Year End and Final Claims. CONTRACTOR shall submit a final claim for 19 each COUNTY fiscal year, July 1 through June 30, covered under the term of 20 this Agreement, as stated in Paragraph 1, by no later than August 30th of each 22 corresponding COUNTY fiscal year may, at ADMINISTRATOR’s sole discretion, not 23 be reimbursed. ADMINISTRATOR may modify the date upon which the final claim 24 per each COUNTY fiscal year must be received, upon written notice to 25 CONTRACTOR.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Service Agreement, Service Agreement, Service Agreement
Year End and Final Claims. CONTRACTOR shall submit a final claim for 19 each 24 COUNTY fiscal year, July 1 through June 30, covered under the term of 20 this Agreement, 25 Agreement as stated in Paragraph 1, by no later than August 30th of each 22 27 corresponding COUNTY fiscal year may, at ADMINISTRATOR’s sole discretion, not 23 28 be reimbursed. ADMINISTRATOR may modify the date upon that which the final claim 24 1 per each COUNTY fiscal year must be received, upon written notice to 25
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Services Agreement, Services Agreement, Services Agreement
Year End and Final Claims. CONTRACTOR shall submit a final claim for 19 each COUNTY fiscal year, July 1 through June 30, covered under the term of 20 this Agreement, Agreement as stated in Paragraph 1, by no later than August 30th of each 22 corresponding COUNTY fiscal year may, at ADMINISTRATOR’s sole discretion, not 23 be reimbursed. ADMINISTRATOR may modify the date upon that which the final claim 24 per each COUNTY fiscal year must be received, upon written notice to 25 CONTRACTOR.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Service Agreement, Services Agreement, Service Agreement
Year End and Final Claims. CONTRACTOR shall submit a final claim for 19 26 each COUNTY fiscal year, July October 1 through June September 30, covered under the term of 20 27 this Agreement, Agreement as stated in Paragraph 1, by no later than August November 30th of 28 each corresponding fiscal year. Claims received after November 30th of each 22 1 corresponding COUNTY fiscal year may, at ADMINISTRATOR’s sole discretion, not 23 2 be reimbursed. ADMINISTRATOR may modify the date upon which the final claim 24 3 per each COUNTY fiscal year must be received, upon written notice to 25
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Agreement for the Provision of Refugee Social Services and Refugee Health Services, Agreement for the Provision of Refugee Social Services and Refugee Health Services
Year End and Final Claims. CONTRACTOR shall submit a final claim for 19 16 each COUNTY fiscal year, July 1 through June 30, covered under the term of 20 17 this Agreement, Agreement as stated in Paragraph 1, by no later than August 30th of each 22 18 corresponding COUNTY fiscal year. Claims received after August 30th of each 19 corresponding COUNTY fiscal year may, at ADMINISTRATOR’s sole discretion, not 23 20 be reimbursed. ADMINISTRATOR may modify the date upon that which the final claim 24 21 per each COUNTY fiscal year must be received, upon written notice to 25 22 CONTRACTOR.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Services Agreement, Service Agreement
Year End and Final Claims. 3 CONTRACTOR shall submit a final claim for 19 each COUNTY 4 fiscal year, July 1 through June 30, covered under the term of 20 this Agreement, as stated in 5 Paragraph 1, by no later than August 30, 2020. 30th of each 22 corresponding COUNTY fiscal year may, at ADMINISTRATOR’s sole discretion, not 23 be reimbursed. ADMINISTRATOR may modify the date upon which the final claim 24 per each COUNTY fiscal year must be received, upon written notice to 25 CONTRACTORyear.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Housing Support Program Agreement
Year End and Final Claims. for costs incurred during the period of
8 CONTRACTOR shall submit a final claim by no February 1, 2018 through June 30, 2018 by no later than August 30, 2018. Thereafter, CONTRACTOR shall submit a final claim for 19 each COUNTY fiscal year, July 1 through June 30, covered under the term of 20 this Agreement, Agreement as stated in Paragraph inParagraph 1, by no later than August 30th of each 22 corresponding COUNTY fiscal year may, at ADMINISTRATOR’s sole discretion, not 23 be reimbursed. ADMINISTRATOR may modify the date upon which the final claim 24 per each COUNTY fiscal year must be received, upon written notice to 25 CONTRACTOR.fiscal
Appears in 1 contract
Year End and Final Claims. CONTRACTOR shall submit a final claim for 19 each 3 COUNTY fiscal year, July 1 through June 30, covered under the term of 20 this Agreement, 4 Agreement as stated in Paragraph 1, by no later than August 30th of each 22 6 corresponding COUNTY fiscal year may, at ADMINISTRATOR’s sole discretion, not 23 7 be reimbursed. ADMINISTRATOR may modify the date upon that which the final claim 24 8 per each COUNTY fiscal year must be received, upon written notice to 25 9 CONTRACTOR.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Services Agreement
Year End and Final Claims. CONTRACTOR shall submit a final claim for 19 15 each COUNTY fiscal year, July 1 through June 30, covered under the term of 20 16 this Agreement, as stated in Paragraph 1, by no later than August 30th of each 22 18 corresponding COUNTY fiscal year may, at ADMINISTRATOR’s sole discretion, not 23 19 be reimbursed. ADMINISTRATOR may modify the date upon which the final claim 24 20 per each COUNTY fiscal year must be received, upon written notice to 25 21 CONTRACTOR.
