Form No.
Name of company XXX, a. s. Company Identification No. 452 74 649
Composition of company's supervisory board
Name and title of member Represents the Company that employs Education Membership in bodies of Number of CEZ
of supervisory board following the person (including (high school other companies shares the person
company his/her position) or university) owns as an
1. Ing. Xxx Xxxxxxxxxx Czech National Severoceske doly, a. s. university member of board of 88
member of supervisory board Property Fund member of board of directors:
directors and commer- Teplarna Usti n. Lab.,
cial director Coal Energy, a. s.,
Severoceske doly a. s.,
member of supervisory
Severoceske doly-
kolejova doprava,a.s.
Severozapadni ENERGO
GROUP, a. s.
Severoceske doly -
Humatex, a. s.
2. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxx elected by the CEZ, a. s., - Jaderna high school none 0
member of supervisory board employees of elektrarna Temelin,
CEZ, a. s. chairman of the main
union organization OSE
CEZ, a. s. - JETE
3. Ing. Xxxxxx Xxxxx, CSc. Czech National Czech Ministry of university member of board of 0
vice-chairman of Property Fund Finance directors of Sokolovska
supervisory board uhelna, a. s.,
Cesky Telecom, a. s.
4. Ing. Xxx Xxxxxxxx Czech National Czech National Property university member of board of 0
member of supervisory board Property Fund Fund, chairman of execu- directors of Cesky
tive committee Telecom, a. s.,
member of supervisory
board of Komercni banka,
a. s.
5. Ing. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, CSc. Czech National ZVVZ Milevsko university member of supervisory 220
chairman of supervisory Property Fund general director and board:
board chairman of board of EKOKLIMA, a. s., Milevsko
6. RNDr. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx, CSc., Czech National economic consultant university chairman of board of 0
M.B.A. Property Fund (self-employed) directors:
member of supervisory board UNIPLET Trebic, a. s.
ZVI, a. s.
member of board of
PSP Engineering, a. s.,
Xxxxxx XXXXXX Xxxxxx-
Xxxxxx, a. s.
Prague Securities Exchange, Securities Dept., Rybna 14, 110 00 Praha 1
Fax: 02/00 00 00 00, 00 00 00 00
Tel: 02/00 00 00 00, 00 00 00 00 - main market
02/21 83 21 72, 21 83 21 71 - subsidiary market
Name and title of member Represents the Company that employs Education Membership in bodies of Number of CEZ
of supervisory board following the person (including (high school other companies shares the person
company his/her position) or university) owns as an
7. Xxxxxx Xxxxxx elected by the CEZ, a. s. - Elektrarna high school member of supervisory 1
vice-chairman of supervisory employees of Dukovany, head of per- board of xxxxxx Xxxxxx
board CEZ, a. s. sonnel dept. and inter- energie
nal communications of
8. Ing. Xxxxxx Xxxx Czech National Czech Ministry of Indus- university member of presidium of 10
member of supervisory board Property Fund try and Trade Deputy of Czech National Property
Minister of Industry and Fund,
Trade for the areas of chairman of supervisory
industry, restructuring, board:
administration of state UNIPETROL, a. s.,
ownership stakes and member of supervisory
privatization board:
Skoda Holding, a. s.
CEPS, a. s.,
member of board of
Thermal-F, a. s.,
Karlovy Vary,
member of Czech govern-
ment council -
investment council
9. Ing. Xxxxx Xxxxx Czech National Czech National Property university member of supervisory 0
member of supervisory board Property Fund Fund board:
1. vice-chairman of UNIPETROL, a. s.
executive committee KONPO, s. r. o., Praha
clen predstavenstva:
AERO-Holding, a. s. -
v likvidaci.
Prague Securities Exchange, Securities Dept., Rybna 14, 110 00 Praha 1
Fax: 02/00 00 00 00, 00 00 00 00
Tel: 02/00 00 00 00, 00 00 00 00 - main market
02/21 83 21 72, 21 83 21 71 - subsidiary market
Name and title of member Represents the Company that employs Education Membership in bodies of Number of CEZ
of supervisory board following the person (including (high school other companies shares the person
company his/her position) or university) owns as an
10. Xxx Xxxx elected by the CEZ, a. s. - Elektrarna high school chairman of the union 106
member of supervisory board employees of Melnik head of depart- organization for CEZ,
CEZ, a. s. ment of shift operations a. s. - Elektrarna
member of review body
of a housing coopera-
11. Doc. Ing. Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Czech National Czech Ministry of Indus- university member of supervisory 0
CSc. Property Fund try and Trade Deputy of board of Grant Agency
member of supervisory board Minister of Industry and of Academy of Sciences
Trade for the area of chairman of working
economic policy. team for economic
policy of the Council
for Economic and Social
chairman of Czech Coun-
cil for Quality
permanent guest of gov-
ernment council for
research and develop-
representative of Czech
Ministry of Industry and
Trade at the Academic
Assembly of the Czech
Academy of Sciences.
Prague Securities Exchange, Securities Dept., Rybna 14, 110 00 Praha 1
Fax: 02/00 00 00 00, 00 00 00 00
Tel: 02/00 00 00 00, 00 00 00 00 - main market
02/21 83 21 72, 21 83 21 71 - subsidiary market
Name and title of member Represents the Company that employs Education Membership in bodies of Number of CEZ
of supervisory board following the person (including (high school other companies shares the person
company his/her position) or university) owns as an
12. Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx elected by the CEZ, a. s. -Elektrarna high school deputy chairman of Asso- 88
member of supervisory board employees of Xxxxxxxx (EPRU II), ciation of Independent
CEZ, a. s. released chairman of the Unions,
main union organization Representative:
of CEZ - EPRU II Czech Association of
Unions for Northern
Bohemia Power Companies
in the Association of
Union Organizations and
the Inter-Regional
Union Council,
Union Central Office for
Power Issues at the
Council for Economic and
Social Consensus -
working team for eco-
nomic policy and con-
sulting team for the
privatization of elec-
tric power sector.
Notes: Changes in membership in bodies of other companies, in comparison with the form as at March 3,2003
(report titled CEZ022.doc) are in bold type.
Prepared for XXX, a. s., by: Ing. Stedra Date: March 31, 2003
Prague Securities Exchange, Securities Dept., Rybna 14, 110 00 Praha 1
Fax: 02/00 00 00 00, 00 00 00 00
Tel: 02/00 00 00 00, 00 00 00 00 - main market
02/21 83 21 72, 21 83 21 71 - subsidiary market