Will County Economic Data Base Sample Clauses

Will County Economic Data Base. The Will County CED will continue to update and post on-line Will County statistics, which provides a comprehensive overview of Will County, including its location attributes and quality of life.
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Related to Will County Economic Data Base

  • Trade and Economic Mixed Commission 1. The Parties hereby incorporate the Trade and Economic Mixed Commission (Mixed Commission) into this Agreement. 2. The Mixed Commission was established according to the Basic Agreement on Economic and Technical Cooperation between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Peru, signed in Lima, on November 2nd, 1988. 3. The Mixed Commission is composed of officials as follows: (a) for China, the high ranking official of

  • Cooperation with Economic Studies If ICANN initiates or commissions an economic study on the impact or functioning of new generic top-­‐level domains on the Internet, the DNS or related matters, Registry Operator shall reasonably cooperate with such study, including by delivering to ICANN or its designee conducting such study all data related to the operation of the TLD reasonably necessary for the purposes of such study requested by ICANN or its designee, provided, that Registry Operator may withhold (a) any internal analyses or evaluations prepared by Registry Operator with respect to such data and (b) any data to the extent that the delivery of such data would be in violation of applicable law. Any data delivered to ICANN or its designee pursuant to this Section 2.15 that is appropriately marked as confidential (as required by Section 7.15) shall be treated as Confidential Information of Registry Operator in accordance with Section 7.15, provided that, if ICANN aggregates and makes anonymous such data, ICANN or its designee may disclose such data to any third party. Following completion of an economic study for which Registry Operator has provided data, ICANN will destroy all data provided by Registry Operator that has not been aggregated and made anonymous.

  • Department Liaison In performing the Services provided for in this Agreement, Contractor’s liaison with the [insert name of department] will be [insert name of contact person in department].

  • Joint Commission 1. The Parties hereby establish the Joint Commission comprising officials of each Party, which shall be co-chaired by the

  • Diverse Spend Reporting If the total value of the Contract may exceed $500,000, including all extension options, Contractor must track and report, on a quarterly basis, the amount paid to diverse businesses both: 1) directly to subcontractors performing under the Contract, and 2) indirectly to diverse businesses that provide supplies/services to your company (in proportion to the revenue from this Contract compared to Contractor’s overall revenue). When this applies, Contractor will register in a free portal to help report the Tier 2 diverse spend, and the requirement continues as long as the Contract is in effect.

  • Interstate Educational Personnel Contracts 1. The designated state official of a party state may make 1 or more contracts on behalf of his state with 1 or more other party states providing for the acceptance of educational personnel. Any such contract for the period of its duration shall be applicable to and binding on the states whose designated state officials enter into it, and the subdivisions of those states, with the same force and effect as if incorporated in this agreement. A designated state official may enter into a contract pursuant to this article only with states in which he finds that there are programs of education, certification standards or other acceptable qualifications that assure preparation or qualification of educational personnel on a basis sufficiently comparable, even though not identical to that prevailing in his own state.

  • Green Economy/Carbon Footprint a) The Supplier/Service Provider has in its bid provided Transnet with an understanding of the Supplier’s/Service Provider’s position with regard to issues such as waste disposal, recycling and energy conservation.

  • Budget Control Records of expenditures must be maintained for each Award by the cost categories of the approved Budget (including indirect costs that are charged to the Award), and actual expenditures are to be compared with Budgeted amounts at least quarterly.

  • Monitoring and Reporting 3.1 The Contractor shall provide workforce monitoring data as detailed in paragraph 3.2 of this Schedule 8. A template for data collected in paragraphs 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 will be provided by the Authority. Completed templates for the Contractor and each Sub-contractor will be submitted by the Contractor with the Diversity and Equality Delivery Plan within six (6) Months of the Commencement Date and annually thereafter. Contractors are required to provide workforce monitoring data for the workforce involved in delivery of the Contract. Data relating to the wider Contractor workforce and wider Sub-contractors workforce would however be well received by the Authority. Contractors and any Sub-contractors are required to submit percentage figures only in response to paragraphs 3.2(a), 3.2(b) and 3.2(c).

  • Project Manager, County The County shall appoint a Project Manager to act as liaison between the County and the Subrecipient during the term of this Contract. The County’s Project Manager shall coordinate the activities of the County staff assigned to work with the Subrecipient. The County’s Project Manager, in consultation and agreement with the County, shall have the right to require the removal and replacement of the Subrecipient’s Project Manager and key personnel. The County’s Project Manager shall notify the Subrecipient in writing of such action. The Subrecipient shall accomplish the removal within three (3) business days after written notice from the County’s Project Manager. The County is not required to provide any additional information, reason or rationale in the event it requires the removal of Subrecipient’s Project Manager from providing further services under the Contract.

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