Long-distance Concession
Concession to install, operate and exploit a public telecommunications network,
granted by the Federal Government and through the Ministry of Communications and
Transport, henceforth named the Ministry, in favor of Iusatel, S.A. of C.V.,
henceforth named the Concessionaire in accordance with the following antecedents
and conditions.
I. The Concessionaire submitted request before the Ministry, dated
September 8, 1995, to obtain a concession to install, operate and
exploit a public telecommunications network, in agreement with the
principles established by Article 24 of the Federal Law of
II. The Ministry, once having assessed and evaluated the documentation
corresponding to the Concessionaire's request, resolved that the latter
satisfactorily complied with the requirements demanded by said Law and
other applicable dispositions. Thus, according to the principles described
in Articles 36, Fraction III, of the Organic Law of Federal Public
Administration; 8th. of the Law of General Means of Communication; 11,
Fraction II, 12, 24, 25, 26 and other ones relative to the Federal Law of
Telecommunications, the Ministry grants the Concessionaire the present
concession to install, operate and exploit a public telecommunications
network, which will be subject to the following:
First Chapter
General Dispositions
1. Definitions and extent of the concession.
1.1. Definition of terms. In addition to definitions contained in the Federal
Law of Telecommunications, and for the purposes to this Title, it will be
understood that
1.1.1. Concession: The one contained in the present Title to install,
operate and exploit a public telecommunications network,
1.1.2. Law: The Federal Law of Telecommunications, and
1.1.3. Network: The public network of telecommunications, object of the
present Concession.
1.2. Services. The Concessionaire is obliged to installing, operating and
ing the Network, and to rendering the services referred to in the
attachment(s) to the present Title, in the terms and conditions pointed
out there. The Concessionaire will be able to render services additional
to the ones included in the attachment(s) of this Title, with a previous
authorization from the Ministry. For such a purpose, the Concessionaire
will have to submit the request, to the satisfaction of the Ministry, and
it shall fulfill the requirements to Article 24 of the Law and other
applicable dispositions, excepting the prejudice that, should more
concessions of bands of frequencies of the radio electric spectrum be
required, they will be granted by means of the public bidding procedure,
provided in Article 14, as well as other applicable ones by the Law.
In order to obtain the authorization mentioned in the above paragraph, the
Concessionaire's obligations derived from the present Concession shall be
fully updated and fulfilled.
In the terms of Article 33 of the Law, the Concessionaire will be able to
render added-value services, being enough to previously register them
before the Ministry.
1.3. Coverage modification. The Concessionaire, in order to enlarge or reduce
the Network coverage area, will require previous authorization from the
The Ministry will grant authorization to the Concessionaire to enlarge or
reduce the coverage, in a period no longer than 120 natural days, counted
from the date of receiving the request, as long as the Concessionaire's
obligations derived from the present Concession are fully updated and
1.4. Duration. This Concession will be valid for 30 years, counting from the
date of signature of the present Title, and it will be likely to be
extended in accordance with the terms provided by Article 27 of the Law.
1.5. Applicable Legislation. The installation, operation and exploitation of
the Network and services included in the present concession, will be
subject to the Law, to the Law of General Means of Telecommunications, and
to the treaties, laws, regulations, decrees, Mexican official norms,
agreements, circulars and other administrative dispositions issued by the
Ministry, as well as the conditions established in this Title.
The Concessionaire accepts that if the legal regulations and
administrative dispositions -- referred to in the above paragraph -- this
Concession is subject to were derogated, modified or added to, the
Concessionaire will be subject to the new legislation and administrative
dispositions as their putting
them into effect.
1.6. Other Concessions. The present Concession does not confer exclusivity
rights to the Concessionaire. Therefore, the Ministry, within the same
geographic area, will be entitled to grant other concessions in favor of
third parties to install, operate or exploit one or more public
telecommunications networks rendering identical of similar services.
1.7. Cession of Rights. The Concessionaire will be entitled to transfer its
Rights and Obligations -- either fully or partially -- established in the
Concession in the terms of Article 35 of the Law.
1.8. Rendering the Services through subsidiaries or branches. With a previous
authorization issued by the Ministry, the Concessionaire will be able to
render the services included in the Concession through subsidiary
companies or branches. Nevertheless, the Concessionaire -- at all times
and before the Ministry -- will be responsible for all obligations derived
from this Concession.
