as of December 31, 2003
(in thousands of CZK)
Previous Previous
Ident. ASSETS Current financial year financial financial
year 2002 year 2001
Gross Adjustment Net Net Net
TOTAL ASSETS 322 005 070 000 000 000 000 000 000 198 874 194 000 000 000
A. Receivables on registered
capital subscription
B. Fixed assets 299 393 140 103 673 303 195 719 837 169 714 320 174 452 554
B. I. Intangible fixed assets 2 592 264 1 474 437 1 117 827 1 018 929 1 030 775
B. I. 1. Incorporation expenses
2. Research and development
3. Software 1 996 541 1 457 459 539 082 665 276 758 384
4. Patents, licenses, and know-how 222 591 16 978 205 613 9 917 6 812
5. Goodwill
6. Other intangible fixed assets
7. Intangible fixed assets in progress 373 132 373 132 343 636 264 578
8. Advances for intangible fixed assets 100 1 001
B. II. Tangible fixed assets 247 626 735 99 994 299 147 632 436 156 798 818 161 367 111
B. II. 1. Land 691 666 691 666 699 955 663 093
2. Buildings, halls, and structures 71 139 586 26 708 779 44 430 807 37 752 458 27 125 687
3. Separate movable items and groups
of movable items 169 534 780 73 285 520 96 249 260 73 388 194 42 171 735
4. Perennial crops
5. Livestock
6. Other tangible fixed assets 13 952 13 952 13 679 13 854
7. Tangible fixed assets in progress 4 431 343 4 431 343 38 344 336 84 291 167
8. Advances for tangible fixed assets 1 815 408 1 815 408 6 600 196 7 101 424
9. Adjustment to acquired assets 151
B. III. Financial investment 49 174 141 2 204 567 46 969 574 11 896 573 12 054 668
B. III.1. Shareholdings in controlled entities 37 846 134 914 541 36 931 593 5 709 769 5 791 117
2. Shareholdings in accounting units 10 309 612 661 651 9 647 961 4 196 795 4 268 536
under substantial influence
3. Other long-term securities and shares 178 139 178 139 1 693 844 1 078 664
4. Loans to controlled entities and accounting
units under substantial influence
5. Other financial investment 72 050 12 900 59 150 289 339 916 351
6. Financial investment in progress 768 206 615 475 152 731 6 826
7. Advances for financial investment
C. Current assets 22 268 564 411 297 21 857 267 28 913 059 24 304 923
C. I. Inventory 14 356 264 270 14 355 994 15 004 374 15 037 254
C. I. 1. Materials 14 339 767 270 14 339 497 15 000 816 15 027 712
2. Work in progress and semi-finished products 1 1
3. Finished products
4. Animals
5. Goods
6. Advances for inventory 16 497 16 497 3 557 9 541
C. II. Long-term receivables 81 843 81 843 2 220 730 2 681 601
C. II. 1. Trade receivables 20 403 20 403 15 947 76 586
2. Receivables from controlled entities 2 137 732 2 565 278
3. Receivables from accounting entities
under substantial influence
4. Receivables from partners and members
of associations
5. Estimated receivables
6. Other receivables 61 440 61 440 67 051 39 737
7. Deferred taxes
C. III. Short-term receivables 4 941 650 411 027 4 530 623 7 859 169 4 312 840
C. III.1. Trade receivables 4 127 680 336 390 3 791 290 3 163 442 3 533 216
2. Receivables from controlled entities 464 546 479 170
3. Receivables from accounting entities 1 430 1 430
under substantial influence
4. Receivables from partners and members
of associations
5. Social security and health insurance
6. Tax receivables - due from state 48 790 48 790 1 993 614 3 439
7. Other advances 183 524 183 524 145 780 129 165
8. Estimated receivables 22 451 22 451 505 723 74 712
9. Other receivables 557 775 73 207 484 568 1 586 064 93 138
C. IV. Current financial investment 2 888 807 2 888 807 3 828 786 2 273 228
C. IV. 1. Cash 3 150 3 150 3 128 3 287
2. Bank accounts 2 139 202 2 139 202 2 341 093 1 445 532
3. Short-term securities and shares 746 455 746 455 1 484 565 824 409
4. Current financial investment in progress
D. I. Accruals 343 366 343 366 246 815 615 838
D. I. 1. Deferred expenses 342 616 342 616 246 495 180 422
