Common Contracts

1 similar Privacy Agreement contracts

A Privacy Agreement Model for Web Services ∗
Privacy Agreement • May 1st, 2007

Web services among of the applications involving closely the customer’s private information. In order to take into ac- count the privacy concerns of the individuals, organizations (e.g Web services) provide privacy policies as promises de- scribing how they will handle personal data of the individ- ual. However, privacy policies do not convince potential in- dividuals to disclose their personal data, do not guarantee the protection of personal information, and do not provide how to handle a possible evolution of the policies. In this paper, we introduce a framework based on an agreement as a solution to these problems. It contains a privacy model defined in the policy level of the agreement. The framework supports in the negotiation level of the agreement a lifecy- cle management which is an important deal of a dynamic environment that characterizes Web services. A negotiation protocol is proposed that enable ongoing privacy negotia- tion to be translated into a new privacy agreement.

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