1.9. Proxies or Warrants. Under no circumstance, whatsoever, will the
Concessionaire be able to grant proxies or general warrants to exercise
irrevocable acts of administration or dominion directed towards enabling
the proxy or warrant to exercise the rights and obligations of the present
1.10. Taxes. Whenever the Concessionaire constitutes any tax on the Concession
or the rights derived from it, the Concessionaire shall carry out the
registration referred to in Article 64 of the Law, within the 30 natural
days following the date of its constitution.
The document where the granted warranty is stated, shall specifically
establish that the execution of the warranty will, under no circumstance
whatsoever, grant the character of concessionaire to the creditor.
In order to have the Concession awarded to a creditor or to a third party,
it will be necessary that the Ministry authorizes the cession of rights,
observing the terms stated in Article 35 of the Law or otherwise, to
obtain the concession in accordance with Article 34 of the same ordinance,
excluding, in this case, frequency bands of the radio electric spectrum.
1.11. Nationality. The Concessionaire, -- regarding this Concession -- will have
no more rights than the ones granted to Mexicans. Consequently, the
partnership and its foreign partners, whenever it is the case, are
committed to neither requesting nor accepting diplomatic intervention of
any given foreign country, under the penalty of loosing -- in favor of the
Mexican Republic -- all the properties and rights acquired to install,
operate and
exploit the Network.
1.12. Neutral Investment In terms of the Fifth Title of the Law of Foreign
Investment, neutral investment will not be computed to determine the
percentage of foreign investment in the subscribed capital of the
1.13. Companies with State participation of foreign countries. It will not be
considered as shareholding the participation of a government or foreign
state, the one executed by companies with State participation of foreign
countries not considered as authorities by the internal legislation of the
country in question, that have judicial category and patrimony of their
1.14. Subscription of Shares. The Concessionaire is obliged to present before
the Ministry, on the 30th of April of every year at the latest, a list of
its ten main shareholders and their respective participation percentages,
which will be accompanied with the information determined by the Ministry.
In the event of any subscription of shares, in an act or succession of
acts representing ten percent or more of the partnership's working
capital, the following regulation shall be observed:
1.14.1. The Concessionaire will notify the Ministry about the intention of
the interested parties on executing the subscription of shares,
being necessary to attach the notification to the information
about the individuals interested in acquiring shares.
1.14.2. The Ministry will have a period of 90 natural days, counted from
the date of presentation of the notification, to present its
objection in a written form and stating the justified cause
regarding the operation in question, and
1.14.3. The operation will be considered as approved by the Ministry, if
said period elapses without objection from the Ministry.
Only the operations not objected by the Ministry will be able -- if so is
the case -- to enroll in the registration book of shareholders of partners
to the moral person, without detriment of the authorizations required from
other authorities in accordance to applicable dispositions. It will not be
required to present the notification referred to on the second paragraph
of this condition, whenever the subscription refers to representative
shares of neutral investment, or when it is the case of increases of
capital subscribed by shareholders themselves, as long as the proportion
of participation of the working capital from each one of them is not
In the event of a party interested in subscribing shares is a moral
person, in
the notification referred to in condition 1.14.1 above, the necessary
information will have to be submitted so as to allow the Ministry to know
the identity of the physical persons having patrimonial interests superior
to the ten percent of said moral person's capital.
This condition shall be included within the social statutes, as well as in
the titles or certificates issued by the Concessionaire.
1.15. Training and Technological Development. The Concessionaire will
develop training and instruction programs for its personnel.
In like manner, the Concessionaire will perform research and
development activities in the country. For this purpose, it will be
able to coordinate its activities with the Mexican Institute of
Communications and with other research and technological development
1.16. Designation of the technical responsible. The Concessionaire is
obliged to designate -- before the Ministry -- a person responsible
for the Network's technical operation, who will count with the
faculties from the administration, necessary to oblige the
Concessionaire before the Ministry, regarding the technical
operation of the same Network.
