Exclusive Licensing Agreement
Exhibit 10.13
Contract Parties: | 3D GLOBAL BIOTECH INC. (Party A) | ||
Yong Ding Biopharm Co., Ltd. (Party B) | |||
立契約書人 | 三鼎生物科技股份有限公司 | (以下簡稱「甲方」) | |
永鼎醫藥股份有限公司 | (以下簡稱「乙方」) |
緣甲方為「培養人類角膜緣細胞之方法」(METHODS OF CULTURING HUMAN CORNEAL LIMBUS CELLS)於美國專利申請人(美國專利申請號:US15/967,401、公開號為US20190062704A1),並擁有相關專門技術與技術資料。
第 1 頁,共 23 頁
Based on the foregoing, Party A and Party B hereby agree to enter into this Exclusive License Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “the Agreement”) as follows:
1. | Party A’s Patent and Know-How: refers to the patent application “METHODS OF CULTURING HUMAN CORNEAL LIMBUS CELLS” (U.S. Patent Application No. US15/967,401; Publication No. US20190062704A1, “Patent”) and the associated technology. For the avoidance of doubt, whether or not Party A obtains U.S. patent, the so-called technology includes the know-how of the LSC cell culture process and cell bank construction, and the know-how of exosome production (“Know-How”). |
甲方專利與專門技術:此係指「培養人類角膜緣細胞之方法」(METHODS OF CULTURING HUMAN CORNEAL LIMBUS CELLS)於美國之專利申請案(以下簡稱「本專利」,包括美國專利申請號:US15/967,401、公開號為US20190062704A1)與技術。為免疑義,無論甲方是否取得美國專利,此處技術尚包括前揭LSC細胞培養製程與細胞庫建置工程以及外泌體生產之專門技術(以下簡稱「本技術」)。
2. | Party A’s Technical Data: refers to documents, data, records, drawings, reports, writings, publications, application materials, or other similar materials, generated using Party A’s Patent and Know-How. |
3. | LSCs Exosome: refers to exosomes that are secreted by corneal limbus cells (LSCs). |
4. | Product: refers to products produced by using Party A’s Patent and Know-How, including, but not limited to, “Eye Buffer Derived from LSC Exosome,” “Eye Oil Derived from LSC Exosome,” “Therapeutic Contact Lens Derived from LSC Exosome,” “Dry Eye Drops Derived from LSC Exosome.” |
5. | Party B’s Participating Researchers: refers to Party B’s personnel who are involved in the cooperation and/or sole development of the Product. |
6. | Quarterly: refers to the following periods in each calendar year: “January through March,” “April through June,” “July through September,” and “October through December”. |
第 2 頁,共 23 頁
7. | Gross Sales: refers to the gross sales revenue generated from the sale of the Product by Party B, Party B’s affiliates, Party B’s commissioned sales agents, distributors or agents, or similarly related persons, without deduction of the sales returns or allowances. The Gross Sales does not include any royalties or other income received by Party B through sublicense to a third party. |
1. | Subject of License: Party A’s Patent and Know-How, as well as Party A’s know-how in the technology of cell culture process, technology of cell bank construction, exosome purification and authentication technology, and exosome production, which are related to and/or derived from “METHODS OF CULTURING HUMAN CORNEAL LIMBUS CELLS” (see Attachment I). Party B obtains a global, exclusive license to use the licensed subject to develop, manufacture, offer for sale, sell, use, or import for the above purpose the Product. |
授權標的: 甲方專利及專門技術,以及甲方與「培養人類角膜緣細胞之方法」(METHODS OF CULTURING HUMAN CORNEAL LIMBUS CELLS)相關及/或衍生開發中之細胞培養製程技術、細胞庫建置技術、外泌體純化暨鑑定技術、外泌體生產之專門技術(如附件一)。乙方取得全球性、專屬的授權,得利用授權標的就本產品為開發、製造、為販賣之要約、販賣、使用之行為,或為上述目的而進口本產品。
2. | Party A shall not, either independently or through a third party, develop products that have the same or similar indications or products related to LSCs Exosome. |
3. | Party B exclusively commissions Party A to perform product development services. The parties agree to enter into a separate product development agreement. For the purpose of researching and jointly developing LSC exosomes, Party B shall have the exclusive right worldwide to use, manufacture, commission the manufacture of, and reproduce Party A’s Patent and Know-How, as well as the right to import items or products directly made by the aforementioned methods for the aforementioned purposes. Party B may also use and reproduce Party A’s Technical Data for the aforementioned purposes. |
第 3 頁,共 23 頁
4. | Based on Party A’s Patent and Know-How, Party A agrees that Party B may sublicense to a third party (hereinafter referred to as “Sublicensee”). Party B may sublicense all or part of the rights obtained under this Agreement to a third party. Party B shall notify Party A in writing at least fifteen (15) days prior to each sublicensing and provide Party A with a copy of the final version of the sublicense agreement for Party A’s confirmation. |
