Factory Premises Leasing Contract
Factory Premises Leasing Contract
(1) 出租方(甲方):
(1) | Lessor (Party A): |
【Shanghai MarisoPrecision Machinery Co., Ltd】
Legal Address:
【Shanghai City, Pudong New District, Xiupu Road, No. 3500】
(2) | Lessee (Party B): |
【Shanghai Qige Power Technology Co., Ltd】
Legal Address:
【Shanghai City, Pudong New District, Xiupu Road, No. 3500, Xxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxx X, Xxxxx 1, Room 104】
Date of signing: April 15, 2021
签订地: 上海
Place of signing: Shanghai
第一条 租赁合同书
[English Translation of Attached Chinese Document]
Article 1 Leasing contract
1.1 Party A: Shanghai Mariso Precision Machinery Co., Ltd is a legal representative which is set up and survive under the laws of the People’s Republic of China (“China”), in possession of civil capacity to sign this contract, its legal address being Shanghai City, Pudong New District, Xiupu Road, No. 3500.
1.2乙方:上海起阁动力科技有限公司,是一家根据中华人民共和国 (“中国”)法律组建并存续的法人,具有签订本合同书的民事行为能力,其法定地址是xxxxxxxxxx0000x0xXx0x000x。
1.2 Party B: Shanghai Qige Power Technology Co., Ltd is a legal is a legal representativewhich is set up and survive under the laws of the Peoples Republic of China (“China”), in possession of civil capacity to sign this contract, its legal address being Shanghai City, Pudong New District, Xiupu Road, No. 3500, Xxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxx X, Xxxxx 1, Room 104.
1.3 Party A and Party B (referred to as “both parties”) concluded this contract on April 15, 2021.
1.4 In accordance with the Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China as well as other relevant laws and regulations, in line with the principles of equality, voluntariness, equivalent consideration and good faith, after friendly discussion, after amicable negotiation, hereby reached a consensus on this contract, as follows:
Article 2 Lease subject
2.1租赁标的物位于xxxxxxxxxx0000x0xXx0 xxxxx(以下简称“工业厂房”,)以及与工业厂房有关的供水、 供电等公用设施。
2.1 The subject matter of the lease is located at Shanghai City, Pudong New District, Xiupu Road, No. 3500,Building 1, Block 8, No. 8Industrial Plant (hereinafter referred to as “Industrial Plant”) and water supply, electricity supply,etc., and other public facilities related to the industrial plant.
[English Translation of Attached Chinese Document]
2.2按照本合同书列明的条款及条件,甲方同意将上述工业厂房 出租给乙方。乙方同意承租该工业厂房。
2.2 According the terms and conditions listed in this contract, Party A agrees to lease the above-mentioned industrial plant to Party B. Party B agrees to rent the industrial plant.
2.3 The built-up area (area for rental valuation) of the leased industrial plant is workshop __72__ square meters, office __/__ square meters. During the lease term, any calculation related to area shall be based on this area.
2.4 According to the contract, Party B has the right to raise fund on its own, and complete the decoration design and construction work for the office, in light of the requirements as stipulated in China law and regulations on renovation and decoration.Both parties understand:
(1) Without prior consent from Party A, neither a submission of application for design scheme nor an approval granted from the original designer or any design unit having the similar qualification level, Party B cannot alter the main body of building as well as its weight-bearing structure.
(2) Should not damage the original energy saving facilities, reduce the energy saving effectiveness;
(3) There should not any conduct which may affect the building structure or safety for use;
(4) Party B should apply to Party A before large-scale excavation, only afterconsent isobtained from A, construction work on the floor of the industrial plant is carried out.
前述所称建筑主体,是指建筑实体的结构构造,包括屋盖、楼盖、 梁、柱、支撑、墙体、连接接点和基础等。
[English Translation of Attached Chinese Document]
The main body of the building aforementioned refers to thecomposition structure of the building entity, including, roofs, slabs, beams, pillars, braces, walls, connecting points and bases, etc.
The weight-bearing structure aforementioned refers to the structural parts and their connecting joints which directly transmit the self-weight and various external forces in a systematic manner to the foundation base, including weight-bearing wall, vertical pole, column-shaped pillar, framed column, buttress, floor slab, beam, roof truss, suspension cable and so on.
第三条 租期
3.1 Lease term
租期自2021年4 月 17日起至 2024 年4月16日止届满,即租期叁年,租期可根据3.3条的规定予以延长。
The lease term starts from April 17th, 2021 to April 16th, 2024 end, for a period of _3_ years, the term can be extended according to the provision under Article 3.3.
