Common Contracts

1 similar null contracts

January 14th, 2021
  • Filed
    January 14th, 2021

On Monday, September 25, 1978, there was published in the F eder a l R e g is ­ t e r , 43 FR 43313, a proposed consent agreement with analysis In the Matter of* Vital-E, a corporation trading and doing business under its own name as Mail Order Services, and Advertising Unlimited of America, Inc., a corpora­ tion trading and doing business as Normond Linder & Associates, and Milton Kalman, individually and as an officer of corporate respondent Vital- E, and Sharon Kalman, also known as Sharon Fernandez and as Sharon Hoffman, individually and as an offi­ cer of corporate respondent Vital-E, and Normond Linder, individually and as an officer of corporate respondent Vital-E and as an officer of corporate respondent Advertising Unlimited of America, Inc., for the purpose of solic­ iting public comment. Interested par­ ties were given sixty (60) days in which to submit comments, sugges­ tions, or objections regarding the pro­ posed form of order.

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