Second Chapter
Dispositions Applicable
to the Services
2.1. Quality of the services. The Concessionaire will be committed to rendering
the services included in this Concession in a continuous and efficient
way, in conformity with the applicable legislation and the technical
features established in the present Title and its attachments.
Likewise, the Concessionaire is committed to provide the mechanisms
necessary to perform repairs on the Network and services' failures, within
the first eight working hours of receiving the report.
The Concessionaire will endeavor to render the services included in the
present Concession in the best conditions of price, diversity and quality
to benefit the users, in order to promote an efficient development of
telecommunications. For this purpose, the Concessionaire will submit to
the Ministry -- within the 120 natural days following the signing of this
Concession -- the minimum quality standards of the services, without
detriment to the Ministry issuing general regulations regarding this
2.2. Service Interruption. In case of interrupting the rendering of some of the
services during a period longer than 72 consecutive hours, starting from
the date established in the respective report, the Concessionaire will
grant its users a discount on the fee corresponding to the duration of the
2.3. System for handling complaints and repairs. The Concessionaire will
establish a system for receiving service complaints and failure repairs.
On a monthly basis, the Concessionaire will produce a report that shall
include the incidence of failures, classified by their type, actions taken
and applied discounts. Said report shall be available upon the Ministry's
The Ministry will be entitled to make said information public, along with
other Concessionaires' rendering similar services in the country or in the
same region.
2.4. Measuring equipment and quality control. The Concessionaire is obliged to
take the necessary measures to ensure the precision and reliability of the
devices used to measure quality and billing systems. For these purposes,
the Concessionaire will have to carry out periodic testing the equipment,
and furnish the Ministry, when required, with the results of the tests in
a quarterly way. And if it is the case, the Concessionaire shall submit
documents certifying that the pertinent adjustments have been performed.
In like manner, the Concessionaire shall keep records of measuring
equipment as determined by the Ministry.
2.5. Commercial Practices Code. The Concessionaire shall integrate -- in
conformity with general rules regarding the matter issued by the Ministry
-- a commercial practices code which shall describe, in a clear and
concise way, the various services it renders, as well as the methodology
used to apply the corresponding fees. Once having such code integrated,
the Concessionaire shall make it available for the public in its
commercial offices and, upon the Ministry's request, it will publish a
summary of the code in major newspapers at national level.
2.6. Emergency Services. The Concessionaire shall put at the Ministry's
disposal -- within the six months following the issuing of the present
Title -- an action plan aimed at preventing service interruptions, as well
as a plan for supplying emergency services in case of fortuitous events.
In the event of an emergency happening within the coverage area, the
Concessionaire shall furnish the indispensable services indicated by the
Ministry, in a free way, only for the time and proportion required by the
The Concessionaire shall notify the Ministry about any event liable to
affect, either generally or significantly, the functioning of the Network.
Third Chapter
3.1. Undue Charges; Overpayment. Should the Concessionaire charge the users
nonregistered fees or fees differing from the ones established, in its
case, and in conformity with Article 63 of the Law, the Concessionaire
shall reimburse to users the balance regarding registered or established
The mentioned above must be understood as without prejudice to sanctions
imposed in conformity with the Law and other applicable dispositions.
3.2. Prohibition of crossed subsidies. The Ministry shall be able -- at all
times -- to verify that registered fees do not constitute crossed
subsidies in terms of Article 62 of the Law. For such purpose, the
Concessionaire shall provide corresponding information within the 60
natural days following the date of receiving the Ministry's request.
3.3. Billing. The Concessionaire's billing system must be previously approved
by the Ministry.
Fourth Chapter
Verification and Information
4.1. With no detriment to the Ministry's faculties to request other information
from the Concessionaire, in terms of Article 68 of the Law, the latter
shall furnish the Ministry, within the 150 (One Hundred Fifty) natural
days following the closing of the corresponding exercise:
4.1.1. Its company's audited financial statements, detailing services,
and if it is the case, by geographic area.
4.1.2. A description of the main fixed assets included in the Network, in
conformity with the formats established by the Ministry, and
4.1.3. A report on actions performed regarding training and instruction
programs for its staff, as well as a report on its research and
development activities in the country, as stated in condition 1.15
of this Concession.
4.2. The Concessionaire shall inform the Ministry, by means of a quarterly
about the advancement of the Network's expansion program.