3.2 Rent-free period
3. 3续约
3.3 Renewal
Party B has the right to renew the contract upon its expiry under the same conditions with other prospective lessees (referred to the industry in which a lessee is involved, rental, impacts of production activity to the environment and building aspect, etc.). Every new period shall commence from the ensuing day of the end of term in existing contract.
[English Translation of Attached Chinese Document]
The “term” spelt out in this contract should include rental period as well as any renewed period. The rent in each renewed period shall be discussed by both parties and determined by reference to the market prices at that time.
3.4 Procedure for renewal
Party B should notify Party A six months at least in advance upon the expiry of the lease or renewal period in writing about its intention whether or not to renew the contract. Party A should notify Party B four months at least in advance upon the expiry of the lease or renewal period in writing about exercising its right to extend the contract. If Party A has not confirmed the renewal in writing, Party B should issue another notification the second time three months before the expiry of the lease term, Party A should notify Party B in writing within (five) working days after receipt of the second notification about its intention to extend the contract. If Party A is unable to issue any notification to Party B in writing on response to Party B’s second notification, this contract shall automatically come to a cessation upon expiry of the lease term or the then renewal period.
[English Translation of Attached Chinese Document]
第四条 租赁费用及支付方式
Article 4 Rental fee and Payment mode
4.1 Rent
The rent for the industrial plant to which this contract refers is comprised of house use fee, depreciation cost, repair and maintenance fee for the main body, afforestation fee, management fee or other expenses for the use of public area as well as public facilities and equipment related to the leased industrial plant; excluding property management fee, usage fee for air conditioning system, water and electricity fees payable for the production activity of Party B (charging standard is in accordance with national provisions), non-subject repair and maintenance fee, trade and industrial administration fee. A lease year is meant for a rental duration of twelve (12) consecutive months (365 days). The rent standard for the first lease year until the third lease year within the lease term is as follows:
厂房租约年的天租金标准为每天每平方米¥ 1.6元;(该价格含税;)
Daily rental standard for the plant’s lease year is CNY1.6Yuan per square meter per day (inclusive of tax)
厂房租约年的月租金标准月含税¥ 3504元(人民币叁仟xx零肆元)(365/12天);
Monthly rental standard for plant’s lease year is CNY3,504Yuan (RMBThree Thousand Five Hundred and Four Yuan) including tax (365/12 Days)
租约年的年租金标准为每年含税¥ 42048元(人民币肆万贰仟零肆拾捌元整)(365天);
Yearly rental standard for plant’s lease year is CNY42,048Yuan (RMB Forty Two Thousand and Forty Eight Yuan only) including tax (365 Days)
租金计算周期:3个月。3个月租金为含税¥ 10512元(人 民币壹万零xx壹拾贰元整)
Rental calculation cycle: __3__ months. The __3__ month rental is CNY10,512 Yuan (RMB Ten Thousand Five Hundred and Twelve Yuan only) including tax.
The calculation method for monthly rental is: The leased built-up area agreed under Article 2.3 of this contract multiplied by 365/12 Days times the relevant daily rental standard.
[English Translation of Attached Chinese Document]
4.2 Property management fee
Party B has an obligation to pay Party A property management fees and other expenses for use of the industrial plant, public area, public facilities and equipment.
The property management fee standard for the first lease year until the third lease year within the lease term is as follows:
物业管理费的月租金标准为每月每平方米¥ 3元;物业管理费的月租金为每月¥ 216元:(人民币贰佰壹拾xx整)
The standard for monthly property management fee is CNY 3 Yuan. The monthly property management fee is CNY 216 Yuan per month (RMB Two Hundred and Sixteen Xxxx only);
物业管理费计算周期:3 个月。3个月物业管理费为¥ 648元:(人民币人民币陆佰肆拾捌元整)
Property management fee calculation cycle: 3 months. The property management fees for three months is CNY 648 Yuan (RMB Six Hundred and Forty Eight Yuan only)
The prices stated in 4.1 – 4.2 are inclusive of tax 5% / 6 %. Ifa change of the Value Added Tax rate takes place during the lease term, Party B is responsible to bear the tax portion arising from the change in the tax rate.