2. Complex deferred expenses
3. Accrued revenues 750 750 320 1 237
4. Exchange rate losses x x x x 1 434 179
Ident. LIABILITIES Current financial Previous financial Previous financial
year year 2002 year 2001
LIABILITIES 000 000 000 198 874 194 000 000 000
A. Shareholders' equity 000 000 000 128 194 872 123 897 070
A. I. Registered capital 59 151 668 59 040 794 59 050 449
A. I. 1. Registered capital 59 221 084 59 221 084 59 208 846
2. Own shares (-) -69 416 -180 290 -158 397
3. Changes in registered capital
A. II. Capital funds 430 981 859 551 1 661 341
A. II. 1. Share premium
2. Other capital funds 1 659 057 1 659 500 1 661 341
3. Gains and losses from revaluation of assets and -1 228 076 -799 949
4. Gains and losses from revaluation from transformations
A. III. Reserve funds and other funds from profit 9 265 086 9 038 840 8 729 798
A. III. 1. Legal reserve fund 9 096 890 8 872 094 8 528 479
2. Statutory and other funds 168 196 166 746 201 319
A. IV. Profit/loss of previous years 56 236 206 52 542 282 48 021 040
A. IV. 1. Retained earnings of previous years 56 236 206 52 542 282 48 021 040
2. Accumulated losses from previous years
A. V. Profit/loss of current financial year 13 931 028 6 713 405 6 434 442
B. Liabilities 78 224 940 69 873 654 76 932 589
B. I. Reserves 18 183 201 16 175 071 15 926 330
B. I. 1. Reserves under special legal regulations 7 985 464 7 646 252 6 419 671
2. Reserve for pensions and other liabilities
3. Reserve for income tax
4. Other reserves 10 197 737 8 528 819 8 370 079
5. Reserve for exchange rate losses x x 1 136 580
B. II. Long-term liabilities 25 016 789 27 786 508 30 381 896
B. II. 1. Trade payables
2. Payables to controlled entities 11 047 412 11 685 098 13 450 117
3. Payables to accounting entities under substantial
4. Payables to partners and members of associations
5. Long-term advances received 182 220
6. Bonds issued 8 563 117 11 339 419 13 000 000
7. Long-term notes payable
8. Estimated payables
9. Other payables
10. Deferred taxes 5 406 260 4 761 991 3 749 559
B. III. Short-term liabilities 21 427 973 8 889 995 6 136 105
B. III. 1. Trade payables 11 378 616 3 936 675 3 477 978
2. Payables to controlled entities
3. Payables to accounting entities under substantial
4. Payables to partners and members of associations 22 705 10 255 10 255
5. Payables to employees 166 218 154 885 146 678
6. Social security and health insurance payables 107 491 98 612 96 316
7. Taxes and subsidies - due to state 3 287 029 256 715 1 124 010
8. Short-term advances received 125 464 564 488 559 786
9. Bonds issued 3 000 000
10. Estimated payables 233 217 331 831 486 793
11. Other payables 3 107 233 3 536 534 234 289
B. IV. Bank loans 13 596 977 17 022 080 24 488 258
B. IV. 1. Long-term bank loans 9 609 594 12 786 980 19 131 974
2. Short-term bank loans 3 987 383 4 235 100 5 356 284
3. Short-term financial assistance
C. I. Accruals 680 561 805 668 1 543 656
C. I. 1. Accrued expenses 660 567 802 536 815 889
2. Deferred revenues 19 994 3 132 202 669
3. Exchange rate gains x 525 098
as of December 31, 2003
(in thousands of CZK)
Identification Text Financial year
Current previous 2002 previous 2001
I. Revenues from goods sold 8 749 7 352
A. Costs of goods sold 6 970 5 626
+ Sales margin 1 779 1 726
II. Production 54 549 282 49 919 670 52 276 354
II. 1. Revenues from own products and services 54 445 309 49 492 738 51 851 799
2. Change in inventory of own production -1
3. Capitalization 103 974 426 932 424 555
B. Consumption production 26 940 445 26 029 665 26 256 579
B.1. Consumption of material and energy 19 918 462 19 178 491 19 250 312
2. Services 7 021 983 6 851 174 7 006 267
+ Value added 27 608 837 23 891 784 26 021 501
C. Personnel expenses 3 713 089 3 622 573 3 727 581
C.1. Wages and salaries 2 536 975 2 496 682 2 446 154
