MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDINGMemorandum of Understanding • June 2nd, 2023
Contract Type FiledJune 2nd, 2023This Memorandum of Understanding, hereinafter referred to as "Memorandum", is made by and between the County of San Joaquin and the San Joaquin District Attorney Investigators Association, hereinafter referred to as "SJDAIA” or "Association", representing employees who are members of the Peace Officers Miscellaneous bargaining unit. This Memorandum of Understanding constitutes the result of meeting and conferring in good faith pursuant to the California Government Code and the San Joaquin County Employer-Employee Relations Policy.
MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDINGMemorandum of Understanding • April 30th, 2021
Contract Type FiledApril 30th, 2021This Memorandum of Understanding, hereinafter referred to as "Memorandum", is made by and between the County of San Joaquin and the Service Employees International Union, Inc. Local 1021, hereinafter referred to as "SEIU" or "Union", representing employees who are members of the Office and Office Technical bargaining unit. This Memorandum of Understanding constitutes the result of meeting and conferring in good faith pursuant to the California Government Code and the San Joaquin County Employer-Employee Relations Policy.
MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDINGMemorandum of Understanding • April 30th, 2021
Contract Type FiledApril 30th, 2021This Memorandum of Understanding, hereinafter referred to as "Memorandum", is made by and between the County of San Joaquin and the Service Employees International Union Local 1021, hereinafter referred to as "SEIU" or "Union", representing employees who are members of the Para- professional and Technical bargaining unit. This Memorandum of Understanding constitutes the result of meeting and conferring in good faith pursuant to the California Government Code and the San Joaquin County Employer-Employee Relations Policy.
MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDINGMemorandum of Understanding • March 1st, 2021
Contract Type FiledMarch 1st, 2021This Memorandum of Understanding, hereinafter referred to as "Memorandum", is made by and between the County of San Joaquin and the San Joaquin County Law Enforcement Management Association, hereinafter referred to as "LEMA" or "Association", representing employees who are members of the Sheriff's Management bargaining unit. This Memorandum of Understanding constitutes the result of meeting and conferring in good faith pursuant to the California Government Code and the San Joaquin County Employer-Employee Relations Policy.
Agreement BetweenMemorandum of Understanding • November 20th, 2020
Contract Type FiledNovember 20th, 2020This Memorandum of Understanding, hereinafter referred to as "Memorandum", is made by and between the County of San Joaquin and the Service Employees International Union, Inc. Local 1021, hereinafter referred to as "SEIU" or "Union", representing employees who are members of the Office and Office Technical bargaining unit. This Memorandum of Understanding constitutes the result of meeting and conferring in good faith pursuant to the California Government Code and the San Joaquin County Employer-Employee Relations Policy.
MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDINGMemorandum of Understanding • October 26th, 2020
Contract Type FiledOctober 26th, 2020This Memorandum of Understanding, hereinafter referred to as "Memorandum", is made by and between the County of San Joaquin and the Service Employees International Union Local 1021, hereinafter referred to as "SEIU" or "Union", representing employees who are members of the Para- professional and Technical bargaining unit. This Memorandum of Understanding constitutes the result of meeting and conferring in good faith pursuant to the California Government Code and the San Joaquin County Employer-Employee Relations Policy.
MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDINGMemorandum of Understanding • October 26th, 2020
Contract Type FiledOctober 26th, 2020This Memorandum of Understanding, hereinafter referred to as "Memorandum", is made by and between the County of San Joaquin and the Service Employees International Union Local 1021, hereinafter referred to as "SEIU" or "Union", representing employees who are members of Supervisors bargaining unit. This Memorandum of Understanding constitutes the result of meeting and conferring in good faith pursuant to the California Government Code and the San Joaquin County Employer-Employee Relations Policy.
Contract Type FiledJuly 15th, 2004This Memorandum of Understanding, hereinafter referred to as "Memorandum", is made by and between the County of San Joaquin and the Service Employees International Union, Inc., hereinafter referred to as "SEIU" or "Union", representing employees who are members of the Office and Office Technical bargaining unit. This Memorandum of Understanding constitutes the result of meeting and conferring in good faith pursuant to the California Government Code and the San Joaquin County Employer-Employee Relations Policy.