THIS EXHIBIT A, amended and restated as of August 25, 2010, is
Exhibit A to that certain Transfer Agency Services Agreement dated as of
November 1, 1999 between BNY Mellon Investment Servicing (U.S.) Inc. (formerly,
PNC Global Investment Servicing (U.S.) Inc.) and WT Mutual Fund.
Wilmington Prime Money Market Fund Institutional Shares
Service Shares
W Shares
Wilmington Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund Institutional Shares
W Shares
Wilmington U.S. Government Money Market Fund Institutional Shares
Service Shares
W Shares
Wilmington Broad Market Bond Fund Institutional Shares
A Shares
Wilmington Municipal Bond Fund Institutional Shares
A Shares
Wilmington Short/Intermediate-Term Bond Fund Institutional Shares
A Shares
Wilmington Multi-Manager International Fund Institutional Shares
A Shares
Wilmington Multi-Manager Real Asset Fund Institutional Shares
A Shares
Wilmington Large-Cap Strategy Fund Institutional Shares
A Shares
Wilmington Small-Cap Strategy Fund Institutional Shares
A Shares
Wilmington Aggressive Asset Allocation Fund Institutional Shares
A Shares
Wilmington Conservative Asset Allocation Fund Institutional Shares
A Shares