Common Contracts

1 similar null contracts

August 21st, 2024
  • Filed
    August 21st, 2024

Tender Specifica tion No. Material Quantity (Nos.) Date & time of downloading tender document Date & time of closing bid submission Technical Specification bid opening date online(Technical bid stage) Price bid opening date on line (Financial bid stage) SPMPT- 05/2024-25 HT/ LT Box Type Cross Arms with 75x40mm Channel , 50x50x6mm angle and 50x6mm flatas per the drawing enclosed and painted with double coat of best quality red oxide paintWeight of each set= 35.0Kgs A Tolerance of + / - 2.5% is applicable as per IS 1852:1985 1500Nos. From 22. 08.2024to 08.09.2024up to 17:00 Hrs On 9.09.2024by 13:00Hrs On 09.09.2024by 15.30 Hrs On or after 10.09.2024by 13:00 Hrs

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