5. | The Party B agrees to entrust Party A with exclusive manufacturing services. Party A and Party B agree, after the signing of this Agreement, to enter into a separate product manufacturing agreement, which shall include, but not limited to “Eye Buffer Derived from LSC Exosome,” “Eye Oil Derived from LSC Exosome,” “Therapeutic Contact Lens Derived from LSC Exosome,” “Dry Eye Drops Derived from LSC Exosome” and other Product derived from Party A’s Patent and Know-How, subject to Party B’s written instructions. |
6. | For the avoidance of doubt, the right that Party A grants to Party B under this Article shall include that, Party B may, if necessary, refer to Party A’s Patent and Know-How and/or Party A’s Technical Data as the Right of Reference or Use for the purpose of New Drug Application (NDA) for the Product. |
為免疑義,甲方於本條授與乙方之權利應包括乙方於必要時得援引甲方專利與專門技術或甲方技術資料作為本產品新藥上市申請之資料使用權(Right of Reference or Use)。
7. | Party A and Party B understand that the co-development of the Product involves a degree of uncertainty. If either party encounters difficulties during the execution of this Agreement, and is unable to complete the phase objectives within the scheduled period in accordance with the “LSC Collaboration Plan (Attachment I)”, the other party shall be informed in writing in advance, and both parties shall consult amicably, and adjust the relevant timeframe in writing, or discuss termination matters. |
第 4 頁,共 23 頁
8. | If Party B requests to apply for the licensing recordation of the Patent, Party B shall be responsible for the recordation procedures and the relevant costs, but Party A shall provide the necessary assistance. |
III. Product Development Royalties
1. | After any Product jointly developed under this Agreement obtains the marketing authorization and begins to be launched in the market (hereinafter referred to as the “Launch Date”), Party B shall provide Party A with a report on the quarterly Gross Sales of the Product, due by the 20th of January, April, July, and October of each year. This report shall serve as the basis for the calculation of the Product’s development profit share. The payment term for the development profit share shall be 15 years from the Launch Date of each individual product. |
2. | Starting from the first month following the Launch Date of the Product, Party B shall calculate the product development profit share at 10% of the quarterly Gross Sales of the Product. The calculated amount shall be paid to Party A by the 10th of the month following each quarter. |
3. | The term “Gross Sales” as used in this paragraph refers to the total revenue derived from the sale of the Product in the global market by Party B, its affiliated entities, or any third party authorized by Party B. This amount shall be calculated without any deductions for any costs, expenses, taxes, allowances, or returns. |
第 5 頁,共 23 頁
IV. Other Payments and Payment Terms
1. | Signature Deposit: US$1,000,000, which Party B agrees to pay within twenty (20) days after the effective date of this Agreement and receipt of Party A’s invoice, for the delivery of the “Feasibility Evaluation Report on Corneal Limbus Cells Technology.” |
2. | Milestone License Fees: Party A and Party B shall endeavor to cooperate to complete the research and development of the following milestones. Party A shall provide technical and other assistance as commercially possible, and Party B shall pay Party A the following Milestone License Fees upon completion of the milestones as consideration for the licenses provided herein, with total Milestone License Fees/co-development amount of US$4,000,000. |
Item 項次 |
Milestone License Fees (USD)
1. Development of LSC Cell Source
| ||
1 |
Application with Medical Center for Clinical Specimens Collection
480,000 |
2 |
SOP Document for Technique of Separating LSC Specimens
230,000 |
3 |
LSC Cell Analysis/Assessment Report
330,000 |
第 6 頁,共 23 頁
2. Establishment of LSC Master Cell Banks
| ||
1 |
SOP Document for LSC Amplification
230,000 |
2 |
SOP Document for LSC Cryopreservation
280,000 |
3. Cell Stability Examination of LSC
| ||
1 |
Stability Examination Report of Master cell
Master cell 安定性驗證報告
420,000 |
2 |
Stability Examination Report of Working cell
Working cell安定性驗證報告
420,000 |
4. Raw Material Development of LSC Exosomes
| ||
1 |
SOP Document of Exosomes Purification Process
230,000 |
2 |
Specification Analysis/Examination Report of Exosomes Characterization
200,000 |
3 |
SOP Document of Mass Production Process of Exosomes Raw Material