Appears in 1 contract
Year End and Final Claims. CONTRACTOR shall submit a final claim for 19 6 each COUNTY fiscal year, July 1 through June 30, covered under the term of 20 7 this Agreement, Agreement as stated in Paragraph 1, by no later than August 30th of each 22 9 corresponding COUNTY fiscal year may, at ADMINISTRATOR’s sole discretion, not 23 10 be reimbursed. ADMINISTRATOR may modify the date upon which the final claim 24 11 per each COUNTY fiscal year must be received, upon written notice to 25 12 CONTRACTOR.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Administrative Services Agreement
Year End and Final Claims. CONTRACTOR shall submit a final claim for 19 3 each COUNTY fiscal year, July 1 through June 30, covered under the term of 20 4 this Agreement, Agreement as stated in Paragraph 1, by no later than August 30th of each 22 6 corresponding COUNTY fiscal year may, at ADMINISTRATOR’s sole discretion, not 23 7 be reimbursed. ADMINISTRATOR may modify the date upon which the final claim 24 8 per each COUNTY fiscal year must be received, upon written notice to 25 9 CONTRACTOR.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Service Agreement
Year End and Final Claims. CONTRACTOR shall submit a final claim for 19 each 27 COUNTY fiscal year, July 1 through June 30, covered under the term of 20 this Agreement, 28 Agreement as stated in Paragraph 1, by no later than August 30th of each 22 2 corresponding COUNTY fiscal year may, at ADMINISTRATOR’s sole discretion, not 23 3 be reimbursed. ADMINISTRATOR may modify the date upon that which the final claim 24 4 per each COUNTY fiscal year must be received, upon written notice to 25 5 CONTRACTOR.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Services Agreement
Year End and Final Claims. CONTRACTOR shall submit a final claim 23 for 19 each COUNTY fiscal yearperiod, July October 1 through June September 30, covered under the term of 20 24 this Agreement, Agreement as stated in Paragraph 1, by no later than August November 30th of each 22 26 corresponding COUNTY fiscal year period may, at ADMINISTRATOR’s sole discretion, not 23 be 27 reimbursed. ADMINISTRATOR may modify the date upon which the final claim 24 per 28 each COUNTY fiscal year period must be received, upon written notice to 25 CONTRACTOR.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for the Provision of Refugee Social Services
Year End and Final Claims. 16 CONTRACTOR shall submit a final claim for 19 each COUNTY 17 fiscal year, July 1 through June 30, covered under the term of 20 this Agreement, as stated in 18 Paragraph 1, by no later than August 30th of each 22 corresponding COUNTY fiscal year may, at ADMINISTRATOR’s sole discretion, not 23 be reimbursedyear. ADMINISTRATOR may modify the date upon which the final claim 24 per each COUNTY fiscal year must be received, upon written notice to 25 CONTRACTOR.Claims
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Service Agreement
Year End and Final Claims. CONTRACTOR shall submit a final claim for 19 13 each COUNTY fiscal year, July 1 through June 30, covered under the term of 20 14 this Agreement, Agreement as stated in Paragraph 1, by no later than August 30th of each 22 16 corresponding COUNTY fiscal year may, at ADMINISTRATOR’s sole discretion, not 23 17 be reimbursed. ADMINISTRATOR may modify the date upon which the final claim 24 18 per each COUNTY fiscal year must be received, upon written notice to 25 19 CONTRACTOR.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement
Year End and Final Claims. CONTRACTOR shall submit a final claim for 19 22 each COUNTY fiscal year, July 1 through June 30, covered under the term of 20 23 this Agreement, Agreement as stated in Paragraph 1, by no later than August 30th of each 22 25 corresponding COUNTY fiscal year may, at ADMINISTRATOR’s sole discretion, not 23 26 be reimbursed. ADMINISTRATOR may modify the date upon that which the final claim 24 27 per each COUNTY fiscal year must be received, upon written notice to 25
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Service Agreement
Year End and Final Claims. CONTRACTOR shall submit a final claim for 19 24 each COUNTY fiscal year, July 1 through June 30, covered under the term of 20 25 this Agreement, Agreement as stated in Paragraph 1, by no later than August 30th of each 22 27 corresponding COUNTY fiscal year may, at ADMINISTRATOR’s sole discretion, not 23 28 be reimbursed. ADMINISTRATOR may modify the date upon that which the final claim 24 1 per each COUNTY fiscal year must be received, upon written notice to 25
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Services Agreement
Year End and Final Claims. CONTRACTOR shall submit a final claim for 19 22 each COUNTY fiscal year, July 1 through June 30, covered under the term of 20 23 this Agreement, as stated in Paragraph 1, by no later than August 30th of each 22 24 corresponding COUNTY fiscal year. Claims received after August 30th of each 25 corresponding COUNTY fiscal year may, at ADMINISTRATOR’s sole discretion, not 23 26 be reimbursed. ADMINISTRATOR may modify the date upon which the final claim 24 27 per each COUNTY fiscal year must be received, upon written notice to 25
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Service Agreement
Year End and Final Claims. CONTRACTOR shall submit a final claim for 19 each 20 COUNTY fiscal year, July 1 through June 30, covered under the term of 20 this 21 Agreement, as stated in Paragraph 1, by no later than August 30th of each 22 23 corresponding COUNTY fiscal year may, at ADMINISTRATOR’s sole discretion, not 23 24 be reimbursed. ADMINISTRATOR may modify the date upon which the final claim 24 25 per each COUNTY fiscal year must be received, upon written notice to 25 CONTRACTOR.
