Exhibit 6.13

SETTLE.MENT AGREEMENT THIS SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT (hereinafter the -- Agreement") is made and entered into this day 0f March, 024. by and among Jv1aison luxe. Inc. (herein;fter the .. Company .. ). Cimarron Capital. Jnc. (hereinafler ·•Cimarron") and Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx (hereinafter -- Arenella .. ) {collectively the -- Parties·} WITNESSETH \ \ 'I - IERL \ S . the Comp . ' . rny . Cimmaron X . nd . 1 \ .. r nelb lrn . Ye had YGrious business trnnsat .:: lions betwern and among them . including . without limitation . Cimarron·s and Arenella·s loaning the Company funds in January ' . 2022 , and the Company·s issuing certain promissory notes to Cimmaron (the '·Cirnmaron Note··, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A) and Arenella (the .. Xxxxxxxx Note .. , a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B) . in consideration of such loans, as follows : Current .' \ laturi1y Loan Proceeds Principal Xxxx of Balantc Date tu Xxxxxx - Amount : \ 'otc Lender S231.000 1/3/1023 $150,000 $300.000 1/3/2011 Cimmaron Capital, lnc. $192.000 1/312023 s100.noo S100.000 l!J/1011 Xxxxxxxx!! Arendln WHEREAS, various disputes have arisen between the Paiiies which they desire lo settle between them according to the follov, : i . ng terms and conditions . NOW . THEREFORE . in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises set forth herein and in consideration of the sum of ten dollars in hand paid, Lhe receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follO \ - vs : 1. Cancellation of Notes . Effective upon receipt of the first payment required by Section 2 , Cimmaron hereby cancels all principal . including original issue discount, and accrued interest owed by the Company under the Cimmaron Note, as of the date of this Agreement . Effective upon receipt of the first payment required by Section 2 , X . xxxxxxx xxxxxx cancels all principal, including original issue discount . and accrued interest owed by the Company under the Xxxxxxxx Note, as of the date of this Agreement . 2. Payments to Cimarron ancl Arenella . In consideration of Ciman - on·s and Xxxxxxxx'x cancelling the Cimarron Note and the Xxxxxxxx Note, respectively, the Company shall pay Cimarron and Arenella, jointly, the total sum of Two Hundred Sixty - Four Thousand Dollars ( $ 264 , 000 ), in accordance with the following payment schedule, by wire transfer to an account designated by CimmTon and Arenella in a separate e - mail containing the wire instructions, which they may change from time to time in writing : (a) Commencing on the date of the mutual execution of this Agreement, and on the first day of each of the follo - wing 1] months, the Company shall pay to Cimarron and Arenella, jointly. the sum of Ten Thousand Doll r (, 10,000) per month, for a total of One - Hundred T \ venty Thousand Dollars ($120,000). 2}? N=l..,,9' - f - l!' - t'O.A' \ m, \ Cf> - - - b) On ,Mard1 I. 2025, the Company shall have the right but not the obligation to satisfy its remaining obligation of One Hundred Forty - Four Thousand Dollars ($144,000) then 0 \ \ 11ed to Cimanon and Arenella by making a lump sum payment to Cimarron and X.xxxxxxx of One Hw1dred Twenty Thousand Dollars ( 00). ( c) ln the event that the Company elects not to make this lump sum payment as set forth in paragraph 2(b), then, commencing Xxxx!:J. 1, 2025, and continuing on the first day of each of the following 11 APn., SETTLO!E: - ;T . - \ GREE. \ IE: \ T I I

Jl'l(lnths . the Comp :: u 1 y shall m 1 kc monthly p : 1 ) rncnt . · to Cirnnrron and 1 \ rc - m % 1 . jointly . for a tot :: il of One llundred forty - Four Thousand Dollars ( $ 144 . 000 ) . (cl) 1 n the , en! th n t the Company foils l o make any of the p:l) n 1i..nts required by thjs Scctiun 2. the' entir ; imount th 1 . 'n due :: ind 11 \ \ · ing hall imrn ecl i :: ikly become payable and th e n :: maining unpaid : 1111 nunt hall bcdr int e rest at tJ 1 c highc 5 t thcn - kgal rate . 3. \ ·Iutuai ( ; tul rn! IZelt - ase ant.l ( .. o \ 'cnant f \ 'ot to Sue,. E . : \ ccpt \ Y.ith r espec r 10 t'l1e obligati ons un ck:· - r : ind h. ' i"i1b \ ;1 · th i . . - \ grc: , : m c nt. :m1.I :, ubj cLl i ii 1hc i"uil a nd 1.1 mpl c: ic pcrliirmui1 ' I:' ul ' : ill . Ul . - h uh lig ;1 1i o1b . th, . Cnm1xmy on the· · ,ne hanJ. and Cimarron anJ Arcnclla . on the other. do hereby xxxx x x fully. xxxx.Xx and furl:' · 1 e r rnutu ill) release and fi.,rc' \ ' xx xxxxx 1rge nd own:mt n ot to sue each other. and each other·s respcctiYe parent companies. subsidiaries. 