370,000 |
4 |
Three Batches of Trial Production Document of Exosomes Raw Material
300,000 |
5 |
Safety Verification Report (animal testing) of Exosomes Raw Material
310,000 |
第 7 頁,共 23 頁
| ||
1. |
Product Consignment Development Agreement
100,000 |
2. |
FDA Approval for Type I Medical Material Certification
80,000 |
3. |
Sale Certification of US OTC
US OTC販售許可
20,000 |
(1) | Party B shall notify Party A in writing within twenty (20) days after the completion of each milestone of the above mentioned items. If Party A considers that each milestone has been fulfilled but has not received the notification from Party B, it should contact Party B in a timely manner. |
(2) | Party A shall, in a timely manner, check whether Party B has completes each milestone upon receipt of Party B’s notification. Party B shall pay the Milestone License Fees to Party A within twenty (20) days after receipt of confirmation and invoice from Party A. |
(3) | Fees of Patent: During the term of this Agreement, Party B agrees to pay the maintenance fees related to the Patent; the patent maintenance fee and the application fee of the derivative patent (if any) shall be borne by Party B. Party B is the owner of the relevant patent. Party B shall pay the relevant fees within twenty (20) days after receiving notice of payment from Party A. |
(4) | Sub-license Fees |
(1) | Party B shall not sublicense any third party in accordance with this Article until Party B has paid the full amount of the Milestone License Fees as stipulated in Article IV. 2. |
第 8 頁,共 23 頁
(2) | If Party B sub-licenses its rights in accordance with Article II. 4. to a third party, Party B agrees to pay 20% of the sub-license fees to Party A within twenty (20) days after signing the sub-license agreement and obtaining the sub-license fees. |
(3) | For the manufacture and sale of the Product by the Sublicensee, Party B shall still contribute to Party A the sales amount of the third party by the Sublicensee in accordance with Article III (Product Development Royalty), and shall not be exempted due to the fact that Party B does not manufacture or sell the Product by itself. |
(4) | Party B shall notify Party A in writing at least fifteen (15) days prior to each sublicense and provide the final version of the sub-license agreement to Party A for confirmation; Party A may refuse to approve the sub-license if there is anything unfavorable to Party A in the sub-license agreement in relation to the payment of the Product Development Royalties. |
(5) | Any disadvantage to Party A on the Product Development Royalty in the sub-license agreement means that the agreement on the Product Development Royalty in the sub-license agreement between Party B and the Sublicensee has been changed to Party A’s disadvantage as compared with the provisions in this Agreement, including but not limited to: |
A. | Reducing the percentage of royalty payments; |
B. | Shortening the period for payment of Product Development Royaltiess; |
C. | Changing the basis of calculation of the Product Development Royalty of “Gross Sales”; 變更本產品開發利益金以「銷售總額」之計算基礎; |
D. | Limiting Party A’s right to audit the Sublicensee. |
第 9 頁,共 23 頁
(6). | The amount payable by Party B to Party A under this Agreement shall be paid in full by remittance, without deduction of handling fees or other fees, and Party B shall notify Party A after remittance of such amount. The account designated by Party A is as follows: |
Bank: Cathay United Bank, Er Chong Branch(013-070) | 匯款銀行:國泰世華銀行 二重分行(013-070) |
Name of Account:
Account No.:
6. | Party B, due to business development needs, will appoint Party A to develop LSC Exosome raw materials and LensMate Eye Buffer. The development projects and contents are summarized in Article IV., Paragraph 2, Items 4 and 5, and the details of the development of Product content, timeframe, cost, etc. shall be subject to a separately-signed project appointment agreement. |
1. | Party A will endeavor to assist Party B in the manufacture of the Product. |
2. | Party A represents and warrants that, when this Agreement comes into effect, Party A’s Patent and Know-How or Party A’s Technical Data provided for the performance of this Agreement are in compliance with the laws and regulations in force at the time of signing this Agreement, and that Party A has not received any statement from any third party claiming that Party A’s Patent and Know-How or Party A’s Technical Data infringe on its intellectual property rights. Party A warrants that Party A’s Patent, Know-How and Technical Data are independently developed by Party A. |