4.3. The Concessionaire shall put at the disposal of the Ministry, statistic
information concerning traffic, routing, occupation, performance and other
operation parameters generated by the Network, in conformity with general
dispositions issued by the Ministry for this purpose.
Fifth Chapter
Warranty of Formality
5. Guaranty. The Concessionaire shall establish a guaranty within a period no
longer than 30 natural days counted as of the date of signature of the
present Concession, with an institution authorized for the amount of
N$5,000,000.00 New Mexican Pesos (Five Million New Mexican Pesos) issued
in favor of the "Tesoreria de la Federacion" (Federation's Treasure
Department), which will be effective if: a) In case of revocation of the
Concession, and b) It will guarantee the payment of pecuniary sanctions
imposed by the Ministry. The guaranty will be valid during the period of
the Concession.
The amount of the guaranty shall be annually updated, in conformity with
the "Indice Nacional de Precios al Consumidor" (National Index of Prices
to the Consumer), or the substituting Index.
The policy issuing the guaranty shall clearly state that the institution
issuing the guaranty accepts the concepts contained in Articles 95 and 118
of the Federal Law of Guaranty Institutions in effect, and the renounce to
benefit of order and excuse.
Sixth Chapter
Jurisdiction and Competition
6. For all matters relative to the interpretation and complying with the
present Title of Concession, except for the administrative matters having
to be solved by the Ministry, the Concessionaire agrees to be submitted to
the jurisdiction of the federal tribunals of Mexico City, Distrito
Federal, renouncing to the Law that could correspond to it in function of
its present or future domicile.
Mexico, Distrito Federal, October 16, 1995.
Attachment A of the Title of Concession to install, operate and exploit a public
telecommunications Network granted by the Federal Government, through the
Ministry of Communications and Transport, in favor of Iusatel, S.A. of C.V.,
dated October 16, 1995.
A.1. Included Services. In the present attachment, the following services are
A.1.1. The rendering of any service involving emission, transmission or
reception of signs, signals, written documents, images, voice,
sound of information of any kind through its Network.
A.1.2. The sale or leasing of Network's capacity for emission,
transmission, or reception of signs, signals, written documents,
voice, images, sounds or information of any type.
A.1.3. The commercialization of the acquired capacity of other
concessionaires of public telecommunication networks, with whom
the Concessionaire might have made the corresponding deals.
A.1.4. Rendering the public service of basic long distance telephony,
either domestic or international. In conformity with the Seventh
Transitory Article of the Law, the Concessionaire shall be able to
render the public service of basic long distance telephony,
starting as of August 11, 1996.
A.2. Services not included. The services not included in this attachment are:
A.2.1. The ones that require a concession on frequency bands of radio
electric spectrum for determined usage.
A.2.2. The ones requiring a concession to occupy and exploit orbital
geo-stationary positions and satellite orbits assigned to the
A.2.3. The ones requiring a concession to operate a radio system or open
T.V., and
A.2.4. The cable television service.
In order to be able to render these services, the Concessionaire must
obtain the concession or the respective authorization.
A.3. Time limit to initiate the Network's exploitation. The Concessionaire
shall initiate said exploitation, at the latest, in April 1997.