4.3 Date of Payment and Invoice (“fapiao”) for rental and property management fees
Payment for rental and property management fees adheres to the principle of “payment first before usage”, namely:
[English Translation of Attached Chinese Document]
第一笔租金(包含:2021 年 4 月 17 日至2021年 7月16日房租及物业费)须在2021 年4 月17日前支付,此后的各期租金及物业管理费以每个季度为一个支付周期,乙方应于每个季度开始之五日前预付该期的应付款项(例如:2021 年7月1日至同年10月31日期间的应付款项,应于2021年6月25 日前预付。)。甲方收到乙方款后叁个工作日内开具租赁发票交予乙方。
The first rental payment (containing: April 17, 2021 to July 16, 2021 plant rental and property management fee)must be paid before April Month 17 Day, 2021 Year. Thereafter, rental and property management fees for every period are paid on quarterly basis as a payment cycle. Party B should settle in advance the payable for each period five days before the beginning of each quarter (for example, the account payable for July 1, 2021 to October 30 of the same year should be settled in advance before June 25, 2021). Party A should issue rental fapiaoto Party B within three working days upon receiving Party B’s payment.
Invoice: Party A provides rental invoice (Value Added Tax Special Invoice)
Invoice Header: Shanghai Qige Power Technology Co., Ltd
Invoice Content: Rental, Property management fee
4.4 Security deposit for contract performance
乙方同意,自本合同书签署之日起,乙方应当在签订合同叁个工作日内向甲方支付首期租金及合同履约保证金,合同履约保证金共计为叁个月租金。叁个月租金为含税¥ 10512元(人民币壹万零x x壹拾贰元整),甲方收取合同履约保证金后,应向乙方开具书面收据。本合同届满后,乙方办理完退租手续之日起五(5)个工作日内,除本合同另有约定外甲方将履约保证金返还给乙方(不计利息)。如乙方未在约定期内付清履约保证金,甲方有权单方解除本合同,追究乙方逾期支付履约保证金的违约责任及甲方无需退回已经收到乙方的部分履约保证金,同时甲方有权将标的重新出租给第三方。
Party B agrees that, within three working days from the date of signing this contract, Party B should pay to Party A the first period’srental and the security deposit for contract performance. The security deposit for contract performance is three months of rents totalled CNY 10,512 Yuan (RMB Ten Thousand Five Hundred and Twelve Yuan only) including tax. Upon receiving the security deposit for contract performance, Party A should issue to Party B a receipt in writing. After the expiry of this contract, Party B handles the procedure of returning the lease, unless agreed otherwise in this contract, Party A shall return the deposit to Party B(without interests accrued) within five days after completion of the handover procedure. If Party B is not able to settle the security deposit in full within the agreed period, Party A has the right to terminate the contract unilaterally, going after Party B for liability on breach of contractowing to overdue payment of security deposit, and there is no need for Party A to return any portion of security deposit which has been collected, meanwhile, Party A can lease the subject anew to another third party.
[English Translation of Attached Chinese Document]
4.5 Late fee
If Party B delays the payment of rental and security deposit, a late fee must be paid to Party A. The amount of a late fee is: Number of days overdue times amount overdue multiplied with one hundredth (1%).
4.6 Payment methods for rental, security deposit and late fee
Payment of rental and late fee shall be done in RMB via bank transfer to the designated banking account of Party A.
第五条 工业厂房的交付
Article 5 Delivery of industrial plant
5.1工业厂房的交付日期: 2021 年4月17 日。
5.1 The delivery date of the industrial plant: April (Month) 17(Day), 2021 (Year)
5.2 Party A must deliver the industrial plant on the delivery date (or before) in a good and legitimate condition, including but not limited to:
(1) Party A shall bear full responsibility to ensure that the industrial plant can satisfy the requirements of governmental provisions on construction and environment protection.
[English Translation of Attached Chinese Document]
(2) Power line of 60 kVA is connected from the Power Distribution Room to the Workshop.
(3) The fire protection system has passed the inspection of the Fire Safety Bureau.
(4) The rainwater drainage system of the industrial plant adopts built-in pipes and gutters, the risk of rain leakage is rather high. Party A must conduct a careful inspection on the plant’s rainwater drainage system and improve the facilities, so that there is no rain leakage situation while Party B is using the plant after the delivery date.
5.3 Delivery of information materials
When this contract is signed, Party A should provide a photocopy of the Property Ownership Certificate, a photocopy of the Acceptance Document ofthe Fire Protection System issued by Fire Safety Department. The documents provided by Party A must be authentic and valid.
5.4 Handover sheet
When the subject of the lease is delivered, both Party A and Party B must sign a handover sheet for property acceptance, in order to confirm the situation during delivery of the plant.
[English Translation of Attached Chinese Document]
Article 6 Use of the industrial plant
第六条 工业厂房的使用
6.1 Operating activities
The industrial plant is used for legitimate production activity and office work which are consistent with the scope of operation duly approved by relevant authority.
6.2 Party A’s promises
Party A promises not to interrupt the operation autonomy and the right to earnings enjoyed by Party B according to law.