第 10 頁,共 23 頁
VI. Representations and Warranties
1. | Each Party represents and warrants that it is a company legally established, existing and operating in accordance with the laws of the Republic of China (“R.O.C.”), and that its principals, directors, supervisors and management team do not have any previous record of theft, robbery, banditry, fraud, breach of trust, misappropriation, malfeasance, corruption, or any other financial crime or poor credit record. |
2. | Each Party declares and warrants that it has paid taxes in accordance with the tax laws of the R.O.C. or related laws and regulations, and that it has no record of any intentional tax evasion or unlawful tax filing, underpayment of employee’s labor and health insurance, etc., or any record of penalties imposed by the relevant competent authorities. |
3. | Each Party represents and warrants that it will carry out and fulfill its rights and obligations under this Agreement, including, but not limited to, the manufacture, export, and sale of the Product. |
4. | Each party represents and warrants to the other party that it has the lawful power and authority to enter into and perform this Agreement and that its execution and performance of this Agreement does not violate any laws or provisions. |
5. | Each party represents and warrants to the other party that the documents provided by it are true and correct. |
第 11 頁,共 23 頁
VII. Intellectual Property Rights
1. | The R&D results existing prior to the signing of this Agreement shall remain the property of each party. |
2. | All research results, data and information generated by Party A and Party B for performing the research and development of this Agreement shall be owned by Party B and shall be the Confidential Information as per Article VIII of this Agreement. Party A may use the relevant information with Party B’s consent. |
VIII. Confidentiality Obligations
1. | The term “Confidential Information” as used in this Agreement means any information disclosed by either party (“Disclosing Party”) to the other party (hereinafter referred to as the “Recipient”) during the term of this Agreement in accordance with the purposes of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, information, techniques, methods, know-how, designs, market intelligence, samples, specifications, capacities, processes, efficacies, processing programs, equipment, software, hardware, databases, market development plans, R&D projects, articles and documents, related to research and development, business, operations, sales, finance, products, costs, pricing, quotations, and payment terms, information, data and results obtained through testing and analysis of samples supplied by the Disclosing Party, and the electronic files, copies, printed copies or verbal disclosure of such information, shall be Confidential Information as governed in this Agreement. |
第 12 頁,共 23 頁
2. | The Recipient shall not disclose the Confidential Information to any third party without the written consent of the Disclosing Party; the Recipient’s organization members, employees, consultants, agents, distributors or contractors, may access to the Confidential Information if he/she has a work-related need to know and have entered into a contract with the Recipient with the same obligation of confidentiality. If necessary, the Recipient shall also provide a list of all members who have received Confidential Information at the request of the Disclosing Party. If any of the aforementioned members of the Recipient violates the provisions of this Agreement, the Recipient shall be deemed to be in breach of this Agreement and shall be fully liable for indemnification and other obligations under this Agreement, and shall not be able to rely on the exhaustion of its duty of supervision or any other reasons as an exemption from liability. |
3. | The Recipient shall not use the Confidential Information for any purpose other than the purpose of this Agreement, nor shall the Recipient copy or reverse engineer the Confidential Information without the written consent of the Disclosing Party. |
4. | The Recipient shall properly protect the Confidential Information from unauthorized disclosure or use by exercising a duty of care no less than the duty of care to protect its own Confidential Information, and shall not allow access to or acquisition of the Confidential Information by persons whose duties are not related to the Confidential Information, and such duty of care shall not be less than the duty of care of a good administrator. |
