ContractO&m Agreement • October 5th, 2012
Contract Type FiledOctober 5th, 2012Park Parcels County AgreementType AgreementDate Term(yrs.) ExpirationDate Acres LegalDescription Parties Fee Owner Manager Reception # DateRecorded Cheyenne Mountain City of Colorado Springs(TOPS) El Paso O&M Agmt 8/28/2000 perpetual n/a 620 Sec. 23-25, T15S, R67W, Sec. 30, T15S,R66W DPOR; City of Colorado Springs City of Colorado Springs DPOR n/a n/a Cheyenne Mountain Cheyenne Mtn Reserve;Newman El Paso Amendment to O&M Agmt 6/8/2009 perpetual n/a 549 Sec. 23, 26, T15S, R67W DPOR; City of Colorado Springs City of Colorado Springs DPOR n/a n/a Cheyenne Mountain J-L Ranch El Paso JointDevelopment Agreement 6/1/2000 Sec. 18-20,30, T15S, R66W, Sec. 23-25,T15S, R67W DPOR;DenmanInvestment Corp., Inc. 200063514 6/5/2000