Regulations and other actsAgreement Concerning New Methods of Voting Using “Perfas-Mv” Ballot Boxes • May 4th, 2024
Contract Type FiledMay 4th, 2024HARRINGTON, a legal person established in the public interest, having its head office at 2811, route 327, Harrington, Province of Québec, represented by the mayor, Ellen Lakoff and the Secretary-Treasurer/General Director, under a resolution bearing number 203-2004, hereinafter called
Regulations and other actsAgreement Concerning New Methods of Voting Using “Perfas-Mv” Ballot Boxes • December 28th, 2023
Contract Type FiledDecember 28th, 2023VILLE DE TROIS-RIVIÈRES, a legal person estab- lished in the public interest, having its head office at 1325, place de l’Hôtel-de-Ville, box 368, in Trois- Rivières, (Québec) G9A 5H3, represented by the mayor, Mr Yves Lévesque, and the clerk, Mr Gilles Poulin, under a resolution bearing number C-2003-280 passed by its meeting held the seventeenth (17th) of March two thousand and three (2003) ; a copy whereof remains annexed hereto, hereinafter called
Regulations and other actsAgreement Concerning New Methods of Voting Using “Perfas-Mv” Ballot Boxes • August 3rd, 2023
Contract Type FiledAugust 3rd, 2023The MUNICIPALITY OF BEAUPRÉ, a legal person established in the public interest, having its head office at 216, rue Prévost, Beaupré, G0A 1E0, Province of Québec, represented by the mayor, Mr Henri Cloutier and the clerk, Mrs Johanne Gagnon under a resolution bearing number 2003-160603, hereinafter called
AGREEMENT CONCERNING NEW METHODS OF VOTING USING “PERFAS-MV” BALLOT BOXESAgreement Concerning New Methods of Voting Using “Perfas-Mv” Ballot Boxes • May 8th, 2023
Contract Type FiledMay 8th, 2023The MUNICIPALITY OF Cantons-Unis de Stoneham-et- Tewkesbury, a legal person established in the public interest, having its head office at 325, chemin du Hibou, Stoneham, (Québec) G0A 4P0, Province of Québec, represented by the mayor, Dany Barbeau, and the clerk or secretary-treasurer, Denis Robitaille, under a resolution bearing number 119-02, hereinafter called
Regulations and other actsAgreement Concerning New Methods of Voting Using “Perfas-Mv” Ballot Boxes • April 5th, 2023
Contract Type FiledApril 5th, 2023The MUNICIPALITY OF PIEDMONT, a legal person established in the public interest, having its head office at 670, rue Principale, Piedmont, Province of Québec, represented by the mayor, M. Maurice Charbonneau and the clerk or secretary-treasurer, M. Gilbert Aubin under a resolution bearing number 6720-0303, hereinafter called
AGREEMENT CONCERNING NEW METHODS OF VOTING USING “PERFAS-MV” BALLOT BOXESAgreement Concerning New Methods of Voting Using “Perfas-Mv” Ballot Boxes • December 13th, 2022
Contract Type FiledDecember 13th, 2022legal person established in the public interest, having its head office at 2579, rue de l’Église, Val-David, Province of Québec, represented by the mayor, Laurent Lachaine and the secretary-treasurer/general manager, André Desjardins under a resolution bearing number 02-10-289, hereinafter called
AGREEMENT CONCERNING NEW METHODS OF VOTING USING “PERFAS-MV” BALLOT BOXESAgreement Concerning New Methods of Voting Using “Perfas-Mv” Ballot Boxes • June 5th, 2022
Contract Type FiledJune 5th, 2022The MUNICIPALITY OF MANDEVILLE, a legal person established in the public interest, having its head office at 162, Desjardins, Mandeville, Province of Québec, represented by the mayor, François Benjamin, and the clerk or secretary-treasurer, Francine Bergeron, under a resolution bearing number 124-04-2003, hereinafter called
AGREEMENT CONCERNING NEW METHODS OF VOTING USING “PERFAS-MV” BALLOT BOXESAgreement Concerning New Methods of Voting Using “Perfas-Mv” Ballot Boxes • May 28th, 2021
Contract Type FiledMay 28th, 2021person established in the public interest, having its head office at 65, rue de l’Hôtel-de-Ville, C.P. 37, Rivière-du- Loup (Québec) G5R 3Y7, represented by the mayor, Mr Jean D’Amour and the clerk or secretary-treasurer, Me Georges Deschênes, o.m.a., lawyer, under a resolution bearing number 369-2003, hereinafter called
AGREEMENT CONCERNING NEW METHODS OF VOTING USING “PERFAS-MV” BALLOT BOXESAgreement Concerning New Methods of Voting Using “Perfas-Mv” Ballot Boxes • December 8th, 2020
Contract Type FiledDecember 8th, 2020L’ÉNERGIE, a legal person established in the public interest, having its head office at 241, rue Coutu, Sainte- Émélie-de-l’Énergie, Province of Québec, represented by the mayor, madame Lyne Marcil and the secretary- treasurer, Gilles Fredette under a resolution bearing number 107RS-0304, hereinafter called
AGREEMENT CONCERNING NEW METHODS OF VOTING USING “PERFAS-MV” BALLOT BOXESAgreement Concerning New Methods of Voting Using “Perfas-Mv” Ballot Boxes • November 13th, 2020
Contract Type FiledNovember 13th, 2020The Town of Saint-Lazare, a legal person established in the public interest, having its head office at 1960, chemin Sainte-Angélique, Saint-Lazare, Province of Québec, represented by the mayor, Bertrand Myre, and the clerk or secretary-treasurer, Me Lucie Gendron, under a resolu- tion bearing number 05-164-02, hereinafter called