787-9 AIRCRAFT CONFIGURATION between THE BOEING COMPANY and UNITED AIRLINES, INC. Exhibit A2 to Purchase Agreement Number 3860 P.A. No. 3860 A2 SA 4 BOEING PROPRIETARY Exhibit A2 to Purchase Agreement No. 3860 Page 2 AIRCRAFT CONFIGURATION relating to...

Exhibit 10.22 CERTAIN IDENTIFIED INFORMATION HAS BEEN EXCLUDED FROM THE EXHIBIT BECAUSE IT IS BOTH NOT MATERIAL AND IS THE TYPE THAT THE REGISTRANT TREATS AS PRIVATE OR CONFIDENTIAL. OMITTED INFORMATION HAS BEEN REPLACED WITH XXXXXXXXX. Supplemental Agreement No. 4 to Purchase Agreement No. 3860 between The Boeing Company and United Airlines, Inc. Relating to Boeing Model 787 Aircraft THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT, entered into as of January 14, 2015, by and between THE BOEING COMPANY (Boeing) and UNITED AIRLINES, INC. (a Delaware corporation formerly known as Continental Airlines, Inc. and successor by merger to United Air Lines, Inc.) (Customer); WHEREAS, the parties hereto entered into Purchase Agreement No. 3860 dated September 27, 2012, as amended and supplemented (Purchase Agreement), relating to the purchase and sale of Boeing model 787 aircraft (Aircraft). This Supplemental Agreement is an amendment to the Purchase Agreement; WHEREAS, Boeing and Customer agree to incorporate the previously accepted configuration for the 787-9 Aircraft; WHEREAS, Boeing and Customer agree to substitute *** model 777-300ER aircraft (777 Aircraft) in lieu of the following *** model 787-*** Aircraft (Cancelled Aircraft) pursuant to Purchase Agreement No. 04308: 787-*** MSN 787-*** Aircraft Delivery Month 777 MSN 777 Aircraft Delivery Month *** *** *** *** WHEREAS, Boeing and Customer agree to apply all advance payments received by Boeing for the Cancelled Aircraft to the 777 Aircraft; WHEREAS, Boeing and Customer agree to incorporate into the Purchase Agreement the terms and conditions contained in the attached letter agreements related to Installation of Cabin Systems Equipment and Demonstration Flight Waiver; UAL-PA-3860 SA-4 Page 1 BOEING / UNITED AIRLINES, INC. PROPRIETARY NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, the parties agree to amend the Purchase Agreement as follows: 1. Table of Contents and Articles. The Table of Contents is replaced in its entirety with the Table of Contents that is attached hereto and references this Supplemental Agreement No. 4. 1. Exhibits. Exhibit A2, “787-9 Aircraft Configuration” is replaced in its entirety with the Exhibit A2, “787-9 Aircraft Configuration” that is attached hereto and references this Supplemental Agreement No. 4. 2. Tables. Table 1 for the 787-9 Aircraft is replaced in its entirety with the Table 1 for the 787-9 Aircraft that is attached hereto and references this Supplemental Agreement No. 4. 3. Letter Agreements. 3.1. Letter Agreement UAL-PA-03860-LA-1209413A1, Special Matters – Amendment 1, which is attached hereto and references this Supplemental Agreement No. 4, is hereby inserted into the Purchase Agreement immediately after Letter Agreement UAL-PA-03860-LA-1209413R1, Special Matters. 3.2. Letter Agreement UAL-PA-03860-LA-1301377A1, 787-10 *** – Amendment 1, which is attached hereto and references this Supplemental Agreement No. 4, is hereby inserted into the Purchase Agreement immediately after Letter Agreement UAL-PA-03860-LA-1301377, 787-10 ***. 3.3. Letter Agreement UAL-PA-03860-LA-1500059, Installation of Cabin Systems Equipment, which is attached hereto and references this Supplemental Agreement No. 4, is hereby inserted into the Purchase Agreement. 3.4. Letter Agreement UAL-PA-03860-LA-1500017, Demonstration Flight Waiver, which is attached hereto and references this Supplemental Agreement No. 4, is hereby inserted into the Purchase Agreement. 