6.3 Party B’s promises
Party B assures to comply with the requirements on fire safety and environmental protection in Shanghai City Pudong District while using the industrial plant. The noise during production work in the plant shall be controlled within 70 dB, no discharge of industrial waste water and waste oil.
Party B should use the industrial plant under a normal manner within its business scope and take good care of various facilities in the industrial plant, preventing abnormal damage. If Party B uses the industrial plant and its internal facilities improperly or unreasonably until causing damage or breakdown, Party B is responsible for the repair on its own.
乙方承诺不改变公共区域的用途,不破坏公共绿地,并服从甲方 的日常管理。
Party B promises not to alter the use of public area, not to destroy public green space, and obey the daily management by Party A.
[English Translation of Attached Chinese Document]
6.4 Public area
Within the term of this contract, Party B has the right to use the public area (“public area”) in front of the industrial plant under the management of Party A (Party A provides one parking lot for use by Party B). Demand for parking space in excess of one lot shall be charged at CNY 100 Yuan per lot per month.
6.5 Decoration
本合同期限内,经甲方批准,乙方有权随时在工业厂房内进行适当的装修或安装、改装、维修任何装置,包括但不限于设备、器具、设施、线路、悬挂物、标志、招牌及类似的物品(但不得破坏外墙现状)。乙方的装修活动应被视为根据本合同的规定对工业厂房及其内部设施的正常使用,但乙方的装修活动以不损害工业厂房主体结构、 危及工业厂房主体安全及相邻工业厂房安全为限。
Within the term of this contract, after approval by Party A, Party B has right to carry out at any time appropriate decoration or installation, refit and repair any device, including but not limited to equipment, apparatus, facilities, lines, hanging objects, signs, signboards and similar items(however the current exterior status shall not be damaged). The renovation work by Party B should be performed for the normal use of the industrial plant and its internal facilities according to provisions stipulated in the contract, but the renovation work should be carried out to the extent of not damaging the main structure of the industrial plant and not endangering the safety of this plant as well as others in the vicinity.
[English Translation of Attached Chinese Document]
6.6 Signboard outside the plant
If appropriate signboards or relevant advertisement are to be installed at the company’s factory entrance, Party B must obtain written permission from Party A, and goes through the formalities of administrative examination and approval in accordance with relevant laws and xxxxxxxxxxx.Xxxxx A’s permission represents merely the opinion of Party A, Party A is not going to bear any adverse consequence arising from legal liability due to a default of not having obtained necessary approval fromthe relevant authority. Party B shall raise funds on its own so as to install all its signboards. All signboards which are installed by Party B using its own fund belong to Party B, Party B can dismantle any of them at any time. If damage is caused to the building during the process of installation or dismantling of a signboard, Party B is liable to repair it, besides, Party B is fully responsible for the safety after a signboard is installed.
6.7 Right of access
After notifying Party B in advance, Party A has the right to enter into the industrial plant together with the representatives of Party B during the business hour of Party B, to perform inspection of the building as well as carry out repair and maintenance as needed. During the course of the inspection or repair aforementioned, Party A ought not to disturb the normal business of Party B without proper reasons, or cause Party B to suffer from damage or loss due to that inspection or repair.
6.8 生活垃圾及工业垃圾处理
6.8 Domestic garbage and industrial waste treatment
After Party B makes payment of rental and property management fees, Party A shall undertake the day-to-day maintenance of the premises as well as the greening xxxx.Xxxxx B is responsible to clean and maintain the hygiene of the industrial plant and office by its own, domestic garbage is placed at special location designated by Party A.
[English Translation of Attached Chinese Document]
Party B shall arrange disposal of the industrial waste by its own too. Dangerous waste produced from Party B’s activity shall be filed for recording according to the National Environment Protection Law. If Party B causes pollution to the plant area due to its failure to properly dispose of the dangerous waste, Party A has the right to demand Party B to recover the environment to its original state or to bear all the cost in restoring the environment.
第七条 水电费
Article 7 Charges for water and electricity
7.1 Power source, water source
本合同约定的租赁期限内,甲方负责为乙方提供“380V”的交流用电电源和公用的水源,按乙方承租面积,为乙方提供每平方米不少于100W的基本用电容量,甲方为乙方配置的基本电容量为 60KVA 。 甲方可协助乙方增加电容量,所需费用由乙方承担。乙方自行承担经营所需水电费用。
Within the lease term agreed in this contract, Party A is responsible to provide to Party B “380V” AC power supply and public water source. Based on Party B’s rented area,Party B is provided with basic power consumption capacity of not less than 100W per square meter, the basic capacitance configured by Party A for Party B is 60kVA. Party A can assist Party B to increase the capacitance, the necessary cost shall be borne by Party B. Party B is responsible to bear on its own the cost of water and electricity arising from its operation.
