Exhibit 99.1
Milan, 19 February 2018 – Corporacion America Italia S.p.A. (“CAI”) entered into an agreement with Fondazione Pisa (the “Agreement”) to purchase an additional stake in Toscana Aeroporti S.p.A (“Toscana Aeroporti”). Pursuant to the Agreement, CAI acquired further 850,235 shares of Toscana Aeroporti (the “Acquisition”), representing approximately 4.568% of Toscana Aeroporti’s share capital.
As a result of the Acquisition, CAI now holds 10,366,884 shares of Toscana Aeroporti, representing approximately 55.698% of Toscana Aeroporti’s share capital (up from approximately 51.13% prior to the Acquisition).
Pursuant to the Agreement, CAI agreed to pay Fondazione Pisa a purchase price of €15.80 per share, equal to a total consideration of €13,433,713.00.
Toscana Aeroporti is the company that holds the concessions of the airports of Pisa and Florence and whose shares are listed on the regulated market MTA of Borsa Italiana S.p.A.
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Ing. Xxxxxxx Xxxxx
Chairman of the Board of Directors
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