4. Conditions Precedent: This Supplemental Agreement No. 4 will be effective subject to satisfaction of all of the following conditions precedent (collectively the Conditions Precedent): a. Execution of Supplemental Agreement No. 10 to Purchase Agreement No. 02484 between Boeing and Customer relating to Boeing model 787 Aircraft; b. Execution of Letter Agreement 6-1162-RCN-1935 Amendment 1R2 between Boeing and Customer relating to Boeing model 787 aircraft; and UAL-PA-3860 SA-4 Page 2 BOEING / UNITED AIRLINES, INC. PROPRIETARY c. Execution of Purchase Agreement No. 04308 between Boeing and Customer relating to Boeing model 777 aircraft. Upon satisfaction of the Conditions Precedent, the Purchase Agreement will be deemed to be supplemented to the extent herein provided as of the date hereof and as so supplemented will continue in full force and effect. EXECUTED IN DUPLICATE as of the day and year first written above. THE BOEING COMPANY UNITED AIRLINES, INC. /s/ Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx /s/ Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Signature Signature Attorney-in-Fact Senior Vice President – Finance, Procurement and Treasurer Title Title UAL-PA-3860 SA-4 Page 3 BOEING / UNITED AIRLINES, INC. PROPRIETARY TABLE OF CONTENTS SA NUMBER ARTICLES Article 1. Quantity, Model and Description SA-1 Article 2. Delivery Schedule SA-1 Article 3. Price SA-1 Article 4. Payment SA-1 Article 5. Additional Terms SA-1 TABLE 1. 787-8 with GENX-1B*** Engines Aircraft Information Table *** SA-3 1. 787-9 with GENX-*** Engines Aircraft Information Table SA-4 1. 787-10 with GENX-1B*** Engines Aircraft Information Table SA-3 EXHIBITS A1. 787-8 Aircraft Configuration A2. 787-9 Aircraft Configuration SA-4 A3. 787-10 Aircraft Configuration SA-1 B. Aircraft Delivery Requirements and Responsibilities SUPPLEMENTAL EXHIBITS AE1. Escalation Adjustment/Airframe and Optional Features BFE1. BFE Variables SA-1 CS1. Customer Support Document EE1. Engine Escalation/Engine Warranty *** SLP1. Service Life Policy Components P.A. 3860 TABLE OF CONTENTS, Page 1 of 5 SA-4 BOEING/UNITED AIRLINES, INC. PROPRIETARY

TABLE OF CONTENTS, CONTINUED SA NUMBER LETTER AGREEMENTS UAL-PA-03860-LA-1209247 787 e-Enabling UAL-PA-03860-LA-1209264 Open Configuration Matters UAL-PA-03860-LA-1209265R1 Option Aircraft SA-1 Attachment A, 787-9 Option Aircraft Delivery, Description, Price and Advance Payments (DELETED) SA-1 Attachment B-1, 787-*** with GENX-1B*** Engines: Option Aircraft Delivery, Description, Price and Advance Payments SA-1 Attachment B-2, 787-*** with TRENT1000-*** Engines: Option Aircraft Delivery, Description, Price and Advance Payments (DELETED) SA-3 UAL-PA-03860-LA-1209409 Spare Parts Initial Provisioning UAL-PA-03860-LA-1209410 Special Matters Relating to COTS Software and End User License Agreements UAL-PA-03860-LA-1209411 Special Terms – Seats and In-flight Entertainment UAL-PA-03860-LA-1209417 Model 787 Post-Delivery Software & Data Loading CONFIDENTIAL LETTER AGREEMENTS UAL-PA-03860-LA-1209236R1 Model Substitution SA-1 Attachment A, 787-9 Airframe Pricing of Substitution Aircraft with General Electric GEnx-1B*** and Rolls Xxxxx Xxxxx 1000-*** engines SA-1 Attachment B, 787-10 with General Electric GEnx-1B*** and Rolls Xxxxx XXXXX 1000-*** Engines SA-1 Attachment C, 787-8 with General Electric GEnx-1B*** and Rolls Xxxxx XXXXX 1000-*** SA-1 P.A. 3860 TABLE OF CONTENTS, Page 2 of 5 SA-4 BOEING / UNITED AIRLINES, INC. PROPRIETARY TABLE OF CONTENTS, CONTINUED SA NUMBER CONFIDENTIAL LETTER AGREEMENTS, continued UAL-PA-03860-LA-1209412 Spare Parts Commitment UAL-PA-03860-LA-1209413R1 Special Matters SA-1 UAL-PA-03860-LA-1209413A1 Special Matters – Amendment 1 SA-4 UAL-PA-03860-LA-1209414 Other Special Matters UAL-PA-03860-LA-1209413A1 Other Special Matters - Amendment 1 SA-1 UAL-PA-03860-LA-1209416R1 Promotional Support SA-2 UAL-PA-03860-LA-1209430 Performance Guarantees UAL-PA-03860-LA-1209455 *** TERMINATED SA-1 UAL-PA-03860-LA-1209429 *** UAL-PA-03860-LA-0000000X0 Alternate Engine Selection SA-1 6-1162-ELP-0794 *** Program- *** Aircraft 6-1162-ELP-0795 *** Program- *** Aircraft UAL-PA-03860-LA-1301368 Performance Guarantees (787-10) SA-1 UAL-PA-03860-LA-1301373 