Assoc iated Cooperativ e Support Agreement(s): 1023439 1011851 0415302 0950946Cooperative Agreement • September 17th, 2020
Contract Type FiledSeptember 17th, 2020This CA is entered into between the United States of America, represented by the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the above named Awardee pursuant to the authority of the National Science Foundation Act of 1950, as amended (42 USC 1861-1875). This CA is provided electronical y to the Awardee. The Awardee is responsible for ful compliance with al Financial/Administrative and Programmatic Terms and Conditions as initial y stated or as updated over the life of this CA. The Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR) wil be electronical y notified of any changes to these Terms and Conditions and is encouraged to immediately review these changes and contact the Grants and Agreements Of icial or Program Of icer within thirty days with any questions. NSF intends to issue funding through separate Cooperative Support Agreement(s) (CSA) for work to be done under this CA. Funding provided under the CSA may not be transferred to another CSA without prior submission of a request to the Pro
COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT(CA)Cooperative Agreement • November 25th, 2009
Contract Type FiledNovember 25th, 2009EFFECTIVE DATE: October 1, 2009AWARD: AST-0946422 EXPIRATION DATE: March 31, 2014COOPERATIVE SUPPORT AGREEMENT(S): 0950946 SOLICITATION: (Incorporated by reference, as amended) NSF 09-29GPG: Grant Proposal Guide - Use if no Program Announcement number is required CFDA NUMBER: OTHER AWARDS UNDER THIS PROGRAM: Show List of Awards AWARDEE: Association of Universities for Reasearch in Astronomy, Inc. PROJECT TITLE: Management, Operations, and Associated Projects for the National Solar Observatory PROJECT ABSTRACT: Principal Investigator(s) Proposal No. Institution (s) William S. Smith AST-0946422 Association of Universities for Reasearch in Astronomy, Inc.