7.2 Measurement and collection of water and electricity charges
During the term of lease by Party B (including the rent-free period and free cleaning period), the water and electricity charges are calculated based on the reading of consumption data recorded at respective water meter and electricity meter, to be collected and paid by Party A for Party B. There is no additional charge on capacity.
[English Translation of Attached Chinese Document]
The electricity charge incurred for the plant can be calculated based on reading the consumption data recorded at the electricity meter installed. The electricity charge for the preceding year shall be collected on yearly basis based on the meter reading.
7.3 Payment for water and electricity charges
Party B shall settle electricity charge in full amount based on actual usage, payment is made to Party A’s management personnel. If the national electricity rate is adjusted, the electricity charge is revised accordingly, electricity invoice shall be issued with corresponding amount.
Article 8 Trade and Industrial fee, Tax cost
8.1 Party A’s obligation
Within the lease term of this contract, Party A is responsible to bear the payable for property tax, land use tax and business tax related to the industrial plant and the public area, as prescribed by the national provisions.
8.2 Party B’s obligation
Party B must be responsible to pay all taxes relating to the production activity in the industrial plant during the lease term.
[English Translation of Attached Chinese Document]
8.3 Other taxes
With regard to other tax fees, both parties must undertake to settle their own respective portions in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations in China.
The industrial plant delivered by Party A to Party B should be equipped with necessary public utilities (day-to-day usage), including water supply, sewage discharge, power supply and other, etc.
Article 10 Rights and obligation of Party A
10.1 Party A should deliver to Party B the industry plant in compliance with the contract on the delivery date for Party B’s use, and ensure that the plant is clean, leasable and usable, the related ancillary facilities are in good working condition, on the delivery day and throughout the lease term.
10.2 During the lease term, Party A should assure that the industrial plant is fit and suitable for its intended use throughout the lease term, and in compliance with relevant laws and regulations as well as in possession of required permits. Without limiting the foregoing principles, Party A should take charge of implementing all necessary measures at any time, immediately and appropriately in order to enable the industrial plant meeting the requirements of applicable laws and regulations on safety.
[English Translation of Attached Chinese Document]
10.3 Party A should ensure the industrial plant offered with good property management services, including but not limited to maintenance of public area and public facilities, repair and maintenance, cleaning services as well as reliable security guarding service.
10.4除了乙方在工业厂房上安装的附着物,设施和消耗品之外,甲方应对工业厂房及其设备设施及时进行维修和保养,包括但不限 于:
10.4 Apart from the fixture, fitting and consumable installed by Party B, Party A should carry out repair and maintenance for the industrial plant and its facilities and equipment, including but not limited to:
(1) Maintain the internal structure of the industrial building as well as the fixture and fitting, facilities, lines and pipes installed by Party A in the industrial plant so that they are in good working condition ready for lease and use, including but not limited to maintenance, repair and replacement, and undertake the related expenses; if it is ascertained that the damage or loss is caused by deliberate conduct or significant negligence of Party B, then Party B is held liable for the expenses. The scope includes but not limited to:
The internal structure of the industrial plant, including rooftop (rooftops and ceilings),foundation, exterior wall, window (including pane and frame);
The piping and related facilities above and beneath the industrial plant, including all gully drains, drainage ditch, channel, water tank, rain pipe and cess pipe, launching equipment, sanitary facilities, channel outside and beneath the industrial plant, various valves and pipelines in the piping system of the industrial plant;
[English Translation of Attached Chinese Document]
The electrical system built by Party A, wire, cable guide, substation switch, generator control centre, lighting circuit;
The supply facilities and pipelines built by Party A, including power, water supply, heating, ventilation, air conditioning system and gas facilities;
The ground floors of the workshop and office, excluding the surface decoration installed by Party B.
(2) Maintain and keep the exterior equipment and facilities of the industrial plant to be in good condition ready for lease and use, including but not limited to maintain and ensure the road system and the vomitorium are sufficient, provide a convenience to employees and visitors of Party B for use, including vehicle xxxx, parking place, pedestrian xxxx, and landscaping.
10.5 During the lease term, Party B has the right to use the industrial plant normally, with neither disturbance nor hinderance from Party A or third party. If there is disturbance or hinderance from the third party, Party A can assist Party B for a coordination. Alternatively, Party B can seek legal channel to resolve a dispute with the third party.