A.4. Network's Coverage Commitments. The Concessionaire is obliged to link,
with its own infrastructure, the following cities, at the latest, the 31st
of May, 1998:
Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes
Saltillo, Coahuila
Torreon, Coahuila
Durango, Durango
Distrito Federal
Celaya, Guanajuato
Irapuato, Guanajuato
Leon, Guanajuato
Guadalajara, Jalisco
Toluca, Mexico
Cuernavaca, Morelos
Tepic, Nayarit
Monterrey, Nuevo Xxxx
Xxxxxx, Puebla
Queretaro, Queretaro
Mazatlan, Sinaloa
Reynosa, Tamaulipas
In like manner, the Concessionaire is obliged to cover, through its own
land exchange stations, and using national satellite systems, the
following cities, at the latest on the 31st of May, 1998:
Tijuana, Baja California Norte
Cd. Xxxxxx, Chihuahua
Monclova, Coahuila
Zihuatanejo, Guerrero
Cancun, Xxxxxxxx Roo
Villahermosa, Tabasco
Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas
Merida, Yucatan
The Concessionaire is obliged to link -- with its own infrastructure --
the following cities, at the latest, on the 31st of December, 2000:
Matamoros, Tamaulipas
Cd. Victoria, Tamaulipas
Tampico, Tamaulipas
Poza Rica, Veracruz
Jalapa, Veracruz
Veracruz, Veracruz
Cordoba, Veracruz
In like manner, the Concessionaire is obliged to cover, through its own
land exchange stations and utilizing the national satellite systems, the
following cities, at the latest on the 31st of December, 2000:
La Paz, Baja California Sur
Los Cabos, Baja California Sur
Piedras Negras, Coahuila
Delicias, Chihuahua
Chihuahua, Chihuahua
Manzanillo, Colima
Colima, Colima
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Michoacan
Los Mochis, Sinaloa
Culiacan, Sinaloa
Cd.Xxxxxxx, Sonora
Hermosillo, Sonora
Guaymas, Sonora
Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz
A.5. Network's Technical Specifications. The Concessionaire is obliged to
install the Network with at least the technical specifications indicated
in numeral 4.3 of its concession application, which is added to the
present attachment and is an integral part of this Concession.
A.6. Coverage of Services. The Concessionaire shall be able to render the
services included in this Concession, in the locations where the coverage
has been authorized, with its own infrastructure and at national level,
using the capacity of other public telecommunication networks. The
Concessionaire will be able to render services interconnecting its Network
to foreign networks in terms of Article 47 of the Law.
A.7. Urban Wiring. In the event that the Concessionaire tried to install wiring
in urban zones in order to render services included in the present
attachment to final users, it shall submit the corresponding application
in terms of condition 1.3 of the present Title, understanding that,
whenever it comes to direct linkages that do not require bands of
frequency from the radio electric spectrum, the Ministry will grant a
convenient resolution, in a time limit of
twenty natural days, counting from the date of receiving said application.
Technical Specifications of the Application for
a Concession on Public Telecommunications Network
Submitted by Xxxxxxx, S.A. de C.V.
4.3 Technical Description of "Network's" Project for the first five years.
4.3.1 Transmission
Transmission systems of "Iusatel's" transport network are based on "SDH".
The essential architecture of this equipment's operation is distributed in
the form of physical rings and virtual rings, using topologies of maximum
reliability and using the different modules defined for said standard.
The physical rings will be equipped with the highest transmission
velocities technically available and economically permissible (presently
622 Mb/s and 2.5 Gigabits per second "Gb/s"), according to the traffic
requirements of each one of the nodes included in said ring. Virtual
rings' configurations will allow to avoid conflicts generated by
limitations defined in the norms, in addition to providing the
recollection facilities (insertion and extraction) of traffic in low
capacity nodes not included in the physical ring.
Redundancy protection, by definition present in an optic fiber ring, will
be applied in a different way in both rings. Physical rings will use
shared protection -- "Proteccion Compartida" -- which will permit the
elevation of total capacity of the ring's transportation. For the case of
virtual rings, protection will be dedicated -- "Dedicated Protection" --
if which will facilitate to diminish the configuration costs of
recollection in low traffic nodes. The redundancy in virtual rings carried
out through the physical ring's capacity, thus achieving a minimum-cost
configuration and maximum reliability, taking advantage of the benefits of
international norms.
The design basis used for the "Network" are the following:
o Synchronous Transport Module-6 ("STM") multiplexors are used for the
equipping of the high-velocity physical ring.
o Virtual rings with "STM" equipment units. Four of them were
considered in the architecture of the recollecting ring, covering
areas geographically grouped and entering in the end to the
high-capacity ring as a back-up mechanism and to close the rings in
a virtual way.
o In the dimensioning of linkages, the commuted and dedicated
circuits' capacity is included, performing the consolidation
(Grooming) taking
advantage of the capacities that the "SDH" technology offers in
insertion and extraction points at the level of "E1" linkages.
o The distance between relays for optic fibers was fixed between 70
and 120 kilometers. and for the cases where optical amplifiers are
used, distances over 120 kilometers are achieved.
o The type of optic fibers to be used, utilizes the latest available
technologies, among them, the one of Modified Dispersion-Shifted
Fiber, which involves a higher starting investment, but it creates a
window of opportunity that prevents technological obsolescence and
that will allow, in the future, to increase velocity of transmission
in the rings, only changing the electronics associated to it.
