[Value America The Living Store! logo]
The Living Store:
Value America presents the merits of your company directly to the consumer. Our
dynamic multimedia category demonstrations effectively reveal the features,
benefits, quality, style and value of your products.
Picture Presentations are similar to placing your product on the shelf in a
typical retail store. We use your existing photographs, illustrations and copy
to show an image of the product followed by informative text and bullet points.
With Picture Listings we control the number of items, retail and product
Development Quantity
Composition, Compression & Data Entry 5
Basic Presentations are created entirely from your existing library of
photographs, illustrations and copy. We transform the artwork you have created
for your catalogs and packaging into educational customer-oriented sales
presentations. We select images, write headlines and craft supportive copy to
reveal each product's features, benefits, applications, style, quality and
value. Up to 10 products may be presented.
Development Quantity
Research & Creative Development
Composition & Copy Selection
Graphic Design of Web Presentation
Photo & Graphic Compression
Data Entry & Web Site Generation
Total Supplier Participation 0
Multimedia Presentations include your library of photographs and illustrations.
We augment your artwork, with our own, and write compelling consumer-oriented
copy. We script and record a powerful narrative dialog that speaks directly to
the customer, enables automatic pagination, and compels acquisition. These
dynamic feature oriented presentations can include 20 individual products.
Multimedia Presentations average ten panels in length and are paced to present
product attributes over five minutes.
Development Quantity
Research & Creative Development
Narrative Scripts, Headlines & Copy
Graphic Design and Illustrations
Multimedia Narrative Audio Streams
Photo & Graphic Processing & Compression
Data Entry & Web Site Generation 5
Total Supplier Participation
Comprehensive Video & Multimedia Presentations integrate your best photographs
and illustrations into dynamic sales presentations. Value America produces
environmental photographs, powerful consumer-oriented copy, and computer
illustrations. We script and record a professional narrative dialog that impacts
the consumer's impression of your company and products. We write, and produce
broadcast-quality video demonstrations to reveal your product's unique features,
style, and quality. Each two to three minute video is professionally edited,
compressed and streamed for tomorrow's world of enhanced connectivity.
Animation, special effects, and music are used to make these presentations as
entertaining as they are compelling. Each Comprehensive Presentation can feature
up to 40
products. Multimedia segments average twelve panels in length and are typically
paced to present information over seven minutes. Our two to three minute video
demonstrations follow the multimedia presentation.
Development Quantity
Research & Creative Development
Narrative & Video Scripts, Headlines & Copy
Video Cast, Crew, Production & Editing
Graphic Design and Illustrations
Still Photography, Props & Processing
Animation & Special Effects
Multimedia Narrative Audio Streams
Video, Photo & Graphic Compression
Data Entry & Web Site Generation
Video Digitizing Data Entry & Streaming
Total Supplier Participation 0
Value America Agrees:
1. To list products and provide Internet access for a minimum of 12 months.
Provide substantial presentation corrections and product updates.
Supplier Agrees:
1. To provide copies of existing video, photos, illustrations and copy for
integration into presentations. Provide a sample if/as they are available of
products selected, product data, analysis, catalogs, packaging, and sales
training documents.
2. To provide access to an informed product manager or executive. Writers will
conduct interviews to learn more about product's features, benefits,
performance capabilities, style, applications, value and competitive
3. To actively assist Value America to assure that the product assortment is
appropriate and is priced competitively.
IBM /s/ illegible 1/21/98
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Supplier Representative's Name Date
/s/ Xxxxxx Link
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Authorized Signature Value America Approval
[Value America The Living Store! logo]
Category Presentations
December 30, 1997
Page 2
Categories: Presentation:
1. Thinkpad Multimedia Presentation
2. Thinkpad Accessories Picture Listing
3. Desktop Multimedia Presentation
4. Desktop Accessories Picture Listing
4. Servers Multimedia Presentation
5. Servers Accessories Picture Listing
5. WordPad Multimedia Presentation
6. WordPad Accessories Picture Listing
6. Printers Multimedia Presentation
7. Printer Accessories Picture Listing
5 Multimedia Presentation, 5 Picture Listing = $ X
TOTAL: $X for 5 Multimedia Presentations, 5 Picture Listing and Sale of All
Applicable Items for three years.