787-10 Aircraft Open Configuration and Other Matters SA-1 UAL-PA-03860-LA-1301375 Provisions Relating to Customer’s *** for 787-10 Aircraft SA-1 UAL-PA-03860-LA-1301377 787-10 *** SA-1 UAL-PA-03860-LA-1301377A1 787-10 *** – Amendment 1 SA-4 UAL-PA-03860-LA-1301380 787-10 Program Launch SA-1 UAL-PA-03860-LA-1500017 Demonstration Flight Waiver SA-4 UAL-PA-03860-LA-1500059 Installation of Cabin Systems Equipment SA-4 P.A. 3860 TABLE OF CONTENTS, Page 3 of 5 SA-4 BOEING / UNITED AIRLINES, INC. PROPRIETARY SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENTS DATED AS OF Supplemental Agreement No. 1 June 17, 2013 Supplemental Agreement No. 2 December 16, 2013 Supplemental Agreement No. 3 July 22, 2014 Supplemental Agreement No. 4 January 14, 2015 P.A. 3860 TABLE OF CONTENTS, Page 4 of 5 SA-4 BOEING / UNITED AIRLINES, INC. PROPRIETARY Table 1 to Purchase Agreement No. 3860 787-9 Aircraft with GENX-1B*** Engines Delivery, Description, Price and Advance Payments APBP beginning *** prior to applicable delivery for *** 787-9 aircraft only Airframe Model/MTOW: 787-9 ***pounds Detail Specification: *** Engine Model/Thrust: GENX-1B***¹ ***pounds Airframe Price Base Year/Escalation Formula: *** *** Airframe Price: $ *** Engine Price Base Year/Escalation Formula: *** *** Optional Features: $ *** Sub-Total of Airframe and Features: $ *** Airframe Escalation Data: Engine Price (Per Aircraft): $ *** Base Year Index (ECI): *** Aircraft Basic Price (Excluding BFE/SPE): $ *** Base Year Index (CPI): *** Buyer Furnished Equipment (BFE) Estimate: $ *** Engine Escalation Data: Seller Purchased Equipment (SPE) Estimate: $ *** Base Year Index (ECI): *** Base Year Index (CPI): *** Delivery *** Prior to Applicable Number of Escalation Factor Escalation Factor Serial Escalation Estimate Adv Payment Base Price Advance Payment Per Aircraft (Amts. Due/Mos. Prior to Delivery): Date Delivery Aircraft (Airframe) (Engine) Number Per A/P *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** $ *** $ *** $ *** $ *** $ *** Total *** ¹ *** on a *** to deliver GEnx-1B*** thrust rating at the GEnx-1B*** price. UAL-PA-3860, APR 71359 Boeing Proprietary Table 1 787-9 with GENX-1B*** Engines Page 1, SA-4

787-9 AIRCRAFT CONFIGURATION between THE BOEING COMPANY and UNITED AIRLINES, INC. Exhibit A2 to Purchase Agreement Number 3860 P.A. No. 3860 A2 SA 4 BOEING PROPRIETARY Exhibit A2 to Purchase Agreement No. 3860 Page 2 AIRCRAFT CONFIGURATION relating to BOEING MODEL 787-9 AIRCRAFT The Detail Specification is Boeing document entitled Detail specification *** revision ***, dated ***. Such Detail Specification will be comprised of those provisions of 787 Configuration Specification ***Revision ***, dated ***, as amended by addendum *** Rev. ***, dated ***, which are applicable to model 787-9 aircraft and as amended to incorporate the optional features listed below, including the effects on Manufacturer’s Empty Weight (MEW) and Operating Empty Weight (OEW). Such Options are set forth in Boeing Customer Specified Option Selection Log and Option Data Pages, configuration file (***), dated ***. As soon as practicable, Boeing will make available to Customer the Detail Specification, which will reflect such optional features. The Aircraft Basic Price reflects and includes all effects of such optional features, except such Aircraft Basic Price does not include the price effects of any Buyer Furnished Equipment. There is no additional processing fee added to the master change price for addition or deletion of catalog options within appropriate lead times. P.A. No. 3860 A2-2 SA-4 BOEING PROPRIETARY Exhibit A2 to Purchase Agreement No. 3860 Page 3 CR Title Price Per Aircraft 2006$ *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** P.A. No. 3860 A2-3 SA-4 BOEING PROPRIETARY Exhibit A2 to Purchase Agreement No. 3860 Page 4 CR Title Price Per Aircraft 2006$ *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** P.A. No. 3860 A2-4 SA-4 BOEING PROPRIETARY