VOLUME / AVERAGE INCOME. (Tons/US$Kg) ▪ The higher revenues are due to a 54.6% increase in the volume sold to 71,311 tons, mainly related to: • The entry into production of the new blueberry fields in Mexico and China 50.000 40.000 Volu3m0e.000 Aver2a0g.e0I0n0come 10.000 - 46.134 8,92 7,92 Jan20-Sep20 Jan21-Sep21 11,00 10,00 9,00 8,00 7,00 6,00 5,00 • Raspberry volume from Mexico, Portugal and Morocco. • Incorporation of Vitafoods to Hortifrut. • Compensated by later curve in Peru. ▪ The higher volume was accompanied by an 8.1% reduction in the average price per kilo, which went from 7.23 US$/Kg in Sep20 to
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  • Average Contribution Amount For purposes of this Agreement, to ensure that all employees enrolled in health insurance through the City’s HSS are making premium contributions under the Percentage-Based Contribution Model, and therefore have a stake in controlling the long term growth in health insurance costs, it is agreed that, to the extent the City's health insurance premium contribution under the Percentage-Based Contribution Model is less than the “average contribution,” as established under Charter section A8.428(b), then, in addition to the City’s contribution, payments toward the balance of the health insurance premium under the Percentage-Based Contribution Model shall be deemed to apply to the annual “average contribution.” The parties intend that the City’s contribution toward employee health insurance premiums will not exceed the amount established under the Percentage-Based Contribution Model.

  • Adjustment for Volume Deficit If Sale Area Map indicates that there are incompletely Marked subdivisions and if Contracting Officer determines that a deficit in the estimated volume will cause the volume cut to be less than 90 percent of the total estimate shown in A2, Forest Service, upon request by Purchaser, shall des- ignate additional timber within Sale Area. Such additional timber shall be limited to that estimated to be necessary to reach approximately the estimated volumes by species listed in A2. Any such additional designation shall be con- sistent with land and resource management plans.

  • Minimum Call-Back Time An employee who is called in and required to work outside their regular working hours shall be paid for a minimum of two (2) hours at overtime rates unless the call-in is immediately prior to their normal work day, in which case there should be no minimum.

  • Mileage Measurement Where required, the mileage measurement for LIS rate elements is determined in the same manner as the mileage measurement for V&H methodology as outlined in NECA Tariff No. 4.

  • Mileage Rates The mileage rate shall be the maximum allowed by the Internal Revenue Service. If the IRS rate should change during the term of the contract, the contract rate shall change also on the date specified by the IRS.

  • Minimum Interest Charge If the interest charge for all balances on your Credit Card account is less than $1.00, we will charge you the Minimum Interest Charge shown on page 1. This charge is in lieu of any interest charge.

  • Multiplier For Work assigned under this Agreement, a maximum multiplier of 2.9 for home office and 2.4 for field office shall apply to Consultant’s hourly Wage Rates in calculating compensation payable by the City. Said multiplier is intended to cover the Consultant employee benefits and the Consultant’s profit and overhead, including, without limitation, office rent, local telephone and utility charges, office and drafting supplies, depreciation of equipment, professional dues, subscriptions, stenographic, administrative and clerical support, other employee time or travel and subsistence not directly related to a project.

  • Lower Salary Level An employee who accepts another position with a lower salary range will be paid an amount equal to his or her current salary, provided it is within the salary range of the new position. In those cases where the employee’s current salary exceeds the maximum amount of the salary range for the new position, the employee will be compensated at the maximum salary of the new salary range.

  • Second Year Wage Adjustment Effective July 1, 2020, all salary ranges and rates shall be increased by two and one-half percent (2.50%), rounded to the nearest cent. Salary increases provided by this Section shall be given to all employees including those employees whose rates of pay exceed the maximum rate for their class. The compensation grids for classes covered by this Agreement are contained in Appendix E-2. Conversion to the new compensation grid shall not change an employee’s eligibility for step progression increases.

  • Reallocation to a Class with a Lower Salary Range Maximum 1. If the employee meets the skills and abilities requirements of the position and chooses to remain in the reallocated position, the employee retains existing appointment status and has the right to be placed on the Employer’s internal layoff list for the classification occupied prior to the reallocation.

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