10.6 If Party B has not expressed an intention to continue a lease upon the expiry of existing lease according to the provision in the contract, within three months before the expiry of the lease, based on prior agreement with Party B on stated timeframe, Party A has the right to arrange a visit to the industrial plant by prospective lessee accompanied by Party A itself or its representative agent.
[English Translation of Attached Chinese Document]
Article 11 Rights and obligation of Party B
11.1乙方应按照本合同的规定向甲方支付履约保证金、租金等 合同明确规定的费用。
11.1 Party B should make good of payments for rental, security deposit and other expenses as clearly stipulated in the contract;
11.2 Party B should not use the industrial plant for other purposes not stipulated in the contract, must not engage any activity infringe of laws, regulations, rules and government orders. Party B must not violate the laws, regulations, rules and special orders by relevant authorities on the use of the industrial plant. Nevertheless, those provisions must have been announced when this contract is signed, and are readily available for public.
11.3 Before a written consent is obtained from Party A, Party B should not make any structural addition or alteration to the industrial plant. None-the-less, Party A should not reject unreasonably the request from, Party B. Besides, with a prior consent by Party A, Party B can carry out addition or alteration with primary objective for decoration, or install equipment or facilities which, to Party B, are necessary and appropriate, without changing the structure o the industrial plant. Party A hereby agrees that, according to the need of Party B, after notification to Party A, Party B can construct and install the related structure or other devices inside the industrial plant, install and operate any machinery and equipment. If the activity above-mentioned requires a prior approval from relevant government department as required by law, Party A should assist Party B to secure all necessary approvals and permits.
[English Translation of Attached Chinese Document]
11.4 Party B should exercise reasonable care when using the industrial plant, and ensure the non-structural parts in the industrial plant are in good condition, neat and tidy.
11.5 Party B should allow Party A or its representative agents to enter into the industrial plant to conduct inspection of the internal condition, repair and maintenance, according to prior agreement on specific timeframe.
11.6 Without prior consent from Party A in writing, Party B should not set up any other signboards or advertisement outside the industrial plant. Nevertheless, Party A should not reject unreasonably the request from Party B.
11.7 Party B should actively coordinate with Party A in dealing with and communication with governmental offices about record filing and day-to-day inspection affairs.
Article 12 Party A’s guarantees and representations
12.1 Party A hereby guarantees, from the date of signing this contract, throughout the whole of the lease term:
(1) Party A owns the rights to use the site and is the only legal owner of the industrial plant, and possesses the absolute power to lease the industrial plant to Party B in accordance with China’s laws and regulations;
[English Translation of Attached Chinese Document]
(2) The industrial plant passed the completion acceptance and obtained relevant certification. The industrial plant complies fully with the requirements and standards formulated by relevant governmental authorities on architecture, environment protection, hygiene, fire prevention and safety.
Article 13 Expiry of contract term and Termination of contract
13.1 Unless both parties reach a consensus to extend the contract, this contract automatically terminates upon the expiry of the lease term;
13.2 如发生下列情形之一,本合同解除,除了本合同第十二条的规定外,双方互不承担责任:
13.2 This contract is rescinded if one of the circumstances below mentioned occurs, except for the provisions in Article 12 of this contract, both parties are not liable to each other:
(1) The land use rights covering the area where the industrial plant is located are taken back by law earlier than the original schedule;
(2) The industrial plant is expropriated by law due to public interests of society or the need for urban development;
(3) The industrial plant is classified in the housing demolition scheme due to the need for urban development;
(4) Continuation of the force majeure or it is foreseen that the force majeure will last beyond six months;
(5) Other circumstances under which the industrial plant is prohibited by law and regulation for lease.
[English Translation of Attached Chinese Document]
13.3 If one of the circumstances below mentioned occurs, Party A has the right to notify Party B to cancel the contract, take back the industrial plant, and demand Party B to compensate for loss:
(1) Without obtaining a prior consent from, Party A in writing, Party B changes the industrial plant until a cause of damage to the plant;
(2) Party B sublet the lease of a whole or part of the building, pass on a remaining lease of the building or exchangesits lease with other tenants;
(3) Party B delays due payment for more than 30 days;
(4) Party B refuses to settle or delay payments other than rental which are payable as required by the contract for more than 30 days;
(5) Party B uses the building for illegal purpose;
(6)乙方违反本合同的其它约定,且在出租方书面通知后三十 (30)日内乙方未予纠正的;
(6) Party B is in breach of the contract yet has not taken any corrective action within 30 days after Party A issues a written notification;
(7) Other circumstances where the law and regulation allow Party A to terminate the contract due to a default by Party B.