2. Remuneration of board members 9 662 10 552 9 571
3. Social security and health insurance expenses 922 021 891 912 879 482
4. Social expenses 244 431 223 427 392 374
D. Taxes and fees 1 680 194 1 126 929 1 085 934
E. Amortization and depreciation of intangible and
tangible fixed assets 12 285 601 10 080 930 8 079 961
III. Revenues from fixed assets and material sold 660 621 488 561 195 902
III. 1. Revenues from fixed assets sold 617 133 437 089 134 956
2. Revenues from material sold 43 488 51 472 60 946
F. Net book value of fixed assets and material sold 377 622 661 149 643 676
F.1. Net book value of fixed assets sold 272 487 461 231 190 010
2. Material sold 105 135 199 918 453 666
G. Change in operating reserves and provisions and
in complex deferred expenses 1 582 323 1 394 581 1 612 127
IV. Other operating revenues 430 107 406 459 878 356
H. Other operating expenses 615 191 386 013 409 567
V. Transfer of operating revenues
I. Transfer of operating expenses -170 088 -420 500
* Operating results 8 615 633 7 935 129 11 536 913
VI. Revenues from sale of securities and shares 20 531 409 717 911 5 952
J. Sold securities and shares 8 029 499 315 154 8 619
VII. Revenues from financial investment 739 409 210 054 131 160
VII. 1. Revenues from shares in controlled entities and 739 409 183 053 112 753
accounting units under substantial influence
2. Revenues from other securities and shares 27 001 18 407
3. Revenues from other financial investment
VIII. Revenues from current financial investment 1 282
K. Costs of financial assets
IX. Revenues from revaluation of securities and derivatives
L. Costs of revaluation of securities and derivatives
M. Change in financial reserves and provision 2 108 099 -1 167 586 -809 860
X. Interest revenues 227 148 302 492 385 379
N. Interest expenses 2 491 239 2 601 235 3 309 596
XI. Other financial revenues 2 431 773 3 436 932 444 158
O. Other financial costs 1 416 426 2 860 939 539 313
XII. Transfer of financial revenues
P. Transfer of financial expenses
* Results from financial activities 9 884 476 57 647 -2 079 737
Q. Income tax on ordinary activity 4 668 038 1 317 973 2 958 234
Q.1. - due 4 023 769 305 541 1 910 407
2. - deferred 644 269 1 012 432 1 047 827
** Results from ordinary activity 13 832 071 6 674 803 6 498 942
XIII. Extraordinary revenues 428 140 472 795 26 038
R. Extraordinary expenses 301 776 433 891 105 944
S. Income tax on extraordinary activity 27 407 302 -15 406
S.1. - due 27 407 302 -15 406
2. - deferred
* Results from extraordinary activity 98 957 38 602 -64 500
*** Profit/loss of current financial year 13 931 028 6 713 405 6 434 442
Pre-tax profit/loss 18 626 473 8 031 680 9 377 270
Cash Flow Statement for January-December 2003
(in thousands of CZK)
Identification Text Financial year
------------------------- -------------
current previous 2002 previous 2001
P. Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of financial year
3 828 786 2 273 228 3 072 579
Cash provided by operating activities
Z. Pre-tax profit from ordinary activity 18 500 109 7 992 776 9 457 176
A.1. Adjustments by non-cash transactions 5 672 621 13 782 762 13 114 330
A.1.1. Depreciation and amortization of fixed assets and receivables
writing-off 12 304 351 10 096 458 8 139 744
A.1.1.1. Depreciation and amortization of fixed assets 12 289 475 10 090 151 8 130 663
A.1.1.2. Receivables writing-off 14 876 6 307 9 081
A.1.2. Change in provisions, reserves, and accruals 3 609 624 486 731 1 992 648
A.1.2.1. Change in provisions 1 681 598 -21 897 317 599
A.1.2.2. Change in reserves 2 008 130 248 741 484 651
A.1.2.3. Change in the balance of accruals -80 104 259 887 1 190 398
A.1.3. Gain/loss on fixed assets and own shares -12 846 557 -378 615 57 721
A.1.4. Interest expenses and revenues accounted 2 264 091 2 298 743 2 924 217
