You Can End Up Losing Money. If the investments go down in value and you have borrowed money, your losses would be larger than had you invested using your own money. Whether your investments make money or not you will still have to pay back the loan plus interest. You may have to sell other assets or use money you had set aside for other purposes to pay back the loan. If you used your home as security for the loan, you may lose your home. If the investments go up in value, you may still not make enough money to cover the costs of borrowing.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Account Agreement, Account Agreement & Disclosure Document
You Can End Up Losing Money. ▪ If the investments go down in value and you have borrowed money, your losses would be larger than had you invested using your own money. ▪ Whether your investments make money or not you will still have to pay back the loan plus interest. You may have to sell other assets or use money you had set aside for other purposes to pay back the loan. ▪ If you used your home as security for the loan, you may lose your home. ▪ If the investments go up in value, you may still not make enough money to cover the costs of borrowing.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Account Agreement, Account Agreement