Addendum, effective January 1, 2017, to Power Supply Agreement dated January 2, 2011 (ELECTRICITY SUPPLY CONTRACT BETWEEN ELECTRO ORIENTE S.A. AND CEMENTOS PACASMAYO)
Exhibit 4.6
Addendum, effective January 1, 2017, to Power Supply Agreement dated January 2, 2011
Term: Through November 30, 2022
Through the Third Addendum to the Electricity Supply Contract signed between Cementos Selva S.A. (CSSA) and ELECTRO ORIENTE (ELOR) both parties agreed to: (i) extend the term of the Agreement for an additional term of five (5) years until November 30, 2022, and (ii) reduce the rate by 18%.
Also, ELOR assumes the following additional commitments that benefit CSSA: (i) Assuming all types of overheads for thermal generation; (ii) Maintenance of certain infrastructure corresponding to CSSA (60KV sub-transmission line, 22.9KV medium voltage primary line, power station substation, and yard of keys); (Iii) Improve the reliability of the supply from the primary line in 22.9KV from the SET of Rioja; (iv) Implement the SCADA system in the 60KV power SET of CSSA property for remote operational automation; And (v) Manage the Project-Execution of the Moyobamba New SET of 50 MVA, in 138 kV, which will be in operation together with the XX.XX project. Carhuaquero - Cáclic - Moyobamba 220 kV.