Optic Fiber
The means of transportation proposed for the "Network," is essentially
Optic Fiber. Several types of fiber were considered, according to the
growth plan and the technical features of the various linkages for the
integration of the "Network."
Optic Fibers allow the improvement of communication characteristics,
reducing times of delay, increasing the capacity of transmission and
elevating the reliability and altogether, to improve the quality of
performance of the "Network" itself.
According to worldwide operation statistics, it is reasonable to consider
a possibility of breakage per year for every 4000 kilometers in an optic
fiber cable. Once stated the above, it is possible to anticipate that,
under normal conditions, the "Iusatel" "Network" will have cuts in its
fiber cables, which will not affect the service to the user, thanks to the
mechanism of intrinsic protection in the transmission equipment units
associated to the ring's architecture.
A detailed design of linkages of optic fiber was performed considering the
possibility of migrating transmission equipment units to the next
transmission hierarchy "STM"-64 and/or using the multiplexing systems of
For the design of the "Network," the following requirements and
engineering norms were established:
o The average length of optic fiber's cable coil used in the
construction of the "Network" is of four kilometers.
o The defined route for the creation of the "Network" considers
covering as many cities as possible and target markets of higher
population density.
o Since the beginning, there are international linkages of high
capacity and reliability, in order to offer users an efficient and
modern telecommunication service in the current environment of
global markets, particularly for corporate users who require
flexibility and ubiquity when handling information.
o The installation of fiber is based on rings' topologies, as to offer
as much quality, reliability and redundancy as possible.
o Several rights of means are used, such as: electric lines, highways
and submarine linkages, performing an estimated combination of
construction time, distance, availability, efficiency and
reliability regarding linkages.
It has been considered that rings' growth will evolve simultaneously
expanding and dividing the existing rings, being able to adapt in a
flexible way to market's evolution and technology.
The use of optic fiber, as well as new types of optic fibers of modified
straight dispersion, that allow growth of capacity and reach by means of
increasing transmission velocity, the use of multiple wavelengths and
optic amplification, will be supported on characteristics recommended by
the "UIT-T" listed as follows:
Straight Dispersion
Optic Characteristics
Window Operation 1,550 nm.
Wavelength 1,120 nm. To 1,350 nm.
Attenuation at 1,300 nm. < = 1.0 dB/km.
at 1,550 nm. < = 0.5 dB/km.
at 1,550 nm. 3.5 ps/(nm.-km.)
Chromatic Dispersion
Physical Characteristics
Modal Camp Diameter 7-8.3 (mu)m + 10%
Concentricity error < m1 (mu)m
Tolerance of circularity of
the nucleus and sheathing < 2%
Environmental Characteristics
Temperature -60 at +85(degree)C. ((DELTA)(alpha)
< = 0.03 dB/km.)
Humidity < = 98% ((DELTA)(alpha) < = 1.10 dB/km.)
Modified Straight Dispersion ("MSD-LS")
Optic Characteristic
Window Operation 1,550 nm.
Wavelength (lambda)< = 1,260 nm.
Attenuation at 1,310 nm. < = 0.5 dB/km. at 1,550 nm. < =
0.25 dB/km
Chromatic Dispersion at 1,545 nm. 1.5 ps/(nm.-km.)
Physical Characteristics
Modal Camp Diameter 8.4 (mu)m +/- 0.5 (mu)m
Sheathing (coating)
Diameter 125 (mu)m +/- 1.0%
Concentricity Error < = 1 (mu)m
Tolerance of Circularity of the
nucleus and sheathing (coating) < = 1.0%
Environmental Characteristics
Temperature -60 at +85(degree)C ((DELTA)(alpha)
< = 0.05 dB/km)
Humidity < = 98% ((DELTA)(alpha) < = 0.05 dB/km).
Modified Straight Dispersion ("True Wave")
Optical Characteristics
Operation Window 1,550 nm.
Wavelength (lambda)< = 1,260 nm.
Attenuation at 1,550 nm. < = 0.22 - 0.25 dB/km.