Appears in 1 contract
Year End and Final Claims. CONTRACTOR shall submit a final claim for each 19 each COUNTY fiscal year, July 1 through June 30, covered under the term of this 20 this Agreement, Agreement as stated in Paragraph 1, by no later than August 30th of each 22 corresponding COUNTY fiscal year may, at ADMINISTRATOR’s sole discretion, not 23 be reimbursed. ADMINISTRATOR may modify the date upon that which the final claim 24 per each COUNTY fiscal year must be received, upon written notice to 25 CONTRACTOR.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Services Agreement
Year End and Final Claims. CONTRACTOR shall submit a final claim for 19 each 28 COUNTY fiscal year, July 1 through June 30, covered under the term of 20 this 1 Agreement, as stated in Paragraph 1, by no later than August 30th of each 22 3 corresponding COUNTY fiscal year may, at ADMINISTRATOR’s sole discretion, not 23 4 be reimbursed. ADMINISTRATOR may modify the date upon which the final claim 24 5 per each COUNTY fiscal year must be received, upon written notice to 25 CONTRACTOR.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Service Agreement
Year End and Final Claims. CONTRACTOR shall submit a final claim for 19 25 each COUNTY fiscal year, July 1 through June 30, covered under the term of 20 26 this Agreement, as stated in Paragraph 1, by no later than August 30th of each 22 27 corresponding COUNTY fiscal year. Claims received after August 30th of each 28 corresponding COUNTY fiscal year may, at ADMINISTRATOR’s sole discretion, not 23 1 be reimbursed. ADMINISTRATOR may modify the date upon which the final claim 24 2 per each COUNTY fiscal year must be received, upon written notice to 25
Appears in 1 contract
Year End and Final Claims. CONTRACTOR shall submit a final claim for 19 each 7 COUNTY fiscal year, July 1 through June 30, covered under the term of 20 this Agreement, 8 Agreement as stated in Paragraph 1, by no later than August 30th of each 22 10 corresponding COUNTY fiscal year may, at ADMINISTRATOR’s sole discretion, not 23 11 be reimbursed. ADMINISTRATOR may modify the date upon that which the final claim 24 12 per each COUNTY fiscal year must be received, upon written notice to 25 13 CONTRACTOR.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Service Agreement
Year End and Final Claims. CONTRACTOR shall submit a final claim for 19 28 each COUNTY fiscal year, July October 1 through June September 30, covered under the term of 20 1 this Agreement, Agreement as stated in Paragraph 1, by no later than August November 30th of each 22 3 corresponding COUNTY fiscal year may, at ADMINISTRATOR’s sole discretion, not 23 4 be reimbursed. ADMINISTRATOR may modify the date upon which the final claim 24 5 per each COUNTY fiscal year must be received, upon written notice to 25 6 CONTRACTOR.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Social Services Agreement
Year End and Final Claims. CONTRACTOR shall submit a final claim for 19 15 each COUNTY fiscal year, July 1 through June 30, covered under the term of 20 16 this Agreement, Agreement as stated in Paragraph 1, by no later than August 30th of each 22 18 corresponding COUNTY fiscal year may, at ADMINISTRATOR’s sole discretion, not 23 19 be reimbursed. ADMINISTRATOR may modify the date upon which the final claim 24 20 per each COUNTY fiscal year must be received, upon written notice to 25 21 CONTRACTOR.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Administrative Services Agreement