5. | When the Recipient learns that Confidential Information has been improperly or unlawfully disclosed, used or utilized, the Recipient shall immediately notify the Disclosing Party in order for the Disclosing Party to take the necessary protective measures, and the Recipient shall provide the relevant information and data and necessary assistance as requested by the Disclosing Party. |
第 13 頁,共 23 頁
6. | All Confidential Information disclosed by the Disclosing Party to the Recipient shall remain the property of the Disclosing Party, and the Recipient shall, upon the request of the Disclosing Party or upon the expiration of the term of this Agreement, or upon the earlier termination or cancellation of this Agreement, immediately return to the Disclosing Party or destroy all of the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information, including, but not limited to, the related materials, copies and documents. If requested by the Disclosing Party, the Recipient shall provide a written certification or undertaking that all materials, copies and documents relating to all Confidential Information have been returned or destroyed. |
7. | Notwithstanding the termination or cancellation of this Agreement, the Recipient shall be under a duty of confidentiality hereunder and shall indemnify the Disclosing Party against any breach thereof. |
IX. Audit
1. | Party B shall, in accordance with the law, properly prepare and keep for at least five years the books, information, invoices and relevant certificates of each income from the sale of the Product. Party A may, after notifying Party B, assign its staff or accountant to Party B to check the aforesaid books, information and certificates. However, the aforesaid inspection shall be limited to once a year and shall be conducted during Party B’s general business hours, and Party A shall bear the cost of inspection at its own expense. Party B shall provide all necessary assistance to Party A’s inspection and shall allow Party A to make photocopies or transcripts of the books, information and certificates related to the Product. |
2. | Both parties shall be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the other party’s confidential information, including but not limited to books, data and certificates, known or held by the other party because of the provisions of this Article. |
第 14 頁,共 23 頁
1. | Party B agrees that in the event that Party B is accused of infringing a third party’s patent, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual property rights by using, implementing, reproducing, or modifying Party A’s Patent and Know-How in accordance with this Agreement, or by manufacturing or selling the Product, the parties shall jointly handle the dispute. The related costs (including but not limited to attorney’s fees) shall be borne by Party A. |
2. | If Party B exercises Party A’s Patent and Know-How in accordance with this Agreement and is found to have infringed on the rights of a third party and causes damage, Party A shall indemnify Party B, including: (1) return the Signature Deposit, license fee and all other fees paid by Party B, and (2) indemnify Party B including, but not limited to, attorney’s fees, litigation costs and settlement costs, etc. (provided that the amount of indemnification shall be limited to the total amount paid by Party B at the time of the occurrence of the damages). If the damage to Party A is caused by factors attributable to Party B, Party B shall indemnify Party A for the damages, including but not limited to attorney fees, litigation costs, and settlement costs (provided that the amount of indemnification shall be limited to the total amount paid by Party B at the time of the occurrence of the damages). |
3. | If Party B is involved in litigation due to the situation in the preceding two paragraphs, Party A shall provide Party B with relevant information, documents and articles. However, this does not apply if the infringement is due to reasons not attributable to Party A. Nevertheless, Party A shall still provide necessary assistance regarding its Patent, Know-How, and the Product. |