8fliliutes. diYisions. attorneys. insurers. officers. directors. princjp::11s. aJcnts shareholders. members. employees. predecessors. successors. assigns. personal representatives. partners. heirs and executors from any and all debts. fees. attorneys· fees. liens. costs. expenses. damages, sums of money. accounts. bonds. bills. co \ enants. promises. _judgments. charges. demands. claims. causes of action. suits. liabilities. obligations or contracts of any kind \ Yhntsoe \ ·er_ ,, ' hether in .law or in equity, , - vhether asserted or unassertecl. whether kno,Yn or unknown. fi \ ed or contingent. under statute or othe.1wise. mising : from or related t(i the ads and omissions forming the basis of this Dispute . The Parties expressly and specifically waive any and all rights and remedies _proYided by any statute .in any jurisdiction . .including. but not limited to. any lm \ S or the t:nitecl Stales or any State \ Yithin the United States. including. Cali fornja CiYi! Code † 15 - +2 which provides that a general release does not extend to claims which a creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his. ber , or it. faYor at the time of e \ ecutim!. a rclcnsc which. if known b Y ., the creditor. ,,ould haYc materi:i11 v . affected his. her. or its settlement with a debtor. - L ] \ on - Disparagement Agrcmu·nt . Each of the Parties hereby ngrees not to disparage an y of the other Parties . their respectiw officers . directors . employees . stockholders . agenls and affiliates . in any manner like]Y to be harmful to them or their bu s iness . business reputation or personal reputation . 5 . Confidentiality . Except as otbenYise provided for herein . the Parties agree that this Agreement . and the terms of the settlement by and bet,vcen the P :: 1 rties shall be deemed to be conficlentia . l . and the Pmties agree not to disclose . din 1 lge . or communicate any of the lerms or conditions or thjs Agreement to any person \ Yho is not . ' . 1 Party to this Agreement . Not,Yithstanding the foregoing provision . the Parties may disclose informJtion relating to the terms : ind conditions of this Agreement free from any restriction or obligation to keep such information confidential . if : (a) sucb information is being disclosed by the Pm - ties to their respective legal counsel nnd accountants . and the disclosing party instructs such counsel or accountants to keep such disclo s ure confidential : {b) such information is required to be disclosed by any lmY or order of an arbitration panel or court : (c) such information is needed . in the opinion oflegal counsel for any of the Parties . to be disclosed in c 01 mection \ Yith any kgal action taken to enforce the proyjsions of this Agreement : (cl) all of th e Pnrtic - s consent . in ,vriting . to disclosure of such information : or (d such information is disclosed in response to any inquiry about this settlement or its underlying focis and circumstnnces by the Securities and Exchange Commjssion . FlNRA . any other sci f - regulntory organization . or any other federal or stale regubtory authority . The Parties . nnd their respectin counsel . xxx authorized to make the following statement in response to any inquiry from any third party concerning this Agreement . or the terms of the settlement by and bet \ \ een the Parties : '"The Parties n ; soln · d the rri :: - ttter pursu 8 nt to a Confidential Agreement ... In the e \ 'ent that any Party is requested or required (by l, . m or regulntion . interrogmories . reql 1 est for information or documents . subpoena . ciYil investigative demand or similar process) 10 disclose any of the conJiclcntial information described : iboYe . the Party who is subject to such reque st or requirement shall use' eYery reasonable effort to legally prc, · ent sucl 1 information from being disclosed to the public or : my third party not n parry to this Agreement . and shall proYide prompt \ Xxxxxx notice of such reque st or requirement to all of the other Pnrties :: rnd their respectin· legal counsel prior to complying therewith so that an appropriate protecti \ e order . if . ' . 1 pprnpriate . can be sought . and / or \ \ ai,·er can be obtained by the other Parties . If . jn the absence of : 1 proh ctiq : orckr or the receipt of a \ \ aiwr / consent hereunder . the Party subject to such request SETTLDIE' \ T . - \ GRE[ \ IE' \ T

