ZIMBABWE MINING LEASE TITLE Pruned by Piinlflow (l'iwate) Luwted MINING AFFAIRS BOARD HARARE Date of Is sue ... 2 ....... 4 .. ' ...... r . < ... \ .. v . - .. \ .. " . j ... ... 1 ... . . . ... 0 ...... \ .... . ............. ZIMBABWE - . MINING...
Exhibit 4.9
ZIMBABWE MINING LEASE TITLE Pruned by Piinlflow (l'iwate) Luwted
MINING AFFAIRS BOARD HARARE Date of Is sue ... 2 ....... 4 .. ' ...... r . < ... \ .. v . - .. \ .. " . j ... ... 1 ... . . . ... 0 ...... \ .... . ............. ZIMBABWE - . MINING LEASE TITLE Registered No..... .. ............ THIS rs TO CERTIFY ;X.XX, under and subject to the provisions of Part VIII of the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 21:05], a Mining Lease has this day been issued in the name of - .. P .. .. h: . . . h) . ½: . .... !'0 . \ . F. ... .. \ .:1 .. . . . J.. \ . ? : - : . .. ,;J. ... . .. ... Particulars whereof are as slited hereunder: Mining District .. . .'.>.. P. . .. i.; . - 6 . 0. .. .. ..... . .r:? .. .. . Y:::': .................................... Principal mineral to be mined ... . ......... .. ?. . .1:: - :: . .......... , ..... : ................. . .. . ...... . .................. . .. Othe r minerals t o be mine d ...... . ? . . . .b - . .?. . .. . .1 . ••• 5 : . .9. . . . . . ··· · · · · · ·· · · · ··· · ·· · ................... .. ... . ............... . ....... A . l2.. . 't) . C · " · ' ' .. 'C. - ..... . ............... . .............................. . ...... .. .. . Area of lease in hectares ........ L . . ...... \ . . b. .. S?. .. : ... .9. . .9 .. ...... . ....... . ........ . ...... . h . e . ctares . - A ,..,_ 'v - .J J!,. , - .1 ' ƒ :'.l (Stated in words . . . . 9. .. 5 . r.: . 9.. . 1?. . d . .. ... 9. ;,;. ... 't:'! . Y. . . . - ;, ........) hec tare s Special Conditions ........................................ . .................... . ............... . ........... .... ........ ... ............. ··········································· N ···· ' ···· " · L ·· - ········································································· ······· Description of Area .. A . t:I ..... A.r.:... .. t3 ..... . .:? .. .:0 .. .i.,. . ..... .9.. ! ... . b . 0. . . . . ' 1 . : - l . ½ . .' . .. '.'. . :': - . \ ' - : - :.Y::l. . ?. .. , .... ;?... . .. ... , .. . . - e,i ... .. . . "/3 - :.. ..... 9. . f. ...... . .... . . W i;. . !: - : 1 . . h - : . ! ? . . . 'f. : .. . . f ' b b . . 9 . . Y - .' , ...... . . d. . ..... :: - ; . . : - 0 . . . 4 - .. . . . C'!: . ........ .. ..... Registered Mining locations incorporated ......... . .......... ..... ...................................................... . .... . .......... . 0 .. ... ..... ?. .. . .... . . . :':i : . . . . . \ . . . · ··· · · · · ·· · · b · . ?. . . ... Registered Mining Locations ( Precious Metal) for which Extra Lateral Rights preserved: N ( A I P ' ,,: :;; :.:.J r lq C l,.,. - ························· · ·························· · ··························· · ······ · ······· · · · ················· o• ··· r 4
Additions to Mining Lease Area Date of addition...................................................... Additional area, in hectares......... . ......................... . Description of additional area ........................................................................ . ....... . ..................... . Registered Mining Locations included in additional area ... . .. . . . ................................................... Registered Mining Locations (PM.) in additional area for which Extra Lateral Rights are preserved .. . ............... . ............... . ..... . .. . ........ . ......................................... . ........................................ Signed ......................................................... . ...... . .. Chairman, Mining Affairs Board D te of addition ................ ................ ..................... . Additional area, in hectares . . ............ . .......... . .......... Description of additional area ...................................................................................................... . ············ · ·i,············································································································· Registered Mining Locations included in additional area ... . ......... . ................... . .................. . ...... . Registered Mining Locations (PM.) in Mditioual area for which Extra Lateral Rights are pre serve d ..... . ............................................................................................................................. ... . Signed ......... . ............... . ..................................... . .. . Chairman, Mining Affairs Board Date of addition..... . .. . ............... . ..... . ..... . ................. Additional area, in hectare s ................................... . De sc ription of additional area ................................ . ........................................ . ............................ Regi s tered Mining Locations included in additional area ............................................................ Registered Mining Locations (PM.) in additional area for which Extra Lateral Rights are preserved ............................................................ . ...................................................... . ................... Signed ...................... . ... . . . . . ................................... . · Chairman, Mining Affairs Board Date of addition......................... . ............................ Additional area, in hectares.................................... Description of additional area .... ......... ...... .............................. ..................................................... Registered Mining Locations included in additional area .............................. . ....................... .. .... Registered Mining Locations (PM.) in additional area for which Extra Lateral Rights are preserved ........................................ . ........ . .................................................................................... . Signed ....... . ...................................... . .................... Chairman, Minim! Affairs Board
Abandonments of Area of Mining Lease Area abandoned, in hectares ..... . ......... . ..................... .... ................................................... . ............ Description of area abandoned.................................................................................... . ................. Registered Mining Locations (P.M.) situated in area abandoned for which Extra Lateral Rights were preserved... . ................................ . ...... . ...................................................................... . Date of abandonment posted by Mining Commissioner................ .. ..................................... . ...... Signed . ....................................................... . .......... Chairman, Mining Affairs Board Area abandoned, in hectares . ........ . .............................................................................................. . Description of area abandoned....................... . ............................................. ................................ . ,. Registered Mining Locations (P.M.) siniated in area abandoned for which Extra Lateral Rights were preserved.......................................................... . . . ..... . ..... .. ... . .... . ............. . ..... .. .. . . . ...... Date of abandonment posted by Mining Commissioner .............................................................. . Signed ................................................................... Chairman, Mining Affairs Board Area abandoned, in hectares .......................................................................................... . . . ....... . .... Description of area abandoned ............................... .... . ................................ . ..... . ... .. ...................... Registered Mining Locations (P.M.) situated in area abandoned for which Extra Lateral Rights were preserved ................................. .. .................................... ............................... ............ . l Date of abandonment posted by Mining Commissioner. ............................................................. . Signed .................................................................. . Chairman, Mining Affairs Board Area abandoned, in hectares ............................... . ..................................... . ................................... Description of area abandoned............... . ...................................................................................... Registered Mining Location s (P.M.) s iniatcd in area abandoned for which Extra Lateral Rights were preserved ................................................................................................................. . ........... . Date of abandonment posted by Mining Commissioner................ . ....................................... . ..... Signed .................................................................. . Chairman, Mining Affairs Board
Date of Approval by Board Date of Registration of Transfer by Mining Commissioner Transferee Signature of Mining Commis s ion e r Optionffribute No. Date of Registration Period Remarks Hypotheeation No. Holder Signatu r e of secretary for Mines SCHEDULE "C" OPTIONS/REGISTERED TRIBUTES HYPOTHECATIONS MISCELLANEOUS REMARKS