Chromatic Dispersion at 1,545 nm. 1.5 ps/(nm.-km.)
Physical Characteristics
Modal Camp Diameter 8.4 (mu)m. +/- 0.5 (mu)m.
Sheathing (coating) Diameter 125 (mu)m. +/- 1.0%
Concentricity Error < = 1 (mu)m.
Tolerance of Circularity of the
nucleus and sheathing (coating) < 1.0%
Environmental Characteristics
Temperature -60 at +85(degree)C ((DELTA)(alpha)
< = 0.05 dB/km.)
Humidity < = 98% ((DELTA)(alpha) < = 0.05 dB/km.).
Normal Dispersion.
Optical Characteristic.
Operation Window 1,300 nm.
Wavelength 1,270 nm. < = (lambda),
Attenuation at 1,300 nm. < = 1.0 dB/km.
at 1,550 nm. < = dB/km.
Chromatic Dispersion at 1,300 nm. 3.2 ps/(nm.-km.)
at 1,550 nm. 19 ps/(nm.-km.)
Physical Characteristic.
Modal Camp Diameter 9.10 (mu)m. +/- 10%
Sheathing Diameter (coating) 125 (mu)m +/- 2.4%
Concentricity Error < = 1 (mu)m
Tolerance of Circularity in
nucleus and sheathing (coating) < 2%
4.3.2 Commuting and signaling
The "Iusatel" "Network" will count with an intelligent and open
architecture ("UIT-T", Q. 1200 and associated ones) and will supply
in an efficient, simple and fast manner, the design, implantation
and operation startup of new services demanded by the market. The
intelligent network "Iusatel" will by constituted by the following
functional groups:
"SPP" Point of Service Commuting
"STP" Point of Signaling Transference
"SCP" Point of Service Control
"IP" Intelligent Peripheral
Every Long Distance Exchange Station inside the "Network" will have
"SPP" functionality. This means each exchange station will have the
capacity for commuting services by means of different types of
procedures in a way that enables the rendering of the necessary
resources needed to complete the user's service. The "SPP" will have
the capacity of interoperating with other functional groups like the
"STP" and "IP." The interaction of said functional groups will be
carried out by means of the signaling protocols "SS7," specified in
Mexican Norms in progress in the "Part of Messages' Transference"
("PTM"), "PUSI," Part of Control of the Signaling Connection"
("PCCS") and Part of Application of Transactional Capacities
The "Iusatel" "Network" will have two "STP" supply the routing of
signaling messages among the various functional groups from the
"Network" itself and other networks. Two "STP" were considered to
provide redundancy in the signaling paths, in order to be able to
have a better degree of availability in the "Network."
Information about our users and associated services is found
included in the "SCP" functional group. The "SPP" will request "SCP"
for information related to the service, the "SCP" will reply with
the relevant information to "SCP," using the signaling network.
The "Iusatel" "Network" will initiate with two exchange stations;
one in Mexico City and the other one in Monterrey. Capacities of
nominal commuting of exchange stations will be of 800,000 attempts
of calls in peak hours, and a handling of 60,000 ports. Commuting
equipment units will have redundancy in a great part of their
subsystems, as well as commuting matrix without block. In these
exchange stations, there will be detailed registration functionality
of calls that include information about the user, origin,
subscribers who pay, operator attention, etc.
Exchange stations will have the capacity of rendering information
for networks' administration according to international standards.
In addition, every station will have an operation, maintenance and
administration center which will work nonstop, 24 hours a day,
Commuting equipment units will have the capacity to operate with the
user's signaling norms: R2 Mexican and Q.931 of the "UIT-T" (for
Primary Access to the Digital Network of Integrated Services
("RDSI"), "PUSI," "PACT," "PCCS" and "PTM" to be interconnected with
other elements inside and outside of the "Network" according to
Official Mexican Norms.
The "Iusatel" "Network" will have a central of operators in Mexico
City, to be able to route traffic of calls requiring this service.
