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1 similar Author Agreement contracts

Author Agreement • September 28th, 2022

The undersigned Authors of the manuscript hereby agree to adhere to the Editorial Policies of Bulletin of RSMU. The Authors warrant that the submitted manuscript is original, has not been published previously in whole or in part in any language and is not under consideration elsewhere. The Authors confirm that the manuscript does not contain any information about controlled technologies ort hat such information has been approved for publication by an authorized board of experts. The Authors guarantee that the manu- script was prepared in accordance with the ethical principles established by Bulletin of RSMU. The Authors hereby agree to retain copyright ownership of the submitted content, both written and visual. The Authors agree that further distribution of this work will be done under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Interna- tional (CC BY) license that allows commercial and noncommercial use of the published article by any indi- vidual given that the Authors are acknowledged.

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