Commercial Supply AgreementCommercial Supply Agreement • April 3rd, 2020 • Texas
Contract Type FiledApril 3rd, 2020 JurisdictionLetter of AuthorizationThe agreement (“Agreement”) is for electric generation services between SFE Energy Texas, Inc. (“SFE”) and the Business Legal Name (“Applicant”) as outlined below. BBrrooaawwaayy EEnneerrggyy IInnccBusiness Legal Name (and DBA)RRoobbeerrtt MMoooossee OOwwnneerr Applicant Name Job Title110000 AA TTeecc SSttrreeeettBilling AddressHHiicckkssvviillllee NNYY 1100558833 City State Zip Code771188--220055--11880000 771188--220055--11660000 ((iiff aapppplliiccaabbllee)) 112233--4455 66778899 Tax Exempt Form Attached?Phone Number Alternate Phone Number Tax ID Number Preferred language for correspondence? Preferred Method of Contact E-mail {✔ Mail{✔ English EspanolPreferred Method for Billing E-mail {✔ Mail(If different than the email address noted above) 112233445566778899 0055//0011//22002200 Requested Start Date or {✔ ASAPTransmission and Distribution Service Provider (“TDSP”) MM/DD/YYYY11 Move InNumber of Locations {✔ Schedule A Attached ✔{ Addendum Attached(for six or