53 May 24, 1717 Map of land division among Lanes, Whipples and FitchesLand Division Agreement • May 18th, 2010
Contract Type FiledMay 18th, 2010Ye division of Mr Laines great meadowWee have all so agreed to divide ye part of our great meadow that lyeth south ward of mr thomas oakes farmes: our agreement is as followeth / first of samuel fitch shall have eighteene acres at ye northward part of sd meadow that lyeth southward of sd oakes farme: which is eighteene acres is wholly bounded round by a ditch, all so sd samll fitch shall have tenn acres more at ye southward part of sd meadow, and he is bounded on ye south by nathaniel page: and he is bounded on ye north by capt lane he is bounded on ye east by nath. page about 25 pole his N : and his N east corner are birches marked [blank]2nd/ that matthew whipple shall have 28 acres joynenng to sd samuel fitches 18 acres, and he is bounded on ye North by sd fitches meadow he is bounded on ye east by ye Bacons land, in a crooked line about 47 pole, he is bounded on ye south by capt lane: he is bounded on ye Nwest: & west partly by ye land of corp Jonathan Hill and partly by ye land [b