.. - General Notice 1073 of 2018. MINES AND MINERALS ACT [CHAPTER 21:05] Applicatiou for Miuiug Lease : Blanket Mine Matabeleland South Mining District IT is hereby notified, in te 1 ms of section 138 (a) of the Mines and Minera l s Act [Chapter 21 : 05 ], that Blanket Mine ( 1983 ) (Piivate) Limited has applied for a mining lease, Map Reference 2028 DD 1 of scale 1 : 50 000 , published by the Smveyor - General, for an area described in the Schedule below . Toe area to which the application relates is more clear l y shown on a plan lodged with the Mining Commissioner, Matabeleland South D i stiict, and by the beacons erected on the ground . Toe principal minerals to be mined are gold . silver . copper and arsenic . Any person wishing to object to the issue of the mining lease should do so . in 1 N 1 iting, stating reasons for objection to the Mining Commissioner, Ministry of Mines and Mining Development Head Office (P . O . Box 7709 , Causeway), Harare, within a pe 1 iod of 30 days from the dateof publication of this notice . in the Gazette . X.X.XXXX. 21 - 12 - 2018 Acting Mining Commissioner. SCHEDULE DESCRIPTION OF AREA An area of approxiniately 2 , 120 . 000 hectares in extent . situated in the Bulawayo Mining Distiict, bounded by a line commencing ata point(g 1 idrefereucePG 959964 )which is situatedatadistance ofapproximately 3 . 041 kilometreson a bemingof 350 ƒ 32 'from a Tiig . beacon 1053 /S (grid reference PG 964934 ) ; thence ona tiue bea . iing of approximately 69 ƒ 46 ' for an approximate distance of 2 . 025 kilometres to appoint (gdd reference PG 97897 l) ; thence on a tnte bearing of approximately 153 ƒ 56 'for an approximate distanceof 5 . l 00 kilometres to int(gridreferenceQG 000926 ) ; thence on a ti·ue bearing of approximately 133 " 00 ' for an
Registered claim name Registered n u mber Xx.xx l 35753 Lima2 35754 Lima 3 35755 Lima 4 - 35756 Lima5 35757 Lima6 35758 Lima 7 35759 Lima8 35760 Li.ma9 35761 Lima 10 35762 Lima 11 35763 Lima 12 35764 Lima 13 35765 Lima 14 35766 Lima 15 35767 Lima 16 35768 Lima 17 36066 Lima 18 36067 Lima 19 36068 Lima 20 36069 Lima 21 36070 Lima22 36071 Lima 23 36072 Lima24 36073 Li.ma25 36074 Registered claim name Registered number Lima26 36075 Lima.27 36076 Lima28 36077 Lima29 36078 Lima 30 36079 Lima 31 36080 Lima32 36081 Lima33 36082 L i ma 34 36083 Lima35 36084 L i ma 36 36085 Lima 37 36086 Lima 38 36087 Lima 39 36088 Lima40 36089 Lima41 36090 Lima42 36091 Lima43 36092 Lima44 36093 Lima45 36094 Lima46 36095 Lima47 36096 Lima48 36097 Lima49 36098 Lima50 36099 Lima 51 36 1 00 Lima52 36101 l..ima 53 36102 Lima54 36103 Lima.55 36104 Lima56 36105 Lima57 36106 Lima58 36107 Lima59 36108 Lima60 36109 Lima 61 36110 Lima62 36111 Lima 63 36112 Lima64 36113 Lima65 36114 Lima66 36115 Lima67 36116 Lima68 36117 Lima 'H' 1092B.M. Xx.xx'I' 34052 Lima T 34053 Lima 'K' 34054 Lima ·L' 34055 Lima ·M' 34056 Lima · N' 34057 Lima 'O' 34058 Lima 'P' 34059 Lima'Q' 34060 Lima 'R' 34061 Lima'S' 34062 Lima'T' 34063 Lima 'U' 34064 Xx.xx ·V ' 43065 Lima 'W' 34066 Lima 'X' 34 067 approximatedistanceof l .550kilometresto appoint(g1id reference QG012916); thence on a beaiing of approximately 223 ƒ 00 ' for an approximate distance of 0.800 kilometres to appoint (grid reference QG006910); thence on a bearing of approximately 313 ƒ 20' for an approximate distance of 0.340 kilometres to appoint (giid reference QG004912 ) ; thence on a u·ue bearing of approximately 322 ƒ 00' for an approximately 259 ƒ 40' for au approximatedista11ceof 0.360kilometres to a point(giidrefereuce QG002915); thenceon a bearingof approximately 259 ƒ 40' xxxxx approximate dist.auceof 0.200 kilometres to appoint(giid reference QG000915); thenceon a true bearingofapproximately166 ƒ 10' for an approximate distance of 0.430 kilometres to appoint (grid reference QGOO1910); thence on a true bearing of approximately 262 ƒ 40' for an approximate distance of 0.140 kilometres to appoint (grid reference QG000910); thence on a u·ue bearing of approximately 233 ƒ 00' for an approximate distance of 0.150 kilometres to appoint (grid reference PG998909); thenceon a true bearingof approximately 335 ƒ 10' for an approximate distance of 0.180kilometrestoappoint (gridreferencePG9989l l); thenceon a trne beming approxi.mately218 ƒ 00 'for an approximate distance of0.200kilometres to appoint (g1id reference PG997909); thence on a true bearing of approximately 336 ƒ 00 'for an approximate distanceof 0.400 kilometres to appoint (grid referencePG9959 l 3); thence on a tme bearing of approximately 258 ƒ 00' for an approximatedistanceofO.300 k il ometres to a point(g1id reference PG992912); thence on a I.rue bearing of approximately 198 ƒ 20' for an approximate distanceof 0.560 kilomen·es to appoint (g r id reference PG990907); t.heuceon a true beatingof approximately 242 ƒ 30' for an approximate distance of 0.580 kilomen - es to a point (grid reference PG988904); thence on a true bearing of approximately 334 ƒ 20' for an approximate distm1ce of 1.160 kilometi - es to appoint (giid reference PG9809l 4); thence on a tnie bearingof approximately 302 ƒ 00' for an approximate distance of 0 . 