All of the above, according to design standards mentioned as
o The point of concentration of traffic to be commuted coming
from every city or interconnection point, is based in a
minimum distance algorithm.
o Commuting capacities were calculated considering 50% of
answered calls (due to several causes attributed to networks
of destination of calls as: users of destination occupied,
user of destination who does not answer, abandoned dialing,
o The average time of a domestic Long Distance Call is four
minutes and international ones of six minutes, according to
current behavior of telephone users in Mexico.
o The Degree of Service in the internal transmission network
will have a blocking of less than 1% in the average of the
thirty most used peak hours of the year, superior to
requirements of applicable "UIT-T" international norms.
The operators' center has been designed to handle 95% of all calls
in less than ten seconds.
4.3.3 Synchronization
The "Network" will have primary reference clocks in the D.F.
(Federal District, Mexico City) and Monterrey, with reference of
Global Position System ("GSP"), which complies with recommendation
G.811 of the "UIT-T."
Transit clocks comply with Recommendation G.812 of the "UIT-T,"
requirements of temporization in the outlets of subordinated clocks
adequate for the plesiochronal exploitation of international digital
The synchronization network will use facilities of the "SDH"
network, which complies with recommendation G.803 of the "UIT-T,"
that offers the capacity of transport of reference signals of the
high quality clock through the "Network," also counting with
improvements for tracing, recuperation of failures and delivering of
synchrony signal.
The "Network" complies with the objectives in matter of slipping of
an international connection of the "RDSI," as pointed out in
Recommendation G.821.
Summary of Annexes to Long Distance Concession
A. Annex A
Services Required to be Provided By Xxxxxxx:
Services involving the emission, transmission or reception of signs, signals,
written documents, images, voice, sound or information of any kind through its
network, the sale or leasing of the network capacity therefor, the
commercialization of acquired capacity of other concessionaires, and the
provision of public long distance telephony.
Iusatel shall have the right to render such services in the locations where its
coverage has been authorized with its own infrastructure and on a national level
using the capacity of other public telecommunications networks.
Time Limit to Initiate Network Exploitation: No later than April 1997.
Coverage Commitments:
Iusatel must link with its own infrastructure the following 17 cities no later
than May 31, 1998: Aguascalientes, Saltillo, Torreon, Durango, Distrito Federal,
Celaya, Irapuato, Xxxx, Guadalajara, Toluca, Cuernavaca, Tepic, Monterrey,
Puebla, Queretaro, Mazatlan and Reynosa.
Iusatel must cover via its own earth stations and using national satelite
systems the following 8 cities no later than May 31, 1998: Tijuana, Ciudad
Juarez, Monclova, Zihuatenejo, Cancun, Villahermosa, Nuevo Laredo and Merida.
Iusatel must link with its own infrastructure the following 7 cities no later
than December 31, 2000: Matamoros, Ciudad Victoria, Tampico, Poza Rica, Jalapa,
Veracruz, Cordoba.
Iusatel must cover via its own earth stations and using national satelite
systems the following 15 cities no later than December 31, 2000: La Paz,
Los Cabos, Piedras Negras, Delicias, Chihuahua, Manzanillo, Colima, Xxxxxx
Xxxxxxxx Los Mochis, Culiacan, Ciudad Obregon, Hermosillo, Guaymas, Nogales and
B. Technical Specifications:
Transmission. The transmission systems should be based on "SDH". The fundamental
operational architecture of this equipment will be distributed in the form of
physical and virtual rings. The physical rings will be equipped with the highest
transmission velocities technically available and economically justifiable. The
virtual rings will be configured to permit the avoidance of conflicts, provide
the facilities of recollection (insertion and extraction) of traffic in the low
capacity nodes not included in the physical ring and provide redundancy
Transport/Fiber Optics. The means of transport for the network is fundamentally
fiber optic.
Switching and Signaling. Iusatel's network should have an open and intelligent
architecture. Every long distance central office within the Network shall have
SSP functionality, which should have the capacity to interoperate with other
functional groups. The interaction of these functional groups will be
accomplished through signaling protocol SS7. The network will begin with two
central offices, one in Mexico City and one in Monterrey.
Switching equipment will have the capacity to operate with signaling norms of
the user. The point of concentration of switched traffic for each city or point
of interconnection will be based on an algorithm of minimum distance.
Synchronization. The Network will count on reference clocks primarily in Mexico
City and Monterrey with reference to the Global Positioning System.