SPRINGER PUBLISHERSAssignment of Rights • March 5th, 2008
Contract Type FiledMarch 5th, 2008Under the United States Copyright Law, the transfer of copyright from the contributing author(s) should be explicitly stated in writing to enable the publisher to publish and disseminate the author’s work to the fullest extent. The following agreement must be signed by each contributing author* and returned to your books’ Editor with your final camera-ready manuscript before the manuscript can be processed for publication. The form will be sent to the Publisher with the final manuscript.
SPRINGER PUBLISHERSAssignment of Rights • March 30th, 2007
Contract Type FiledMarch 30th, 2007Under the United States Copyright Law, the transfer of copyright from the contributing author(s) should be explicitly stated in writing to enable the publisher to publish and disseminate the author’s work to the fullest extent. The following agreement must be signed by each contributing author* and returned to your books’ Editor with your final camera-ready manuscript before the manuscript can be processed for publication. The form will be sent to the Publisher with the final manuscript.
SPRINGER PUBLISHERSAssignment of Rights • February 17th, 2006
Contract Type FiledFebruary 17th, 2006Under the United States Copyright Law, the transfer of copyright from the contributing author(s) should be explicitly stated in writing to enable the publisher to publish and disseminate the author’s work to the fullest extent. The following agreement must be signed by each contributing author* and returned to your books’ Editor with your final camera-ready manuscript before the manuscript can be processed for publication. The form will be sent to the Publisher with the final manuscript.