4. | If Party B discovers that a third party has infringed upon the rights related to this Agreement, it shall immediately notify Party A. If the aforesaid infringement damages Party A’s rights, Party A may not only be represented by Party B to claim the rights on behalf of Party A, but Party A may also participate in the litigation to claim for the compensation. If Party B does not intend to take legal actions, Party A may take actions on its own, and Party B shall cooperate fully with Party A’s request and provide the necessary information. The compensation and/or settlements obtained from such third party infringement shall be allocated in proportion to the parties’ participation in the litigation/settlement and the costs incurred. |
第 15 頁,共 23 頁
1. | Unless otherwise agreed in this Agreement, this Agreement shall be effective from the effective date of this Agreement until the expiration of twenty (20) years after all the Product have/has been put on the market. |
2. | Party A may, by written notice to Party B six months prior to the expiration date of this Agreement, renew this Agreement for a period of five (5) years in accordance with the terms of the original Agreement. During the renewal term, the rights and obligations of both parties shall be governed by the original Agreement. If, upon the expiration of the renewal term, Party A again exercises its right of first refusal as provided in the preceding sentence of this paragraph 2, the same conditions shall apply. However, in the event of any written agreement between the parties, the terms of such agreement shall prevail. |
XII. Termination
1. | If bothparties recognize that there has been a material delay in the milestones set forth in Article III, or if it is determined that the Product cannot be completed within the agreed-upon timeframe, either party may terminate this Agreement with the consent of the other by giving thirty (30) days’ written notice to the other party. |
2. | In the event of a breach by either party of any of the provisions of this Agreement, the non-fault party may give written notice to the other party to correct the breach within thirty (30) days. In the event of a material breach that is not corrected within the designated period of time, the non-fault party may terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to the other party. |
第 16 頁,共 23 頁
3. | Either party may terminate this Agreement by written notice to the other party if any of the following events occurs and results in damage to its rights: |
(1) | either party reorganizes or claims or is claimed to be reorganized |
(2) | either party is dissolved or resolves to be dissolved or is ordered or ruled to be dissolved |
(3) | either party merges or resolves to merge, becomes bankrupt or claims or is claimed to be declared bankrupt |
(4) | Either party’s major assets have been seized and the party is unable to pay its debts, or there are substantial facts to prove that there is a risk of the occurrence of the events in this paragraph. |
(5) | Either party has delayed payment of any significant amount to the other party, the other party may issue a written notice specifying a deadline for rectification. If the delayed payment is not corrected within the designated period of time as per the notice and constitutes a material breach, either party may terminate this Agreement |
(6) | False or inaccurate entries in Party B’s purchase and inventory reports or production and sales reports. |
(7) | Either party commits a material breach of this Agreement, which it is effectively unable to rectify or the rectification of which would result in substantial damage to the other party. |
第 17 頁,共 23 頁
4. | Upon termination or cancellation of this Agreement, the Product that was manufactured prior to the termination or cancellation of this Agreement, the Product may continue to be sold for a period of [two] years after the date of termination or cancellation of this Agreement, provided that Party B shall pay Party A the License Fees and other charges for the Product in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. |
1. | In the event that Party B is dissolved by merger, division, acquisition or transfer of shares, or becomes a 100% owned subsidiary of another company, the rights and obligations under this Agreement shall be assumed by Party B’s successor company, surviving company, newly established company, or the parent company that acquires Party B (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Party B’s Successor Company”) in general. |
