 contracts
Samples: Personal Client Agreement, Personal Client Agreement, Personal Client Agreement
Using your credit. You agree to use your credit for the purpose stated in your application. If your credit is to pay off one or more debts, you agree that we will pay to pay-off those the debts on your behalf before as soon as you will be able to draw your new credit facility from us.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Business Client Agreement
Using your credit. You agree to use your credit for the purpose stated in your application. If your credit is to pay off one or more debts, you agree that we will pay off those debts on your behalf before you will be able to draw your new credit facility from us.. You agree that your loan will be either:
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Business Customer Agreement