[English Translation of Attached Chinese Document]
13.4 如发生下列情形之一,乙方有权书面通知甲方终止本合同,并且要求甲方赔偿损失:
13.4 If one of the circumstances below mentioned occurs, Party B has the right to notify Party A to cancel the contract, and demand Party A to compensate for loss:
(1) Party A postpones delivery of the building for more than 30 days;
(2) Party A does not perform repair and maintenance for damage or breakdown in the industrial plant or its ancillary facilities on time; within a period of 30 days after a notification is sent from Party B requesting for a repair, Party A has not taken reasonable and necessary measures to rectify the problem based on Party’s B requirement;
(3) During the lease term, the industrial plant suffers from damage or loss caused by force majeure event or other factors not due to Party B, until the whole or part of the industrial plant is unsuitable for use by Party B for more than 30 days;
(4) Party A violates one of the guarantees and representations as prescribed in this contract;
(5) Party A violates the other provisions under this contract, and fails to undertake corrective action within 30 days after a written notification is issued by Party B;
(6) Other circumstances where the law and regulation allow Party B to terminate the contract due to a default by Party A;
(7) After signing of the contract, Party A does not actively coordinate with Party B to provide information materials necessary for environmental assessment, registration and so on.
[English Translation of Attached Chinese Document]
13.5 The termination of this contract by either party according to Clause 13.3 and Clause 13.4 should not derogate the other rights or relief afforded to the observant party based on relevant law and the contract.
13.6 After the cessation of this contract, Party B should return the subject of the lease to Party A in good and clean condition (except for normal wear and tear), Both parties shall refer to Appendix 2 of the contract as a standard for checking and acceptance to conduct the procedure of checking and acceptance for the lease subject. During the process of checking and acceptance, if it is confirmed that Party causes any damage to the industrial plant due to deliberate improper use or negligence, Party B shall be held liable for a compensation. However, Party B is not liable for damages which are caused by normal wear and tear, structural or inherent defects.
13.7 Party B has the right to move away all those facilities added on the industrial plant. However, Party B should repair the damage caused by dismantling of those facilities. Both Party A and Party B can amicably discuss and resolve any issue pertaining to the dismantling and repair.
14. Liability for breach of contract
14.1 If Party A cannot deliver the industry plant which is in compliance with the contract terms to Party B for use on the delivery date stipulated in the contract (refer Article 5.1), Party B has the right to claim liquidated damages for delayed delivery. The liquidated damages are calculated on daily basis which is five percent of the monthly rental (5%), starting from the agreed delivery date until the end of the actual delivery date.
[English Translation of Attached Chinese Document]
14.2 If Party B cannot pay rental on time or in full, Party A has the right to claim liquidated damages for overdue payment. The liquidated damages are calculated on daily bais which is one percent of the overdue amount (1%), starting from the date of a payable becoming due until the end of the date when it is fully settled.
14.3 If Party A terminates the contract on early basis without adherence to the provisions of the contract, Party A should compensate Party B in the amount of two times the security deposit.
14.4 If Party B terminates the contract without adherence to the provisions of the contract, Party B should compensate Party A in the amount of the security deposit to be forfeited.
第十五条 适用法律与争议的解决
Article 15 Applicable Law and Settlement of Disputes
15.1 Governing law
The effect, explanation and execution of this contract is governed by the China laws. Any matter which is not addressed by the laws in China can be dealt with by reference to the industry practices, general business practices and international business practices.
[English Translation of Attached Chinese Document]
15.2 Settlement of disputes
In the event a dispute arising in execution of or with relation to this contract, both parties to the dispute shall settle such dispute through friendly negotiation. If negotiation fails, either party can submit a lawsuit to the competent People’s Court where the real estate is located.
Party A or Party B can correspondingly postpone the date to perform this contract in full or on partial basis based on the impact of the force majeure due to an absence of ability to reasonably control the event. The event which cannot reasonably be control includes but not limited to war (whether it is an open declaration of war or in other forms), civil strife, military riot, rebellion, natural disaster (flood, typhoon, earthquake, epidemic), embargo, serious fire, destruction, maritime danger, strike. The affected party should immediately notify the counter party in writing of the event or the delay and the circumstance causing the event or the delay, and to provide written proof issued by the local competent government within another 10 days. Nevertheless, Party A has still an obligation to make every effort to render contractual services on schedule. If the force majeure event last for more than ten weeks, either party can choose to notify the other in writing to terminate the contract, without bearing any liability.
