Real estate contract addendum form floridaReal Estate Contract Addendum • January 19th, 2021
Contract Type FiledJanuary 19th, 2021Fast MLS registration! 1. Fill and print MLS Agreement: Flat Fee MLS Listing Agreement (PDF) 2. Fax: 305-397-0970 3. Email photos in the named order (1,2,3 ext.) by: (Pictures should be 6-MB or less Recommended size: 1024 x 768.) Payment options: 1. Payment online: Google or PayPal invoice sent to your email. 2. Send a check or money-order on: Multiple listing decisions 245 83th ST #5Miami Beach, FL 33141 Risk Free Registration Policy: Payments are not accepted in advance. All payment accounts are sent after the COMPLETION and activation of the MLS listing. Customers will email a copy of their listing and get a 24-hour MLS listing period review. Payment must be made within 24 hours of the listing being activated. If you are willing to pay now; (Click here!) MLS Status Changes: Use the following form Online or PDF to submit changes to your MLS list. Status changes will be processed within 24-48 hours of operation. MLS Supplements and Additional Services: All add-ons