or requirement is non e thc : less legnlly comp e l l e · ] t o di s cll s c such informnti o n . the P n m mc 1 Y di sc lo se su c h inl 1 . , rrnation \ rithout my liability h e reunder . Jr . in the : absence of a protecti v e o . rckr . or 1 i 1 e rec e ip t or a \ \ :: liHT 1 'c : 1 ,nsent hereunder . the sign :: itory subject to s ucl 1 r e gue s t or r e quir e ment i s nonethel e xx x x xxxxx com p e l led to Ji,cln s e s uch information . the sign . ' . 'ltnry m 1 y di sc l ose sucJ 1 inform . ' . 'lti o n \ \ · i 1 h o ur a ny l i :: i bililY h e reunder . , - \ n , 111 m - di : - 1 .: IP UJ \ : pn>Xx s ion in Lhi s S 1 :. · 1 lkmem Agr e em e nt do es not prohibit o r r e stri c t Jny party h r e t o ( D r artorne , ) !'mm r e sp o nding l o any inquiry. o r prm xxxxx xx _ ·xxxxxx. about this sett le m e nt o r its un de rlying fact s u = 1 d circumst.'.'lnces by. or before. the S c - curities nnd E' \ change Commi ss ion . FJNRJ \ . mw ot h e r sel 1 :.r cg ubt o r y t' 1 r miL1,l i ) n , . J r ;111> · •tll1.: ' r fr d er J] 0 r s tat e r e gu b t c, 1 , xxxxxx ri ty . \ : ol \ Yith s tanding : my proYi s i 011 in the l o rt'gl ing p ;: irngrnph t o th e tontr nr y . im n rr o n and A r c n e l b . a nd each or them . spccilic : 11 ly agrtc and con : ent to (n) thL· Compnny · s clisc l o . ure or foe m a terial t e rms 01 · thi s Agreement in any filing mnc!e \ , · ith tht SEC nml / or OTC' i' vlnrk c ts nnd ( . 2 ) the Company·s filing a true nncl co rrect copy of thi s Agreement as an exhibit to any Offering Statement on Form 1 - A filed with the SEC . 6. Choice of Law and Venue . This Agr e ement and nil tnmsnctions contemplntecl by this A greemcnt shall be governed by . and construe I ,tncl en . forc e d in nccorclnnce \ \ ·ith . the Lrns or the State of Floridn . i \ ny I itigation brought or held on the basis or this Agreement shall be brought and held in Palm B e ach County . Florida . 7. . Merger and Integration Clause . This Agreement a 11 d any and all e xhibits . constitutes the enti r e agreement bd \ Yeen the Parties hereto :: rnd supersedes all prior or contemporaneous ornl and \ \ Titten discussions . negotiations . ngrccments . commitments . understandings . and representntions . if any . mad x x x and bet, \ ·e e n the Parti e s which arc clecmecl merged herein . and this Agreement mny not be amended . changed or modified except by n \ \ Tiling signed by th e Parties mad e \ \ ith specific reference to thjs Agreement . Tbe Parties expressly disclaim any rcli, : mce on any or :: il or \ \ Tit 1 en n : prcscntntion by any person . and rely solely and exclusively upon only those representations set forth in this Agreement . 8. Senrabilit · - If any term . pwvision . co, - enant or condition of this Agreement . or the application thereof . in \ vhole or in pnrL is rendered inY a lid . Yoid or unenforceable . the remainder of this Agreement or t he applicntitm of such term or prO \ ision to persons or circumstanc e s other than those to ,Yhich it is held i : nrnlid , Yoicl or unenforcenble shall not be n!Tectecl thereby . and co . ch term and proYision of this Agreement shall be Yalicl and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by !rrw . 9. \ Vniver. The waiYer hy any party 10 this Agreement of the violation or breach of any pro, . i s ion hereof by :my other party shall not constitute a \ Yai,er of any prior or subsequent Yiolation or br e acb or any pro,ision or this Agreement. 10. Authority and ! \ on - Transfe r of Rigl 1 ts . Tbe undersigned parti e s warrant and repr e sent that the y art duly authorized lo execute tl 1 is .. \ greement . bn \ e the foll authority to bind the Pmty that they purport to bin d by their signnture . and thm tbe Parties have been represented by counsel of their choice . The Parties . and each of th e 111 . hereby wa 1 T 3111 and represent that they h 3 \ e not transferred or otbern · i s e assigned to any non - pruty an y o I th e cbims released under this Agreement . and that no oth e r person h a s any right . lien . claim again st or interest in the same . 11. Binding Effect . All of the terms and pro \ · isions of this . '" \ grcemen 1 are bin ling up o n . and inure t o the benel'it oL and are enfllrceable by . the Parties . and their respecti \ ·e legal representatives . successor s . and permitted assigns . 12. Counterparts . Thi s Agreement may be signed in counterparts . e :: ich of \ Vhich wh e n e : - - e cut e d s hJ! l he deemed an original . and all of \ Yhich tog . ether sball constitute a single instrument binding upon tbe Parti es hereto . This Ag : reern e nt nncl any counterpart may be executed by s ignatures proYid x x Xx n facsin . 1 ile trnnsmis s i o n

