MASTER SERVICE AGREEMENTMaster Services Agreement • July 16th, 2020
Contract Type FiledJuly 16th, 2020entered into as of by and between Mercy Corps (“MC” or “Mercy Corps”) / Jordan a Foreign Association Branch duly registered under No. 2006011100010 at the Associations’ Registrar / Ministry of Social Development, having a principle address of business at Building No. 8, Tabasheer 3 Street, 7th Circle, Amman, Jordan, represented for the purposes of this Agreement by Hunter Keith, Country Director (hereinafter referred to as “Mercy
MASTER SERVICE AGREEMENTMaster Services Agreement • May 12th, 2020
Contract Type FiledMay 12th, 2020entered into as of by and between Mercy Corps (“MC” or “Mercy Corps”) / Jordan a Foreign Association Branch duly registered under No. 2006011100010 at the Associations’ Registrar / Ministry of Social Development, having a principle address of business at Building No. 8, Tabasheer 3 Street, 7th Circle, Amman, Jordan, represented for the purposes of this Agreement by Hunter Keith, Country Director (hereinafter referred to as “Mercy