17.1 Notification
与本合同有关的任何知会均用中文书写,并须由专人交付或挂号邮递方式发出。根据本合同的约定发出的知会或通讯的送达,如由专人交付,交付当日视为送达;以邮寄方式发出,信件寄出五(5)天后 (并由专职人员签收)视为送达。
Any notification related to this contract is written in Chinese, and needs to be sent by specially assigned personnel or registered mail. According to the provisions of this contract, if a notification or correspondence is sent by specially assigned personnel, the delivery date is regarded as the service date; if it is sent by registered mail, five days after the notification or correspondence is posted, whereby the receipt is acknowledged by professional personnel, will be regarded as the service date.
[English Translation of Attached Chinese Document]
17.2 Regarding the definition for Party B
If a business license of Party B is not yet available when this contract is signed, both parties agree that the legal representative of Party B shall sign this contract on behalf, until the business license of Party B is ready then this contract will be stamped with Party B’s seal. Upon stamping the company’s seal, Party B shall become the official lessee of the building. The original natural person who signs this contract shall bear a joint responsibility to guarantee the performance of the contract by the lessee. The guarantee period is two years after the debt occurrence.
17.3 Effectiveness
This contract becomes legally effective after it is signed by the legal representatives of two parties (or their appointed representatives), and constitutes legally binding obligations to the two parties.Anyclause in this contract or those clauses which are subsequently amended as non-effective shall not affect the effectiveness of other clauses in the contract.
[English Translation of Attached Chinese Document]
17.4 Revision and Supplement
Any revision or supplement to this contract must be performed in writing, and takes effect after being signed by both parties, carrying equal legal effect with this contract.
17.5 Words
This contract is written in Chinese. This contract, with Chinese text, is in quadruplicate; Party A and Party B holds two copies each.
This contract is a complete composition of agreements between two parties on the subject matter and replaces all promises and agreements earlier made between the two parties.
[English Translation of Attached Chinese Document]
Appendix 1: Listing of Industrial Plant
Appendix 2: Handover Sheet for checking and acceptance
Appendix 3: Property Ownership Certificate, etc
Party A (Seal):
Appointed representative (Seal):
Contact phone: 000-00000000
开户行:交通银行上海xx支行 Bank: Bank of Communication Shanghai Branch Zhoupu sub-Branch
Account No: 310069134018010044556
Fax: 000-00000000
Date: |
Party B (Seal)
Appointed representative (Seal):
Contact phone:
Date: |
![]() |
[English Translation of Attached Chinese Document]
Appendix 1: Listing of Industrial Plant
Ⅰ. 场地
Ⅰ. Site
Location of the site: This Site is located at [KangqiaoXiupu Road, No. 3500], the specific is subject to the Redline Map of the attached “State-owned Land Use Certificate”.
Land Use Rights Owner: [Shanghai Mariso Precision Machinery Co., Ltd]
Use: [Industrial]
Category of Use Rights: [Industrial]
Expiry of term: [December 30, 2056]
[English Translation of Attached Chinese Document]
Area if Use Rights: [24101.2]
Land Use Rights Certificate No.: [Hu Fang Di Pu Zi2010 No. 216261]
II. Industrial Plant
Location of the plant: [KangqiaoXiupu Road, No. 3500]
Real estate Owner: [Shanghai Mariso Precision Machinery Co., Ltd]
Joint ownership: [Nil]
Registration date: [December 31, 2006]
Total number of floors: [Many]
Building structure: [Brick and Concrete]
Built-up area: [17,122.37]
Property Certificate No.: [Hu Fang Di Pu Zi2010 No. 216261]
[English Translation of Attached Chinese Document]
Appendix 2: Handover Sheet for Checking and Acceptance
序号 Serial No. |
设施(设备) 名称 (mm*mm) Facility / Equipment |
数量 Quantity |
性能(状态) Function / Status |
备注 Remark | ||||
1. | ||||||||
2. | ||||||||
3. | ||||||||
4. | ||||||||
5. | ||||||||
6. | ||||||||
7. | ||||||||
8. | ||||||||
9. | ||||||||
10. | ||||||||
11. | ||||||||
12. | ||||||||
13. | ||||||||
14. | ||||||||
15. |
Water meter: 0
Electricity meter: (Factory building)The electricity meter reads
交付方:XXX (盖章)
Deliverer: XXX (Seal)
Handler (Signature):
年 月 日 | |
Date: Year Month Day |
[English Translation of Attached Chinese Document]
接收方:XXX (盖章)
Recipient: XXX (Seal)
Handler (Signature):
年 月 日 | |
Date: Year Month Day |
备注:本物业验收交接单的签署代表甲方己经将租赁房屋及附属设施设备按约交付给了乙 方。
Remark: The signing of the Handover Sheet represents that Party A has handed over the leased buildings and its facilities and equipment to Party B
[English Translation of Attached Chinese Document]