Common Contracts

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Contract Declarations & Execution Page
Iowa • July 13th, 2023
  • Jurisdiction
  • Filed
    July 13th, 2023

CONTRACT #: 5884EL50 PROJECT TITLE: Healthcare-Associated Infections Tabletop Exercise Development and Facilitation CONTRACTOR LEGAL NAME AND ADDRESS:Insert Contractor’s legal name and address PROJECT PERIOD:June 1, 2023 - July 31,2025 STATE OF IOWA DEPT. OF ADMINISTRATIVESERVICES VENDOR #: insert contractor’s 11 digit vendor # CONTRACT PERIOD: June 1, 2023 - July 31, 2024 IOWA CODE CHAPTER 8F DESIGNATION:This contract is covered by Iowa Code chapter 8FThis contract is NOT covered by Iowa Code chapter 8F At the time of execution, this contract is NOT covered byIowa Code chapter 8F, if the Contractor executes additional contracts with the Department, the aggregate of whichexceed $ 500,000, the contract will be covered. TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT : $0 FUNDING SOURCE:FEDERAL: $0 STATE: $0 OTHER:$0Interagency State: $0 Interagency Federal: $0 Private/Fees/Other:$0 Federal Subrecipient Addendum Needed?YES/NO The Contractor agrees to perform the work and to provide the services described in the S

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