2. | Party B shall, within 30 days prior to the occurrence of the aforesaid event, reach an agreement with Party B’s Successor Company to assume this Agreement and cause Party B’s Successor Company to re-sign this Agreement or issue a written statement unconditionally agreeing to assume this Agreement before Party B is dissolved or becomes a subsidiary company. |
1. | Business tax arising from the performance of the Agreement shall be borne by Party B, stamp duty shall be borne by each party, and other taxes shall be borne by the party who incurred them. |
2. | This Agreement shall not be modified without the written consent of both parties. If there is a need for amendment, both parties agree to amend this Agreement in good faith, and the same applies to any other unfinished matters. |
第 18 頁,共 23 頁
3. | Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, neither party shall assign this Agreement or its rights and obligations hereunder, in whole or in part, to a third party without the prior written consent of the other party. |
4. | In the event that any provision of this Agreement is invalidated because of a violation of a mandatory or prohibited provision of law, the parties agree that such violation shall be invalid only with respect to that portion, and shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of this Agreement. |
5. | Both parties agree that the documents to be expressed in writing shall be addressed to the designated contact person and contact method specified below. In case of any change in the contact person and contact method, both parties shall notify each other in writing, and the change shall be effective from the date when the written notice is received: |
Party A: 甲方
3D GLOBAL BIOTECH INC. 三鼎生物科技股份有限公司
地址:xxxxxxxxxx0x00x00xx0 Address: 21F.-1, No.99, Sec. 0, Xxxxxx 0xx Xx., Xxxxx Xxxx., Xxx Xxxxxx Xxxx
TEL: (00) 0000-0000#000 (Xxxxx Xxxx) 電話:(00) 0000-0000#000 (xxx)
Email: xxxxx.xxxx@0xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx.xx 信箱:xxxxx.xxxx@0xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx.xx |
Party B: 乙方
Yong Ding Biopharm Co., Ltd. 永鼎醫藥股份有限公司
地址:xxxxxxxxxx0x000x00x Address: 12F., No. 101, Sec. 2, Nanjing E. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City
TEL: (00) 0000-0000 電話:(00) 0000-0000
Email: xxxxxxxxx@xxx-xxxxx.xxx 信箱:xxxxxxxxx@xxx-xxxxx.xxx |
第 19 頁,共 23 頁
6. | The validity of this Agreement and its interpretation shall follow the relevant laws and regulations of R.O.C. Matters not covered in this Agreement shall be resolved by mutual agreement between the parties in good faith. In case of disputes and lawsuits arising out of this Agreement, both parties agree that the Taiwan Taipei District Court shall be the court of first instance, except that in case of disputes relating to intellectual property, the Intellectual Property and Commercial Court shall be the court of first instance, and that the application of any applicable foreign-related civil laws, election laws or other relevant regulations shall be excluded. |
7. | This Agreement and the Attachments hereto constitute the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the license and the cooperative development, and shall supersede all prior negotiations, contracts or agreements between the parties. |
8. | The Annexes shall have the same effect as this Agreement, except that in the event of any conflict between the two, this Agreement shall prevail. |
9. | This Agreement is in two copies, Party A and Party B each keeps a copy of this Agreement. |
第 20 頁,共 23 頁
3D GLOBAL BIOTECH INC. 三鼎生物科技股份有限公司
Xxxx Xxxx Biopharm Co., Ltd. 永鼎醫藥股份有限公司
Address: 00X.-0, Xx.00, Xxx. 0, Xxxxxx 0xx Xx., Xxxxx Xxxx., Xxx Xxxxxx Xxxx | Address: 00X, Xx.0, Xxxx Xx Xx., Xxxxxxx Xxxx., Xxxxxx Xxxx |
By:__________________________________ 簽署人:
By:__________________________________ 簽署人:
Title: | Title: |
職稱: | 職稱 |
Signature and effective date: 2024.06.19
簽署暨生效日:中華民國 113年06月19日
第 21 頁,共 23 頁
Attachment I – Party A’s Patent and Know-How
附件一 甲方專利及專門技術
Patent/Application No. 專利證書號/申請號
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1. |
Patent Application Number: US15/967,401, Publication Number: US20190062704A1
2. | Know-How |
Title of Know-How 技術名稱
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1. | Process of LSC Cell Culture (LSC細胞培養製程) |
2. | Establishment of Cell Banks (細胞庫建置工程) |
3. | Technique of Exosomes Purification/Assessment (外泌體純化暨鑑定技術) |
4. | Production of Exosomes (外泌體生產) |
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第 22 頁,共 23 頁
Attachment II - LSC Collaboration Plan
附件二 LSC合作計畫書
第 23 頁,共 23 頁