560 kilometres to a point(g 1 idreferet 1 cePG 976918 ) ; thenceon a truebearing of approximate!y 255 ƒ 00 'foranapproximatedistance of 0 . 950 k . ilometres toappoint(grid referencePG 967915 ) ; thence on a t 111 e beruing of approximately 278 ƒ 30 ' for an approximate di . stanceof 0 . 800 kilomeu·estoappoint(grid 1 - efe 1 - encePG 959916 ) ; thenceon a t 111 e bearingofa pproximately 00 ƒ 00 ' xxxxx approximate distance of 4 . 800 kilometres to the struting point . The area to which the application 1 - elates is more clearly shown on a plan lodged with the Mining Commiss i oner, Bulawayo . The areadescribed in relation to theMiningCommissioner's topo map 2028 DD 1 . r ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZE"IT E, 21ST 0 E C E M BER, 2018 1705
Registered claim name Registered number Sheet 2 GA341 Sheet 35628 Sheet l 35629 Sheet 2 35630 Sheet 3 35631 Sheet 3 9629B.M. Sheet4 35632 Sheet 5 35633 Smiler 32939 Sheet 11 35639 Sheet 34747 Sheet A 34744 SheetB 34751 Sheet North A ' 34748 Sheet North B 34749 Sheet North C 34750 Sheet North D 34856 Oqueil 11 35939 Oqueil 12 35940 Oqueil 13 .. - . 35941 Oqueil 14 35942 Oqueil 15 35943 Oqueil 16 35944 Oqueil 17 355945 Oqueil 18 35946 Oqueil 19 5947 Oque il 20 35948 Oqueil 21 35949 O queil 22 35950 Oqueil 23 35951 Oqueil 24 35952 Oqueil 25 35953 Oqueil 26 35954 Oqueil 27 35955 Oqueil 28 35956 Oqueil 29 35957 Oqueil 30 35958 Oqueil 31 35959 Oqueil.32 35960 Oqueil 33 35961 Oqueil 34 35962 Oqueil 35 35963 Feudal South GA446 Feudal West 10358B.M. FeudalDBF 21065 Feudal 19918 Feudal 2 10051 B.M. Feudal 3 31190 DT 21775 SabiwaDB GA281 Sabiwa 2 GA513 Sabiwa 3 9628B.M. Sabiwa4 10049 B.M . SabiwaEast 10050B.X. Xxxxxx 12 10896B.X. Xxxxxx 13 10922B.X. Xxxxxx 14 10923B.X. XxxxxxX 25610 Sabiwa S 1978 Jethro 19923 Registered cl a im n ame Reg i stered number Harvard 5576 B . M. Blanket 3958 Blanket 5030 Blanket 1817 Blanket 9 31202 Blanket 'A' GA247 Blanket 'B ' GA248 Blanket ·D' GA249 Blanket F · GA512 Blanket T GA547 Blanket 'K' 6874B.X. Xxxxxxx L' 9627B.M. SITES Housing 573 com und 574 compound 575 Cemetiy 577 Magazine 578 Slimes dam 613 Housing 645 Dump 646 Housing 701 ZIMBABWEAN GovERN IENT GAZETTE, 21ST DECEMBER, 2018 r r General Notice 1074 of 2018 . NATIONAL HANDLING SERVICES lnvitation to Tender 1:XXXXXX must beenclosed insealed envelopes and endorsed on die outside wit • advert tender number, closing dote and tender description. Tenders must be drop in the tender box located at the reception aroa : National Handling Services He . id Of (NHS) . First Floor, DomesticTemtlnal . XX Xxxxxx International Airport . Tenders must be dropped in the tender box located at rec eption area: Nati o nal Handling Services Head Office (NH First Floor, Domestic Tenninal , XX Xxxxxx International Airp Tender number NHS CB . 12 / 18 . Repair, servicing and commissioning of the m coldroom . Site visit meeting : 11 th January, 2019 , at 10 hrs . Tend . er closing date : 23 rd Januruy, 2019 , at 1000 hrs Tender documents ru - e obtainable from National Handli Services H ead Office (NHS), First Floor, Domestic Termin XX Xxxxxx Intemational Airport, Harare, upon payment a non - 1 - efundable fee ofUSDl0.00. General Notice 1075 of 2018. NATIONAL HANDLING SERVICES Requ est for Exp1 - ession of Interest A consultant may subrrJt only one expression of interest. Three (3) cop of Expression of Interest (EO I ) mus t be submitted in sealed envelopes clea marked with the "Expression of Interest description... The OE! must be d r op in the tender box located at the r eception area at National Handling Services H Office (NHS), First Floor. Domestic Terminal. XX Xxxxxx International Airp on or before 1 500 hours on 11th January . 2019. Late expressions of interest be rejected. t rainingse1vic For1he prov i sionof customerse 11> i cesexcellence to all NHS Staff 1.0 BACKGROUND INFORMATI ON National Handling Services (NHS) is a service - bas organisation providing multiple services to domestic. region and inte rn ational clients in the air ti - ansport industi - y. In li with the company's vision of providing world class grot handling services to aviation clients by 2020, the custom service trnining is earmarked to promote the theme for gre customer service which drives lon g - tenn business surviv and xxxxxxx bi lity. NHS being a national su - ategic enti providing the first and last po!1 of call for airlines and t travelling public. it demands that itsservice qualitymeasur up to the world class expectations of its clients . Combin