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Exhibit 10.12 CERTAIN IDENTIFIED INFORMATION HAS BEEN EXCLUDED FROM THE EXHIBIT BECAUSE IT IS BOTH NOT MATERIAL AND IS THE TYPE THAT THE REGISTRANT TREATS AS PRIVATE OR CONFIDENTIAL. OMITTED INFORMATION HAS BEEN REPLACED WITH XXXXXXXXX. Supplemental Agreement No. 8 to Purchase Agreement No. 03776 between The Boeing Company and United Airlines, Inc. Relating to Boeing Model 737-9 Aircraft THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT, entered into as of June 7 , 2017, by and between THE BOEING COMPANY (Boeing) and UNITED AIRLINES, INC. (Customer); WHEREAS, the parties hereto entered into Purchase Agreement No. 3776 dated July 12, 2012, as amended and supplemented (Purchase Agreement), relating to the purchase and sale of Boeing model 737-9 aircraft (Aircraft). This Supplemental Agreement is an amendment to the Purchase Agreement; WHEREAS, Boeing and Customer agree to *** 737-9 Aircraft as follows Manufacturer Serial Number *** *** *** *** *** *** WHEREAS, Customer and Boeing have previously executed documents reflecting Customer Configuration Changes (as that term is defined in Letter Agreement UAL-PA-03776-LA-1207643 entitled "Open Matters" (Open Matters Letter)) effected through Customer's acceptance of Customer Specific Option Selection Packages A through E for specified Boeing Model 737-9 aircraft (Customer Configured Aircraft). WHEREAS, Customer and Boeing now desire to conform and further amend the Purchase Agreement to reflect the following: (i) all Customer Configuration Changes; (ii) revise Table 1 to reflect such Customer Configuration Changes; and (iii) replace existing Exhibit A-1 with a revised Exhibit A-1 reflecting the Customer Configuration Changes; WHEREAS, Customer and Boeing agree to incorporate certain *** into the Purchase Agreement; UAL-PA-03776 SA-8 Page 1 BOEING / UNITED AIRLINES, INC. PROPRIETARY � � !" " " #"" $ %$&&&$&'(" )*** �" +,- " ./ 0111 23435 675338394: " " *** 0 " ." " *** $ : ***; <=; " " " . # " " " .>? ' < @ . < )< @ . / " " " " A >" )< @ . / 0" "." @A )�&/: B < @< @ ' " )CDCEF GHIJIKLM NOPHQOIRS NOTJIHUMHVWS XIHJO KWY ZZZ/ " " " " A >" "" A " )< @ '/ 0" "." @A )�&/: ["@"["@" &' " " " " A >" #" ["@" &' 0" "." @A )�&: " ." " . ." " . ( $ (' $ %$&&&$&'B " )*** + / " " " " A >" $ %$&&&$&'B' 0" "." @A )�&/:(B $ %$&&&$&'B'\ " )***/ " " " " A >" $ %$&&&$&'B'\' 0" "." @A )�&/: ***( $ %$&&&$&'B\' " )�" + / " " " " A >"$ %$&&&$&'B'\' 0" "." @A )�&/: *** �" +, ***(( < *** $ " " " " A >" $ %$&&&$&'('0" "." @A )�&/: #" " " " " *** \ +" !" " @ . =" ' " *** *** " � � *** >" @ *** !" [" . " � ]̂_̀ab c *** *** %$&& �& Bdefghi j khglfm 6gn2ghfop ghqr snesngfl6nt � ! ! ! ! ! "#$ %$&' () '#*& +,-$ *& .$)' */'$/'*(/,.0 1.,/23 4566 �6 789:;< = >;:?9@ A:BC:;9DE :;FG HB8HB:9?ABI � ! " # $ # $ "% & % '( )*+ ,-+./0 1-234/5 6/.)+7 4.89./+:; ./1<== ! > == ? # ! # �% �% ! > ? # ! # %# %# $@%@A �% B% %# A% C # % % !@@ �@ D,-+./0 E 6/.)+7 4.89./+:; ./1< 38-38.+)485

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