ancl/ 0 r YiJ electronic mail in 1 .. pelf' file . , \ - hich foi .. simik ancl l o r electronic m Ƒ il ··pelf'" sign :: uures s h a ll l • i .. as binding and cftcl'li \ 'c as origin :: il signo . tures . 13 . Construction . This Agn .: L'ment shall be cun s trucJ ns if th e Parties colkc 1 i,xxx prepmL'J it and a n y uncertninty and ambiguity s hall not be interpreted against any Party ns the drafter . 1 - X X xxx 1 t ; u - - yA ss('n t . The P a i - tie s to thi . · : \ g_re c m e nt h 1 , e been r e pre se nted a nd fully ac hi s ed by le ga l 1 .. 'lll 1 I 1 :.; d 111 J . in c : - ; ecuting this : \ gri ;; cm c nt . no pnrt) bu s r e li .: d upon any repr es entati o ns . w arranti es . promi :; es . o r ind uc c n 11 .: n 1 , : m ; 1 d hy : rn : uthcr p : in_' - . i n cludi ng . \ \ itl wu t !i 111 ilatiun rn _ re .. , re . e m .: i tiQn : - : . \ \ J!Tumi, ;. > : , ; _ ! rtlmi . e : - : . · 1 ,, · inducements made during the rnurse or n e gotiating this Agrecrnc 111 . ,,ith th e so l e exception of the pr ,mise s s et forth in this Agn :: ernent . [ :: ich p :: irty h :. 1 s made :: in independent inH·stigation :: incl inquiry into s uch foctu : : ll matter s a s that Party deemed rcle,ant i 11 connection ,,ith this . ' - \ greemcnt and li :: is consulted \ Yith c o unsel as to tht : nature and effect of the provisions of this Agreement . Each party ackncl \ \ "ledges :: ind agrees tlml this Agreement has been care . fully rend . freely and rn 1 umarily assented to . signed as his or her or its cnrn free act . and that each party bas consulted with counsel of its choice in connection here \ vith . The Parties ack . J 10 ,vJedge that each of them is sophisticntecl il . ncl has rend this / \ greement cmd under . stands the terms . including the legal consequeoces therefrom . and in offering to make . and in mnking . executing . rmd delivering this Agreement . none of them was acting under any duress or undue influence . 15. Captions . The captions appearing at the commencement or section s of this Agreement are cle s l . ' . riptive only and hs \ 'e been used for con \ 'enience in reference to this Ab 1 Teement and shall not define . limit . or ck s cribc the scope or intent of this Agreement . nor in : : my way affect this Agreement . 16. Costs and Attorney's Fees . Ir any dispute :: irises bet \ veen the Parties xXxx this Agreement . the pr e rni lin g 1 x 1 . rty in any action or other proceeding brought to resolw said dispute shall be entitled to recover from the losing party its reasonable costs il . ncl nttorney's tee s arising therefrom . including costs and xxxxxxx·s fees incident to any appeals . 17. Notices . Any n o xxxx required or pennitted to be gi, ·e n under thi s A, ; reement sh :: ill be sufficient if in \ \ Titi m , . and if dehcred b - ,· electronic mail and O \ 'erni g , ht de]iYer v p or hand d( , ; liYCT V . , . to the follo \ \ i n , : 1 - f to Cimarron and Arenella: If to the Company: Xxxxxxx X. Xxxxxx. Esq. Xxxxxxx X. Xxxxxx. P.A. I 075 Broken Sound Pm - k \ rny. NW. Suite ] 03 Xxxx Raton. Florida 33..J.87 Tel: (561) 406 - ..J.6..J...J. E - mail: RJorkey @ forkeylaw . com Maison Luxe. lnc. Xxx: Xxxx Xxxxxx l Bridge; Pbza J \ xxxx. Suite 2 Fort Xxx. Ne,, Jersey 0702..J. Tel: (551 J 486 - 3980 E - mail: anil · : xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx 18 . Time is oftbc Essence . Time i s o!'the essence \ Yith respect to the performan ce of the t er m s of 1 h is At - n : emcnt and it is the intention of the Parties that thi s Agreement \ \ · ill become effe ctiYc after full . compl ete and perfect performance by each and all of the Partie s o f all deli \ 'eries required by the A reernent . I SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS j SETI l.E \ IE' \ T AGREE \ l [ ' \ :T I 4

I \ : \ VlT \ l FSS \ \ ~ HCR EO F. xxx· Xxxxxxxx h::in:· cntcrccl inw and exe cu t xx xxx s Ag roec'm e nl as of th e cbu: fost rckrenccd abo \ 'c. v1AISON u . :XE. INC. Cl:v!XXXXX CAPJTA.L. 1 N C. Anil Tdmmi ; !{ , • X X . c : - ; 2 , = > - - : - . - - . - - - . - " J ' - , - = ! - - - - - - = L - • - = C - - . j '< - c I ' - , = - "1 , - • .. , 1...<:. -- U... L ' - - .. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx - SLT I LE \ IE ' \ T - \ GR EF. \ IE \ T 1 5