A.1.4.1 Interest expenses accounted 2 491 239 2 601 235 3 309 596
A.1.4.2. Interest revenues accounted -227 148 -302 492 -385 379
A.1.5. Unrealized losses on hedge derivatives 341 112 1 279 445
A.* Net cash provided by operating activities before taxes, changes
in working capital,and extraordinary items 24 172 730 21 775 538 22 571 506
A.2. Change in non-cash items of working capital 2 267 865 947 189 -2 012 486
A.2.1. Change in receivables from operating activities 1 861 853 667 402 -45 733
A.2.2. Change in short-term payables from operating activities -242 362 234 485 -221 024
A.2.3. Change in inventory 648 374 45 302 -1 745 729
A.** Net cash provided by operating activities before taxes and
extraordinary items 26 440 595 22 722 727 20 559 020
A.3. Interest paid, excluding capitalized interest -2 460 192 -2 477 872 -3 135 622
A.4. Interest received 228 552 301 575 535 104
A.5. Income tax paid, including additionally assessed taxes for the
previous periods 924 170 -3 021 191 -1 816 557
A.6. Revenues and expenses related to extraordinary accounting items 234 777 44 210 -77 645
A.*** Net cash provided by operating activities 25 367 902 17 569 449 16 064 300
Cash provided by investment activities
B.1. Expenses on fixed assets acquisition -40 609 056 -6 034 629 -9 420 704
B.1.1. Tangible fixed assets acquisition -3 842 415 -5 674 804 -7 907 714
B.1.2. Intangible fixed assets acquisition -453 809 -304 236 -381 919
B.1.3. Change in financial investment -43 601 085 33 902 -639 536
B.1.4. Change in payables from investing activity 7 288 253 -91 639 -493 930
B.1.5. Change in balance of exchange rate differences pertaining to
foreign currency payables due to fixed assets acquisition 2 148 2 395
B.2. Proceeds from sales of fixed assets 21 034 695 1 038 498 98 767
B.2.1. Proceeds from sales of tangible fixed assets 617 133 437 086 134 960
B.2.2. Proceeds from sales of intangible fixed assets 3 -4
B.2.3. Proceeds from sales of financial investment 20 425 047 540 562 5 952
B.2.4. Change in receivables from sales of fixed assets -7 485 60 847 -42 141
B.*** Net cash related to investing activities -19 574 361 -4 996 131 -9 321 937
Cash provided by financing activities
C.1. Change in long-term liabilities and short-term loans -4 062 789 -9 413 417 -6 075 906
C.1.1. Change in long-term loans -3 177 386 -6 344 994 -5 530 866
C.1.2. Change in short-term loans and financial assistance -247 717 -1 121 184 -4 295
C.1.3. Change in long-term bond payables
C.1.4. Change in other long-term liabilities -637 686 -1 947 239 -540 745
C.2. Impact of changes in shareholders' equity on cash -2 670 731 -1 604 343 -1 465 808
C.2.1. Monetary donations and subsidies to shareholders' equity
C.2.2. Direct payments debited to funds -124 801 -109 572 -123 866
C.2.3. Paid-out/returned dividends and profit shares -2 652 291 -1 490 432 -1 183 545
C.2.4. Purchase/sale of own shares 000 000 -0 339 -158 397
C.*** Net cash related to financing activities -6 733 520 -11 017 760 -7 541 714
F. Net increase/decrease in cash -939 979 1 555 558 -799 351
R. Cash and cash equivalents at the end of financial year 2 888 807 3 828 786 2 273 228
Payables and receivables as of December 31, 2003
thousands of CZK
Long-term payables 25 016 789
of which: not immediately due 25 016 789
overdue 0
Short-term payables 21 427 973
of which: trade payables 11 378 616
of which: not immediately due 11 378 616
overdue 0
of which: less than 30 days 0
30 to 90 days 0
90 to 365 days 0
more than 365 days 0
Long-term receivables 81 843
of which: not immediately due 81 843
overdue 0
Short-term receivables 4 941 650
of which: trade receivables 4 127 680
of which: not immediately due 3 705 712
overdue 421 968
of which: less than 30 days 26 491
30 to 90 days 16 109
90 to 365 days 44 426
more than 365 days 334 942